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Official Signups for the Great Houses RP

Channelknight Fadran

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I have taken auxiliary command from Bookwyrm to prepare for upcoming chaos.

DO NOT post in this thread yet. I've made it exclusively for keeping track of who's signed up and who hasn't. Once you're ready, post the following:

  • Your House
  • Your House Synopsis
  • A full confirmation that you are ready to roll

Please RSVP before this Saturday: Aug 19. If all goes well I'll get the thread up and running on the 20th so that we can start on Monday the 21st. We'll be playing in three-day Rounds that correspond to one month in-RP; Turnover will take place at Midnight, Mountain Standard Time (I'll probably have posts for this because it's exceptionally rare that I am asleep before this hour), with two rounds per week. Monday-Wednesday, Thursday-Saturday, and then a break (and potentially recap depending on how well we're keeping up) on Sunday. I'm aware that a lot of you won't be available for these times as well as others, but the data shows that these times will probably work best for the majority of people. If these times absolutely DO NOT work for you in any respect, lmk and I'll look into it.



Before you post your Synopsis, please add a rough ranking of your House's priorities in terms of the following:

  • Resources
  • Military
  • Transportation
  • Intelligence
  • Cohesion

Resources are your stuff: gear, money, etc. Military is straightforward (manpower, military experience, battleships, etc.), Transportation refers to your general capability to fund ventures across the stars, Intelligence is your ability to collect and analyze information, and Cohesion is a rough measure of how united the House itself is. For example, House Vitres would probably be:

  1. Cohesion
  2. Military
  3. Resources
  4. Transportation
  5. Intelligence
  • These are in no way "ability scores" or anything of the sort, but simply an quick way for people to check out other Houses and see who'd they be most likely to ally with. They'll also be an easy way for you to keep track of your own House's details - as well as the details of your enemies.



Secret Alliances! Once you have confirmed your House for the RP, you have the opportunity to choose other (confirmed) House to ally with. To do so, send a PM to the RPer in question and inform them of your decision. Remember that not everyone is going to sign up at once, and that it might behoove you to wait for more people to confirm before selecting an ally; and also that if you join too late, there're probably a lot of allies you've missed out on. For the time being please only PM the one person; you should certainly be allowed to make more in the future, but for now you are limited to whoever you choose (and whoever chose you).

You can have as many Public Alliances as you like, but to do so you have to... well, do it publically. Everyone will be aware.



Last of all: here's one more Form for determining the basic mechanics of stuff like Spying and whatnot. Again, I want to avoid things like "scores" and "action points," but we're going to need a basic set of rules for how to work these things.




Ready List:

  • House Vitres (Fadran)
    • 1 - Cohesion
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Intelligence
  • House Griffin (Scars of Hathsin)
    • 1 - Cohesion
    • 2 - Resources 
    • 3 - Intelligence
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Military
  • House Yaelar (Ancient Elantrian)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Resources
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Military
    • 5 - Cohesion
  • House Skyvivid (Aeoliae)
    • 1 - Resources
    • 2 - Cohesion
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Intelligence
    • 5 - Military
  • House Fīisoss (ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ)
    • 1 - Military
    • 2 - Cohesion
    • 3 - Intelligence
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Resources
  • House Durall (Matrim)
    • 1 - Resources
    • 2 - Intelligence
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Cohesion
    • 5 - Military
  • House ??? (xino)
    • 1 - Cohesion
    • 2 - Resources
    • 3 - Military
    • 4 - Intelligence
    • 5 - Transportation
  • Houses Tayllar, Zefour, & Trxn (Experience)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Cohesion
    • 5 - Resources
  • House K">:^&@ (Windrunner Supreme)
    • 1 - Cohesion
    • 2 - Intelligence
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Military
    • 5 - Transportation
  • House Kran (Alpha)
    • 1 - Transportation
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Cohesion
    • 5 - Intelligence
  • House Derose (Smiling Panda)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Resources
    • 5 - Cohesion
  • House Ancasia (Lotus)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Resources
    • 3 - Military
    • 4 - Cohesion
    • 5 - Transportation
  • House Va'anden (Wisdumb)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Cohesion
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Military
  • House Min'oTaar (Unintelligenius)
    • 1 - Cohesion
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Intelligence
  • House Thlf’phhrmth (NerdyBerdy)
    • 1 - Resources
    • 2 - Intelligence
    • 3 - Cohesion
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Military\
  • House Scythz'r (Thaidakar)
    • 1 - Intelligence
    • 2 - Military
    • 3 - Transportation
    • 4 - Resources
    • 5 - Cohesion
  • House of Blood (TKN)
    • 1 - Military
    • 2 - Intelligence
    • 3 - Resources
    • 4 - Transportation
    • 5 - Cohesion
  • House Tolls (Justice Magician)
    • 1 - Transportation
    • 2 - Resources
    • 3 - Intelligence
    • 4 - Military
    • 5 - Cohesion





Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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House Vitres



Fadran: House VitresJ_IcRX3a8jnkSY6XeU6zdvIwxyWBAtAxLkv1ZqIfuwwJJU106u29X_hDquy7COKjrdT6RUii3z9YAjAdGvcKLq2Z6S4qmojKLNodFg5fRDW2BDtDPktULyloTXwzHrzF6mwCuW-SRW1GKR746CzdgL4

Formed by the then-emperors of the mighty Zizheri race, House Vitres has integrated the wide array of belief and tradition into their clan. The philosophy of the House is to bind tradition together with innovation, so as to create a superior power bound by superior faith. The head of House Vitres is also the head of the Vitres faith, which goes by many names (for simplicity it will be referred to as Vitresm), granting them the title of Vitres-yore-Ha (“Ruler under God,” or sometimes just “The Demigod”).

To placate the Vaughadies and Lalanites, there’s officially an election for heirs to the Vitres throne, but of course his only serves to keep a few very specific people in power. The Vitres, of course, have their title passed from the head to a child decided by tournament (the details of which are determined by the head themself), and in return for this relatively easy ascension to power, the many distant cousins and corporate dynasties will maintain their positions for generations to come.


The Vitres Family: 


A married couple’s children take the title of the individual with higher status (or by agreement if otherwise), which in this case is the Vitres (“King”) name. The spouse adds ha-[name] to the end of their identity, in this case ha-Gi (“to Fearless”), and their children take the moniker do-[title] of their “lesser” parent. 


  • Gi-Vitres-dira-Andai: “King Who Fears Not Blood.” The current king of House Vitres, and though he’s planning on staying around few a few more decades at least, his children are beginning to gear up for whatever the succession tournament is going to be. He’s a ruthless man with ruthless ideals, having come into his position by rite of bloodshed - his own father (Va-Vitres-toa-Lllandai, “King of Raging Fire”) had seemingly gone mad in his later days, and determined that the heir should be determined by combat to the death. Gi-dira slew two of his own sisters and one of his own brothers to secure his place as king. Currently age 74, crowned at 22.

    • Halan-Jairo-ha-Gi: “Lady Moonlight’s Despair, to Fearless.” Gi-dira’s first wife, from House Jairo. She is so-named from her fate at birth to be married off to Va-Vitres’ heir, much to the woe of her family. Age 58, married at age 6 - as is customary, she would not bear Gi-dira’s children until the age of 16.

      • Vaha-Vitres-do-Halanvai: “Dawn of Kings, from Moonlight.” She has spurned the idea of coming into the throne and turned her attention to becoming a doctor of medicine. She’s married a fellow nurse called Yai, but has hidden her children from record. Currently age 40.

      • Gedi-Vitres-do-Halanvai: “Sun of Kings, from Moonlight.” He has taken the time to raise himself a small private army of mercenaries and Vitres-yore-Andin, vying for his father’s approval by staking a claim for himself on a small moon. Currently age 38.

