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57 minutes ago, Archer said:

Slight hesitation about voting Mat or Drake today, because they accrued some suspicion N0. I tried with Drake, anyway. Logic being they're bad conversion targets. 


If you think I’m a good conversion target, you have clearly never played a conversion game with me in it :P 

I think the four-tap cap on Investiture tapping has made releasing Shards less appealing, and many people probably thought going for Odium was stereotypical, or wanted a shot in a less crowded field, which ironically resulted in Odium staying in containment. I’m also a little surprised that Endowment and Dominion didn’t breach, but their Investiture is pretty useless, so that could be part of it as well. More relevantly, it’s quite likely at least 2-3 people were doing non-siphoning actions, which reduced the chaos in play with the Shards :P 

Party doc is nice idea but sadly Silverlight is where the Investiture is at :( I forgot how crazy LG43 got with the concentration there, and how Ruin blowing up the planet was pretty much what forced everyone to migrate :lol:

Anyway, I haven’t been reading closely enough to know what the case against Archer is, but even if it’s slightly petty I will hit him with a retaliatory vote, because unless he wants to further explain its reasoning, it’s a silly one that is irresponsibly placed.

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36 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I forgot how crazy LG43 got with the concentration there, and how Ruin blowing up the planet was pretty much what forced everyone to migrate :lol:


i may need to read through lg43

am i allowed to blow up a planet without holding ruins power and whatever?

can i just blow up a planet on a whim?

also *technically* silverlight is a city, not a planet



"Alternatively, you may instead use your action during the Night Turn to target the planet you are on. That planet is destroyed." (lg43)


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14 minutes ago, Turtle said:


We Gar-Dena in geardagum, þeodcyninga þyrm gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.

(But yes, I am very glad that Ruin takes two rounds to kill planets, and that Silverlight can’t be completely blown :P)

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8 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Day One has begun! There will be an execution this cycle.

this feels like a threat ngl

im working on a reads list, finally! conversion games are funky, and the way i do reads normally doesnt quite work here. the 'is archer bavadin' thoughts are not gone, but its d1 so i dont trust myself.

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2 hours ago, Archer said:

Is there anyone in this game who isn't a Researcher? All the evil team leaders also start with the role

2 hours ago, Turtle said:

I assumed that because of the team leaders only Frost and Bavadin specifically had the reasercher role, neither Khrissala nor Hoid do.





Every player except for Hoid and Khrissala starts out with this Role.

Pretty glaring, and makes the comment stand out even more.

11 minutes ago, Turtle said:

the 'is archer bavadin' thoughts are not gone, but its d1 so i dont trust myself.

Unclear why this matters. Bavadin's wincon is not compatible with the Village. There's probably some world in which the Village makes some fancy deal with Bavadin and then goes on to result in a massive backstabbing fracas but frankly, not my problem, dgaf. Feeling ??? about this.

You could argue the Village has a vested interest in not upsetting Bavadin because Bavadin might ally with Hoid and/or Khriss and screw the Village over in the backstabbing fracas, since they can win together, but Bavadin will probably lean into that no matter what and only a fool thinks you can control whatever Bavadin wants so this just seems to entail don't pull the damn blow

Ack. No. Not my goddamned problem. Screw the Village.

1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Party doc is nice idea but sadly Silverlight is where the Investiture is at :(

Oh I see you want ultimate power more, that's fine bro :(

2 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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10 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Pretty glaring, and makes the comment stand out even more.

Unclear why this matters. Bavadin's wincon is not compatible with the Village. There's probably some world in which the Village makes some fancy deal with Bavadin and then goes on to result in a massive backstabbing fracas but frankly, not my problem, dgaf. Feeling ??? about this.

You could argue the Village has a vested interest in not upsetting Bavadin because Bavadin might ally with Hoid and/or Khriss and screw the Village over in the backstabbing fracas, since they can win together, but Bavadin will probably lean into that no matter what and only a fool thinks you can control whatever Bavadin wants so this just seems to entail don't pull the damn blow

Ack. No. Not my goddamned problem. Screw the Village.


Kas, I give you at most two more cycles before you accidentally post an entire reads list before you remember you weren't going to :P 

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6 hours ago, DeTess said:

I was thinking of sharing some reads from the previous night (I liked Xinoehp's post discussing shards and strategies in particular), but we almost certainly just had two conversions, so it'll be difficult to form village reads until the conversions are done with. That having been said, I'm getting very mild elim vibes from Archer? Mostly the way they engaged with me for my priority list and then immediately backed off again after I responded feels a bit similar to last game when they engaged me over the timing of my Aman vote, which also was a bit hit-and-run without really getting stuck in at all. I'd also be up for executing Matrim, because I didn't get to do so last game despite trying for something like half the game's total runtime.

al had fully agreed and had noticed the same during the last night. he felt archy had attached tess for the ushual 'elims think like they dont prioritize pms' excuse and then backed off because he realised tess was right in the sense that pms are not a village priority this game cos of docs. 


