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People I would like to hear more from: Alv, Aonar, Mek, Tulir, Ash, Eol


Thanks for pressuring me into talking. I've been trying to get the motivation to write my thoughts down.


Looking at what I have so far, I'm going to ask people not to kill Winter. I've been talking to her on the Yolen thread and I'm pretty sure she's good. Clanky, on the other hand, has sort of piqued my interest, eliminator-wise. I'd prefer a tie, though, if anything.


So here's everything I think and have observed, in my patented MekThoughts FormatTM  that both summarizes the discussion and lets people see my exalted opinions on it.


-MT = Main Thread, CT = Current Thread.

-The number after the abbreviation is the post number on that thread

-The name is the identity of the poster


 MT136 Twelfth: States not to give away role too easily, as it makes killing people much easier for the OC's (they have to get the Shard/not Shard thing right in order to kill)- I guess someone needed to say it. I agree

 MT137 Eol: Advises Shards and Awakeners to find Shards (7/8 are good, after all), says he thinks maybe Ruin shouldn't kill so we can use Bloodsealers to find Odium- Good points, all. The Bloodsealer one becomes more important now because now we can add the Witness to that advice. Personally, I would suggest that Ruin not kill anyone and just let the detective-type roles ferret out Odium and his champions

 MT138 Gamma: Poke vote. No substance to it

 MT139 Ostrich: "What does everyone mean by 'Shards are safe roles?'"- It almost sounds as if he's deliberately trying to be naive. This was explained above, after all

 MT145 Ash: Says we shouldn't have a day one lynch- Agreed. I'm not a fan of Day One lynches either, especially in this game, where there are a whole bunch of OP roles that will give us good info eventually anyway.

 MT146 Meta: Says he agrees with many posts above, but suggests that Ruin kill of inactives- Bad advice. Sorry, but that makes our info gatherers' job tougher and might get Ruin killed accidentally (or maybe even on purpose) by a bloodsealer. Eliminators (unless they're very clever) have to get on in order to send orders in and open the doc, so simply by checking their history we can know if they're real inactives or just faking. There's really no good reason to kill people who are almost certainly villagers

 MT149 Clanky: Puts a poke on Meta for some reason- Noted

 MT150 Vine: Another person who starts off their SE career with RP- I'm watching you, though  ;) 

 MT157 Winter: Says she doesn't want Ruin killing off inactives (could target good Shards just as easily as an OC) and thinks a first day lynch would need significant evidence before she hops on- Good. You happen to agree with me

 MT160 Araris: Disagrees with Winter's reasons for saying we shouldn't kill inactives and adds that killing inactives could prevent people from lynching inactives- What? Seriously? You're idea is to waste kills on inactives in order to... prevent them from being mislynched?

 MT162 Meta: Biggest analysis post so far. Says his strategy this game is to get people talking so that the bad guys let something slip. Says Shards staying inactive is a bad idea and even if they were inactive, they'd still be useless that way (therefore, Winter's wrong and Ruin should go ahead and kill inactives). As to the "get the Eliminators talking", I agree. Last game, I put my foot in my mouth in several places towards the end (Such as when I stated that I strongly believed Jain was a rioter). That never came back to bite me (because most of the more attentive players were dead at that point,) but I can totally see an OC making a similar mistake if they let their mouth run too much. As for the rest of your post, I'll just say that I disagree once again. Ruin should not be killing off inactives as it muddles up our info and puts him/her in danger.

 MT163 Tulir: Agrees with Meta that Ruin should be killing inactives but says that the focus should be on inactives who have been getting on but not posting (since the non-posters are more likely to Eliminators)- Right. Good

 MT167 Clanky: Retracts vote on Meta and says that he poke-voted him because he was just excited to put his first vote in- I'm onto you, "Clanky", if that's even your real name.

 MT169 Winter: Says that the theoretical "inactive Shards" might simply be hiding until the time is right to come out and show their powers

 MT174 Maill: Says that he doesn't think we should do a Day One lynch since we could hit a Shard, and says he likes Meta's plan to kill off inactives- I believe I've already given my opinion on these topics

 MT175 Snoopy: Asks if Maill thinks Ruin will be "that altruistic to the rest of us" (I don't understand what he means. Ruin's on our side, right?) He clarifies in CT98

 MT180 Sartrams: Asks about whether we should move around on the PM worlds, and whether we should reveal our planet. He gives a list of the Yoleners (excluding me, of course. I wasn't on Yolen until later that cycle.)- For the record, I'm a fan of the world-freezing plan. As he said, it gives us the ability to track the manipulation.

