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Still Having a Bad Day? Exchange Your Rants For Hugs Here!


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Thanks, guys. :) I'm rereading Sorcerer's Stone as a sort of comfort read, and I think it's helping. It's just when I stop and think about jobs or interviews that things go….bad. 


And I know things can't be as bad as my brain is making them out to be. Back when I was interning, I spent the entire five months thinking I was barely one step ahead of total disaster, and when it ended, my supervisor said she wished they had an opening at her branch so she could hire me. That wasn't the first time something like that happened, either; I seem to make a habit out of seeing everything as being far, far worse than it actually is. I just can't seem to stop.


I like the evil genie idea, though. :ph34r:

Well you just tell your brain that you're the Shipmistress of the 17th Shard and originator of the Question darnit! You can achieve anything you set your mind to, be it getting a job or conquering evil genies.

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Seems like yesterday wasn't a good day for mental health all around.

As a friend told me when I was freaking out: you're not alone. WE STAND TOGETHER! <cue cheesy/dramatic music>.

Yeah, sorry. Just trying to lighten things up. *hugs*


Just as long as no one starts singing songs from ​High School Musical….



….I think we'll be okay. :P 

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"....but Twi.....we're all in this together!" <cue Hoid doing the dance moves with his very own music video>



...I'm sorry...i'll go back to my MTG now, seriously got to get my head in the game


I'll stahp, seriously this time. After all, you can't be in the act breaking free from the sadness if you can't bop to the top or if you stick to the status quo



...I'll leave..like right now xD

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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"....but Twi.....we're all in this together!" <cue Hoid doing the dance moves with his very own music video>

...I'm sorry...i'll go back to my MTG now, seriously got to get my head in the game

I'll stahp, seriously this time. After all, you can't be in the act breaking free from the sadness if you can't bop to the top or if you stick to the status quo

...I'll leave..like right now xD

I'm......not convinced that sentence makes sense.....:P :P :P
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Well you just tell your brain that you're the Shipmistress of the 17th Shard and originator of the Question darnit! You can achieve anything you set your mind to, be it getting a job or conquering evil genies.


,,,I think I want a job conquering evil genies.  That sounds way more exciting than my current job.

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Mom: Have you heard anything back on the Anchorage job? 


Me: No, not yet. 


Mom: Okay….don't get offended, and realize I'm not trying to be offensive; I'm just saying the truth….but if you don't get that job, there's probably a good reason for it. 



Gee, thanks, Mom. I'm trying really hard not to take it the way I think you meant it, but when you drop little hints throughout the week that you were indeed listening in on my Skype interview and thought I bombed it, it's nigh impossible for me to take it any other way. You think I sounded like a blathering idiot who couldn't form a coherent sentence to save her life, and that's the "good reason" why I won't get the job. If you thought it "wasn't God's best for me" and that he "has something better in mind," you would've storming said "It's not God's best for you and he has something better in mind." 


You suck. 


Moms are supposed to be encouraging. 


I don't even want to eat dinner with you now. I want to go out to McDonald's and cry angry tears into my $1.10 hamburger. 

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Mom: Have you heard anything back on the Anchorage job? 


Me: No, not yet. 


Mom: Okay….don't get offended, and realize I'm not trying to be offensive; I'm just saying the truth….but if you don't get that job, there's probably a good reason for it. 



Gee, thanks, Mom. I'm trying really hard not to take it the way I think you meant it, but when you drop little hints throughout the week that you were indeed listening in on my Skype interview and thought I bombed it, it's nigh impossible for me to take it any other way. You think I sounded like a blathering idiot who couldn't form a coherent sentence to save her life, and that's the "good reason" why I won't get the job. If you thought it "wasn't God's best for me" and that he "has something better in mind," you would've storming said "It's not God's best for you and he has something better in mind." 


You suck. 


Moms are supposed to be encouraging. 


I don't even want to eat dinner with you now. I want to go out to McDonald's and cry angry tears into my $1.10 hamburger. 


A dollar and ten cents for a hamburger at the McD's?! I'm not lovin' it! 


It's interesting how some people know what they are about to say is offensive and upsetting but say it anyway. Pretentious jerks. But I wouldn't let it get you down. She has much less of an idea of what's going on than you do. It's just, unfortunately, human psychology that people who are most unfit to have a say on certain subjects are the ones who will spout garbage on such subjects with supreme confidence in their (non-existent) abilities. 


If the Anchorage job is the best job for you, I'm sure you'll get it. If you don't, it's only because another, better job is waiting for you!

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