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Mystic Syn

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On 3/20/2022 at 7:42 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

Elya ducked around another punch, slashing down the Mystic's face. It didn't do any good that he let her hit him: he always grinned that crazy, euphoric grin, then darted forwards to punch her back and heal his wounds. Blood started accumulating across all the spots he managed to hit, and time and time again it was as though Elya hadn't even left a scratch on him.

Further still, that Transporter was still firing at her. She'd take precious moments to deflect the bullets, and the Lifegiver would ram his spikes into her chest. Elya jumped away, grunting again as flares of pain ran through her sternum.

He was too fast. She couldn't let herself get in close.


"John, Lyanor: take this one." Elya ordered, keeping out of range of his fists. "Don't let him get close. I'll hunt down the Transporter."

@Frustration @DramaQueen

Lyanör nodded, taking cover and firing bullet after bullet at the Mystic.

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17 hours ago, Mystic Syn said:

As she walked through the walls of the tall building, she could see a few people, minding their own business. Their heads were filled with a variety of colors, and only a handful of them had Mystical colors in their chest; most of them were either Lifegivers or Harmonies. When she looked up, there were a few specks of souls here and there, notably with two of them fizzling out to nothing and one beginning to fade slightly.

As far as objects went, there seemed to be nothing.

Grace looked at the fading light, a familiar blue and red. Ji. She frowned. How had he gotten there?

She walked over to the stairwell and transitioned back into the Physical Realm to ascend a story, careful to stay out of the eyes of the occupants for now.

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“C’mon… c’mon,” Ji grunted weakly, tightening his grip on his wounded arm to give a shot of pain. “You’re not… giving in this… easily.”

The sharp pain shocked him awake, though it didn’t help him with the breathing portion. He laid his head back on the wall, sweat soaking his hair and tank top. Flickers of people appeared in front of him, but Ji elected to ignore them. He couldn’t focus on them. He just needed to get over these stupid wounds. To survive.

Voices sounded all around him, and he couldn’t tell which ones were from the living or the world beyond. The whispers from the other world were growing louder, and Ji would respond by giving himself another shot of pain. A small spark of hope ignited within him at the prospect of how he could be healed, and even though it was becoming slim at this point, he still held on.

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11 hours ago, Mystic Syn said:

“C’mon… c’mon,” Ji grunted weakly, tightening his grip on his wounded arm to give a shot of pain. “You’re not… giving in this… easily.”

The sharp pain shocked him awake, though it didn’t help him with the breathing portion. He laid his head back on the wall, sweat soaking his hair and tank top. Flickers of people appeared in front of him, but Ji elected to ignore them. He couldn’t focus on them. He just needed to get over these stupid wounds. To survive.

Voices sounded all around him, and he couldn’t tell which ones were from the living or the world beyond. The whispers from the other world were growing louder, and Ji would respond by giving himself another shot of pain. A small spark of hope ignited within him at the prospect of how he could be healed, and even though it was becoming slim at this point, he still held on.

Grace moved quickly up the stairs and through the halls, moving to the room where she'd seen Ji's light flickering and opening the door. She sighed, taking stock of his numerous injuries and beginning to administer healing.


How bad is it, would you say?


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8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

How bad is it, would you say?


A stab to the lower right side and somewhat shallow lacerations spiraling up his right arm. It’s not the wounds that I’m worried about, but the amount of blood he’s lost over this and his earlier injury.


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Grace watched as Ji's wounds regenerated. Pale flesh. Too pale. It was clear from the state of the room that he'd lost a lot of blood, and the Bloodknife's elixir could only do so much to restore it. He would have been fine with a few days rest, but with the situation as it was... leaving him in this state meant leaving him to die.

That left only one option. With a sigh, Grace opened Ji's mouth and poured the remainder of the flask down his throat.

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Grace knelt over one of the corpses, knife buried in its heart drawing still-warm blood. She turned to glance at Ji and blinked. His Mystic color- it was much brighter now. Brighter than she'd ever seen it previously. Had her elixir done that? She'd never seen it do that before... then again, she hadn't had the glasses before now either. But what could it mean?

Edited by xinoehp512
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*That awkward moment when you realize that this is technically a double-post*

The shots stopped coming. Elya knew where she was going, but stopped for just a moment to think anyways. So the shooter had finally determined that she'd gotten her bearings on his location, so by stopping he was either trying to make an escape, sloppily hide his current location, or something else.

Probably something else, given her track record.

Scanning the area, Elya determined that nobody else was around. Most normal folks would've cleared out by now, leaving the buildings and streets mostly abandoned. How large of an area had these Reapers cleared out? A square mile? Five? Had anyone been caught in the crossfire or taken hostage? Not even the most corrupt Pacis were likely to attack civilians in the richer sides of town, fortunately. That was one possible contingency taken care of.

