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Heirs to the Final Empire: Roleplaying Thread


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Lord Garek Urbain would like to publicly offer a generous reward for the info and whereabouts of his assailants. 

The perpetrator was one of the following:


  1. little wilson - Adira Wilson
  2. Unodus - Retleh Uethorn
  3. Adamir - Mai Farrsolin
  4. Blank Fate - Valden Artorius
  5. Venture Mistborn - Aquilla Orielle
  6. OrlokTsubodai - Scipio Tekiel
  7. Comatose - Lysander Elariel
  8. Aonar Faileas - Maerys Izenry
  9. Quiver - Rolan Queade
  10. wblk - Koem Wair
  11. phattemer - Clofa Erikell
  12. Araris Valerian - Arandar Penrod
  13. Renegade - Erinald Garde
  14. Shallan - Citona Vinid
  15. Mailiw73 - Wilor Zerrung
  16. The Crooked Warden - Fortis Protegat
  17. Kasimir - Kyril Heron

And there would be a number of people I could strike from said list as being unlikely to be the assailants.


As for their whereabouts, take your pick of 'On the Internet' or 'In the Final Empire'. 


Can I haz reward?

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Was rereading the PM at work, and it was more of just a break-in, it appears, not a full out attack. But still worrying, nonetheless, as I was obviously expected to not be Home at the time. :ph34r:

I did manage to injure the intruder, though. So that should potentially help find clues to track them down.

Also, I will be out of town for the next 2 days, so I might not be able to keep up on things, will try and catch up with the game Wednesday/Thursday!

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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(Thanks Haelbarde ^-^)


So, phatt- care to explain why you didn't attend the games, even after  we discussed privately that it was your only chance to genuinely prove your innocence?


Not only that, but there was another attack during the games- so I assume it was a house that didn't attend the games (atleast, a house that didn't invest most of their mistborn). House Erikell and Vinid didn't attend the games despite the evidence against them, and despite saying they would attend. I say that this, added to huge amount of evidence against them, is a clear indicator that Erikell & Vinid are the guillty houses.


Does anyone actually believe otherwise? If not, I believe its about time to decide what should be done with them.

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"My Lord, House Urbain was attacked. It also appears that Uethorn is asking to consider adequate punishments towards House Erikell and Vinid," said the Wair steward, Nicho.


Meanwhile, his young Lord continued shuffling amongst the pile of paperwork that covered much of the Primary Record Room. A few moments passed, until a muted cry of excitement came from underneath and the noble stood up, sheets of paper falling like ash off him. Koem Wair beamed happily at his steward.


"Found it at least! I knew my father had hidden some architectural designs here."


"My Lord, whilst it gives me great pleasure to hear this, I must ask what our official stance on Urbain and Uethorn are," said Nicho, frowning slightly. It had seemed that his lord had gradually gotten more excitable the last few days, stress no doubt from his high position.


"Hmm? Oh, those things. What Urbain gets up to has little to do with us, and as for Erikell and Vinid I'm not terribly convinced yet. I'd rather not get House Wair too involved, tell them we're abstaining from any formal judgements."


"Is that everything then, Lord Wair?"


"Oh no," grinned Koem,"Get some servants down here to clean up the Record Rooms. And then get my carriage ready. And my best

clothes. And bring Lord Malan as well, the man could use some fresh air. Then meet me at the gate."


"Sir?" said Nicho, uneasily. Koem merely gave another mad grin, tucking the sheet of paper under his coat.


"We have a meeting to keep."

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"Votir, I have arranged for your marriage to a Mistborn, directly descended from one of the Ten," Wilor informed his son. Votir groaned, but Wilor knew he was secretly pleased. The boy, now almost grown into a man, detested being tied down to any one thing. But he quite enjoyed his...dalliances. Votir would find enough in this marriage to enjoy.