change: i don buy archys 'forgot this game had docs' story. like cmonnnn this is a shard game, shardworld docs are one of the mosht important part/easy to remember part of the game

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reads, but im basically (edit: mostly) only counting d1 bc ~conversion game~

tier 1: v

-kas, the v dgaf energy is strong w this one

-detess. is this my active player bias showing? probably.

tier 2: giving vibes that are not bad


-drake marshall (how dare have 2 drakes this game). party doc thread pms feel not elimy

tier 2.5:

-everyone not mentioned; there are 21 people here im not doing this

tier 3: giving vibes that are not god


Note that in an e!archer world, this here matters:


"Slight hesitation about voting Mat or Drake today, because they accrued some suspicion N0. I tried with Drake, anyway. Logic being they're bad conversion targets. " -Archer (struggling to use quotes today)

Also, unrelated note that i hope everyone in canada is doing well! we're getting some really terrible air quality because of the fires over there.

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:
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Is she wrong, though? :ph34r:

I still need to read D1 (got distracted by TotK last night...) before I lay down a vote, but I don't particularly agree with the Archer vote directions. Seems more like a rules misunderstanding than evil, which seems honestly easy in this game. 

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3 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:


Anyway, I haven’t been reading closely enough to know what the case against Archer is, but even if it’s slightly petty I will hit him with a retaliatory vote, because unless he wants to further explain its reasoning, it’s a silly one that is irresponsibly placed.

To provide an explanation of my reasoning, it's a silly vote that's irresponsibly placed

1 hour ago, Turtle said:

this feels like a threat ngl


It's also, not true? Pretty sure ties = no deaths

11 minutes ago, Turtle said:

Also, unrelated note that i hope everyone in canada is doing well! we're getting some really terrible air quality because of the fires over there.

Thanks! A lot of people are having allergic reactions, but fortunately everyone has a large supply of masks on hand. I hope you stay safe as well. 

Shout out to my new countryman Araris, who must be going through the same thing. Congrats on passing your Canadacy exam, btw

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4 hours ago, Archer said:

Slight hesitation about voting Mat or Drake today, because they accrued some suspicion N0. I tried with Drake, anyway. Logic being they're bad conversion targets. 

I don't think I actually accrued any suspicion. The votes on me were all just for the memes, at least as far as I'm aware :P.

I too was distracted by TotK, but also just had a long day yesterday (finals) so I'm super behind on the thread reads and consensus things. What's the Archer train about? I skimmed the thread but have no clue lol

Also did Turtle claim Ruin or am I crazy :P.

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10 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Also did Turtle claim Ruin or am I crazy :P.

the feeling when you look through your own posts to figure out where you could have claimed :P

can someone give me a step by step guide to becoming a vessel for dummies? will pay in Cookies and Booze (the kitten named Booze)

edit: OH i see why you thought i was ruin

honestly if i knew i could blow up planets i would have tried

13 minutes ago, Archer said:

It's also, not true? Pretty sure ties = no deaths

i was assuming rng?

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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Pretty glaring, and makes the comment stand out even more.

Unclear why this matters. Bavadin's wincon is not compatible with the Village. There's probably some world in which the Village makes some fancy deal with Bavadin and then goes on to result in a massive backstabbing fracas but frankly, not my problem, dgaf. Feeling ??? about this.

You could argue the Village has a vested interest in not upsetting Bavadin because Bavadin might ally with Hoid and/or Khriss and screw the Village over in the backstabbing fracas, since they can win together, but Bavadin will probably lean into that no matter what and only a fool thinks you can control whatever Bavadin wants so this just seems to entail don't pull the damn blow

Ack. No. Not my goddamned problem. Screw the Village.

Oh I see you want ultimate power more, that's fine bro :(

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1 hour ago, DeTess said:

Kas, I give you at most two more cycles before you accidentally post an entire reads list before you remember you weren't going to :P 

she's right you know :P

31 minutes ago, Turtle said:

how dare have 2 drakes this game

look it's not like I planned for there 2 be 2 drakes smh

but it is a state of affairs I can get behind :D

2 minutes ago, Turtle said:

can someone give me a step by step guide to becoming a vessel for dummies? will pay in Cookies and Booze (the kitten named Booze)

step 1- listen to ur heart. ur heart is already a vessel (a blood vessel to be specific) so it is an expert on all things vessel-related

step 2- offer an appropriate sacrifice to the gods of RNG

step 3- ???

step 4- profit

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5 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

step 1- listen to ur heart. ur heart is already a vessel (a blood vessel to be specific) so it is an expert on all things vessel-related

step 2- offer an appropriate sacrifice to the gods of RNG

step 3- ???

step 4- profit

@Ashbringer I herebye sacrafice my ability to use the word 'and' for the rest of this game so that i may become vessel of [redacted coolest shard™]

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8 hours ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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It should be noted that underthe aforementioned US law, you do not have the right to privacy within a public area. This is less equivalent to opening letter and equivalent to you putting a folded piece of paper on the bulletin board. 