    • Po-Naiandai-ha-Gi: “Lady Serpent of Water, to Fearless.” Gi-dira’s second wife, from House Naiandai. She was Gi-dira’s first lover and bearer of his first child, who was adopted into the royal bloodline at his father’s crowning. Currently age 72, married to Gi-dira at age 20.

      • Lllandai-Vitres-do-Naiandai: “Flame of Kings, from Water.” Gi-dira’s first son, though only officially recognized once he was crowned and his mother married. He’s the closest thing Gi-dira has to a child nurtured with actual love, and is everyone’s best guess for the heir to the throne. His wife has born him a single son. Currently age 56, adopted at the age of 5.

        • Halal-Anwe-ha-Lllandai: “Flower of Crystal, to Flame.” Llandai-Vitres’ wife, and subsequently Gi-dira’s favorite daughter. Currently age 54, married to Llandai-Vitres as the age of 25

          • Halal-Vitres-do-Anwe: “Flower of Kings, from Crystal.” The daughter of Llandai and Halal; Gi-dira’s granddaughter. Currently age 32.

      • Lllardin-Vitres-do-Naiandai: “Ember of Kings, from Water.” The first legitimate son from Gi-dira and Po-Naiandai, and raised with almost as much love and care as his older brother. He has married several times. Currently age 51.

        • Gere-Gere-ha-Lllardin: “Light of Light, to Ember.” Lllardin’s first wife. Currently age 33.

          • Gere-Vitres-do-Gere: “Light of Kings, from Light.” Lllardin’s first daughter; Gi’dira’s granddaughter. Currently age 29.

          • Reya-Vitres-do-Gere: “Shadow of Kings, from Light.” Lllardin’s first son; Gi-dira’s grandson. Currently age 28.

        • Uindi-Jo-ha-Lllardin: “Helm of Shore, to Ember.” Lllardin’s first husband. Currently age 32.

        • Yaii-Re-ha-Lllardin: “Heart of Shadow, to Ember.” Lllardin’s second wife. Currently age 28.

          • Ji-Vitres-do-Re: “Mind of Kings, from Shadow.” Llardin’s second son; Gi’dira’s grandson. Currently age 6.

      • Handaioi-Vitres-do-Naiandai: “Smoke of Kings, from Water.” Po-Naiandai’s last child, a girl who left the royal life with her husband to pursue a dream of spacefaring. Currently age 49.

    • Arna-Ki-ha-Gi: “Lord Coral of Sky, to Fearless.” Gi-dira’s first husband, from House Ki. It was a political marriage that never really made any traction, but Gi-dira adopted the children of Arna-Ki’s consort to respect the arrangement. Currently age 60, married at age 20.

      • Haini-Vitres-do-Ki-orei-Balandi: “Riverstone of Kings, from Sky and Forest.” The first of Gi-dira’s wholly adopted children. She’s been vying for a position in the clergy, which many suspect has to do with a certain monk that her child seems to resemble. Currently age 31.

        • Iani-do-Haini: “Little Girl, from Riverstone.” Haini’s illegitimate daughter. Currently age 8.

      • Blina-Vitres-do-Ki-orei-Balandi: “Feather of Kings, from Sky and Forest.” Arna-Ki’s second child, a boy, who has joined the Vitres-yore-Andin to assist his older sister Vaha. Currently age 28.

    • Dina-Hahai-ha-Gi: “Lady Ice of Sunshine, to Fearless.” Gi-dira’s third wife, from House Hahai. As the king describes it, their relationship “burned bright and burned short.” Currently age 45, married at age 33.

      • Ji-Vitres-Hahai: “Breath of Kings, from Ice.” Gi-dira’s last son, still continuing through law school for a degree that he really has no idea what to do with. Currently age 21.

    • Yaik-Arwao-ha-Gi: “Lord Wind of Spirits, to Fearless.” Gi’dira’s second husband, from House Arwao. One of his closest friends and confidants, though not a father to any children. Currently age 29, married at age .


(How long did I spend on thi - TWO HOURS???)


(Religions Rundown from the race sheet):

  • The Vaugheid-or (“of the Vaugheid”) are preservers of ancient tradition, practicing the rite of total concealment in their day-to-day lives. They wear clothing over every inch of their bodies, including masks over their faces and shawls over their heads. Many of its members (officially Vaugheid-or-Adis, though often shortened to Vaughadis) are less strict than the religion might suggest, with many sects preferring thinner clothing or allowing their hair to stay out. This religion is the most likely to perform ancient rituals and rites that have long since moved to obsolescence, and still worship a pantheon of gods while most everyone else only prays to one.

  • The Lalanadan (“new sunrise”) are the opposite, and are easy to spot by their decided lack of masks and arm coverings. Most still wear stuff like shirts and pants everywhere (it’s practical). Some construe these counter-culturals to be something of anarchists, even though many still hold festivals for the Old God and even cover themselves in places believed to be sacred to other religions. Most are known as Lalanadanites, though will often find themselves shortened to just Lalanites.

  • The newest religion to make it big is one that takes something of a middle ground, both revering the Old God and allowing partial exposure, but still often wearing masks and large clothing to conceal the majority of their own forms. In the rapidly-evolving political climate of wars and weapons, these individuals believe that only a happy marriage of tradition and adaptation can pave way for the Zizheri’s survival. It has no name yet, though often goes by the Vaugheid-in (“kindred of Vaugheid”), the Lalan-ve-Vau (“Sunrise aside the Vaugheid”), or occasionally just the Vitresm.


The Vitres-yore-Andin: “Bloodbearers under Kings.”

The most skilled and elite warriors under House Vitres. They wield all manner of weapons and armor, but are most well-known for their deadly chainwhips and masks emblazoned with flames.

And the Synopsis:


House Vitres

Administration Type: Absolute monarchy in theory, parliamentary monarchy on paper; somewhere between those two in practice.

Location & Territory: The Teisthein System consists of exactly three habitable planets. Ha-aikan-i is the homeworld and now-Capital of the Zizheri; from the surface it looks like a rocky wasteland, but underneath it has sprawling caves upon caves full of pretty crystals.

Cultural Gist: There's a heavy emphasis in tradition of concealing one's form and gaze with clothing, though the piety of this practice varies from person to person. There are three religions: the traditionalist Veigheid-or, the radicalist Lalanadan, and the middle-ground "ruling" faith of Vitresm.

Political Vantage: They're a very practical race and a very practical society, meaning they take to politics from a practical point of view. They fight for their allies and rake in as much power as they can get their hands on - reliable in a pinch, and a good neighbor to have.

Primary Advantages: The Vitres family charges an exceptionally skilled group of elite warriors called the Vitres-yore-Andin, renowned for their flame-emblazoned masks and terrifying chainwhips. In addition to this elite force, their homeworld's crystals are perfect for refining into Maxim fuel, although they often export them raw to their trade partners due to the expenses in refining them.

Recent History: Dunno yet. I suppose it will depend on who wants to be my ally. Also there's going to be a succession conflict soon-ish.

Priority Rankings:

  1. Cohesion
  2. Military
  3. Resources
  4. Transportation
  5. Intelligence



Fadran: Ready to Roll!

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House Griffin:


Physical Description : Humanoid beings, with feathers that grow into winglike protrusions from the back, cannot fly, but can glide over small spaces. 


World Description: A world that is mostly made out of fungus like material, that has many different properties, depending on the color, and the makeup of the fungus like material. There are not a lot of oceans, and the planet has a high humidity rate, which has contributed to the lack of wings on the race. There is little light on the surface, providing the best climate for the fungus to grow. 


Planet Politics: The Griffin Race, are mostly harmonious group that work together in most cases, meaning they get stuff done extremely quickly and efficiently. The planet is ruled by a democracy, which work together harmoniously in most cases, but do dispute whether to make alliances, or to try and just be by themselves and stay out of the interplanetary politics. 