 MT184 Mek: At last, Mek arrives, and his words flow over the congregation like a river of golden honey. He eloquently asks why Maill thinks we would bother killing inactives if he thinks they're innocent- Spectacular question. You've done it again, Mek.

 MT186 Gamma: Gives a synopsis of the room's opinion, and says we should keep discussing

 MT187 Snoopy: Says he's on Scadrial

 MT197 Ostrich: Says he doesn't want a Day One lynch, and that we shouldn't kill inactives immediately (they might have RL reasons)- Good to know you think straight. You're growing on me, Ostrich

 MT198 Piff: Says he wants to wait until next cycle to vote since we have no info at this point

 MT199 Aonar: Lays out a plan: Endowment gives the list of all Shards, and the Shards came forward to say who they are. Ruin's invested worldhopper then blocks Odium from killing anyone, and we only have to worry about the OC's from that point on.- Ah, yes, the infamous "Aonar Plan". I've been debating this a little in the PM thread. It's a give and take. If the gambit fails, and we can't pin down the individual names of the Shards, then the OC's know the names of all Shards and we only get info on how to coordinate ourselves and our roles. If it works, we learn the identity of Odium and potentially catch a few OC's in the act of trying to hide him, but the OC's figure out who all the non-Shardic players are, and can kill them. That's the skinny. Ultimately, I am strongly in favor of the plan. As villagers, info is more important than roles. Let us not forget that we outnumber the OC's by about 5/1 at this point. We can still afford to lose a few people and powers, and the info we get from this will almost certainly win us the game. The Eliminators are the only ones who win if we allow them to keep slinking around in the shadows. I say that Endowment should release the list next day cycle and give us a full 72 hours to figure out who we need to role-block.

 MT202 Snoopy: Points out that both Ruin and his investee would have to be protected- Not necessarily. Ruin can invest anyone he wants at any time, and if he's shattered, Endowment could just give the Investment effect to someone else. Ruin would be prime target for protection, though.

 MT203 Piff: Says he likes the plan, but points out there's risk

 MT204 Aonar: Says that we'll be in a worse place than where we started if the plan fails- I don't think so. we'll be able to coordinate Shardic powers, have extra info, and within one or two cycles, we will track down Odium.

 MT205 Clanky: Says that the plan effectively neutralizes Ruin, since we wouldn't know if there were skeletals on him or not- Darn. Good point... still say it's worth it, though.

 MT206 Snoopy: Asks how Ruin could pick someone to invest that wasn't publicly known and points out that Odium would find a successor if he's killed- True. That's why it's important to roleblock him instead and then only have one kill to worry about, if we go through with the plan.

 MT207 Meta: Sigh... really long post about... well, first, he says that he sees some confusion about what he's asking of Ruin, and perhaps suspects OC influence behind it. He answers Winter and says that the theoretical "inactive Shards" can just say that they're busy and then not be inactive, then teasingly accuses her. He answers me and says that the main reason for killing inactives is to prevent their presence from causing needless fear towards the end of the game. He then clarifies that what he was asking was for Ruin to remove the inactives early on, then move on to the real suspects once we have good info. He says that having Ruin kill inactives will force Eliminators to talk more, possibly making them slip up. He wraps it up by saying that even though he thinks we should have a Day One lynch, he'll acquiesce and remove his vote.- What you were asking of Ruin does make more sense now, though if the OC's don't have at least one Bloodsealer, I'll eat my Shardspear (I have one of those, even if I haven't RPed about it yet)  :) 

 MT209 Snoopy: Asks who Meta thinks we should lynch, if he wants to lynch someone.

 MT210 Aonar: Answers some of Snoop's questions. Specifically saying that Endowment should narrow the field to 8 people.

 MT211 Panda: Gives proportional argument for not doing a Day One lynch (1/5 chance of hitting, at best)- Thank you

 MT212 Clanky: It's 11:43 PM for me so I can only say that I think that he's saying that the OC vote would still override everyone else's if we got the info from Aonar's Plan- If that's what you meant, then no, we would still definitely be able to override the OC's

 MT213 Alvron: Clarifies to Meta that Ruin can attack during either the day or night cycle.- Interesting. I didn't notice that before. That switches things up considerably.