Action 3:
Who: Wilor Zerrung, as Votir's father and House Lord
What: Arranging for Votir Zerrung to be married to Beksha Farrsolin along with a deal to buy Mistborn for wealth.
Why: To connect Houses Zerrung and Farrsolin stronger and to increase connections.
When: The end of the month.
Where: In Keep Zerrung's ballroom

Edited by Mailliw73
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Well, I would like to hear from Phat with more accusations springing up like that.

While I'm not sure how effective court systems or stuff of that like is, without any actual bite. If we can get a majority of players or Houses to declare sanctions on certain house for their aggressive and egregious behaviours? Or does that open things up too much to houses just ganging up on each other? Although there is always options for retaliations. Don't worry, I have spies working on finding out accurately on who attempted a break-in. #UrbainInquisition.



Public Action 1: Garek Urbain is hosting a Fashion Show for the Noble Elite of Luthadel. As such, House Erikell are not permitted to attend until they clear their name.
Why? To show off the new line of House Urbain's Glamorous Threads, the most exquisite and vibrant clothing to grace the Final Empire. And for the honour of House Urbain for hosting such a magnificent event.

When? Action 1

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Unfortunately, I'm going to be away the last couple days of this turn, and the first couple of the next, so I have to get my actions in now, and don't have time to RP. :/


Who: Lady Maerys Izenry

What: Hiring skilled tradespeople and buying better equipment for my Blacksmith.

Where: Luthadel, I think?

When: This is my second action.

Why: To increase the efficiency of my Blacksmiths, and make more Wealth in the long-term.

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Tyren was waiting at the bottom of the step's as the carriage door opened. He nodded curtly to his father as Rolan descended, and if he detected the pewter his father was burning to make the steps, his expression didn't betray it.


He's a good son, Rolan thought as he stepped onto the pavement. They were utterly unalike, of course; Tyren took more after his mother. Administrating the Lord Ruler's justice had left Rolan with little time to be a father. That Tyren seemed to understand that -and was loyal and duitful aside- meant he was already worth more than virtually any other noble Rolan could think of. 


He looked up at the building, and the wooden skeleton that had been built around it. Tyren noticed his gaze, and led his father into the church.


"It's still under construction, obviously," the young man said as they walked into the main hall, "but the work is coming along well."


Rolan looked around. Tyren had expanded beyond the simple church he had built before, out and up. Skaa swarmed along on beams of the high ceiling, obviously doing something important. At points along the ceiling, someone had set up a larger platform, upon which artisan's stood with brush and paints, detailing some corner of a vast, interconnected mural. 


Rolan noticed Tyren was looking at him. "Impressive," he said. He might not have been able to clearly picture his son's design, but it was clear that he was sparing no expense to upgrade the cathedral, and make it worthy for the Lord Ruler.


Is that who he wants it to be worthy of?

The thought entered Rolan's mind, but he quickly threw it aside.


He walked towards one of the vast, stone columns connecting ceiling and floor. He ran a gloved hand over a the grooves. Something about it seemed strangely familiar. 

"I recall you said the Lord Ruler appreciated the architecture of the courts," Tyren offered. "The columns are based upon that. With my own alterations, of course."


Of course. What had Rashek called it? Khl... something? Rolan rubbed his forehead.

Am I becoming so senile that I cannot recall so simple, he asked himself. He rubbed his eyes with a gloved hand, and looked up.


Holes had been cut along the walls, like gigantic arches. Right now, most of them were empty, concealed from the world by sheets and tarps, but this one had been filled with a sheet of glass; or, more accurately, a window made up of smaller fragments of colored glass, pressed together to form an image. This mosaic showed... something. A writhing mass of black tendrils, erupting from the earth.


"The Deepness."


Tyren nodded, standing next to his father. "We had no idea how to depict it," he admitted, clasping his hands behind his back, "but we did the best that we could. It get's the point across, at least."


It did indeed. A dark mass, an evil... something, that was beyond any mortal's comprehension or ability to face. A stolid reminder of what their Lord had overcome.


