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Vinnie considered himself an expert on Shades. He did, after all, have a silvery knife in his hand and steel in his gaze. The night air was cold, blowing against his exposed biceps, and he lamented how out of fashion full coats were. It would keep him warm, but he was an explorer of dangerous forests and a denier of shades, and he had to look the part.

He put the knife away as he emerged from the forest into the village, though there wasn't a reason to. Shades were just as likely to attack there as anywhere else, assuming the Simple Rules were violated. He trusted, though, that a township like this survived because it could keep them.

Vinnie had been tasked with leading a group, a crew, across the forest. Their mission was of no importance to him, but their survival was. The crew he needed was in this town, somewhere... he just had to find out who was on board. Then, they'd be off, and with any luck at all would make it through. Following the Simple Rules was easy when you knew what they were.

In theory.

Welcome to Quick Fix 63: Simple Rules! I'll be the GM, and @Devotary of Spontaneity will be the IM. In this Threnody game, the death toll is high, but the writeups will be minimal. (Sorry).

Signups will be open from now until Monday, November 7 at 10 AM, PST. The game will begin immediately after, with the normal rollover time being then.

The rules can be found below, but there is also a docs version here.


  • Cycles are combined, and 24 hours in length.
  • PMs are open, but limited. Each player may create a single one-on-one PM per turn. These PMs must include the GM, and the IM if they wish to be included.
  • There will be a majority execution each turn, with tied votes being RNG’d.
  • Each player is allotted a single action per turn.
  • Some players will start with a single item. Items can be passed, which does not require an action.
  • Kills will not be differentiated.
  • Pinch hitters will not be given for inactivity, though they will still be available on request for other circumstances.


  • There is a modified inactivity filter in play. Starting after the first turn of inactivity, an inactive player will have a 40% chance of dying to Shades. This percentage goes up 10% after each consecutive cycle of inactivity. 
  • There is also a voting filter in play. If an active player does not vote, they will have a 40% chance of dying to Shades. This percentage goes up 10% after each consecutive cycle of not voting.
  • The two filters are mutually exclusive of one another.


  • Crewmembers: All they wanted was a safe journey through the forests, but that’s simply not possible. Standard village faction, no group doc. The Crewmembers win when all of the Shades are dead.
  • Shades: Vengeful as ever, they’re eager to destroy any violators of the Simple Rules. Standard eliminator faction, with a group doc and a factional kill each turn that counts as an action. The Shades win when they reach parity with the Crewmembers.
    • Violation: If a Shade is executed, a random player who voted on them is killed as well. Crewmembers are twice as likely to be affected by Violation.


  • Silver Dust: While holding Silver Dust, become passively immune to Violation. If all Crewmembers voting out a Shade are holding Silver Dust, no one is killed.
  • Silver Knife: Attack one player. If a Crewmember is killed with a Silver Knife, there is a 50% chance of the attacker dying as well, due to Shades. Vanishes after a successful use.
  • Fenweed Sap: Using a pouch, action-block all actions a player takes for that turn. If the target player is both taking an action and passing an item, both are blocked. A player with Fenweed Sap can start with 1 – 5 pouches. Passing Fenweed Sap passes all remaining pouches. Does not block Violation.
  • Tent: Each turn, allow any player to use the tent and hide from the Shades. (Protect a single player from being killed each turn). The same player cannot use the tent twice in a row. Does not protect from the execution or Violation.

Order of Actions:

  1. Execution/Violation
  2. Fenweed Sap
  3. Tent
  4. Kills
  5. Item Passing





  1. @The Wandering Wizard - Jeffrey Jeffrey
  2. @Archer - Gale
  3. @Kasimir - Silas Keen
  4. @Turtle - Old Ben
  5. @The Unknown Novel - Mat Rims
  6. @The Bookwyrm - Wylir
  7. @Ashbringer - Not Sure Who
  8. @JNV - Jal
  9. @Shining Silhouette
  10. @xinoehp512 - Onyx


Pinch-Hitters (not for inactivity):




Do tell me if I've forgotten anything, it's been awhile since I've done this :P But other than that, I think that's everything!

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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In the approval PM, I thought the Simple Rules title was a reference to them being your draft version. I get it now. :D. 

In as Gale, an advertising executive for Stay Puffed Marshmallows looking to recruit a Shade for a commercial she's working on. 

