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Mid-Range Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones


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Sign ups will close on Monday, October 10th at 8PM EST and the game will begin 2 hours later!



Mid-Range Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones

Perched upon the highest balcony of the tallest spire in Agea, Capital of Mars, ArchGovernor Tiberius au Bellona and his Chief Politico, Pliny au Velocitor, survey the once-red planet’s vast landscape with opposite degrees of interest.

Although the history books claim this world was once a barren wasteland, it's hard for any Gold to imagine Mars being anything less than rich and verdant. Even among the dusty flatlands that lay beyond that great scar an ancient people named Valles Marineris, the Society prospers. Not as well as it does here, perhaps, where giant redwood forests and countless acres of lush gardens were cultivated to farm oxygen and sustenance, but all Colors, high and low, still propser in their own preordained ways.

Browns graciously bow to the whims of bureaucratic Coppers and the money-tending Silvers. Blues meticulously study to pilot colossal moonBreakers and sleek leechCrafts, while the Greens continue to innovate old designs and develop new technologies with aims of revolutionizing the Sovereign's armada. Oranges labor the days away to turn Green's dreams into a reality as the Yellows tend to those whose minds and bodies break underneath all that pressure. Even the Pinks don't so much as bat and eye when asked to please a new master... if not for the Arrogance of a few bad Golds and the ungratefulness of those rebellious Reds, all would be well with Mars.

It all started with those cursed Sons of Ares. When they first surfaced, Tiberius never imagined they would cause this much chaos. At first all they did was spread propaganda. Release the occasionally hacked footage of necessary punishments to maintain order among the lowColor that they deemed cruel and unjust. Despite causing the occasional strike, this failed to inspire most lowColors to take action, and so they began enacting violence against the highColors, sending their own kin with bombs strapped to their chest to destroy Pearl Clubs and Golden Estates. Even that didn't cause as much of an uproar as they wished, and so, desperately craving anarchy, they sent agents to reveal the true nature of our world to the lowReds that toil beneath Mars' surface. The subsequent riots - and significant decrease in helium-3 procurement - were a nightmare, and every day they seemed to be getting worse. Tiberius truly was at war with his own planet, and loathe as he was to admit it, he was losing.

Even worse, Tiberius' mortal enemy, Imperator Nero au Augustus, whispered to the Sovereign of his failures to quell the tide rising from the mines. Now she herself was breathing down his neck. "Take a hold of the reins once more, ArchGovernor," she told him with a sneer, stare so frigid her eyes seemed like crystallized sunlight, "or I'll find someone else to reign in your stead." It was clear to him who she meant by that, and for the first time in his life, Tiberius was unsure what to do.

"My liege, can we please return inside?" Pliny asks Tiberius from his side, cautiously eyeing the larger man's back as sweat beads down his face. "We both know I'm not very fond of heights... and besides, if Augustus really does plan on overthrowing us," the ArchGovernor casts a heated glance at Pliny, prompting him to swallow, "I mean, overthrowing you, then surely you shouldn't be exposing yourself so openly."

After a long moment, Tiberius sighs and his gaze wanders back to the horizon before eventually drifting to the gardens below. "Do you every wonder why I keep you so close to me, Pliny?" the ArchGovernor asks as he watches a troupe of Violets dance and sing for his wife, Talia, and his youngest daughter, Karna. From this height they were barely the size of ants, and yet Tiberius had no doubt who those shapes belonged to.

"Because you trust me, my liege?" Pliny asks hopefully. Immediately Tiberius bursts out with a harsh laugh, so curt and mocking that the smaller Gold can't help but frown. The ArchGovernor makes a point to wipe a fake tear from his cheek before taking a deep, grave breath.

"You've served me for a long time, Pliny, and not once have you asked me for any favors. Our relationship has been set on a one way course from the start, and yet despite being a Gold you have never once tried to ask for a moment's reprieve or lead me astray. Why is that, Pliny? Do you really expect me to believe you have no desires of your own?"

"Of course I have my own desires, sir... it's just... you are a man fit to be king, my liege. How could I ever find the courage to challenge you?"

"Don't you patronize me now, Pliny. I'm not some Pixie who needs their ego constantly inflated. Tell me why."