"But this is the piece I'm proudest of," Tyren added. Rolan followed  his son's finger. 

At the head of the room was another larger portrait, this one depicting a man... or rather, a God. It shimmered slightly- Rolan suddenly realized that the glass of the man was mirrored- and stared out over the empty hall, imperious but benevolent.


"It's... impressive," Rolan said again. 

"Not quite yet," Tyren replied, a grin breaking his features. He turned his father around, and pointed at the back of the hall. "There will be another sheet of glass there." He pointed up, at a hole cut in the ceiling. "When the sun is bright, it will shine down here. He carefully calculated the angel so that it will shine on the Lord Rashek's image."

He pointed at the arc as he spoke.


"The mirrored glass on his image will cause the light to reflect onto the second sheet there. It will be set up so that the light will shine back onto the image of the Lord Ruler, which will send it back to the mirror, and so on." His excitement grew as he spoke. "It took a lot of effort, naturally, but I think a continuous loop such as that will be the best way to depict the Lord Ruler as the Sliver of-"

"Infinity. Yes, I see."


It was brilliant. Rolan had an instretchable mind, one ill suited for art or curves. He understood letter's; the law. The stark divides from Right and Wrong. Khleminium architecture, artistic representations of the Deepness... those were thing's he couldn't understand. But even he could recognize the brilliance underlying his son's scheme.


"Of course, it will look even better if one is burning tin," Tyren added modestly. "Once it is completed of course."


A display that will appeal to a Tineye.

Despite that, Rolan couldn't find it in him to berate his son. Instead, he set a hand on his shoulder, and looked on in silence.


Who?- Tyren Queade
What?- Tyren is upgrading the church I built last turn into a Glorious Cathedral.
When? 1st action
Why?- Gain good standing with Rashek, and to promote the religion of the Lord Ruler.

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Overtop of the storefronts lining the street, Edrab could see the Lord Queade’s latest project in the distance. Though portions were covered up while being waiting to be worked on, the improvements made to the original church were impressive. Beside him, his daughter Claudia nattered excitedly about something - the latest dress fashions, or what her friends were doing, or the like. He paid attention enough to grunt when required, and that seem to satisfy her.


As they entered the stretch of tailor shops, Claudia’s pace slowed to allow her to take in the variety of cloths and dress styles displayed. She entered a few, spending some time trying on a couple of dresses. She left one store bubbling with excitement over the news of a fashion show hosted by House Urbain, which would showcase a new line of clothing. Eventually her need for window shopping was satiated and they continued on, making their way towards the Cathedral-in-building.


He let his thoughts wander. His father would have been surprised to see where Heatherlocke had ended up. He had sworn fealty to Rashek for the immense display of power he had performed. He had known that it was that or be destroyed, but also that while Rashek lived, Heatherlocke could gain some advantage over their peers. He had not anticipated Rashek’s ability to seemingly not age, having planned to encourage Heatherlocke to secede from the Empire upon Rashek’s death. Some Edrab’s own advisors still agreed with his late father, but he wasn’t so sure. He had heard of no other man or god able to do the things that Rashek could. Neither had anyone seen the gift of allomancy before Rashek either. His father hadn’t blessed with allomantic bood, he didn’t know what it was like. His father claimed Rashek was just a man, but he disagreed. The more he saw, the more he was convinced that this man was God.


As they rounded a corner, he broke out of his reverie, as before them rose the entrance to the cathedral. After stopping a moment to take in the sight, he began moving towards the building again, Claudia falling silent, though still smiling, still walking alongside.


Just some RP for the moment. I'll work out my actions eventually :P

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The sun slowly set in the horizon, light ash calmly drifting from the sky and faint mist in the distance. Koem sat in his office, his son Shen quietly asleep beside him.


He felt weary, having spent much of his energy; perhaps too much. The last few weeks had drained him, and he doubted he could ever fully recover from the stress of dealing with the powers of Luthadel.