 MT214 Clanky: Clarifies that he's not necessarily opposed to Aonar's Plan, but just wants to explore all the options

 MT217 Eol: Is skeptical of AP (Aonar's Plan). Says that AP only cuts Eliminator kills by 1 and reveals Hoid, making him/her useless. The OC's will mess with the results, etc- As for the OC's claiming Shards, bring it on! If they try to protect Odium by doing that, we will have a laundry list of Eliminators to work from when we've worked through all the muck


Looks like that's all I'm going to be able to do before the cycle changes. Seeya after the writeup!


Hey Joe! Would you mind putting the "Bonus roles" in the OP? Thanks!

Edited by Mckeedee123
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 Alv, you're normally much more active than this. 

True.  Unfortunately work has me busy enough that I can't check the thread as much as normal.  Things should be back to normal at the start of the third cycle.



I find it very interesting that most people are focusing on the Yolen PM assuming that something said in there is suspicious or is responsible for Smarts death.  I believe it is more likely that there is no OC in that PM and they are trying to eliminate it as they can no longer jump worlds to gather the missing information.


As for voting: I have no idea.  I haven't had as much time to go through everything as I would like and will be holding off on voting until I have had time to process all the information.

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Good post overall. My only comment is to say that I wouldn't automatically assume that Ostrich is being deliberately naive. I didn't know what that meant either until earlier today. I'm still figuring out seemingly simple stuff like that. However, I don't want to seem like I'm defending ostrich too much. I have no clue as to his team identity.

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I was waiting on Sarc to remove his vote from Meta, and that's good enough for me.  But we still have a tie, right?  Clanky and Winter?


@Mckeedee:  You're watching me because I did RP?  Ok.  Should I do less RP? :)


Nah, It's good. I did the same thing 3 games ago. Nobody cared until the third cycle or so.



Good post overall. My only comment is to say that I wouldn't automatically assume that Ostrich is being deliberately naive. I didn't know what that meant either until earlier today. I'm still figuring out seemingly simple stuff like that. However, I don't want to seem like I'm defending ostrich too much. I have no clue as to his team identity.


Yes, I know, but it had just been explained two posts above that the guy thought that 7/8 Shards were safe, so it seemed sort of suspicious. It's the kind of thing I did in the AG game.



Aaaand... Back I go. Those MekThoughtsTM don't write themselves.

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I made that comment about Ruin when I was under a mistaken assumption regarding team Evil and team Good roles. My apologies. It was my noobishness.

And I am indeed on Scadrial.

Clanky.Because he's suspicious and because Winter doesn't need to die.

This brings the list to:

Clanky (4)--Panda, Gamma, Mckeedee, Snoopy

Winter (3)--ArarVal, Dowanx, Mailliw

Sarc (2)--Meta, Unodus

Swalji09 (1)--Aonar

AntMax (1)--ostrich

Tulir (1)--Clanky

Hi, five guests!

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Mek there is one point about your post that I am curious about.  In MT180 you say that you moved worlds, but you are in favor of the world-freezing plan.  Can you give us an explanation?


I didn't move worlds. Joe missed me on the list, so I only got my PM from him halfway through the first day cycle. He asked me to say which world I would prefer to start on, and I opted for Yolen. He stated that in the thread, I think.

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Well I don't seem to be gaining anything except suspicion with my attempted information gathering from snoopy. Unfortunately Roshar hasn't had the best conversations in it to help guide suspicion. Probably the main reason for this is that Tulir who is the only experienced player there doesn't seem to be contributing very much. Also ostrichofevil has been basically completely absent from the chat altogether. So Tulir do you want to help out on the Roshar PM or do you have a reason not to?


EDIT if I am removing my vote from Snoopy do i put it here as well as change the original vote to green?

Sorry about everything and if it seems like I am leaving you guys struggling.  I was really busy today, and as such, maybe logged in 3 times for less than 5 minutes.  I will help as much as I can, just it is sort of difficult to if I don't have time.Check my account before placing a vote on me


People I would like to hear more from: Alv, Aonar, Mek, Tulir, Ash, Eol

Sorry for not being on.  Looking back through everyone, I am getting a few vague suspicions, but nothing concrete enough to share, more down at the bottom section.