Main Income: Sell massive quantities of their fungal material, which are quite resistant in some cases, and may be used in some spaceships, but mostly for a nutritious, quick way to get food. 

Technology Level: House Griffin, are a bit less advanced than other races, as they are not focusing on FTL travel, but focus on trying to grow, and support everyone, with their group mentality.

Army: They have little people willing to wage war, and the ones that do are extremely good at what they do, and they have a wing dedicated to space war fare in process


1. Cohesion

2. Resources

3. intelligence

4. Transportation

5. Military


Scars of Hathsin: Ready...ish

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House Name: House Yaelar


Administration Type: Absolute Monarchy, switches rulers very often (because of assassinations), monarchy passes through whoever takes control.


Location & Territory: Planet Yaelar, a planet covered in 1-2 foot deep water. Has aquatic caves where Draa crystals grow. 


Cultural Gist: Self-Loving, dislikes other species, Crafty, quiet, conniving. They believe betrayal and cunningness are traits that will be blessed after death. 


Political Vantage: Get all the advantages, others are pawns in your game for power. If you have the worse part of a deal just break it. They will make deals and keep them very strongly as long as they have the better part. 


Primary Advantages (Resources, Political thisnthat, etc): Draa crystals (If they end up existing), another race enslaved beneath their rule, group of spies/assassins/hackers under rule, also a robotic army (not an advantage really, probably more a disadvantage if we learned anything from the Star Wars prequels). 


Needs/Wants (trade deals, resources): Metals, things to generate electricity, more Starships.


Recent History: House Yaelar came to rule 5 years ago and is the longest ruling monarch of the Ydras people. Recently they formed a robotic army (they use robots for most all work). A small rebellion of their slaves, the Hydif people, have formed. They don’t have resources to fight so it doesn’t matter. A group of extremist Ydras people have also formed and want to wipe out all other species. 


House Yaelar


1. Intelligence 

2. Resources

3. Transportation 

4. Military

5. Cohesion


Ancient Elantrian: Ready to rumble!

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House Skyvivid:

Overview: The 'McDonalds' of the interstellar universe: they deliver air to nearly everyone, are the top air distributers by a LONG mile and they employ people at slightly above minimum wage to make them happy. The Skyvivid house is not exactly a traditional house: They use the title 'house' to gain more attention, although it was founded by greatlord Skyvivid and hence has his name as the title. The Skyvivid House keeps their ability to hold a monopoly on air through well kept secrets, and has a harsh punishment system to detriment those who fail to keep their end of the bargain:

Administration: A managral heirarchy, with many locked positions. A pyramid scheme is used to keep everyone happy, and the ultimate ruling body of Skyvivid is made up of 29 anonymus council members. Lord Skyvivid himself holds no power but acts as a figurative head to the company. The entire managral heirarchy is divided into a few roles: Employee, who makes a decent amount of money but does mostly menial work, Senior Employee, who has shown to solve problems and recieves more pay and training, as well as is a dedicated leader within sites, Managers, who watch over multiple sites and processors, Intendents, who are the ultimate authority of a processer and the sites that feed into it, and the council themselves.

Location: Mainly select gas giants, where they have an ownership over the useless planet and have many facilities on the gas giant known as harvesters, which then go to processors, which float in orbit as opposed to on the planet, and then their store fronts; which are as common as mcdonalds and are the only way to get air at most places. They can deliver different air qualities if it is needed. Most of their harvesting planets and locations are unknown due to their strictly enforced World Secrecy Act. The council members are based on different shipping centers that float in space.

Culteral Gist: They employ almost anyone indiscrimanitly, and those who cannot deal with working with other races are fined and kicked. 

Primary advantage: Extremely hard to destabilize due to the harsh secrecy of their sources of air, widespread locations throughout the Interstellar Universe, and the unknown locations of the council members. Additionally, they are the major source of air for many civilizations and can raise prices for that civilization if aggression towards Skyvivid is present. They also provide such a large amount of air that killing them would send a decent amount of planets, space stations, etc.. into ruin, so any direct attack on them ends up incurring the wrath of many.

Tech level: No one knows exactly what the machine they use are. No other company or house has been able to replicate it.

Political Standpoint: They hold a significant influence on the economy, and have such a large hand on many worlds that basically requires an allyship with them. However, they are quite chill, and tend to not play their cards often:

Recent news:

Skyvivid has announced several new allyships with races and is more publically present after the death of Lord Skyvivid's son, who died at the age of 10 to a turbo-cancer caused by a space schism.

(to be put in aa spoiler);

1. Resources

2. Cohesion

3. Transportation

4. Intellegence

5. Military


Aeo is ready to get good

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House: Fīisoss!


House Name: Fiisoss

Physical description: Fīisoss is both the House and the race. Fīisoss are usually between 7 and 8 feet tall, with long arms, and very brawny statures. They have green and yellow scales that can have small sharp spines on them. There scales act as armor in some cases.

Planet/territory: All but one section of the planet is covered in swamp. The swamps are muggy, slimy and sticky. Ussually thinkck canopies if tree prevent observation of the ground from the air. Some swamps are filled with a sticky type Liquid calla ed kīisoss that is super combustible when combined with the correct chemicals, that only a select few know.

Cutlure/religion/administration: Fīisoss believe that all are chosen to be either blessed with stregth and with no leadership/intellect. or to be blessed with only intellect, but no strength or skill. Most are strong. Those who are strong from birth are in the army and are workers. Those who are born weak are leaders. All positions are equally respected. The Fīisoss know that they are all nesessary. Due to this, they have a very calm political society. Their administration is set up as a three tiers of council. All take turns rotating between them. Starting at the bottom, and moving up within a year. The councils control levels of importance from local to planetary to intergalactic. They have a large population.

Imcome/resources: The primary natural resource of the Fīisoss is kīisoss.it is a slimy, sticky, very acidic and highly combustible under certain conditions privy to only few, liquid that they like to attach to weapons to create one hit, out of the battle tactics. This streghthens their military. Which is their other primary resource. They spend a lot if effort on military, but their house in’s United so they tend to hire them as mercenaries. Note that Fīisoss are very loyal and will always, always put alliances, agreements, first and they will lend troops to alliances and unless it will not have any effect on those they favor, they will hire them. They love to see cooperation.

Tech: They are pretty basic and primitive, except for an common weapon they use. They highly, and I mean highly shield ships. They also use kīisoss acid on occasion. 

Needs/wants: Allies.

1. Military 

2. Cohesion 

3. Intelligence 

4. Transportation 

5. Resources

Ψιτιsτηεβέsτ is ready!

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House Durral:


Planet: Astor

Earth-like, but fewer oceans + slightly drier landscape, generally, and pretty mountainous. Said mountains house a unique element that powers the rigget mechs and much of their other technology, dubbed durralium.

Government: Semi-Democracy

Their civilization is small enough to have one global government, with elected officials from each of their seven regions serving three Galactic year terms. These Counselors make the majority of the important decisions, though there is a Royal Family, and King and Queen, which passes through bloodline. The Royal Family add to the Council, though are not officially part of it, and have a decent amount of sway over most of what happens. Local, smaller leaders exist, but there is no formal election for them and they arise naturally and fall by popular demand (or by strongest wins).

Culture: Self-serving

They have a tendency for pettiness. Pro-alliance, but like to take more than they give. Self-serving in the sense that everything they do is for the direct gain of their smallish species. New to the galactic political front, comparatively, but even in terms of technology due to their durralium, which they keep a firm galactic monopoly on. No special customs or taboos of note.

Royal Family:

  • King Dyrian Durral – Tired and old, the King of Astor usually defers to his Council’s wisdom.
  • Queen Esmerelda Durral – Averse to conflict, the Queen of Astor stands by her husband’s side.
    • Crown Prince Anders Durral – Power-hungry and ambitious, the Crown Prince influences the Council in his favor as much as he possibly can. He dreams of a pure monarchy with himself at the head.
    • Prince Rian Durral – Too young to be of any political importance, the second prince openly sides with his brother but secretly despises him.