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I'm gonna regret this ain't I :|

35 minutes ago, Archer said:

In the approval PM, I thought the Simple Rules title was a reference to them being your draft version. I get it now. :D. 

In as Gale, an advertising executive for Stay Puffed Marshmallows looking to recruit a Shade for a commercial she's working on. 

Signing up as Keris, who ain't afraid of no ghosts! (No I'll figure something out in terms of character sketch beyond that. Eventually. Eh, how about we run with that. Let's be a fortfolk sceptic meant to write a report on Shade superstitions in the Forests!)

I kind of want to change my playstyle for this game, fair warning. I don't really want to do long analyses and stuff for as much as I can manage it. It's a QF anyway, so ain't nobody got the time for that. Low effort Kas ftw :D 

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Welcome to Quick Fix 63: Simple Rules! I'll be the GM, and [placeholder] will be the IM. In this Threnody game, the death toll is high, but the writeups will be minimal. (Sorry).


Welcome to QF63: Simple Rules, where the death toll is high and the writeups will be minimal! That's right guys, the write-ups are just like Coke Zero: streamlined essence of Zen :P 

Edited by Kasimir
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3 hours ago, Archer said:

In the approval PM, I thought the Simple Rules title was a reference to them being your draft version. I get it now. :D. 

That thought crossed my mind :P I kind of like it being a joke though.

3 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Welcome to QF63: Simple Rules, where the death toll is high and the writeups will be minimal! That's right guys, the write-ups are just like Coke Zero: streamlined essence of Zen :P 

I wanted an excuse to low-effort the writeups but say it in a way that felt like a good intro :P 

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33 minutes ago, Turtle said:

Also sorry if I’m missing something but what happens if the elim who submitted the kill is executed?

OoA has exe first and kills last, so if the elim being exed tries to submit the kill it will not go through.

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Ah, hello

I would like to join! I have never played this before, although I am a seasoned Mafia drama player!

I would like to role play as Minisa, a human with cat-like qualities (like y'know a cat). (Am I meant to say anything else or is this fine?)

"Wh-wh- you can see ghosts too? Usually, it's just me..."

Edited by Telrao
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On 10/29/2022 at 11:20 PM, Matrim's Dice said:
  • PMs are open, but limited. Each player may create a single one-on-one PM per turn. These PMs must include the GM, and the IM if they wish to be included.

Presume these PMs aren't continuous, so if I want to keep talking to my bro TJ, I've got to keep sending in a PM order?

Please don't ask me why I didn't ask this earlier it only became relevant to my interests now :( 

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29 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Presume these PMs aren't continuous, so if I want to keep talking to my bro TJ, I've got to keep sending in a PM order?

Please don't ask me why I didn't ask this earlier it only became relevant to my interests now :( 

Once a PM is created, it can be messaged as much as you want and will remain for the rest of the game. So you can make a PM with your bro TJ during C1 that will suit your needs, just not anyone else till D2 :P 

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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Can Tents only protect nonconsecutive turns, or only protect the same person nonconsecutive turns?

Same person, so like a standard Tyrian Lurcher.

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11 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Having learned from my last QF experience, I’ll sit this one out as a spectator.

*concern level sharply spikes*

Mat, I need to think about this. It's not you, it's me. Just certain life experiences that have left me a bit concerned.

Edited by Kasimir
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2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

*concern level sharply spikes*

Mat, I need to think about this. It's not you, it's me. Just certain life experiences that have left me a bit concerned.

Is this a request to be moved to spectator?

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Is this a request to be moved to spectator?

Not...yet >>

I'm thinking very hard about it and will confirm by Saturday. Maybe request to pinch-hit instead. But I also can't help making the joke because bad distro things happen to me when Araris specs, if you get my drift >>

Once is accident, twice is enemy action, thrice would be my own damned fault in inviting RNGesus to curse me >:(

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Actually in as Old Ben, wizard of the Jundland Forest, a forest of hell.

(this is dumb but I swear I can make a connection between Threnody and Tatooine. Fight me.)

Edit: We’re also dealing with around Silence’s time period, right?  

Edited by Turtle
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1 hour ago, Turtle said:

Edit: We’re also dealing with around Silence’s time period, right?  

I think so? Like the world and technology and all that will be the same as the short story but it’s not related.

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