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Did you get your toenail-beds doused in acid? That ones fun, especially when the infection stops the anesthetic from working properly.  <_<


Sounds like fun :P Man, I didn't suspect that so many people have problems with their nails...

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Options for watching S.H.I.E.L.D season 3 in Australia

A: Pay $500+ (no joke) for foxtel to watch it at a 2 week delay

B: Pirate it

C: Stop caring


It's like they don't actually want legal Australian viewers.


I'm pretty sure the majority of the SHIELD audience is tech savvy enough to pirate it (little as that requires) and I'd further guess that the majority of their Australian fans have been pirating it already and that was when it was just delayed airing. Now that it's delayed and requires a stupidly expensive subscription I really don't see foxtel making their money back on this.


Personally I choose option C. Maybe when they eventually release the DVDs for it I may start caring about it again, but until then it's just not worth my time/energy to care. (GoT is in the same situation.)

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Okay, so I woke up at 1:30 in the morning last night. Splitting headache and congestion. Knew I wasn't gonna be able to get back to sleep anytime soon, so I took a shower and some pills. After two hours I was able to get back to sleep, but ugh. Especially since there's a lot of important school work I need to do today.

I also really feel like I need a run, but there's no way my throat would let me right now. If I don't get enough exercise today though I really don't think I'm going to sleep any better tonight. :wacko::mellow:

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Sounds like fun :P Man, I didn't suspect that so many people have problems with their nails...

Mine was just really stupid, I had one ingrown nail for several years, had it clipped a few times but it just kept growing back the same way and eventually I got sick of how frequently I had to take antibiotics for all the infections I got from it and just asked a gp to acid it. So now I have a really weird small toenail but at least it's not constantly stabbing me and getting infected. So that's cool.

In other news I've been feeling amazing lately, all my usual anxiety and depression problems seem to be well in hand and I feel like I can actually do something with my life. :D

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So, I want to buy a new phone. I checked yesterday evening online that it is available near my workplace for 2400zł. Cool, that's one of better deals for this phone in Warsaw. Today I take a break from work, go to this shop, and see what? The price changed to 2999zł overnight  <_< And that's just stupid. I'm talking about Galaxy S6 (not Edge) with 32Gb of memory. It is currently more expensive than S6 Edge with 32Gb... They jumped from one of lowest prices for that model to outright highest. Now I had to order the phone somewhere else and I'll get it tomorrow  <_< I hoped I can play with it this evening but nooo... that would be too good :/

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So I have my first TalkAbroad session for Arabic in about 10 minutes. I have to essentially get on Skype and talk with an Arabic speaker from Tunisia for a half an hour, and I'm extremely nervous. I have gone through all of the questions my professor has provided, and I've written out answers to them to help me process this, but the nervousness is starting to grow into panic...


Not that writing it down here helps anything, but I figured that this was as good as place as any for it.

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Remember the person you're talking to is just a person. If said Tunisian speaks more than one language, he/she will know what it's like not speaking your mother tongue. Unless it's some kind of test, it'll be fine. :).

Yes, this Tunisian has probably been through this process before, and even volunteered for it! I'm sure they'll be delighted to help someone appreciate their awesome language :)

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Well, it's over, and I didn't make a complete fool of myself (although I felt like it at some points)...


Thanks for the encouraging words. She was very nice, and very understanding. It didn't help that I took us off the script a couple of times, but I learned a lot.

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In other news I've been feeling amazing lately, all my usual anxiety and depression problems seem to be well in hand and I feel like I can actually do something with my life. :D

I apparently spoke too soon, a combination of hot weather and being outside doing the lawns quickly caused another panic attack and now I'm shaking like a.... thing. I don't know analogies well right now.

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Following up on my previous post...another doctor has conceded defeat, and the next is talking surgical options. My day officially sucks beyond my previous imagination.



Eek. :wacko: How invasive would the surgery be and how long would you be out of commission, hypothetically speaking? 



On a more personal note, my mom seemed to be in the middle of a friendly argument with my eleven-year-old sister over tiny houses, but randomly decided it wasn't so friendly after all. She immediately ascribed the worst possible motive to her ("You were trying to make me mad. You kept arguing to try and make me mad") cowed my sister into admitting guilt, and sent her to bed. 


And then Bruce, after going outside, urinated on my bed. <_< Plus there's the fact that he seems to think I vanish from existence every time I leave him alone in a room, so he sobbed until I returned from the laundry room. 