Council of Astor:

  • Supreme Counselor Tiana Clarian of Region IV – Head of the Counsel, severe and unforgiving.
  • Counselor Vincent Venas of Region I – Brash, yet highly intelligent.
  • Counselor Patrick Alliot of Region II – Headstrong and fair, doesn’t take any nonsense.
  • Counselor Esther Lomalli of Region III – Kind and lenient, sometimes overly so.
  • Counselor Sygness Nightmore of Region V – Quiet but imposing; commands attention.
  • Counselor Warren Epp of Region VI – Proud and fanciful, has the most elaborate mech.
  • Counselor Yahe Quellion of Region VII – Persuasive and emotional, leading with her heart.

Priority Rankings:

  1. Resources
  2. Intelligence
  3. Transportation
  4. Cohesion
  5. Military

House Durral is ready to go.

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Priority Rankings:

  1. Cohesion
  2. Resources
  3. Military
  4. Intelligence
  5. Transportation

House ????


House Name: The Gjx 

Administration Type: Absolute totalitarianism/collectivism (it's a hive mind)

Location & Territory: The Gjx start on Efur.

Cultural Gist: ???? (Not much of a culture at the start of the RP; there will be only one individual)

Political Vantage: None, as of the start of the RP

Primary Advantages (Resources, Political thisnthat, etc): The Gjx are a gray goop. (Look up "gray goo" on the internet for an idea.) They convert other matter into themselves. (One kilogram of Gjx can convert one kilogram of matter into more Gjx in the space of one hour.) Once they have assimilated a type of matter or a arrangement thereof, they can then copy it.

Current kilograms of Gjx: 1

Recent History: The Gjx were created by a random mixing of chemicals.

The Gjx begin replicating.

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Priority Ranking

  1. Intelligence
  2. Military
  3. Transportation
  4. Cohesion
  5. Resources

House Names: House Tayllar, House Zefour, & House Trxn

Administration Type: Somewhat like a democracy, as there is voting. But the higher political station you have, the more weight your vote has. There is a Council of Elders which includes 4 Elders from House Tayllar, 4 Elders from House Zefour, and the Eldest from House Trxn (whose vote has double the weight than the other Elders).

Location & Territory: These three houses live together on the planet Jropoux. This is a terrestrial planet, but there is very little water and air as the inhabitants need neither for survival. The center of civilization is found on a large plain that has a small river running through it. The planet is not very habitable for many other races/species, but it has a moon named Efur which is somewhat Earthlike because it has an atmosphere with air, and also water which is really important. There have been rumors of late that the Houses are going to turn Efur into a sort of refugee camp, where anyone is free to come and stay for however long they wish, even if it is during times of war. This is yet to be put into motion.

Cultural Gist: Art and creation are very highly favored in their society. Those with these vocations have more political influence than others. There are two races that inhabit Jropoux, and they can both modify the patterns on their skin. For this reason, clothing is rarely if ever used as their bodies are shown off as works of art. 

Political Vantage: House Tayllar and House Zefour are always fighting for political power, though usually through intrigue and not physical fighting. House Trxn doesn't have much political weight other than Farbel Gren, who is the Eldest. 

Primary Advantages (Resources, Political thisnthat, etc): These houses produce very skilled Creators of any kind: Artists, Architects, Engineers, ect. They want to have more power and resources, but they also have a drive to help those around them succeed as well.

Recent History: Within 20 years or so, the Elden Council became evenly divided between the two Houses in power. Farbel has been an Elder for decades, but recently became the Elder about 10 years ago. There haven't been any wars between the houses for much time, but here and there certain political leaders die mysteriously. Jropoux has a very prosperous economy, thanks to the fact that the two races need very little calories to survive so creations are used as a commoqn commodity.

Houses Tayllar, Zefour & Trxn are so ready.

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House name:

House €✓=¢}×√\ (pronounced Ila)


Administration type:

5 factions throughout the planet, each with their own land and own species. One leader from each species is elected after the leader from their species dies. Each of these 5 leaders works together to run House #-_/@=€✓ (pronounced Ila)



On the planet of ✓®¶ԅ (pronounced Adajiuq). This planet is very diverse, with 5 different places for the species to live in. These habitats include the air, the water, the mountains, the volcanoes, the ice, and the forgotten lands. Each habitat is home to a different species except for the forgotten land which is only home to the super genius ˖꒰ᵕ༚⑅ (pronounced Yttoh). It is illegal for anyone other than this creature to live in the forgotten lands. There are 6 uninhabited moons around this planet.


Political disadvantage:

No one on the planet knows how to read or write. 



Cultural Gist/About the Inhabitants:

Everyone on this planet is not able to write or read. This has been programmed into all the species on the planet of &$+#9@h°€ (pronounced Adajiuq), all species on this planet cannot and do not have the ability to learn how to read and write, it is simply impossible. Communication is done through speech and smell. To communicate long distances, special devices that record what is said with the press of a button are used. These devices are not able to transmit these recordings.  Smell is also a large part of communication for all species on this planet. All species on the planet of *༎ຶ෴5 (pronounced Adajiuq) do not have shadows. Each species always has 8 geniuses at a time, along with the super genius ಠಿಠ^¢ (pronounced Yttoh) which there is little known of, for a total of 41 geniuses on the planet of Д✧彡┻━┻$ (pronounced Adajiuq). Each genius has apprentices just in case one genius is killed, another will be ready to take their place. The geniuses are very mysterious creatures, little is known about them, except by other geniuses, the geniuses' apprentices, and the leader of each species. Each species has one special trait that is special to their species alone on the planet. The first species, the 乁║益& (pronounced Lufituaeb), lives in the watery parts of the planet, and they can breathe underwater and swim very fast with little effort. The average lifespan for this species is 49 years. The second species, the 「`ω・ (pronounced Evol), lives inside the many volcanoes that inhabit the planet, and they are heat resistant and can work with lava. The average lifespan for this species is 67 years. The third species, the ⁐̤&ᐷ? (pronounced Lacigam), live on the ice parts of the planet, with cold resistance and the ability to work with ice. The average lifespan for this species is 53 years. The fourth species, the ლo^° (pronounced Yppah), live in the mountain parts of the planet and have camo skills and climbing skills that are unmatched by any of the other species. The average lifespan for this species is 87 years. The fifth species, the ❥˙&% (pronounced Tnecifingam), live in the sky of the planet, with wings granting them the power of flight. The average lifespan for this species is 107 years. Each species uses its powers and habitats for its benefit in its own ways. The mega genius Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ (pronounced Yttoh) is his own species that no one except the 5 leaders knows much about. He has been alive for well over 900 years.


Political advantage:

The geniuses of the planet ㉨13+✪& (pronounced Adajiuq) are used to keep peace and do the bidding of the 5 leaders of the planet. These geniuses tend to be more powerful than one would expect, training their whole life to master their specific talent. 


Recent history:

The planet ≧ᴥ⚆ (pronounced Adajiuq) has always been a hard place to live on, especially on the forgotten lands. After much debate, 500 years ago, it was decided that all 5 species would leave the forgotten lands and make new homes elsewhere on the planet. Only the 5 leaders of the land and the super genius -ᄒᴥ$8+ (pronounced Yttoh) know the reasoning for this. The species of the planet エ≦ᘛ (pronounced Adajiuq) have always been at peace with each other as far as anyone can remember. The geniuses are the peacekeepers of the planet and there has been no reason to fight. Recently though, there have been complaints of not enough room to live. Rumors of exploration to one or more of the uninhabited 6 moons that surround the planet ʕᴥ•╱6\ (pronounced Adajiuq) have been going around


House K">:^&@ (pronounced Ila)

  1. Cohesion

  2. Intelligence

  3. Resources

  4. Military

  5. Transportation


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House Kran (Rikker Pirates):




My house will not be as in depth as many of these. I haven’t had the time to look through everything in the doc, or write anything down. But I’ll do my best…

Government type thingy:


They’re pirates. Sooo… it’s a dictatorship, with an internal ring of crew mates with more power. These are called “the Ker”. “Ker” in their language is an expletive, similar to “bad*ss” but also not 



They sail the void in their mega warship and escort. Their base is a moon orbiting the captain’s species’ homeworld.



