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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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I just spent a while crying on the couch with my wife because I'm terrified about the possibilities with my health issues. I have absolutely no interest in trying to sleep now, and in my bad mood, I typed up a blog post and posted it without checking if I should dial it back. Oh well. If anyone's interested, it's at http://hairynerdchin.wordpress.com


Please consider my upvote as a hug.  And have another one here, too.  

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Tomorrow, I get my first paycheck for my first real adulting job. Which is good, because I need groceries and a vacuum. 


But there's a problem: Walmart is usually super crowded. I do not want to deal with the crowds and the lines tomorrow. 


So I checked store hours. Walmart opens at 6 AM. 


So yeah. I'm going to wake up early on my day off to go grocery shopping because I don't feel like dealing with too many people. 



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Tomorrow, I get my first paycheck for my first real adulting job. Which is good, because I need groceries and a vacuum.

But there's a problem: Walmart is usually super crowded. I do not want to deal with the crowds and the lines tomorrow.

So I checked store hours. Walmart opens at 6 AM.

So yeah. I'm going to wake up early on my day off to go grocery shopping because I don't feel like dealing with too many people.


Wow, around here Walmart is open 24/7, so there's actually dedicated late night shoppers who go there in the middle of the night to avoid crowds.

#OhioLife #OhioEntertainment

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Tomorrow, I get my first paycheck for my first real adulting job. Which is good, because I need groceries and a vacuum.

But there's a problem: Walmart is usually super crowded. I do not want to deal with the crowds and the lines tomorrow.

So I checked store hours. Walmart opens at 6 AM.

So yeah. I'm going to wake up early on my day off to go grocery shopping because I don't feel like dealing with too many people.


You can always go crawl back into bed afterwards. :)
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I finally understood why you should put knives on the dish dryer with sharp end down. Apparently otherwise you can stab yourself in an elbow by accident. And it hurts. Ouch. 

My mother insists on putting them with sharp end up. Because with with the blade down, the handle could outweight it and flip the knife from the stack... Or something...


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I finally understood why you should put knives on the dish dryer with sharp end down. Apparently otherwise you can stab yourself in an elbow by accident. And it hurts. Ouch. 


Owwww….:wacko: Was the cut bad? 


My mother insists on putting them with sharp end up. Because with with the blade down, the handle could outweight it and flip the knife from the stack... Or something...



This is why I wash all of my sharp knives by hand. 

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This is why I wash all of my sharp knives by hand. 

Um... Yeah, I'm talking about handwashed knives. After you washed them, you put them in the dryer for them to soak down.

Those from the washing machine are already dry, so they are put in the drawer.

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I finally understood why you should put knives on the dish dryer with sharp end down. Apparently otherwise you can stab yourself in an elbow by accident. And it hurts. Ouch.

Ouch indeed!

Another thing to avoid is placing a knife in a sink full of soapy water. Some idiot use to do that at a previous work...not good.

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I kinda got a bit snappy with someone at work the other day.

It was another part-time, we'd been on shift for 10 hours, and I had already been working 39 hours the past few days before that.

So I was stressed, and tired, and irritated. And got sorta frustrated with stuff, and...well, snapped at her for it.

To be fair, she did the same back, and I apologised, but still. Not my finest hour...

And today, kinda got the cold-shouldered impression that she's told at least one other person about it. So all my suspicions that no one at work liked me are now basically coming true.

And this is why I try not to have a social life...

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I kinda got a bit snappy with someone at work the other day.

It was another part-time, we'd been on shift for 10 hours, and I had already been working 39 hours the past few days before that.

So I was stressed, and tired, and irritated. And got sorta frustrated with stuff, and...well, snapped at her for it.

To be fair, she did the same back, and I apologised, but still. Not my finest hour...

And today, kinda got the cold-shouldered impression that she's told at least one other person about it. So all my suspicions that no one at work liked me are now basically coming true.

And this is why I try not to have a social life...


I don't know what you said, but I tend to think that if she told other people about it instead of moving on—and she did that after you apologized—then she's probably pretty immature. Everyone has bad days, and if I was on a 10-hour shift after I'd already been working close to 40 hours that week (which, by the way, is the maximum number of hours an employee here in the US can work before their employer (usually) has to pay them overtime) I'd be a little snippy, too. Anyone would. 


Coworkers snapping at each other is part of any workplace that hires human beings. If they're professionals, they'll apologize and move on. That she told others says more about her than it does about you. 

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I've been lifeguarding for a six hour shift...I've guarded scuba training, lifeguard training, and a pool party.....

Lifeguarding really isn't conducive to shifts this long. I'm SO burned out, and I just want to go home and stuff my face :/

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Find a pretty girl you can talk to about math and science? :ph34r:

Also Quiver- interactions with cranky co workers does not a social life make. Not even close. You gotta find people who value you, and who you enjoy spending time with.

Edited by Delightful
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After three weeks of being silent rockstars, my upstairs neighbors decided to host a Riverdance party with lively games of tag and wheeled luggage races for the kids. Naturally, they hosted this at the traditional hour of 4:30 in the morning. <_<

Fortunately, the old bang-on-the-ceiling routine seemed to put an end to the festivities.

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Just remember that life Without pretty girls is far worse, imo anyway. That was almost always the worst part about Boy Scout Camp for me, I had to spend a week surrounded by two hundred guys and maybe some Senior female scout leaders :| I struggle interacting with guys, so yeah, I'm glad I'm done with scout camp and don't have to go anymore.

If you'd like advice from a complete stranger, don't know why you would but I feel like giving it, try becoming friends with s girl who isn't really pretty (however you define pretty) but is still nice and fun to be around. It might help your brain (or as Sir Pratchett likes to say, your glands) get used to girls again so that you register them as People first, not cute chickas.

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Just remember that life Without pretty girls is far worse, imo anyway. That was almost always the worst part about Boy Scout Camp for me, I had to spend a week surrounded by two hundred guys and maybe some Senior female scout leaders :| I struggle interacting with guys, so yeah, I'm glad I'm done with scout camp and don't have to go anymore.

If you'd like advice from a complete stranger, don't know why you would but I feel like giving it, try becoming friends with s girl who isn't really pretty (however you define pretty) but is still nice and fun to be around. It might help your brain (or as Sir Pratchett likes to say, your glands) get used to girls again so that you register them as People first, not cute chickas.

Most importantly, remember that pretty girls are people first and pretty second. It's perfectly OK to think someone is gorgeous, just forcefully keep in mind that they're people with ideas and insecurities and weird quirks like literally everyone else you know.
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Well, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. :rolleyes: 


While backing up at the gas station, I came in too sharp, hit a pole….and cracked my tail light and dented my bumper. The pole, you'll be happy to hear, was unharmed. 


Harmony, I feel like an idiot. -_- I'll look at getting the tail light repaired ASAP; the dent will take some saving. 

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Well, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. :rolleyes:


While backing up at the gas station, I came in too sharp, hit a pole….and cracked my tail light and dented my bumper. The pole, you'll be happy to hear, was unharmed. 


Harmony, I feel like an idiot. -_- I'll look at getting the tail light repaired ASAP; the dent will take some saving. 



Eesh. :wacko: Hope you're able to get that taken care of without too much of a headache. Stupid pole.

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