4 hours ago, Archer said:

Is there anyone in this game who isn't a Researcher? All the evil team leaders also start with the role

I was assuming it was a note to self from Ashbringer regarding whether or not giving them 2.5 conversions was viable

Actually I think Bald Brandon should keep quiet so the non 17thshard factions can't find him. Or was that not a Ruin claim, BB-TKN? 

Counterpoint: the first time I responded to you I hadn't read the rules. The second time, I had, and that changed my perspective. For example, I was reminded of the doc mechanic. And how the containment thing worked. 

Slight hesitation about voting Mat or Drake today, because they accrued some suspicion N0. I tried with Drake, anyway. Logic being they're bad conversion targets. 


I did not claim Ruin. In fact I pretty explicitly claimed not Ruin. It's up to you to decide whether or not I'm lying, you won't be able to accurately guess until you see whether not I leave Silverlight. 

But as I said before, I really want a vigi role, so get away from my Odium >:(.

53 minutes ago, Turtle said:

reads, but im basically (edit: mostly) only counting d1 bc ~conversion game~

tier 1: v

-kas, the v dgaf energy is strong w this one

-detess. is this my active player bias showing? probably.

tier 2: giving vibes that are not bad


-drake marshall (how dare have 2 drakes this game). party doc thread pms feel not elimy

tier 2.5:

-everyone not mentioned; there are 21 people here im not doing this

tier 3: giving vibes that are not god


Note that in an e!archer world, this here matters:

Also, unrelated note that i hope everyone in canada is doing well! we're getting some really terrible air quality because of the fires over there.

I'm in Southern Canada (the Montana province, you might have heard of it), and it is surprising not to bad right now. We got it only for a few days a while ago and the wind hasn't blown our way since.

42 minutes ago, Kasimir said:
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I believe in you Kas, you won't post a reads list.

But (this isn't a threat) if you legitimately don't put out analysis sometime in the next couple of turns, I'm going to start thinking Ash was cruel enough to make you an elim.

2 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:
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nobody liked my rng idea :,(

Hi im here what are the haps

so like we need to break at LEAST Odium out today people

Get on it people

I'm pretty sure we can't break put shards on Day turns. Day turns are worldhopping time.

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13 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

she's right you know :P


Husky's Over-the-Top Disapproval of Treat She Was Given Deserves an Oscar


1 minute ago, The Bald Brandon said:

But (this isn't a threat) if you legitimately don't put out analysis sometime in the next couple of turns, I'm going to start thinking Ash was cruel enough to make you an elim.

I legitimately don't give a damn. LG94 demonstrated we genuinely do not care if players sign up for a game and refuse to play. No one will say anything about it and we accept and normalise this behaviour. In fact, we fall over ourselves to highlight every single thing the Elims did right in order to not have to say anything at all about bad player behaviour. You can think whatever you want about my alignment and take whatever action you like. In fact, I'd at least feel happy if you are Village because it'd demonstrate at least one player cares about actual anti-Village behaviour enough to do something about it rather than accepting it in complacent silence.

If you're an Elim looking to score a cheap lynch on me, wow. 

tldr; I don't really care and it's not going to dissuade me from the path I've chosen.

17 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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she's right you know :P

look it's not like I planned for there 2 be 2 drakes smh

but it is a state of affairs I can get behind :D

step 1- listen to ur heart. ur heart is already a vessel (a blood vessel to be specific) so it is an expert on all things vessel-related

step 2- offer an appropriate sacrifice to the gods of RNG

step 3- ???

step 4- profit

Wow ok quoting this one borked.




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45 minutes ago, Turtle said:

i was assuming rng?

You know what they say about assumptions! They're an anagram of 'I, sus pants, am 0'

20 minutes ago, The Bald Brandon said:

But as I said before, I really want a vigi role, so get away from my Odium >:(.

maybe I misremembered because I thought Ruin was the coinshot. I'm not going to bother looking that up again 

3 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I think we should kill Mat bc RNG says so and the number 13 :P

 Mat has zero sense of paranoia despite getting a bunch of joke votes. That's gotta count for something. I believe that red text, even with no weight behind it, does count for something in terms of ability to project impending doom

Care to join me on my Fifth train instead? It's very reasonable and well thought out

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13 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I legitimately don't give a damn. LG94 demonstrated we genuinely do not care if players sign up for a game and refuse to play. No one will say anything about it and we accept and normalise this behaviour. In fact, we fall over ourselves to highlight every single thing the Elims did right in order to not have to say anything at all about bad player behaviour.

sorry i dont have much context is your playstyle this game like, a protest-esque thing? i agree w tun that it would be great to see more reads from you, but i understand if ur just kinda done w caring bc of the events of lg94

Just now, Archer said:

You know what they say about assumptions! They're an anagram of 'I, sus pants, am 0'

hwat #2 of the game!

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