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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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That explains it. And the worst part is, she's really nice, and I know she's not doing it on purpose, so that makes everything more awkward. Oh well. I can just grin and bear it. I've done it before.

Make friends with everyone. Don't fall into cliqs, be the floater young grasshopper.

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I'm trying so hard to adult and people aren't getting back to me and everything keeps tripping me up and I want to curl up under a bunch of blankets and cry.

Anyone want to join me? I have cookies.


When life gets you down, snuggle up in your favorite sweater and go for a walk through the park. 



What's going on? Did you want to talk about it? :( 

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What I want most in my life right now is conversation. Not the kind where you talk about the weather, unless you're talking about the potential applications of this weather system in predicting the end of the world. Conversation that talks about deep subjects, like what's going on inside my head. The kind of things that one only talks to with people who really, genuinely care about the topics.

But I can't. I don't have anyone to talk to like that.

This has been the situation for a while, but I've been a bit mopey for the past week-ish.

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What I want most in my life right now is conversation. Not the kind where you talk about the weather, unless you're talking about the potential applications of this weather system in predicting the end of the world. Conversation that talks about deep subjects, like what's going on inside my head. The kind of things that one only talks to with people who really, genuinely care about the topics.

But I can't. I don't have anyone to talk to like that.

This has been the situation for a while, but I've been a bit mopey for the past week-ish.


Anything you want to talk about in particular?

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You're far from her zone of influence now, and seem to be functioning autonomously.

I don't think that you have to fear her wrath all that much if you refuse to recognize her as the fantastic mother that she isn't.

Of course, I'm not in your situation, so I might be wrong.


It's not wrath I'd face so much as thinly veiled disappointment that could easily turn into a self-pitying blame fest. She wouldn't mention a hypothetical awful gift, but she'd definitely internalize it and use it as fuel for her "You Left Us to Live Your Own Life And We Are All Very Sad" lecture. 

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Is there any reason you cant hang up your phone on her mid lecture other than that you hang up the phone on her mid lecture?


Otherwise I could make up a holiday that just for no apparent reason coincide with Mothers day. You can claim you were busy dancing with Crocodiles as it was "Dance with a Crocodile day" or something like that.

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Can we get rid of Mother's Day?

Please? <_<

I'm not saying you should do this but.......

I know of someone who got a note from customs saying "someone tried to send you multiple kilos of poop which we couldn't allow into the country". I think it was marketed as fertiliser or something.

(I'm really really not saying you should do this.)

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Crap. I'm having a last-minute homework-inspired emotional meltdown. I can't do this.


Lots of deep breaths.

Break down everything you have to do into tiny little pieces and knock off one at a time. Organise by importance and urgency, and complete in that order.

And accept that you're human. I don't know what this homework is worth, but sometimes it's better to just go to sleep and apologise to the teacher/ask for an extension. Regardless there gets to a point where you staying awake doesn't actually achieve anything because you're too tired to work. When you hit that point, stop. Till then, break it right down to basics and start crossing off every small thing that you've done, it'll make you feel accomplished. Just keep pushing, you can also reward yourself with snacks or something. for completing certain sections.

Good luck!

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Lots of deep breaths.

Break down everything you have to do into tiny little pieces and knock off one at a time. Organise by importance and urgency, and complete in that order.

And accept that you're human. I don't know what this homework is worth, but sometimes it's better to just go to sleep and apologise to the teacher/ask for an extension. Regardless there gets to a point where you staying awake doesn't actually achieve anything because you're too tired to work. When you hit that point, stop. Till then, break it right down to basics and start crossing off every small thing that you've done, it'll make you feel accomplished. Just keep pushing, you can also reward yourself with snacks or something. for completing certain sections.

Good luck!

All of this very true. And particularly the bolded bit - Worth going to sleep, and setting an alarm to get up early and get stuff done in the morning beforehand, if the extra hour or two would make the difference (assumes you aren't stopping after already reaching the early hours of the morning). 

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I have a 1 in my science class and there are only 35 or so days left in the school year. Im a complete failure. What's more, this is what I get upset about. I shouldn't be getting upset. Add that to the list of reasons why I would be of more use if I was 30% more water.

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So, I just found out that Heinrich Himmler may have been autistic. Reading accounts of his life, this actually makes sense. As an Aspie myself, I'm unsure how I feel about this.

It absolutely doesn't reflect anything onto you, if that's where you're going with this.
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So, I just found out that Heinrich Himmler may have been autistic. Reading accounts of his life, this actually makes sense. As an Aspie myself, I'm unsure how I feel about this.

Like Delightful said, this says nothing about you as a person. All it means is that, by pure happenstance, you share a trait with one of history's villains. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have something in common with some villain or another. This doesn't mean you're doomed, or that Himmler's autism made him the monster he was. All it means is that you share a trait.

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