"It's simple, my liege. Everything you gain, I gain too." At that, Tiberius glares at Pliny again, though this time with an eyebrow raised, as if curious. "Err- perhaps not everything, my liege, but when you win, I win as well. My reputation was non-existent before I swore myself to you. No, I may not be one of the most powerful men in the Solar System, but I am proud to be the cricket one one of their shoulders. I could never become a Peerless Scarred. When I was young the thought of attending the Institute never even crossed my mind. But in this way, in this capacity, I can still give back the Society what it deserves."

When he finishes the ArchGovernor doesn't look away. His eyes bore into Pliny's, relentlessly seeking lies where there are none, making sure that his Chief Politico's resolve does not falter. Pliny's face is hot - hotter than it has any right to be in this heat - and he somehow he doesn't flinch. Deep down he knows that while he might not have the strength to throw his liege over this ledge, the same could not be said for Tiberius.

"Very well. To answer your question, no, I don't trust you, Pliny. How could any Gold trust one of his own when they're so willing to bow and scrape? Golds are gods among them. Even you, despite you refusing to act the part. We are an arrogant breed, and rightfully so. I understand arrogance. I can fathom it. You, however, are a complete enigma to me. If not for your Color I would think you raised by Browns," Tiberius laughs, this time at length and in earnest. Suddenly light-heated, Pliny grabs at the rail beside him as his legs nearly give out. "Alright, Pliny," the ArchGovernor continues, "let's go inside." Turning on his heel, Tiberius leads Pliny like a loyal pup back into his shadowy chamber. "I trust all my lancers have reported to you? How much longer until the last one arri..." his voices fades as he disappears down a distant corridor.


Later that evening, in the shadowed vales between the sky-piercing towers of the Aerie, ArchGovernor Bellona's private estate, a pair of Gold's meet in secret, each cloaked in darkness and wearing a fleshMask that makes them seem a lesser Color than they are. "Who goes there?" the first Gold asks, back pressed against a wall so tight that their silhouette barely registers to the other's eyes.

"Hic Sunt Leones" the approach Gold responds, their voice somehow sounding faint and feeble, true to their role, despite it being modified to naturally carry across great distances. Upon hearing the phrase, the first Gold bursts from the shadows, lunging at the second.

"Is that really you?" the first Gold asks rhetorically - and much too loudly, for that matter - as they attempt to hug their companion. "You've finally learned how to sneak about, eh? Too bad you lacked that skill during our time in the Academy! Do you remember that time whe-"

"-Shhh," the second Gold cuts the first off by suddenly clenching a large palm over their mouth. "It's much too dangerous to be reminiscing over memories, no matter how fond," the second whispers in the first's ear. "Save it for the welcome banquet, when the rest are here to watch, and we can put on a grand show of crossing paths for the first time in years. The only reason I agreed to meet you now at all was so I could tell you to calm yourself. You've always been much to eager for my own good, and we cannot afford to get caught now. Not when what we're plotting is treason."

The first Golds tries to talk, though their words come out mumbled through the massive hand pressed against their face. Rolling their eyes, the second Gold removes it, then places a single outstretched finger over the center of their lips, prompting the other to nod in agreement. "But is it truly treason when the Sovereign herse-"

"-Stop!" the second Gold reaches for the first's mouth again, but this time gets swatted away. "It isn't safe here. Every day the ArchGovernor grows more paranoid, seeding a new pair of eyes and ears in only places he knows, so save that talk for the dataNet." Sighing, the second Gold rubs the back of their hand where the other hit them. "I'm going to go now. It was nice seeing you alive and in person rather than on the holos, but until next Monday let's keep it that way. If the ArchGovernor knew you were here before the rest of his lancers... it wouldn't end pretty, I can predict that much. Stick with the plan and we'll see each other again, old friend. Goodbye and goodnight."

Before the first Gold can get another word in edge wise the second storms off as silently and angry as they can manage. Lingering, the first Gold eventually shrugs and saunters off in the opposite direction.