They steal stuff, and then sell it. Sometimes.

Main race:


While the pirates accept those of all races, the main race is the Kedralzi. They are humanoid, with green tinted skin and bald heads. Each one, when they come of age, is taught how to Kar. This allows them to hypnotize another person. It also teaches them how to avoid this being done to themselves. Some are more powerful than others.

For some reason, their youth are extremely complacent.


  1. Transportation 
  2. Military
  3. Resources
  4. Cohesion
  5. Intelligence

Who’s ready for some piracy? I know that as for me and my house, we shall serve our greed. 

Edited by TheAlpha929
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House Name: The House of Derose
Administration Type: Absolute Monarchy, Matriarchy 
Location & Territory: The Planet of Drukarus, an Ice tundra and snowy plained planet. The planet has been claimed by the Serpentarii race and they continue to thrive on the planet as it has good mining resources. The Serpentarii have created wealthy and thriving cities within glass domes to keep out the harsh weather conditions of the planet. They traditionally stick to a more medieval style architecture with some steampunk as well. They use fast moving trains to travel from city to city so being stuck on the nearly barren or already stripped snowy wasteland is deadly. 
Cultural Gist: Respect is highly valued in their culture, whether between family members, allies, the royal family, or generally others it is a big priority to them. They tend to dress more properly, speak more properly, and have more respect for their elders. In their culture women are highly prioritized and oftentimes the men will serve their wives and their homes. The most important thing to the empire (More than the Headmistress herself) is the heirs to the throne. They are what keeps the dynasty alive. 
Political Vantage: The Serpentarii race and House of Derose are continuously known for their constant hunger for power. They see everyone and everything as a threat or competition, therefore making them sometimes aggressive and competitive with other houses. 
Primary Advantages (Resources, Political thisnthat, etc): The Derose house specializes in expensive metals and metal and stone making industries, along with a growing research and scientific industry. 
Recent History: Most recently there has been a famine on Drukarus after a great storm broke the dome near the edges of the farmlands, causing a two to three year time period of famine and starvation. It's been about ten years since and many households have recovered but there are still a fair amount in poverty or struggling to recover. This also caused the Derose house to stay out of most external conflict for the last fifteen years due to their own internal problems, and they are finally springing back with a new generation of political leaders.

1. Intelligence 

2. Military 

3. Transportation

4. Resources

5. Cohesion 

Locked and loaded. Ready to roll out. 

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House Ancasia:



Lotus: House Ancasia 

Pronounced ahn-kah-sia. Those that inhabit the planet are Ancasians.

The planet ruled by Ancasia is Karal. Karal has very diverse ecosystems and mines providing resources.

Karal has 14 moons and an airspace similar to an atmosphere. All races (- Chilnes) do not need air nor water.


Leading Race: Draecins

Government: A bit mysterious, but you could say mostly resembling a constitutional monarchy. The Ancasians are also quite devoted to Y’Theo, so that is incorporated slightly into their government. They do have consuls and meetings and elected positions, but they are led by a royal family of noble Draecins. The Family Ancasia. Although it happens that the noble family are Draecins, the other races play key political roles as well. At any one point in time, there are two monarchs. The two monarchs are both twins. The older set of twins rules after the current monarch, and after them rules the younger set of twins, so on and so forth.

Overview: The House of Ancasia values strategy and careful, detailed planning over anything else. Ancasians, while being reserved and enigmatic, are very keen on observing and only acting when they feel it is needed. The House of Ancasia is filled with very intelligent races that idealize justice for their planet, and see revenge as important, swift, and merciless. Ancasians look for many allies to form strong helping bonds across the galaxy, but also do not show weakness or back down from fear. Surrender or fear of a warrior has the penalty of exile to Karal’s 14 moons with deserters or convicts. Some moons are for refugees, open to all planets.

Other Races: Faes, Chilnes, Havels, Echos & Trinxes

Trade: They have a large aerospace industry and research into effective spaceships for war. Due to the diverse geography of the planet, the mines are filled with many metal exports and crystals scattered underground, in cliffs, or under water. Alanite and Draa Crystals are found. Karal has a large trading supply of required materials for advanced weaponry, explosives, artillery, or machinery. Very open for trade with allies. They’re wiling to trade raw, unrefined, and expensive materials or crystals in exchange for fuel, technology, or other resources. They’ll make long-term deals, but also commonly arranges trading deals per-case. Ancasians already have an FTL communications network, but only for royals, the army officials, or authoritative powers. It isn’t open for the public, and has highly confidential communication methods and devices.

Religion: Y’Theo [pronounced yuh-tay-oh]

Beliefs circulate around the goddesses of the darkrise and lightbeams. Goddesses of the Darkrise: Light Dusk, Gentle Nightfall, Twilight Haze, Dark Silence, High Moon, Midnight Ambience. 

Goddesses of the Lightbeams: First Daybreak, Rosy Dawn, High Sun, Fire Flower, Low Daze, Crimson Set

Y’Theo translates into “Rising Ashes.” This is because each household has a dish of ashes. Each time a new goddess slips into responsibility, the ashes rise, then fall. They believe it is the miracle of their religion. This is how the Ancasians keep track of time.

Dead bodies, in order to have a proper ritual, must be set upon a canoe, carved with depictions of their descendents and ancestors, and sent off in the Ocean Ascendent. Without this ritual, they become a shadow.


1) The color yellow. No writing besides that of Y’Seo (their devil) should be done in yellow. If one’s name is written in yellow, they will be cursed. Of course, this is just a superstition which Amyra Ay (I’ll write more about her later) doesn’t believe in, so she stubbornly writes everything in yellow.

2) Pepper scares away The Shadows (unclaimed souls). Deltas- the symbol- draw them near. You can’t come in contact with a Shadow or else they will trade your soul for their own. All Shadows want to be human again, so they will suck your soul out of you such that you are forced to switch places with them and become a Shadow. This is why you can’t go to the Forbidden Delta- Shadows may take your soul.

3) Marrying more than once is extremely taboo. You may divorce, but never remarry. It is believed that each Draecin finds one true love. This way, Draecins view marriage as very important and it prevents any corruption or political interference. If you divorce, you care for one twin, and your spouse cares for another twin. Draecins are comfortable with same-sex marriage, because of the emphasis on “true love,” and there are same-sex couples even in the royal family. They adopt twins, as long as the twins are true twins and never separated.

Military: Draecins can fight with bows, and many Trinxes, Faes, and Havels are drafted into the Unquo Warriors. The Unquo Warriors are specially selected warriors separated from families and trained from age 5. They are skilled with all weapons, though they commonly fight with their feared deadly weapon, a Klaston (translated into Fatal Five). These are swords that are incredibly sharp, and have the ability to split into five blades if a hatch is clicked forward. When that is activated, the sword is spun in a technique called Terragravid, where the five blades spin counterclockwise at incredibly fast speeds. If properly executed, the five blades should burst into flame after spinning in five full rotations. Once the hatch is clicked back on the hilt of the sword, the Klaston returns back to its original singular sharp blade. A multitude of weapons and explosives are also used by the military, including small, portable weapons or explosives in specially designed pockets or chinks in armor to allow for back-up plans or escapes in worst-case scenarios. Ancasians like to be prepared.

Origin Stones: The five races, excluding Echos, are born with the precious stone from their territory, or, their “Origin,” embedded on their stomach. Instead of a belly button, it is their precious stone marking their Origin. Each geographical location has a different precious stone. See below.

