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Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, Kas. You posted this just after I went to bed!

If someone is effected by multiple emotional allomancy attacks, no matter which kind they are, their original action will stand and they will be unaffected. In RP terms, the target is having their emotions changed every other second and they are driven to a chaotic blubbering mess and they can't change what they've already done because they're huddled up in the corner trying to get control of themselves.

I assume multiple rioters changing the vote to the same person will still work. Edited by Haelbarde
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The forest was quiet. The town wasn't. It upset Slart.

They were getting worked up.

Senn was dead, but t didn't surprise him.

They would all die. Did it really matter when?

He stared at the sunset.

The Koloss would kill them.

They didn't see that.

They focused on finding the spiked.

They wouldn't succeed. Not this soon.

There was a chance that they might strike one randomly.

That wouldn't lead to the other members

That was scavenging for scraps.

Scavenging would only get them so far.

They needed to wait.

They wouldn't understand that though.

Not until it was too late.

He sighed. He could wait.

Slart notched an arrow, and fired into the nearby tree.

And when the time came, he would hunt.

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To Smoker #2:


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Okay, I am back home so I should be able to get more involved going forward.  I am going to abstain from the vote this cycle though, as I have not had the time to sit down and really examine the situation and I do not want to kill any of the good guys by accident.

Weiry Writer: Blue text explanation about being out of state until monday so that people should not expect her to be around until then. RP. Nothing game related to salvage.

Oh and Advantos, just fyi but I'm a guy.  Though you are not the first to make that mistake...

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You guys have only about 3 hours left! Also I figured I'd give you one Official Vote Tally, as I noticed some differences: 


Jain (2): STINK, Kane
Kassien (2): Herwynbe, Kassien
Exisa (1): Maill
Bartholomew (1): Edrab
Edrab (1): Locke 
Gidomara (1): Wyrm
Lippen (1): Alexander
The Amazing Wyrm (1): Hellscythe
Herwynbe (1): Gidomara
Hellscythe (1): Aralis
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Well in that case, if you're all not going to lynch Wyrmhero because of his role *cough* his plan *uncough* then I'd rather kill Jain the inactive than watch Kasimir suicide. Although Kas voting for himself is quite off. He claims it's to save Wyrm, but I mean he can't use PM's if he's dead anyway. Also it's 100% guaranteed if we lynch Wyrm that we will still have PM's until later even if he's a Tineye.  And like Adavantos said, there's far better ways to do what he says he's trying to do with a vote. Not only that but voting for himself contradicts his earlier statement that he hates dying day 1.


The votes are going to be interesting to look at after the cycle.


Edit: I'd be more than willing to vote for Mashadar instead as I actually suspect them of being evil, but there's no point in creating another person with only 1 vote on them. If anyone else wants to vote for Mashadar I'll join in with you. But right now my vote won't do any good on them.

Edited by Hellscythe
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Well in that case, if you're all not going to lynch Wyrmhero because of his role *cough* his plan *uncough* then I'd rather kill Jain the inactive than watch Kasimir suicide. Although Kas voting for himself is quite off. He claims it's to save Wyrm, but I mean he can't use PM's if he's dead anyway. Also it's 100% guaranteed if we lynch Wyrm that we will still have PM's until later even if he's a Tineye.  And like Adavantos said, there's far better ways to do what he says he's trying to do with a vote. Not only that but voting for himself contradicts his earlier statement that he hates dying day 1.


The votes are going to be interesting to look at after the cycle.


What is that idiot doing?


Slart had retrieved his arrow, and had walked back to town. Although he didn't like it, he couldn't risk being out. And now he had to talk to a madman.


"Why Jain?"


The madman turned and looked at the late arrival.


"He participated in the discussion last night." Although all he did was talk about chewing bamboo in the past...


The madman glared at him. He had voiced suspicions of two other town-members, but he chose someone quiet to lynch.


He wouldn't stop the madman. After all, the town needed its pound of flesh. Perhaps he knew something he didn't. He didn't bother asking. The lynch would answer his question. All he had to do was wait. He was good at that.

Edited by Sart
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@Hellscyhe: Why the suspicion on Mashadar? I was contemplating throwing a vote on Jain, but an extra vote now would be overkill. While I'm quite undecided about Kas at the moment (testing his Smokerness would help), I'd rather keep him around. I'd also prefer a buffer on our tineyes, if Wyrm is indeed a tineye.

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@Hellscyhe: Why the suspicion on Mashadar? I was contemplating throwing a vote on Jain, but an extra vote now would be overkill. While I'm quite undecided about Kas at the moment (testing his Smokerness would help), I'd rather keep him around. I'd also prefer a buffer on our tineyes, if Wyrm is indeed a tineye.