This was just getting messier and messier. They needed to speed things along.

The Lifegiver grinned--almost laughed--as the tank erupted into a massive fireball of light, heat, shrapnel, and noise. The shockwave blew out his eardrums, fire burnt out the roots of his hair, and shards of iron ripped through his muscles and tendons.

Smoke coiled and pulsed through the air, obscuring everything anywhere nearby. The wind was already beginning to pick up, brushing away the edges of the cloud--so the Mystic wasted no time.

He darted forwards again at inhuman speed, ironclad fist sailing right at John's face.

@Frustration @Tani

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John barely managed to sidestep. The mystics fist slicing the surface of his nose as he turned.

I have to end this quickly. John realised. He was running out of tricks fast, he needed to make use of what time he had.

Grabbing for the Mystic's waist John tried to grapple him again. If he could get him to breath enough of the mustard gass in he should die.

Because as powerful as they might be, mystics were still mortal.

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They were on the other side of the building. Elya set her hand against the wall of a now-abandoned bakery, looking up at the brickwork. It wasn't exactly something she could scale, but a few jumps from here and there could probably make do.

What was on the other side? An open street? Compact alleys? From here it was impossible to tell. Whatever it was, though, Elya doubted it would be any kind of place where she could take the advantage. No Mystic as powerful as this Reaper would make the mistake of neglecting to set their own terrain. 

There wasn't any time to waste. Elya slid her sword into its sheath, then jumped and grabbed the bakery's awning, pulling herself up. She balanced on one foot along the beam, reading the nearby terrain for another target. After deeming a second-story window acceptable, Elya jumped to that, holding in a grunt of pain as her hands and forearms scraped against the brick. From there it was just careful leaps up the wall.

At least no portals appeared to plunge any bullets into her head.

"Ahh, well..." The Mystic seemed unfazed by John's efforts, sticking a couple weak punches into the man's shoulders. Blood gushed down his face and back, irritating every rancid blister from the explosion.

Such a glorious sensation! He sucked in a deep breath through the nose, closing his eyes in glee. To think that the world contained such wonders!

The damage, however, was beginning to look dangerous. He sighed, glancing down at the man. "Well, it's been fun."

The Mystic grasped John's throat and began to squeeze.

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Ji sat for a moment, regaining his bearings. The pain had... disappeared. He felt better, that much he knew. What pain from either his encounter with the Deathgranter girl or with the two Mystics here had melted away. Ji reached up under his shirt, trying to feel for the wound, but only feeling a few scars. He then tore off the crude bandages from his arm, revealing the faint scars of the lacerations.

There was no memory of what had happened after he'd killed the Mystics. It had become dark. The beyond had been calling his name. So close to fading away entirely. Till something just pulled him back, gently removing the pain.

Ji groaned as he slowly stood up, everything seeming to work in perfect order. He was still soaked in blood, but it was very difficult to tell whose was it. Ji stiffened as he regarded Grace, but he nodded.

"I assume you're the one that healed me," he said, managing to walk over to the table where he'd found the handgun. "Thank you."

Weapons littered the table, but one caught his eye. Ji reached over and picked up the long sniper rifle. He looked down the sights, everything coming back crystal clear. Feeling the gun, he came across two bumps. With a yank, they came off, and he brought them close to study. Without saying anything, Ji placed the two metallic beads on his temples.

As soon as they attached, holographic screens appeared in front of his eyes, calculating the wall in front of him. Ji furrowed his brow, then turned to Grace, raising an eyebrow as a red figure stood in front of him.

"Hmm," he mumbled aloud. Ji walked towards the window, surveying the area.

Red figures dotted the place, some more familiar than others. One seemed to be attacking the other, but he couldn't tell who.

Ji looked down at the sniper rifle, knowing for a fact that he couldn't shoot from one for the life of him. But he still got down on the ground, and aimed down the sights, using the holographics to guide his shots.

. . .

She stood on the tall building the Reapers had used for a small base of operations. The gravel underneath her boots crunched under her boots as she leaned forward, observing both the Mystics in the cloud of gas and the one trying to attack William. They were small dots to her, but she could make them out as such. She only hoped that––

A cold shiver ran down her spine, shaking her to the core. Then another one followed not long after the first.


He actually managed to kill them both.

She couldn't help but respect him for actually killing them.

Mmmm, the voice mused. You should be down there.

You know why I can't, she responded, leaning over the roof.

Can't or won't?


Mmmm. Is it because you don't want to deal with––

"Shut up," she whispered aloud. She kept her gaze focused on the one dealing with William. "You know why I don't want to."