Currency: Junids are floating forms of earth or flora, such as petals or leaves, which are attracted to silence and light, and also can only gather when no one is around. They are hard to find, but when there is an open space with floating junids it is truly beautiful. In spaces with low lighting or heat or underground there may be rock formations of junids such as pebbles. In the Zekkads, suspended ice junids could also be found. Their currency is fallen junids. This is surprisingly hard, because if you try to grab them from thin air, they disappear. Instead, they must fall naturally into a basket. If it touches the floor, it also disappears. It takes a long time for junids to fall naturally.

Language (Translator? Bilingual?): Races on the planet of Karal often know at least five or six languages fluently in addition to Esperi, the dead language of their religion. A few Ancasians are also specifically skilled with languages and act as translators in the royal court, council, or advisory.

Special Traditions: 

Pixies (a small, less relevant type of fae) are collected and released on Beacon’s Key on the 5th Dark Silence of each month Covrail. 

The week of Raedonev, meaning hospitality in Esperi, is celebrated from the First Daybreak of the month Parth to the last Dark Silence of the week. It means many communities come together to eat, drink, and have fun. No matter class, status, or wealth, you must be invited to whichever house you stop by. Children are given toys and treats. No one can be rejected.

Past History:

4 Deafstone Wars: four consecutive wars, each lasting longer than the previous, were between the House Lastidia and the House Felconite. The city Nethvish Bastiorn was originally created by the House Felconite to shelter from incoming rays. The outcome of these wars splintered the Bitter Cliffcarves, infused the Crystaline Caves with wealth and, according to legend, shattered the sky to create the 6 forms of Darkrise and Lightbeams. Before the deafstone wars, there was peace and prosperity. After the destruction, on came a famine in the east, which did not reach the west. During this period of distrust, none of the societies helped each other. There was a mysterious massacre in the Highrise Duneswept, and the souls of those dead became the first Shadows. Yet it is believed that the goddesses of Darkrise and Lightbeams decided to help and swept life over Y’Theo. The world was filled with life again, covered with lush, crawling creatures. Except, of course, the Forbidden Delta. It is said that goddesses warned Theo not to enter there. It is only occupied by The Shadows. Water sprung from where the Lastidians and Felconites struck. Theo is believed to have given the House of Ancasia divine right. In some legends, Theo is even the first Ancasia, and the beginning of the House of Ancasia’s family tree itself. In other legends, Theo just specially chose the House of Ancasia to rule, and in others Theo had a competition in which Ancasia won. No matter which story, that is how the planet Karal has come to be inhabited by Ancasians.


  • Different areas of Y’Theo
    • The Core– the center of Y’Theo. It contains the famous “Heart,” a mountain in the middle of the Core, which pumps and beats as if it is a Heart. The top of the Heart is called “Scarlet Peak,” because instead of snow, blood drips down slowly like lava. No one dared to venture into the Heart’s caves. The Core’s Origin stone is alexandrite.
    • Xanti Swamps: emerald
    • Midland Marshes: jade
    • Bitter Cliffcarves: bloodstone
    • Zekkads, a snowy mountain range: sapphire
    • The Forest (Mirrin) Villages: amethyst
      • Largest Forest Village is Myrewitt
    • The Halasor Acropolis– This is where Theo is claimed to have originated: diamond
    • Silver Shores (the white rock pools): aquamarine
    • Karsten, the military hold (in the sky)
    • Tordran, the peaceful city of musicians and artists
    • Highrise Duneswept– desert (Karsten floats above the desert): onyx
    • Crystaline Caves– in Bitter Cliffcarves: topaz
    • Nethvish Bastiorn– completely underground city underneath the caves: jasper
    • Heronvale Bay: moonstone
    • Pruschia Isles: tanzanite
    • Ocean Ascendant: opal
    • Wicerda Sea: opalite
    • Beacon’s Key – center island with Tordran: rose quartz
    • Forbidden Delta



Overview: This race is very elegant and quick with the bow. They are hunters in icy and cold areas of the planet, though few also inhabit the marshes and forests. They are very silent among anyone who isn’t their twin, and usually only speak when they feel they absolutely must. Draecins have their lifeline engraved delicately into their skin at 15. It is done with a small calligraphy pen dipped in molten hot flames. It is carved gracefully along their arms and body. They hunt with this tattoo always branded on them, reminding them of their life ahead of them even in the face of death. The carvings fade away once they die. Draecins have incredible eyesight, can see in pitch dark, and have a sense of sight even if eyes are closed or blindfolded. Their skin can withstand extremely cold or hot temperatures.

Lifespan: Draecins live up to 300 years old. They usually have kids anywhere in their 50s- early 60s, and don’t hit puberty until around 25. They usually get married in their late 40s- early 50s. They stay young and beautiful until late 100s-early 200s, and start showing signs of aging at around early- mid 200s. Their “baby” and “toddler” years extend until they’re around 8, and “teenage” years from 16-30. Royals typically have kids a bit earlier, at around 49 or 50, because the first set of twins is ahead in the line of heirs.

Personality traits: Varies person to person, though they are all quite morally ambiguous.

Physical description: Typical Draecin appearance is bleach white hair and monolid eyes. They go barefoot, but their feet are able to withstand the cold. Nails are bleach white, and can retract to normal length but can also extend longer like claws of a feline. Hair is kept long and never cut until death. It is a custom that the longer one’s nails are when they are extended into claws, the more powerful and respected they are.

Clans or tribes description: Families are small, so Draecins stick together by creating close friendship bonds. Draecins end up knowing many others on the planet of Karal, as they also spend time to themselves, observing. Each family has two children only: twins. Single children are extremely rare occurrences. Each Draecin has a twin. Only one sibling. It is common for two or three families to be living in the same house, but they are not referred to as clans, merely friends. 

Races interaction with other races: Each Draecin bonds with an Echo. Their Echo haunts them in a way. Echos have a translucent fluid white form, and only the Draecin that is bonded with that Echo can see the Echo itself. Echos are the same size and gender as the Draecin, and they can only repeat what a Draecin has already said in their mind. They are the voices in Draecins heads. Sometimes, they save a Draecin’s life. Sometimes, they drive them insane. It all depends on your relationship with your Echo. As far as the other races, Draecins work together with Havels and Trinxes. 

Race's alignments: You can assume most Draecins are Neutral, but they can occasionally shift from Neutral Good and Neutral Evil depending on the person. In today’s terms, their ideals would be seen as more liberal.


Royal Family: Draecins

Passing Down Names: Traditionally, Draecins have quite long official names. The family name gets passed down through middle names, and if two Draecins get married, they both take each other's family name in their own official name. A Draecin’s husband or wife’s last name goes before their family name. Their middle name is hyphenated between the last middle name of their mother and last middle name of their father. When they get married, their mother’s middle name disappears and instead their middle name is their father’s middle name hyphenated with their father’s last name, and their family name is their mothers. But a Draecin’s shorter name is just the first and last of their official names.

Royal Titles: The current monarchs are referred to as “Aurelia” if female, “Aursen” if male, and “Aursil” as a gender neutral term. For example, “Aurelia Evlyn,” “Aursil Natalya,” or “Aursen Calsandro.” The two spouses of the two twin monarchs are referred to as “Aviansa” if female, “Avian” if male, and “Avial” as a gender neutral term. For example, “Avian Yolepo,” “Aviansa Gabranzzi,” or “Avial Zephr.” The four children of the two monarchs, so the heirs to the throne, are referred to as “Elwyn,” which is a gender neutral term. For example, “Elwyn Alesandresa,” or “Elwyn Jacquos.” Any other blood relation to the royal family has the title of “Emresse,” which is a gender neutral term. If someone is married into the royal family, they have the title of “Ereso,” which is a gender neutral term.