Greetings friends. If you're unfamiliar with the wonderful setting established in the Red Rising trilogy, then I am ecstatic to be the first person to introduce it to you. In particular, this game is focused on elements introduced in the second book, Golden Son. While it is not a requirement to read the books in order to play this game, it is inevitable that some elements of the world's history and culture will get revealed by write-ups. Besides the fact that the trilogy is an incredibly entertaining (and often touching) tale, myself and my coGM STINK highly recommend that you read the first two books in order to get the most out of your game-play experience. Both Red Rising and Golden Son are relatively cheap (the first is 6 dollars and the second 10 as e-books), and pretty fast reads (it took me a day dedicated fully to each to finish them), so if you're keen, I've provided the links so you can purchase them now to get yourself ready. If not, no worries! Like any of our elimination games here, there's no need to know the source material. It's only particularly useful if you intend on roleplaying, which it is my intention to encourage with my introduction of the merit system and character prompts.


Seven hundred and thirty-six years have passed since an event known as the Conquering, where the first "Golds" succeeded in destroying the twenty factions that ruled Earth to create one united Society. Mankind now inhabit the moon, Luna, as well as Mars and a large variety of terrestrial bodies in the Outer Rim. In particular, this story is focused on Tiberius au Bellona, the ArchGovernor of Mars, as a wave of rebellion sweeps through the mines beneath his planet's surface and his greatest rival and mortal enemy, Imperator Nero au Augustus, makes plans to cast his House from the throne and claim it for himself. The crux of his plan involves a small group of the ArchGovernor's lancers, great warriors who once swore their allegiance to his House, that have since made new oaths to the power-hungry Imperator. Advised by his Chief Politico, Pliny au Velocitor, the ArchGovernor has recalled every one of his lancers back to their capital, Agea, from various missions across the universe, with hopes of mustering his power to combat a rumored coup d'etat. Only unbeknownst to him, forcing Tiberius into this position was Nero's intent all along, as it would allow his new-found allies the opportunity to destroy him.


Similar to most mid-ranged games, Hic Sut Leones will have a combined day/night turn (which I will refer to as "Chapters") that consist of 46 hours of game play and 2 hours for myself and STINK to work out the results and produce the write up. Everyone who signs up with play the part of one of Tiberius' lancers (only with a first name, please), who at the start of the game will be assigned a House (role) and an alignment. Supporting Tiberius in a regal shade of teal will be the Faithful, while the Forsworn bear the color of House Augustus, a dark orange not much unlike a Lion's mane. In order for the Faithful to win they must find and kill all of the Forsworn. As for the Forsworn they can only win if they outnumber Tiberius (the GM) and his Faithful lancers. While neither faction will begin the game knowing who their allies are, the Forsworn will start the game with two costless messages between each other in the form of a chain.


Whenever a lancer accuses another one of treason, they challenge that lancer's honor and initiate a duel. Those lancers who are not directly involved can then cheer for one of the combatants OR initiate a duel of their own. There is no limit to how many duels can be initiated at once, however, only the duel with the most cheers overall will occur. Between the two combatants the lancer with the most individual cheers will take the loser's life. In the case of a tie, Tiberius himself will determine who determine who the winner is (by flipping a coin) and the chosen man will slay the other. At any time, a lancer can apologize for their accusation, however this will not cancel the duel unless the accused lancer accepts it. Bystanders can cease supporting a combatant in favor of another whenever they please. No lancer is allowed to accuse and/or cheer more than a single lancer at a time, although an accused lancer can cheer on another duel.

Kills and Comms

At the start of every cycle, the Forsworn who earned the most Merit that Chapter will be smuggled a free ionBlade by a secret benefactor. If two Forsworn are tied in Merit than only one of then the secret benefactor will choose one of them to give it to (via coin flip). At the start of the game every lancer will begin with at least two Items: a whisperGem and a dataPad. At any time, lancers can encode their whisperGem with a maximum of 100-words, that will be revealed in the write-up following their death. Unlike other items, dataPads do not expire after use; instead, they allow you to create a permanent individual or group message with any lancer of the owner's voice at the cost of 1 Merit per recipient.


Before a Gold graduates from the Institute as a Peerless Scarred, they had been raised by a proud House with its own vivid history and deigned purpose. As such, the ArchGovernor's lancers have a wide variety of skills, each of which can be used to their advantage once every cycle. Below is a list of some Houses and their specific abilities.