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Options for watching S.H.I.E.L.D season 3 in Australia

A: Pay $500+ (no joke) for foxtel to watch it at a 2 week delay

B: Pirate it

C: Stop caring


It's like they don't actually want legal Australian viewers.


I'm pretty sure the majority of the SHIELD audience is tech savvy enough to pirate it (little as that requires) and I'd further guess that the majority of their Australian fans have been pirating it already and that was when it was just delayed airing. Now that it's delayed and requires a stupidly expensive subscription I really don't see foxtel making their money back on this.


Personally I choose option C. Maybe when they eventually release the DVDs for it I may start caring about it again, but until then it's just not worth my time/energy to care. (GoT is in the same situation.)


Oh crap that sucks. I'm lucky to be in Canada, popular shows get broadcast live over here. 


Though we are getting completely screwed with books price... On one side of the frontier, said book cost 5$, on the other side, it costs 20$  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: Guess on which side it is more expensive? 

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Oh crap that sucks. I'm lucky to be in Canada, popular shows get broadcast live over here. 


Though we are getting completely screwed with books price... On one side of the frontier, said book cost 5$, on the other side, it costs 20$  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: Guess on which side it is more expensive? 

Going solely off of some vague recollections of RRP labels I'm pretty sure most books are more expensive here than in canada too. :(

Also the weathers better there.

Can I trade countries please?

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Going solely off of some vague recollections of RRP labels I'm pretty sure most books are more expensive here than in canada too. :(

Also the weathers better there.

Can I trade countries please?


The weather is better in Canada then somewhere else in the world?????  :o  :o  :o  :o  Where???


Speaking of weather, I'd like to let everyone know summer is officially over. Last week-end, it was still warm enough to wear shorts, but this week is trampled down to freaking cold which means: warmed coat, pants, gloves... Yeah. Yesterday, I had to wear gloves and long sleeves for my evening run. The wind was freezing.


Another 8 months to go before I get nice sunny warm weather again  :(  :(  :( I tried to see if going to Mexico this winter would be possible  :ph34r: Prices are prohibitive  :(  :(  :(

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Eek. :wacko: How invasive would the surgery be and how long would you be out of commission, hypothetically speaking?

Not really sure, but it would be something with vertebrae in my neck I think. I'm going to wear a collar for a week or so as a test to see, plus they're going to do X-rays to check if it would help.


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Bruce is so floppy that my sister has decided he is 86% Jello, 14% pug. Observe:



On another note, what happened?

Twi, that was perfect. :).

I'm currently living in Israel. The past three days has seen multiple terror attacks and I'm heartbroken and angry.

On Thursday, parents were shot to death with their young children in the backseat of the car. The children survived, but saw everything.

Last night a family were stabbed and shot, two killed and multiple wounded included a freaking baby.

And then here's an insane paragraph from the news tonight:


In the West Bank, an Israeli Arab came to the settlement of Kiryat Arba, outside Hebron, and said he had been attacked by Palestinians who mistook him for a Jew. He was lightly injured. An ambulance taking him to hospital was pelted with rocks and damaged. An army jeep that chased the stone-throwers was hit by a petrol bomb and caught fire; the soldiers were not injured."

So. Pugs and other happy things right now thanks.

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Twi, that was perfect. :).

I'm currently living in Israel. The past three days has seen multiple terror attacks and I'm heartbroken and angry.

On Thursday, parents were shot to death with their young children in the backseat of the car. The children survived, but saw everything.

Last night a family were stabbed and shot, two killed and multiple wounded included a freaking baby.

And then here's an insane paragraph from the news tonight:


In the West Bank, an Israeli Arab came to the settlement of Kiryat Arba, outside Hebron, and said he had been attacked by Palestinians who mistook him for a Jew. He was lightly injured. An ambulance taking him to hospital was pelted with rocks and damaged. An army jeep that chased the stone-throwers was hit by a petrol bomb and caught fire; the soldiers were not injured."

So. Pugs and other happy things right now thanks.


Stormfather, they attacked an ambulance? :blink: That's awful—all of it is awful. :(


Neither of these pugs are mine, but they're cute anyway. 






And here's a French bulldog who is very proud of something he shouldn't be proud of. 




Look at that face. That is a face that says, "Darn right I do! If I don't bark at those pants, who will?"

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So, within the past week or two, my school had two bomb threats. Everyone, including me, was pretty chill the second time because it was just another evacuation. After the fact, I started thinking about what would happen if we got another one, and then it turned out that there was actually a bomb on the football field, aka the undisclosed location that anyone can see on twitter. It's been freaking me out a little bit.

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