Acansia Family: https://www.familyecho.com/?p=WNTJA&c=15tbr670ni3&f=117525867646220483



Race name: Havels

General overview: Havels have controllable poisonous touch, so their hands are not covered during battle. In battle, Havels often grapple using a technique where they sweep grounding limbs off the ground and underneath the opponent. They also fit through small spaces very efficiently. They feel strong emotions and mood swings.

Personality traits: Havels are more outgoing, so they help with general cohesiveness and planning. They carry a staff with them wherever they go, which can be used as a weapon. They are great at international relations and diplomacy. Most Havels are extraverts though some can be shy. Loving among themselves, but fierce in battle.

Physical description: Havels are a humanoid species that are on average 5’5 (feet). Hair varies in shades of brown and black, and fluffy, cut short by the ear. They have two small horns on their head in between locks of hair, similar to horns of a satyr but too short to curl. Havels are usually adorned with fallen floral junids as part of their tradition. They have gold or amber eyes that look almost aflame. Lifespan: 150 years.

Clans or tribes description: Havels often have loving households with many children (10-15). Extended families can get quite large, and so each family can be, in a way, seen as a clan. Extended family lives nearby, in houses right next to each other. But Havels get along with other clans, so there are rarely any disagreements or fights.

Race’s interaction with other races: Havels and Draecins work closely together, and although Draecins are more reserved and quiet, Havels know their place to speak. They work alongside all the other races with no issue.

Race's alignments: Chaotic Good

Occupations: They have many opportunities and skills, so they are not only drafted in the Unquo Warriors but also participate in politics and in artistry. They are very creative and many are also linguists, musicians, and writers. They work in mines and fields. Those who are cunning but not strong may do technological research. 


Race name: Trinxes

General overview: Trinxes have sharp, long, fangs, so their armor is specially designed to protect their face but still enable fang use. They also climb and run like creatures (they have tails), so their armor lets them move quickly. They are very quick-thinkers and have excellent reflexes. Lifespan: 200 years.

Personality traits: Trinxes are highly intelligent, so they are the brains behind many scheming operations.

Physical description: Trinxes have a dull maroon shade of smooth skin and black hair done in two or three ropes down their back. They are tall and thin, but fit. Their fangs show over their bottom lip even when their mouth is closed. They have ears similar to elven ears, and a deep voice. They have a language of whistles and clicks. 6ft.

Clans or tribes description: None. Families range between one and four kids, with only children being common. 

Race’s interaction with other races: Working alongside and with them, but not attempting to reach out and form bonds. Trinxes culture is one of deep respect for others and accepting differences with the goal of equality. 

Race's alignments: Lawful Neutral

Occupations: Those who are not drafted in the Unquo Warriors become research developers, aerospace engineers, labor workers, planning/strategy calculators, work in secret service, and some pursue creative arts.


Race name: Chilnes

General overview: Chilnes are a sea race, and they inhabit the waters of Karal. They defend Karal with their fatal stings and immediate healing. If their limb is cut off it can grow back quickly. If they touch a wounded warrior, the warrior heals. Although they cannot be on the battlefield, surviving wounded warriors are brought back to Karal and are healed. Chilnes’ hair is strips of what seems like seaweed, but a touch from their hair can lead to a deadly sting. Lifespan: 250 years.

Personality traits: They are sweet and willing to help in any way, so they assist governing on Karal, though unlike Draecins, Havels, and Trinxes, rarely leave the planet. They are mostly introverts in the working class.

Physical description: Chilnes’ skin can shift between cool colors depending on surroundings. At any one point in time, the recorded colors of a Chilnes are any shades of blue, purple, green, and pink. They can only survive in water, so those on the royal council float in clear glass rectangular boxes filled with water during the meetings. They have webbed hands and a long, wide scaled tail that forks into three. The tail varies based on the type of Chilnes. Each Chilnes’ tail corresponds to that of a small type of fish in the Ocean Ascendant.

Clans or tribes description: They are separated into tribes (klons) regardless of family. By the age of 15 they must go klon-searching. It is expected that each Chilnes has found a klon by 20. There are many klons, which are basically just communities, such as Moonlit Elysium Klon or Sintai Shelldome Klon. Once they are born, a Chilnes leaves their children. Usually a Chilnes is pregnant with 10 children at a time. These klons enable them to have a community like a family.

Race’s interaction with other races: Chilnes are very friendly with Havels, and less so with Trinxes, but will try the best they can to enable safe passage across the waters for any Ancasian.

Race's alignments: Neutral Good

Occupations: Nurses, surgeons, working class artisans, politicians, underwater farmers.


Race name: Faes

General overview: Fae is an umbrella term for any creature with wings. This could mean animals, or fairies. Pixies are also a type of fae, but they’re very tiny spirits- extremely small versions of fairies. When talking about fae, I will mainly be referring to the humanoid fairies. Fairies each have a unique tattoo on their shoulder.

Physical description: 5 foot humanoids with large, translucent wings. The delicate patterns on the wings mark which family a fae comes from. The more intricate the patterns, the more prominent and wealthy the family.

Clans or tribes description: None. Lifespan: 100 years.

Race’s interaction with other races: Work cohesively and stay in the background.

Race's alignments: Chaotic Good

Occupations: Faes also get drafted into the Unquo Warriors. Many Faes are creative and pursue the arts or music or languages. Faes are also common cityfolk, and they run small businesses such as restaurants, flower stores, or alchemy shops. There are many Fae merchants as well. They believe in family tradition and business.




Administration Type: A Constitutional Dual Monarchy. The monarchs are always 2 twins from the royal family, who rule alongside many advisors and councils with elected positions and local or regional authority. There is also a constitution that they must abide by. The top advisor is an elected position which also holds some planet authority. The Ancasian Council always holds 3 representatives from the army, 3 representatives from the impoverished, 3 representatives from the working class (research developers/artisans), 3 representatives from each race, and 1 randomized representative from the general population. In total, the Ancasian Council consists of 25 members. They change every 5 years, but there will always be two top generals of the military in the council. There must always be 12 females and 12 males, with 1 left that could go either way. The Royal Advisors are 80% elected positions. Each origin (see the house page for details) has a leader who must also be a Royal Advisor. They are re-elected every 8 years. Within large origins there may also be local leaders, re-elected every 4 years. The amount of local leaders depends on the population size of each origin region. Spies, assassins, secret service, and family members also hold spaces in the Royal Advisory, but can be disposed of at a monarch’s will. Most races on Karal live to be very old. Draecins die on average at 300.
Location & Territory: The planet Karal and its 14 moons, varying in sizes. Karal has very diverse ecosystems and mines providing many resources. The geography includes ice mountains, swamps, marshes, cliffs, caves, forests, deserts, islands, seas, oceans, bays, and even an underground city. The planet is filled with military holds, the capital, and cosmopolitan cities as hubs for commerce, travel, and trade. The planet Karal is quite diverse.
Cultural Gist: Talent, creativity, intelligence, and dexterity is valued above anything else in Karal. Quick thinking and sharp, strategic, planning is taught to all Ancasians at young ages. Equality among the races. And, of course, religion: belief in Y’Theo. Connection with your echo, love for your twin, and celebration of tradition are also engraved in Ancasians’ beliefs. 
Political Vantage: The House of Ancasia values strategy and careful, detailed planning over anything else. Ancasians, while being reserved and enigmatic, are very keen on observing and only acting when they feel it is needed. The House of Ancasia is filled with very intelligent races that idealize justice for their planet, and see revenge as important, swift, and merciless. Ancasians look for many allies to form strong helping bonds across the galaxy, but also do not show weakness or back down from fear. Surrender or fear of a warrior has the penalty of exile to Karal’s 14 moons with deserters or convicts. Some moons are for refugees, open to all planets.
Primary Advantages: Large aerospace industry and research (not an advantage) into effective spaceships for war. Due to the diverse geography of the planet, the mines are filled with many metal exports and crystals scattered underground, in cliffs, or under water. Alanite and Draa Crystals are found. Karal has a large trading supply of required materials for advanced weaponry, explosives, artillery, or machinery. (They’re wiling to trade raw, unrefined, and expensive materials or crystals in exchange for fuel, technology, etc.) Ancasians already have an FTL communications network, but only for royals, the army officials, or authoritative powers. It isn’t open for the public, and has highly confidential communication methods and devices.
Recent History: Consecutive wars between two major Houses led to splintering cliffs, infusing mines with wealth, and, according to belief, shattering the sky with the 12 goddesses. Famine, destruction, massacres in the desert, and a period of high distrust quickly followed. At last, when society was at its weakest, there was a miracle. Life was swept over Karal with lush, crawling creatures. Water sprung from where the war struck. The House of Ancasia came into power, claiming divine right. That is how the planet Karal has come to be inhabited by Ancasians.