  • Thorne: Raised among many cousins of a very minor family, you possess no particularly worthwhile talents.
  • Fabii: Raised by the most cunning of Mars' politicos, you are gifted with a silver tongue, which you can use to make another lancer cheer for anyone you choose.
  • Rath: Raised in the image of Gold's most despicable traitors, you understand the importance of maintaining a fluid allegiance. Once and only once you are allowed to defect to the other team.
  • Julii: Raised by the wealthiest of the interstellar merchants, you know how to make any deal seem better than it is, allowing you to trade a single Item of yours for someone else's. You must, however, specify both Items accurately or else the trade will be randomized.
  • Telemanus: Raised by House Bellona's stalwart protectors, you've the strength and resolve to sacrifice your own life in the defense of another, killing the first person to attack them in retaliation.
  • Lune: Raised by the Sovereign, Octavia au Lune, you have access to databases that can reveal the origins of any lancer you examine.
  • Arcos: Raised by the former Rage Knight, Lorn au Arcos, you have mastered the Willow Way and thus are undefeatable in one-on-one combat. However, the pride he's instilled in you is the quiet sort, preventing you from making accusations, though you may still cheer on combatants.
  • Bellona: Raised by the ArchGovernor himself, you are his most favored, and thus are allowed to earn an additional 10 Merit each Chapter. Failure, however, will not be tolerated, and thus inactivity will result in the deduction of 10 Merit instead of the usual 5.


When the game begins, each lancer will be with a total of 5 Merit. Every Chapter Merit can be gained or lost depending on how much a player participates. 1 Merit is earned whenever a player makes a post that includes at least 100 words of RP. 1 Merit is also earned when a player makes an on-topic contribution to the discussion (including, but not limited to, suggesting a plan, initiating a duel, cheering a combatant, or analyzing another player). Note that simply voting will not be enough; an explanation must be provided as well if you wish to earn Merit from your post. It is up to Tiberius to deem if your contribution is worthy of Merit. If a lancer believes they deserve more Merit then they are given in a turn, they can plead their case via the GM PM. A total of 20 Merit can be earned this way each Chapter.

Additional Merit can be earned in three different circumstances. X Merit will be given to the victor of a duel where X = half the opponents total Merit. The same rule applies if a Forsworn is killed by a Faithful with an ionBlade, although a Forsworn earns no merit for murdering a Faithful. If a Forsworn is killed in a duel, the second half of their Merit will be divided up among those who cheered against them.


When the game begins, some lancers may begin with a randomized Item from the list below. Each Chapter, a list of how many Items are in stock will be included, which can be purchased with Merit via their GM PM. All Items (except the dataPad) expire after a single use. One Chapter after an Items use, the shop will be restocked with a new one. In addition to paying the fixed base cost, lancers can allocate an optional amount of Merit as a bid, which will determine who receives an Item if multiple lancers attempt to purchase the same one. Lancers who lose this bid will be refunded the Item's initial fee, but not their extra allocation. Unwanted Items can be sold directly to the shop via the GM PM for half of the Item's base cost.

Below is a list of each Item, proceeded by their quantity in parenthesis and followed by their base cost, as well as their relevant ability, as it will appear in every Chapter's write up.

  • (?) holoCam(s) / holoBox(es), 10 Merit: Give your holoBox to another lancer and every action that you make or that is physically made against you will be recorded and relayed to them.
  • (?) jamField(s)20 Merit: Any device that is used within close proximity of you and another lancer you target is disabled (not destroyed). This can interfere with a Lunes research, but no other House ability.
  • (?) stunFist(s)30 Merit: Stun another lancer, preventing them from taking any further actions this Chapter. If your target is protected by a pulseShield they will not be stunned, although their pulseShield will be destroyed.
  • (?) fleshMask(s)40 Merit: Disguise yourself as another lancer, preventing any action that would be used against you at the cost of potentially becoming the target of an action that would target the lancer you disguise yourself as. Likewise, any further action you take will be observed as being executed by the lancer you impersonate.
  • (?) ghostCloak(s)40 Merit: Stealth yourself, causing any action that targets you to fail. In addition, you can stalk another lancer to discover the targets and actions they make, but you yourself are unable to take any more actions.
  • (?) pulseShield(s), 50 Merit: Passively protects you from a single death (includes duels).
  • (?) ionBlade(s)60 Merit: A generic, energy-based weapon that's perfect for assassinations.