Thanks for pressuring me into talking. I've been trying to get the motivation to write my thoughts down.


Looking at what I have so far, I'm going to ask people not to kill Winter. I've been talking to her on the Yolen thread and I'm pretty sure she's good. Clanky, on the other hand, has sort of piqued my interest, eliminator-wise. I'd prefer a tie, though, if anything.


So here's everything I think and have observed, in my patented MekThoughts FormatTM  that both summarizes the discussion and lets people see my exalted opinions on it.


***awesome analysis and record taking***






I've been working on this for 120+ minutes, so I'm gonna go ahead and post it. To be continued in a moment...


Have to say, that was good summaries and comments.  Well done.



I made that comment about Ruin when I was under a mistaken assumption regarding team Evil and team Good roles. My apologies. It was my noobishness.
And I am indeed on Scadrial.

Clanky.Because he's suspicious and because Winter doesn't need to die.

This brings the list to:
Clanky (4)--Panda, Gamma, Mckeedee, Snoopy
Winter (3)--ArarVal, Dowanx, Mailliw
Sarc (2)--Meta, Unodus
Swalji09 (1)--Aonar
AntMax (1)--ostrich
Tulir (1)--Clanky

Hi, five guests!

So, I don't know how to feel about you, Snoopy.  You have seemed to have contact with an important role, or at least a chain, but then this day your replies have seemed off to me.  More important, when I see this quote "Clanky.Because he's suspicious and because Winter doesn't need to die."  I immediately view it as you trying to protect Winter.  Any particular good reason why?

Edited by Tulir
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Hey Joe! Would you mind putting the "Bonus roles" in the OP? Thanks!

I have no access to updating the OP You'll have to ask Meta to do that. I have been continually updating the Expanded Rules Doc though. You can see about 75% of the Clarifications and all the Minor roles there.


Got just under an Hour and a Half until Writeup.

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I have no access to updating the OP You'll have to ask Meta to do that. I have been continually updating the Expanded Rules Doc though. You can see about 75% of the Clarifications and all the Minor roles there.


Thanks. That's a huge help.


So, I don't know how to feel about you, Snoopy.  You have seemed to have contact with an important role, or at least a chain, but then this day your replies have seemed off to me.  More important, when I see this quote "Clanky.Because he's suspicious and because Winter doesn't need to die."  I immediately view it as you trying to protect Winter.  Any particular good reason why?


I don't presume to speak for Snoopy here, but let me just say that I'm not really in favor of lynching Clank right now. A tie would be ideal (It would be ironic if he turned out to be Endowment or something :) ) The reason why I voted for Clanky was to try and prevent last-minute vote switches from lynching Winter (who I sort of trust).


That might have been a mistake, since now I'm not sure how Cultivation will change things. I'll leave my vote where it is, and watch for last-minute voting shenanigans. I'll assume that the Cultivation vote ties things up.

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Im not certain who to trust at this point, but top three people voted for also happen to be some of the ones I'm more suspicious of. I was going to vote for Clanky, but he currently has the most votes anyway, so I will withhold for now.

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I have no access to updating the OP You'll have to ask Meta to do that. I have been continually updating the Expanded Rules Doc though. You can see about 75% of the Clarifications and all the Minor roles there.


Got just under an Hour and a Half until Writeup.


Feel free to PM me with any changes you'd like to make to the OP and I'd be more than willing to help! :) Also, I'm sure Wilson or Gamma could do so as well, so if it would make it easier on people, I'm sure we can get that taken care of one way or another! :)

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No ratter how many questions Lu asked, the man remained silent while they traveled. He didn’t stayed quiet as they walked into Elantris and made their way to a strange pool. He didn’t respond to her questions of where they were when they emerged from it into a strange place that had definitely not been there before. He even seemed to ignore her when she refused to walk any further unless he gave her some answers. Finally, she gave up in exasperation and ran after him.

By the time they got to a large city, Lu had given up on shouting at him and was muttering to herself under her breath. She was starting to regret going with this strange man.