But I can't die yet. My father made our messengers deliver the word of the Lord Ruler across the Empire. I must accomplish something as well,for my son.


Not that there was much left to do, it all relied now upon his servants and more importantly, the Lord Ruler himself. He needed to distract himself with something less...vital.


Koem took a piece of paper, and began writing, as the sun disappeared and the city lit up in silent splendor.


Like a candle alone in the dark.


Action 3:

Who: House Wair

What: Hosting a small ball for all of the nobility, no matter what House, inside Keep Wair.

Why: To entertain and offer a moment of respite for the nobles.

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Not sure if there is or is not a rule against having entirely anonymous actions; the thought just occured to me. Just in case, I'll summarize my actions here. I put them down with more details in a PM.


Action 1 - Marrying Beskha to Votir Zerrung, alongside an exchange of Farrsolin Allomancers for Zerrung Wealth as part of the contract


Action 2 - upgrading a farm


Action 3 - upgrading a mine


EDIT: By anonymous actions, I'm talking about actions that aren't put up as public; for example, if I only write the action in a PM, instead of in the main thread.


EDIT II: I've added Wealth in the terms

Edited by Adamir
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RP is dead. My thesis killed it. I blame the electrons. Who knew so many people wrote so bloody much about electrons? >>

Sorry, King. I'll make it up to you sometime.

Action Three:

•Who? - Kyril Heron, in his capacity as House Lord.

•What? - Kyril Heron is building an Artisan's Guild in Tremredare.

•Where? - In Tremredare.

•When? - This is my third action for the Turn.

•Why? - Tremredare later becomes a cultural centre in TFE in the books. I'm following that development path by having Kyril start an Artisan's Guild ;)More importantly, Kyril hopes to be able to attract local artisans and to enhance their skills. He eventually plans on employing them in order to improve the city.

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Not sure if there is or is not a rule against having entirely anonymous actions; the thought just occured to me. Just in case, I'll summarize my actions here. I put them down with more details in a PM.


Action 1 - Marrying Beskha to Votir Zerrung, alongside some financial transactions as part of the contract


What do you mean by 'anonymous actions'?


Edit in response to Adamir's edit: You must have at least one public Action each turn. If they are all private, none will go through unless I make a mistake >>.


That Action cannot be accepted. You need to state all the terms of the contract, though you do not need to state quantities. For example, you could say 'in exchange for Wealth' or something like that, but not 'some other things'.


RP is dead. My thesis killed it. I blame the electrons. Who knew so many people wrote so bloody much about electrons? >>


*raises hand*


Edit: There are 24 22 hours left in the Turn from now.

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*raises hand*

Yes, Master, I stand corrected, Master, I'll--I'll just go off and meditate in that corne--WHAT'S WITH THAT LIGHTSABER?

Hey, uh, Master, I'm sorry for calling you an old fool and an irresponsible adult, and--

Got it. Shutting up now and meditating. Right away. Uh, yes.

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So I won't be RPing this time or next week, since right now I'm getting ready to leave on vacation and next week I'll be on vacation, and therefore spending more time with family than online, so...yeah. Sorry, not sorry. :P For now, my action:

Who: Adira Wilson, as House Lady

What: Hiring skilled workers for the Wilson farm and bakery.

When: Action 2

Where: Urteau (for the farm) and Luthadel (for the bakery)

Why: To increase production and profit.

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@Wilson: Yay for vacation! Same here!

Action 1:

Who: Cienthe Penrod, as House Lady

What: Marrying Valeri to Araris, one of the noble mistborn within House Penrod

Where: Keep Penrod

When: First Action

Why: Araris was raised to respect the philosophy of the Penrod's and no other house offered to allow their child to be raised in such a way. Also, extensive genealogies show that Araris has a strong connection to the original mistborn.