Character prompts will be created and distributed randomly for each player who does not establish a persona for themselves during this pregame stage. These character prompts can take the form of specific personality quirks or relationships with other lancers. For example, you may have a deep hatred for a particular Color, or be involved in a love triangle with two other players. If you receive a character prompt note that you do not have to roleplay according to it; it is nothing more than a suggestion to help encourage roleplaying to those who normally might not do it. Anything said in these prompts are not necessarily canon; for example, if you're playing a Mistborn Worldhopper then they will be adapted accordingly.


There is no limit to how many different Items a lancer can use in a single Chapter; however, the same does not apply multiples of the same Item. In the case of actions / reactions, they will always occur in the following order:

RathholoCamAccusation FabiiCheer → Duel → JuliijamFieldghostCloak fleshMask → stunFistTelemanusionBlade Lune holoBox Purchases

Edited by Amanuensis
Slight rule modifications and text formatting
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Dramatis Personae

  1. Darkness Ascendant as Brown-Piercing
  2. Daniyah as Danii
  3. Doctor12 as Spartacus
  4. Assassin in Burgundy as The Jackal
  5. Magestar as Lucius
  6. Wonko the Sane as Sanis
  7. Jondesu as Quintus
  8. AliasSheep as Nirgal
  9. I_am_a_Stick as Stick
  10. livinglegend as Rylos
  11. Bugsy6912 as Sevro
  12. The_Lady_of_Chaos as Tenebrum
  13. Elenion as Khazad
  14. The Young Bard as Gregor
  15. TheMightyLopen as Priam
  16. Burnt Spaghetti as Tia
  17. Arraenae as Nyanah
  18. Elbereth as Lumina
  19. Straw as Morsde
  20. jefrywlfersn as Jefry


Questions & Answers

  • Can I start multiple PMs with the same dataPad? Or would I need to acquire a new one for that?
    • Yes. The dataPad is the only Item that doesn't expire after use. So as long as you have Merit you can create a PM; just know that unlike other Items, this Merit will be subtracted before purchasing other Items, so you'll have to keep track of that. Because everyone starts off the game with 5 Merit that means everyone will be able to make 5 PMs on the first turn (or one PM with 5 other people, or any combination of the sort)
  • What is the code for the blue and orange text used for cheering and ceasing? I'm on mobile more than PC.
    • color=teal and color=orange
  • Will there be any hidden roles and factions?
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Do members of the Telemanus family die if a person they're protecting gets killed?
    • Yes, if they don't have a pulseShield.
  • The merit/post method seems to disadvantage those who make wall posts. Can people use the page break to split up large posts into sections and receive a merit for each section? (Merit would be assigned at discretion of GM, of course)
    • Tiberius understands that some lancers have busy social lives, so if they have to say a lot at once, rather than little over time, he will take that into account. If a lancer wishes to separate their points, either with multiple spaces between their paragraphs or page breaks, I'm sure the ArchGovernor would appreciate it.


Table of Contents

  1. Chapter 1: A Day to Remember
  2. Chapter 2: Out with the Old
  3. Chapter 3: An Heir Abandoned
  4. Chapter 4: The Mad Hunt
  5. Chapter 5: Death Begets Death Begets Death Begets Death
  6. Chapter 6: Secrets Revealed
  7. Chapter 7: Love Lost, Faith Found
  8. Chapter 8: The Hearth's Last Light
  9. Chapter 9: The Lion's Rise


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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Wow. That's really impressive! I really like How everything fits together so....perfectly,

I shall be signing up as Brown-Piercing

I have a bit of a justification obsession, if that's what you're referring to :)

Happy to have you!

7 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

I want to play. If I start now hopefully I'll finish the first book before the game starts :P 

No rush :D take as much time as you need to finish the book. It isn't really necessary, but it's definitely worth your time. I should probably warn people that it does have some mature language and slightly darker themes... nothing our beloved Brandon hasn't covered - such as slavery, racism, or violence - but Pierce Brown is a bit more "real" when it comes to his character's dialogue / inner monologue.

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2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Sign Ups will close on Monday, October 10th at 10PM EST


Mid-Ranged Game 17: Hic Sunt Leones

Perched upon the highest balcony of the tallest spire in Agea, etc, etc...


Actually, I'm going to modify this slightly... sign ups will now close at 8PM EST, while the game will begin at 10PM EST.