Despite her frustration, Lu couldn’t help but look around herself in wonder. Everything was so colorful. Everyone’s clothes were bright and varied. She almost didn’t notice a small figure walk up to her guide and hand him a piece of paper. He muttered something harsh-sounding under his breath.

“What is it?” Lu asked despite herself, not really expecting an answer.

“We’re late,” he said.

I don’t really know what’s going on here, so I have nothing to add and I’m not going to vote. I’m sorry I haven’t been active. I’ll be able to do more next week.

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Night 2: A taste of his own Medicine


Clink spread his wares on one of the side tables, arranging them to entice the various Worldhopper to come over and give him whatever they used as Currency. He had all manner of things, Atium, Dyes, Babel Fish, Rare poisons. What he needed, but didn’t have, was information. One of these guys was the one who had been chasing him, trying to steal his hard-earned wares. Annoying.


He was only half paying attention to the conversation, until his name was brought up. “It’s probably that Salesman, Clink! He’s been acting awfully shifty lately.” He jolted away from his conversation with a white-haired Gentleman.


“What?! I’ve barely been doing anything of the sort. If anyone, that Animus fellow over there is more suspicious. You all say he’s been around for a while but he barely does anything!”


The villagers ignored this keen Insight, The fools, and continued on their tirade. “You only showed up right before Khriss was murdered. Was it you?” The Dustbringer approached, followed closely by the shin and the old Guy.


“You don’t think i’m guilty at all. You just want my stuff!  Well you can’t have. I’ve made sure that if I die, one of you is coming with me!” This gave them pause. None of them knew what Investiture he might have. He could be telling the truth.


Finally, the Dustbringer spoke up. “How?”


“With Poison! I snuck some Poison into somebody’s drink, and I’ve been giving them the antidote every day. If you kill me, one of you will die as well!”


The Shin leaned over and grabbed the vial of poison off the Table. “You mean this completely full body of poison?” Clink’s face fell. Right. He’d never gotten around to actually poisoning someone.


Gramps took the bottle from the Shin. “Well, if you were willing to kill one of us with this, how about you drink it yourself?” This brought lots of roars of agreements from the crowd.


“What? I can’t, you wouldn’t!” He tried to step away, but Mek blocked his path. The Shin grabbed the bottle again and sprang forward, shoving the opening into Clink’s mouth. The Merchant tried to push him away, but Jain was too strong. He could feel the poison spreading throughout his system, deadening his nerves, and slowing his mind, until all went black.


The villagers watched his corpse, hoping for Odium’s signature Red smoke to drift away, revealing his Hatred, but none appeared. One swore as they realized they taken the life of another innocent.


Clanky was a Village Poisoner!


Night 2 will end at 10:00pm PST on Sunday the 8th. I won't be online on Saturday, nor on Sunday Morning.


Clanky(5): Panda, Gamma, Mckeedee, Snoopy

Winter Cloud(3): Araris Valerian, Dowanx, Mailliw

Sarcomere (2): Metacognition, Unodus

Swalji09 (1): Aonar Faileas

Antiller Maximus(1): OstrichofEvil

Tulir(1): Clanky

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The thing is, Cultivation could be in any number of PMs, which gives her a lot of places to be manipulated. The inactivity is always a killer though, literally in this case.

Edit: Snoopy, you brought this up, but blue text, at least in the rules, is reserved for conversation outside of the game, rather than for out of character. So whether you distinguish between the colors of RP and OOC chat is really just up to you.

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Well, storms, didn't expect that one, O.o,  although I'm not too surprised Cultivation ended up putting a secret vote of Clanky as well from how they had acted at first. I will be keeping an eye on Winter Cloud, and also Snoopy, who ended up without any votes on them somehow.


I guess now that Clanky was just trying to find information on who may be trying to manipulate things to poison them? I dunno. I guess a good thing he didn't select a target to take with him, as that role definitely seems like it could've helped balance the numbers late game if needed be.

Excellent write-ups by the way, Joe! :D *Stop writing and have my up-votes!* :P


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How annoying.... >.>

What do we even learn from this? There wasn't really any base for suspicion here, all we did was lose a major role. A role he didn't even have time to use! Can we just go one round without trying to kill each other for once? This is exactly what Odium wants us to be doing. Like I said at the start, Lynches at the start of the game can only hinder us, please can we stop doing them now before we lose a shard or worse? 

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