Action 2:

Who: Varun, as House Scribe and Arandar, as House Lord

What: Writing a philosophy book about the rights of men

Where: Keep Scriptorium

When: Second Action

Why: To persuade other houses to treat their ska better

Action 3:

Who: Arandar, as House Lord

What: Fixing up the Imperial Archive to better accommodate the new official records it has to take on

Where: Imperial Archive

When: Third action

Why: The Archive was not doing very much before; it only brought a little income with no side effects. Now it actually is part of official Empire business

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I say this every turn, but here goes... I'll write some rp next generation, I'm completely out of ideas this gen. Swapping out Action 2, wherein I had originally decided to upgrade a farm.


Action 2


Who: Lady Mai Farrsolin and her daughter Bakuda


What: Arranging to marry Bakuda Mikhail Elariel, alongside arranging transfers of Farrsolin soldiers for a small amount of Elariel wealth as part of the contract.


Where: Keep Elariel


When: Action 2, Turn 4


Why: To solidify a long-term alliance

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A short while later, Edrab was leaving the cathedral. Lord Queade had kindly shown them around, letting them see the impressive work that had been done to the older church. They had been able to discuss what they had needed in relation to business, and it was now getting late. Waiting outside for them was a carriage to convey them back to the keep. Entering the keep led them past a multitude of workers - Heatherlocke had renovations of its own to see to - contracts were being drafted up, and Heatherlocke would soon need to host a wedding or two. The public reception, and the grand hall beyond it needed to be ready to host Luthadel's elite. 



First Action:

  • Who? - Lord Heatherlocke is performing this action, in his capacity as House Lord.

  • What? - Improving/preparing Keep Heatherlocke to host a wedding/ball

  • Where? - At Keep Heatherlocke, in Luthadel (in the Central Dominance, in the Final Empire, on Scadrial, in the Cosmere)

  • When? - This is my 1st Action for the Turn.

  • Why? - To increase respect from other Houses from the display of wealth, and potentially increase reputation

Edited by Haelbarde
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Struggling to come up with some decent/relevant RP, I'm afraid :( Hopefully I'll be able to rectify this later!

Who: Nirana and Barrin Artorius, as the children of the House Lord
What: Barrin Artorius is marrying into House Urbain, as the husband of Glam Urbain. Finn Urbain is marrying into House Artorius, as the husband of Nirana Artorius.
Where: Luthadel
When: Generation 2, Turn 4, Action 1
Why: Who doesn't like a party? Also, some boring stuff like 'better House relations' and 'preserving Allomantic bloodlines'.

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Retleh Turukseed mulled over his wine as he looked over the view from his keep. It was one of those rare moments of the day where there were a gap in clouds- and the city was enveloped with harsh light. He could sense he was approaching the end of his time as a House Lord, and perhaps this may be one of the last times he'd be able to appreciate the view. In his other hand, an assortment of letters from a variety of houses about the house assaults and what should be done about them. Unfortunately, he doubt he would live long enough to see the end of the matter- and that his only daughter would have to finish where he left off. All he could do was prepare his house for the worst, and enjoy the view.Suddenly, the moment was over- and a dark ash cloud passed over the sun once more, and ash begun to fall. Retleh, just as quickly, turned his back and walked away. There was always more work to be done.



Action 1:

Who: Retleh Uethorn
What: Upgrading Dyeworks
Where: Luthadel
When: Generation 2, Turn 4, Action 3
Why: More Dye=More wealth
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I'm on vacation as well, so I won't be able to do much until about a week from now.


Action 3:
Erinald Gardre is setting up an open trading market in their Housing district, in order to allow craftsmen to show off and trade their wares with one another (and to collect taxes from these trades).

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I have, unfortunately, left this too late to add RP, due to an unfortunate sequence of personal problems (primarily to do with my dog injuring her eye badly).

What: Cashing my 'pyramid scheme'

When: First action of the turn

Where: Keep Tekiel

Who: Lord Tekiel

Why: To harvest the generated wealth

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