An extra vote wouldn't be overkill. Say the eliminators have a Rioter and Soother(or multiple of either one) and Jain is their inactive Mistborn. They will most likely try to save him, wasting us a lynch that we have to retry another day and guaranteeing we lynch an innocent.


My suspicion is on Mashadar because their posts seem off to me. Here's my first post where I suspect them.


Mashadar Mistborn, on 27 Dec 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:


If Seonid was starting PM groups like Kasimir suggested, then his PM group may have had an eliminator in it.
Redundant statement. Sounds evil.



Otherwise, I don't really have much to say. If there was an eliminator in the group, then maybe they don't want us to have such groups.
Not sure what this means at all. If they were in the group why would they not want us to have one? Also sounds evil.




And sorry Wyrm, but a noisy proclamation of usefulness sounds like something an eliminator would do.

I agree with this statement.

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An extra vote wouldn't be overkill. Say the eliminators have a Rioter and Soother(or multiple of either one) and Jain is their inactive Mistborn. They will most likely try to save him, wasting us a lynch that we have to retry another day and guaranteeing we lynch an innocent.

But wouldn't that be valuable? We'd have forced them to show their hand, and gain info from it.
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Sorry for my absence today. I've been with my family for the holidays and haven't had much time to post. As Kas mentioned, I was approached by someone who offered to smoke me and who I find likely to be trustworthy by the fact that they mentioned their role to both Kas and myself. Warm, I'll withdraw my suspicion for now based on the arguments provided. 

I'm going to refrain from voting this cycle, as I don't find anyone to have been overly suspicious.

If the vote looks unbalanced, I'll move to Jain, but as for now, I don't want to kill a villager and a tie vote will keep anyone from dying tonight.

My thoughts for the day.

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As I've said in past games, I'm not a fan of poke votes that are labeled "poke vote." Typically the target just needs to respond in order to get the vote pulled, and very little info is gained. I'm also not a fan of votes where you spell out each and every reason why you find the target suspicious, because if the target is an eliminator you're telling them exactly which lies they need to tell to clear the suspicion on them.

Anyway, in this case, my vote was different from either of those. I singled out Kas because he was one of the vocal players in the game and most of his advice (I disagree with village smokers using their powers this early in the game) was sound advice. I wanted to see how people would react- if people started bandwagoning, if anyone defended Kas, if people attacked me for my lack of stated reasons, etc. All of these help give us clues as to who is and isn't spiked.

Information has been gained. Sorry to Kas for endangering his life.

And to Hellscythe: no, I'm not a seeker, those I was indeed hinting that I might be. Again, to see how people would react. So Lurchers, don't waste your powers on me. Use them on someone you think is valuable enough to protect (honestly, that should probably be yourself, or maybe Wyrm if you think he deserves it).

As for Eliminators, if you want to kill me tonight, bring it on. ;)

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Meta: If a Rioter’s power is counteracted by either conflicting emotional allomancy or a coppercloud, is their vote still negated? Also, I don’t think I’ve seen you answer this, but can a Rioter change a “No Vote” to a vote for a person or a vote for a person to a “No Vote”? Also, can Soothers or Rioters target themselves?

I just want to check these for if our vote manipulators are planning on using their powers to check for copperclouds. Especially since Kas’s suggestion for the Rioters (Mashadar) hasn’t voted and isn’t likely to. (I personally think looking for copperclouds we don’t know about would be more useful, but there is merit to checking claims.)

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Meta: If a Rioter’s power is counteracted by either conflicting emotional allomancy or a coppercloud, is their vote still negated? Also, I don’t think I’ve seen you answer this, but can a Rioter change a “No Vote” to a vote for a person or a vote for a person to a “No Vote”? Also, can Soothers or Rioters target themselves?


The Rioter still used their ability, it was just negated. As such, yes, their vote is taken as a No Vote. 


A Rioter cannot change a No Vote. The Rioter needs someone that has at least some form of emotional conviction to work from.


Rioters and Soothers can target themselves. 

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A Rioter cannot change a No Vote. The Rioter needs someone that has at least some form of emotional conviction to work from.

In that case, if a Rioter tries to change the vote of someone who ends up not voting, is their vote negated?


I wouldn't mind rioting to check if the soother is honest, but could put my vote on an inactive? I'd prefer not to die yet.


It's a bit late to really plan this since any Rioters might not still be on to change their orders and if there's more than one they would have to all Riot you to the same person if the Riot isn't to be cancelled anyway. Besides, just one vote on you wouldn't be enough to kill you, and you would have to vote for it to matter at all. (I also think it would be better to test emotional allomancy on the Soother themselves to test them than to check you and that making this all open for the Spiked to mess with with their own emotional allomancy kind of defeats the point.)


@Maill Are you going to green out your vote for Phatt so your vote for Orlok counts, or did you want to leave it on Phatt?

Edited by luckat
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