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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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In art today, the teacher was talking about how we used patterns to do texture and stuff, and my brain was all like "Pattern, Pattern, I AM A STICK Pattern, Pattern..." on and on and ON! :P

Pattern is a Cryptic. Sticks can be cryptic. Sicks are made of wood. Chairs can also be made of wood. I painted my chair yellow.


True story.

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You know you are a Sanderfan when you blame everything on the spren.

Specially those particularly bothersome as the AutocorrectionSpren, TimeSpren, TrafficSpren, WasteSpren, LowBatterySpren... and so on...

You know you are a Sanderfan when you think this is a great idea and decide to start doing it.


You know you are a Sanderfan when you have completely stopped using normal swear words and instead use Storms, Rust, Colors, Sparks or just make up new ones.


You know you are a Sanderfan when you spent 30 minutes coming up with hemalurgical creations you think would be really cool.

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You know you are a Sanderfan when you discover you have spent the last 30 minutes creating the perfect speech to persuade some friend to read something from Sanderson -and thinking with which book he/she should start- and become a Sanderfan.


You also know you are a Sanderfan when you keep coming back to some Sanderbook (why not?) in your thought even when it was a lifetime since you read it last time.


Another clue is when someone attacks your favorite Sandercharacter and you take it deeply personal...

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Another clue is when someone attacks your favorite Sandercharacter and you take it deeply personal...

so true, though.  ;)


I found another person that reads the Stormlight Archive today, and I think my eyes were about to pop out of my head, they were bulging so badly.  She's my new favorite person. :D


Well, favorite person that isn't on the Shard.

Edited by Elsecaller3414
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