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Conquer the World... With AI

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Our story begins in the Holy Year of 0001, marked by a grand festival held in the gods' favor. It was on this day that all the nations of the world each decided on one grand purpose: to become the ruler of all the world!
The Republic of Astrym decides to sit back and observe. Using their scientists and knowledge, they decide to wait and try to develop new technology. They believe that as long as the other kingdoms are fighting each other, there will be little chance of them being attacked. In the meantime, they develop a new science:
the Artifice. By using this, they can make weapons and armaments that aren't made from metal. These weapons are so powerful that they rival those made from the old metals, but much more compact. They also use a newly-developed alloy called Adamantium. This alloy is stronger than any metal known to man, and it's used to create armor.

@The Bookwyrm has acquired a new resource: Adamantium armor.


The kingdom of Nam-Ed is preparing for total conquest, but currently lacks the resources to supply their armies with food for an extended conquest. To remedy this, Lord Sell dispatches a team of ambassadors to the neighboring country of Serenitas to negotiate the terms of a mass purchase of livestock. While the negotiations go well at first, the Nam-Ed ambassador fails to mention that he has two bodyguards accompanying him. The Serenite envoy is unaware that his host has a secret weapon hidden under his cloak.
When the time comes for the final contract signing, both sides agree to meet in the Nam-Ed embassy garden. However, when the Nam-Ed guards open the gate to allow the Serenites through, they find three men waiting inside. One of the men is brandishing a sword while the other two have crossbows cocked. The trio immediately opens fire, killing the envoy and both bodyguards before the guards can react. The assassins then proceed to the Nam-Ed ambassador's quarters where they fatally stab the nobleman and steal his valuables.
Nam-Ed sends out an immediate response party to track down the murderers. When they arrive at the scene of the crime they find the corpses of the Nam-Ed envoy and his two bodyguards, all shot dead in various places around the garden.

@Nameless and @Sequence, both of your ambassadors are now dead!


:blink: oh dear. Now I react to that with a prompt, correct?


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K, let’s see here…

If the following needs to be tweaked, feel free

After hearing the news of the demise of the ambassadors, the kingdom of Dalrya doubled down on their secret weapon manufacturing, using the minerals found in their mountains.

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After hearing the news of the demise of the ambassadors, the kingdom of Dalrya doubled down on their secret weapon manufacturing, using the minerals found in their mountains. Their soldiers now wear protective suits made from this new material, which were developed by combining two different types of metal—titanium and adamantium. The result is a suit that is lighter and more flexible than any previous armor—perfect for the army's infiltration tactics.

@Matrim's Diceyou now also have a new resource: Titanium Adamandite Armor!

@Shallan Stormblessed, you are up

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1 minute ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

After hearing the news of the demise of the ambassadors, the kingdom of Dalrya doubled down on their secret weapon manufacturing, using the minerals found in their mountains. Their soldiers now wear protective suits made from this new material, which were developed by combining two different types of metal—titanium and adamantium. The result is a suit that is lighter and more flexible than any previous armor—perfect for the army's infiltration tactics.

@Matrim's Diceyou now also have a new resource: Titanium Adamandite Armor!

@Shallan Stormblessed, you are up


Shouldn't it be me?


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The High Council has elected a Maesar, although they have not yet declared war any nations. The Maesar called a levy to try to enhance the strength of Eshael Navar's already large navy. Over the next year, several warships were built, but they remained docked due to a lack of funds.


Oop... I forgot about those.

Here it be:


Eshael Navar is ruled by two councils, the High Council and the Low Council, except in times of war, when they are ruled by a Maesar. Their resource is their huge navy and control of the ocean economy. Anyone rich enough can buy a seat on the Low Council, but the High Council is elected by the Low Council from one not of their number. Historically, it's whoever is popular and rich enough to bribe and convince the unbribleable. In recent history, it's controlled by pirate lords who threaten and bribe their way up as well. There are only five seats on the High Council, and they have complete veto power, but zero lawmaking power, which resides with the Low Council. 
The current members of the high council include:

  • Gorath of the Wind. He is a frail old man now, but has been an influential member of the High Council for centuries. His is the oldest seat on the council, and he holds it through long life and his family's influence. He controls the merchant fleet, so most ships entering or leaving Eshael Navar dock at his port, and most goods coming into the city come by sea. Gorath is considered the voice of common sense on the High Council, though he seldom gets involved in important decisions.
  • Ulin of the Sands. Ulin's seat is the second oldest on the High Council after Gorath's. Unlike Gorath, however, Ulin enjoys political clout more than personal wealth. His seat gives him considerable sway over trade routes and ports. He also wields influence over many other areas, such as the military, and has close ties to both the city's merchant and nobility. He's a pragmatic leader who tries to keep everyone happy and working towards the greater good.
  • Aalen of the Waves. Aalen is the youngest member of the high council, and very little is known about her. She was a distant relative of Gorath's and married into his family. Her seat means that she has significant influence over the harbor and shipping lanes, but nothing else. It's said she came to power through some sort of coup within the family, and has kept her seat through influence and manipulation rather than any sort of real leadership.
  • Jarek of the Wastes. Jarek is a cold-hearted man who enjoys torturing people for fun. He has no interest in governing or politics and simply uses his position on the high council to torture those he feels like and bully others into doing what he wants. He's a wild card on the High Council, often siding with the Low Council on issues even when he knows the High Council will side with the Low Council. This is because he fears the Low Council, and knows the High Council will be more lenient with him if he acts against them first.
  • The fifth High Council member is a mysterious woman named Sera. No one knows who she is or where she comes from, and few have ever seen her face. The Low Council rarely allows anyone to see her, let alone talk to her. Everyone seems to know who she is, however, because she's known for being incredibly cruel and vindictive. Some say she's a slave of the Low Council, while others claim she's a witch who uses dark magics. Either way, few dare cross her, and she has never once voted against the Low Council in any of their important votes.

