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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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"And that is why Ulysses S. Grant would totally have been a Bondsmith."

 He might have made an okay Lightweaver too, given that his very name was a lie.


Sherman would probably make a good Dustbringer, given their association with destruction and his "scorched earth" campaigns.


Lee would be a decent Stoneward, "I will stand while others fall" applies pretty well to his defenses in Virginia.

Edited by Dankworth
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 He might have made an okay Lightweaver too, given that his very name was a lie.


Sherman would probably make a good Dustbringer, given their association with destruction and his "scorched earth" campaigns.


Lee would be a decent Stoneward, "I will stand while others fall" applies pretty well to his defenses in Virginia.

And McClellan would never be a Knights Radiant because he'd assume everyone has a bigger force than him and just demand reinforcements while refusing to engage. Then again, he may be a Truthwatcher since he's so much like Renarin. However, Stonewall is much more likely a candidate for the Truthwatchers since he is the really esoteric and quiet general. 

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It totally is now, while I was driving one yesterday! If I ever buy a Hyundai Elantris, I'll need to put Aon decals all over it...but I've noticed the only decals available in Brandon's store are Allomantic in nature or from the Stormlight Archive. Sad face. It may be time to campaign for Aon decals with the 10th year anniversary of Elantris upon us.

No matter what, the decal most appropriate for any future Hyundai Elantris is Aon Tia. The Aon of transportation.


When you are embarrassed at how long it took you to relocate the Aon Aon pattern in this picture of Aon Tia after not seeing it in a while.

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He might have made an okay Lightweaver too, given that his very name was a lie.

Sherman would probably make a good Dustbringer, given their association with destruction and his "scorched earth" campaigns.

Lee would be a decent Stoneward, "I will stand while others fall" applies pretty well to his defenses in Virginia.

I think Stonewall Jackson has a better claim to the Stoneward. Come to think of it, that seems eerily close. Maybe he was secretly a Radiant, and it was his squires who accidentally shot him.

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I think Stonewall Jackson has a better claim to the Stoneward. Come to think of it, that seems eerily close. Maybe he was secretly a Radiant, and it was his squires who accidentally shot him.


Good point. I was reading about Jackson yesterday, I should have thought of that. 


And McClellan would never be a Knights Radiant because he'd assume everyone has a bigger force than him and just demand reinforcements while refusing to engage.


King Linkholin of Alethkar: "If  you do not intend to use your army anytime soon, Brightlord Clelleln, I should like to borrow it for a time."


Clelleln: "I cannot attack today, majesty--aside from the Vedens' superior numbers and hidden Shardbearers, my men, my horses, and even my chulls are all exhausted."


Linkholin: "Exactly what have you done with the army that could tire a chull?!"


You know you're a Sanderfan when you have used Cosmere words so often that spell-check just gives up and accepts abominations like "Linkholin" and "Clelleln" without question. 


Would anyone else be interested in a thread discussing what Cosmere power sets various historical figures would get?

If one already exists, could someone please direct me to it?

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When you space out in French class and remember that you're supposed to be speaking a different language, so you default to High Imperial...

A friend and I do this in Spanish, but on purpose. Our teacher takes off for speaking English in the class, but adds points if you speak in Spanish. So. We speak in neither. So she can't add any points, but she can't take them away either. Beat the system!
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The only thing I really retained from two years of high school Spanish were the numbers. :mellow: But on the bright side I can count to thirty-nine in a language other than English! :lol:

I know how to conjugate seguir in five tenses but I have no idea what seguir translates to.

High school Spanish is the worst.

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I haven't tried Arabic. Is it alphabetical or something else?

Because I'm Chinese, but between mostly Western schooling and childhood disuse my written Chinese skills are terrible (I speak fluently still of course). And it's really a pain to remember tens of thousands of symbols . . . You'll "only" need like a few thousand for newspapers but still.

Edited by natc
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Isn't Mandarin one of the hardest languages to learn? I've heard that Spanish is one of the easiest for English speakers to learn, so if that's the case I would stand no chance against Mandarin.

Spanish is relatively easy for English speakers, Mandarin pretty storming hard. Esperanto is supposedly the easiest second language to learn for speakers of nearly any European language, I'm giving it a shot this summer, so I'll see if that's true.

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Isn't Mandarin one of the hardest languages to learn? I've heard that Spanish is one of the easiest for English speakers to learn, so if that's the case I would stand no chance against Mandarin.

Every "word" as simple as they go quite literally gets its own symbol and pronunciation (ignoring combinations of the characters that can make a more complex idea).

The simplest ones actually do make pictogram-esque sense because that's exactly what they are, but not many of those compared to everything else. There's really no way to figure out a pronunciation phonetically. It's basically read purely from memory. Not entirely sure why we invented something so obnoxiously complicated.

And as spoken chinese dialects that use that written language come, Mandarin Chinese is simple :D

In hindsight I wonder if Pattern can pick it up quickly. He likes shapes kinda.

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I speak Mandarin, and it is extremely difficult. The order of easiest to hardest is understanding, speaking, reading, and writing is extremely complicated, especially for one with no artistic ability whatsoever, like me.  ;)

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