You're going to have to deal with it sooner or later.

"It's... not that."

Then what is... The voice seemed to raise his eyebrow. Oh. I see.

She dropped the subject, watching the Mystic attack William. Such a shame to see him go like this.

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59 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

They were on the other side of the building. Elya set her hand against the wall of a now-abandoned bakery, looking up at the brickwork. It wasn't exactly something she could scale, but a few jumps from here and there could probably make do.

What was on the other side? An open street? Compact alleys? From here it was impossible to tell. Whatever it was, though, Elya doubted it would be any kind of place where she could take the advantage. No Mystic as powerful as this Reaper would make the mistake of neglecting to set their own terrain. 

There wasn't any time to waste. Elya slid her sword into its sheath, then jumped and grabbed the bakery's awning, pulling herself up. She balanced on one foot along the beam, reading the nearby terrain for another target. After deeming a second-story window acceptable, Elya jumped to that, holding in a grunt of pain as her hands and forearms scraped against the brick. From there it was just careful leaps up the wall.

At least no portals appeared to plunge any bullets into her head.

"Ahh, well..." The Mystic seemed unfazed by John's efforts, sticking a couple weak punches into the man's shoulders. Blood gushed down his face and back, irritating every rancid blister from the explosion.

Such a glorious sensation! He sucked in a deep breath through the nose, closing his eyes in glee. To think that the world contained such wonders!

The damage, however, was beginning to look dangerous. He sighed, glancing down at the man. "Well, it's been fun."

The Mystic grasped John's throat and began to squeeze.

John grabbed the man's wrist in his hand, partially to keep him in place, but also trying to keept himself contious. Doing his best to control his breathing as he began to sweat.

John fumbled in his bag with his other hand, until he managed to grab his gun.

John shoved his gun into the mystics mouth. "Dodge this." He managed to choke.

And just as the world started to go dark, he managed to squeeze the trigger.

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Kazh cast Burning Death, rushed it too much, started over, completed the spell, and tackled the Lifegiver. The Lifegiver's skin burned more from Kazh's body of flames, and a heat came alight inside the Lifegiver, beginning to warm to uncomfortable levels.


Burning Death is causing the heat inside the Lifegiver.

Edited by Tani
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The bullet zipped towards her face the moment Elya summited the building.

Lights. Of course. She ducked it narrowly, feeling the afterwave sift through her hair, then threw a knife at its trajectory. As expected, the blade clattered harmlessly against the back wall of another building--there wasn't any reason for this Transporter to stop using his powers now.

Another portal shimmered in the air, but Elya was in a much cleaner position now. She leapt from the rooftop to the fire escapes below as the bullet shot off into the sky, then leapt from the scaffholding to a lampost and swung about to break her fall. Old dust and gravel scraped beneath her shoes as Elya slid to a halt.

The Mystic was as she remembered him from earlier: a little short for a Kajtaniak, completely bald (except for a few moss-like spots of stubble on his chin), missing an eye. A massive sniper rifle was slung across his back, still giving off a bit of heat from being used so many times. He'd switched to a pair of pistols, and apparently had decided to be polite enough to give her a chance to catch her breath.

"They were telling me about you," He said. "Elya, is it? My name is William."

Elya slid her katana back out of its sheath, gripping it in both hands in front of her.

"Oh, you needn't worry. Those earlier attempts at killing you were... tests, of sorts. Per say. But if you're here, then I'll allow you to prepare yourself before I have to kill you."

"You sound confident," Elya said.

"I am." William spun a pistol on his finger absently. "You're more powerful than your companions. That's why you're here alone and left the others to defeat V'Harte. Let's see how they're doing, shall we?" He gestured for her to come over, putting up a weak portal to filter the light from the battlefield over.

The bullet broke through Tengo's skull with a sickening crack. His grip on John's throat immediately loosened as he slipped and fell backwards, blood and brains splattering onto the floor. His chest fell flat, limbs started to pale, eyes flickered shut...

Yet the smile on his face never fell closed.

@Frustration @Tani @DramaQueen

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John and Kazh (and presumably Lyanor) are fighting a massochistic Lifegiver, Elya went off to hunt a portal sniper, and Ji just killed a couple other baddies with the help of Grace.

John, Kazh, and Lyanor know where Elya went. All of them think that Ji's safe and sound in an alleyway (he got kidnapped). Ji hasn't the least idea what's going on right now.


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19 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:



On 3/21/2022 at 7:50 PM, DramaQueen said:

Lyanör nodded, taking cover and firing bullet after bullet at the Mystic.


Not just presumably; that is what she's doing. I wasn't sure if more had happened since then.


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