It took me five tries to get it to generate a fifth High council member. For some reason the AI was dead-set on only having four.

Next up will be Shallan Stormblessed

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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Oops, sorry. School then far away XC meet way took a long time.

The (less than intelligent and very confused) current leader of Lynara decides that, with its limited resources and remarkably chaotic magic, they will invade Serenitas for no particular reason. But since the current ruler is only ruler for a day, he decides he has to invade really fast.


Is that good? I wasn't following this thread's development because I was on a bus/running around, so I might have missed something.


Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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The (less than intelligent and very confused) current leader of Lynara decides that, with its limited resources and remarkably chaotic magic, they will attempt to invade Serenitas for no particular reason. But since the current ruler is only ruler for a day, he decides he has to invade really fast. He declares war on Serenitas and orders all the troops within the city limits to attack the palace.
The king of Serenitas quickly calls upon his army, who rush to defend the capital. As the enemy forces enter the city, they find themselves faced with a wall of Serenite defenders. At the same time, many of the Serenites take to the streets in protest against this invasion. The King immediately realizes what a disaster this is going to be, so he orders his men to fall back towards the harbor.
The battle continues for several hours, until the Serenite army manages to cut off the retreating army. The invaders realize that the best way to defeat the Serenites would be to surround them and starve them into submission. The Serenites, however, see this as an opportunity to flee the city and regroup. Many Serenites escape the city walls and run for the nearby forest.
Upon realizing that his army is surrounded, the King orders his men to retreat. However, the enemy forces continue to pursue them even after the army has retreated beyond the range of their cannons. They now face a hopeless situation, so the king orders his men to throw their swords away and surrender.

@Shallan Stormblessed has claimed Serenitas from @Sequence! On their turn, it will be up to them to decide what to do to recover.



It is now @The Wandering Wizard's turn!

Edited by Channelknight Fadran
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7 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The (less than intelligent and very confused) current leader of Lynara decides that, with its limited resources and remarkably chaotic magic, they will attempt to invade Serenitas for no particular reason. But since the current ruler is only ruler for a day, he decides he has to invade really fast. He declares war on Serenitas and orders all the troops within the city limits to attack the palace.
The king of Serenitas quickly calls upon his army, who rush to defend the capital. As the enemy forces enter the city, they find themselves faced with a wall of Serenite defenders. At the same time, many of the Serenites take to the streets in protest against this invasion. The King immediately realizes what a disaster this is going to be, so he orders his men to fall back towards the harbor.
The battle continues for several hours, until the Serenite army manages to cut off the retreating army. The invaders realize that the best way to defeat the Serenites would be to surround them and starve them into submission. The Serenites, however, see this as an opportunity to flee the city and regroup. Many Serenites escape the city walls and run for the nearby forest.
Upon realizing that his army is surrounded, the King orders his men to retreat. However, the enemy forces continue to pursue them even after the army has retreated beyond the range of their cannons. They now face a hopeless situation, so the king orders his men to throw their swords away and surrender.

@Shallan Stormblessed has claimed Serenitas from @Sequence! On their turn, it will be up to them to decide what to do to recover.

It is now @The Wandering Wizard's turn!

Quite a turnaround, one moment Lynara is backed against a wall, the next they've survived Serenitas.

This will be a battle of legend.

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The Battle of Serenite, a turning point in the early stages of the War of The World. The Battle of Serenite resulted in Sequence's loss of Serenitas and Shallan Stormblessed's surprising victory with the armies of Lynara.

that should be in a history book.


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9 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

The (less than intelligent and very confused) current leader of Lynara decides that, with its limited resources and remarkably chaotic magic, they will attempt to invade Serenitas for no particular reason. But since the current ruler is only ruler for a day, he decides he has to invade really fast. He declares war on Serenitas and orders all the troops within the city limits to attack the palace.
The king of Serenitas quickly calls upon his army, who rush to defend the capital. As the enemy forces enter the city, they find themselves faced with a wall of Serenite defenders. At the same time, many of the Serenites take to the streets in protest against this invasion. The King immediately realizes what a disaster this is going to be, so he orders his men to fall back towards the harbor.
The battle continues for several hours, until the Serenite army manages to cut off the retreating army. The invaders realize that the best way to defeat the Serenites would be to surround them and starve them into submission. The Serenites, however, see this as an opportunity to flee the city and regroup. Many Serenites escape the city walls and run for the nearby forest.
Upon realizing that his army is surrounded, the King orders his men to retreat. However, the enemy forces continue to pursue them even after the army has retreated beyond the range of their cannons. They now face a hopeless situation, so the king orders his men to throw their swords away and surrender.

@Shallan Stormblessed has claimed Serenitas from @Sequence! On their turn, it will be up to them to decide what to do to recover.

It is now @The Wandering Wizard's turn!


;-; why shallan. why would you do this to me.


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1 hour ago, Sequence said:

;-; why shallan. why would you do this to me.



Well... That was... unexpected. I didn't expect that to happen. I had to do something, so I did a random thing. My apologies


sort of

about conquering you.


Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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