Priority Rankings:

1. Intelligence

2. Resources

3. Military

4. Cohesion

5. Transportation


House Ancasia is ready! :]

Edited by Lotus Blossom
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House Name: House Va'anden
Administration Type: Monarchy
Location & Territory: On the planet Vashlee'doo
Cultural Gist: No matter what else, the more languages you know (and can invent), the more important you are. Being a warrior is of no cultural importance yet, and is actually the lowest of ranks (like below a peasant) Right now, mostly all of the beings on Vashlee’doo think that a democracy is really bad and makes everyone have less talents. They have five main 'higher languages' (Re'aanan, Shwarneen, Kai, Glurg, and Karsh), which are basically just the 'better languages that are kept secret to everyone unless they pay to learn them and one 'highest language' which is Vern (This language is the hardest so far to learn). There is also the forbidden language of Varklee.
Political Vantage: They are good at communication and have systems of communication centers around the galaxy (like on each planet) and that is how they hold political power. They are the ones who invented translators and mass produced them across the galaxy. They are hugely a peace planet.
Primary Advantages: Has a great capacity for languages, are mainly a peaceful people (they don't steal or invade others, others don't steal or invade them) yet.
Recent History: Used to have a democracy, but there was a civil war that happened 47 years ago and as of right now the planet has a monarchy. The language has changed several times (because of people inventing new languages when they run out of languages to learn). The first language of the planet Vashlee'doo has been forgotten (but the earliest written ancient text is written in Vern).

1. Intelligence 

2. Cohesion 

3. Resources

4. Transportation

5. Military


House Va'anden is ready

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Unintelligenius: House Min'oTaar

  •  Race name: Min’oTaar

  • World description: The world is made up of volcanoes that are always erupting and always spewing free lava that flows out and covers large portions of the planet. The Min’oTaars live inside caverns at the bases of the volcanoes. They use the lava to make forges and produce axes from it. The caverns not only house their people but it also houses their ships and other valuable tech.

  • General overview: Min’oTaars look extremely similar to minotaurs in our world (Tall, muscular, bull head, fast). There is one difference, the rich Min’oTaars wear highly ornamented gold tuxedos and the poor wear plain normal tuxedos. They are known for their calmness and control on their emotions even in strenuous situations. Long ago the Min’oTaars lived in two large clans. They fought long and hard over the large cavern with the biggest of their planets ships. Eventually the king of Taar and the queen of Min’o decided to set aside their past loathings and joined together. They became House Min’oTaar and worked together to become one of the largest ax production planets in the solar system.

  • Modern Day Society: The Min’oTaars and ruled by almost absolute democracy. The king and queen both have absolute power unless the counsel of High Tezen simultaneously vetoes the king/queen's actions. There are ten members in the High Tezen including the two generals of the royal army & four high members and descendants of house Min’o and Tarr each. High society has decided to drop their differences for the greater good (politicianing and back stabbings). But there are small groups of peasants that hate members of the other clan. 

  • Rankings: King/Queen, High Tezen, Tezen (normal politicians), Quardlac (middle class (forgers, servants, ect.)), & Alfalahen (peasants) 

  • The Min’oTaars aren’t very intellectual in all things but one, war tactics. Most can’t read or write but many can expertly direct battles, though this doesn’t really help when they're alone on their own planet. But they want to be prepared just in case war breaks out so the Council elects Min’oTaars based on their intelligence in battle strategy. They have a game called Skakie (a super advanced version of chess) which they play in a tournament to determine the next king or queen. The counsel, if they decide simultaneously, can choose not to elect a king or queen even if they win the tournament. 

  • Political advantage: Sell big huge axes for money, provide armies for money, provide generals that are good at strategy for money

  • The Min’oTaars are peaceful and always calm and in control unless they are provoked. But when they are, you get a huge army of angry (fashionable and dashing) Min’oTaars on your doorstep.



1.) Cohesion

2.) Military

3.) Recources

4.) Transportation

5.) Intelegence


House Min'oTaar is ready to rule... I mean peacefully stay in their corner and not disturb anyone...

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1 hour ago, PyroPhile said:

Should I Join This?

we have another thread: Great houses: planning ideas where you can post freely. This is meant to be a character sheet thread. I'll add you to the PM. the rp hasn't started yet but you need the get-go from others

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House Thlf’phhrmth Enters The Battle!

*Insert T-posing jellyfish in smash bros style*


  1. Resources
  2. Intelligence
  3. Cohesion (Includes defense - the military sucks but they have good defense systems)
  4. Transportation
  5. Military

House synopsis:


Administration Type: Semi-autonomous planet-states communicate with FTL.

Location and Territory: Water worlds in 10-ish systems located mostly in the Tau Cluster which is a place now I guess. Currently expanding because colonialism - a few of the newer colonies are located in random places that someone jumped to.

Cultural Gist: Almost-hivemind colonial biopunk space jellyfish. Need I say more?

Political Advantage: Highly developed FTL communications network, presence in multiple systems, biopunk technology, and a [REDACTED: Use espionage]






secret stash of Axiom crystals - enough to field a small army for one battle, though not enough to matter in all-out war.




Edited by NerdyAarakocra
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House Scythz'r


House Name: House Scythz'r

Administration Type: ??? It's been going through mysterious changes in the background. Aka, to be discovered when the time comes.

Location & Territory: Skyirthora is their planet. The Scythz'rians took charge in a bloody revolution a century ago. They had a cultural shift about 75 years ago when they became more peaceful, that was before they shut off all communication with the outside.

Cultural Gist: They have many different religions on their planet. They're a primarily humanoid species on Skyirthora. Their race is the Sivians, humanoids with higher intelligence, strength, powers of speech, fairer skin, tall and slender. The most popular religion is one that worships their seven moons.

Political Vantage: In the hey day of House Scythz'r, they had many, many, many alliances all throughout the systems in the Galaxy. They were pushing for a better economical system between planets and an organized police force to keep the houses in line.

Primary Advantages (Resources, Political thisnthat, etc): They have a load of quality stone that they still trade to this day, but with no communication with those they're trading with beyond simple orders, payments, receiving, etc. They also have a lot of rare spices and minerals that they love and use in religious rites.

Recent History: The most recent history that people know of House Scythz'r is that it has been trading with people, but without real conversation. They've been giving stuff and receiving payments in the public eye, some trade deals in private, but nothing more that people would know of. They brought all of their people back to their planet in a summons. 

1) Intelligence 

2) Military

3) Transportation

4) Resources

5) Cohesion

(I will note, however, that Scythz'r is very proficient at all of these except for cohesion. They have military cohesion, sure, but as a nation... When I introduce them more in the role-play, you'll see)


Edited by Thaidakar the Ghostblood
forgot to put ready
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14 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

It is officially Friday in Mountain Daylight Time, which means y'all have TWO DAYS (minus about 37 minutes) to sign up. Remember to get your Secret Alliances made before Sunday too!

check the pm. How many Under the table alliances are we allowed?

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