@Daniyah, let me know as soon as you have a first name for your character. For now I'll just have you down as Danii

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An empty corridor in a palace, carpeted and softly lit. For the moment, it was empty. There was a curious depression in the carpet in the middle of the corridor, in the shape of a large square. It appeared as if something in the shape of a box had stood there but a few moments ago.

A low, breathy hum, a soft wind from nowhere blowing into the corridor, ruffling the carpet.

A light flared into existence, as the winds grew stronger. A low, alien hum, growing louder.

Now it was a groan, a wheeze, a rhythmic, pulsing groan as more light flared as if from windows hanging in the air. The groan of ancient, powerful engines manipulating time itself. As the groan grew louder, the faint outline of a box seemed to fade into existence, veins of blue solidity pulsing through it with each growing hum until it stood there, a solid, blue box where none had been but a moment before. The box was in exactly the spot where the depression had been, as if it was the same object that had caused it.

The door clicked open, and the Healer popped his head out.

“Mars.” He muttered. “Roughly 34th Century.” He took a long, slow glance around the room, taking in the opulent decorations. “Interesting…”

Suddenly, footsteps. The Healer jerked his head up, surprised. Some steps before him, the corridor opened into two side passages. He watched, confused, as a man that looked exactly like him, except with golden eyes and wearing a golden outfit, walked past his corridor, winking at him as he passed.


Then, more footsteps. Urgent ones. A boy running towards him, dressed in gold armor, with a panicked look in his eyes. He seemed to be late to something. The Healer sauntered into the left side passage, hoping the boy would pass him by.

No such luck. The boy, even in his hurry, noticed him. A challenging look came into his eyes, as he jerked to a stop and appraised him. In a moment a wicked looking pulsing blade was in his hands, leveled at the Healer’s neck.

The Healer rolled his eyes and put up his hand. “Hello, no need to be so violent, I’m the Healer, I come in –urk” The boy had grabbed his neck. He was much, much stronger than he looked, apparently.

“Who are you?!” He hissed. “Tiberius or Augustus?” Then he laughed, and dropped the Healer. “What am I saying, you’re not even Gold…” Before the Healer could say anything, the boy jerked him up again, staring into his eyes. “Black eyes?” His eyes  flicked to his hands. Then the Healer was unceremoniously thrown to the ground again, the Blade leveled at his throat.

What are you?” The boy asked again. He seemed utterly thrown. And disconcerted people were dangerous people.

In any case, he was out of here. A high pitched screech suddenly emanated from his pocket, causing the boy to jump violently and stab at it. Fortunately, he had taken full advantage of the boy’s surprise to roll out of the way, then kick at the boy’s legs.

They connected, but the boy didn’t fall. Rassilon, how dense were his bones? No time to think, the boy had already recovered, and there was murder in his eyes. The Healer whipped his sonic from his pocket and jabbed it in the direction of the lights, thinking frantically.

The lights went out, there was a curse, and the Healer was back in his TARDIS, laughing breathlessly. Nothing like barely escaping death to start the day. He ran to the central console and jerked the lever, activating the dematerialization sequence. On the scanner, he saw the boy’s utterly confused face, which made him laugh all the more.



The TARDIS landed again, far too soon to have travelled far. The Healer blinked, then checked the scanner. The exact same corridor, the same day, the same year.

But five minutes before he first landed. Exactly five minutes before he had first landed. The Healer looked at the time rotor, rolling his eyes. “Really?” he groaned. The lights flashed in a distinctly smug way. 

A flash. He remembered the man who had looked like him, but with gold eyes, sauntering across and waving. That had been him. Realization struck. He started laughing softly again, and ran into his cavernous wardrobe.

In three minutes he was out of the TARDIS, wearing brilliant gold the same shade as the boy’s armor, and contact lenses that made his eyes the same shade of gold. On his hands he wore perception filtered gloves, as he had no idea how to imitate the boy’s sigil. It would do. He nodded at the old girl, as she dematerialized, leaving a square depression in the carpet.

Exactly two minutes later, he heard the sound of ancient engines, as he saw his past TARDIS materialize in the corridor, his past self stepping out. Grinning to himself, he walked out of the side passage and waved cheerily to his past self. Only he could derive amusement from confusing himself. He...wondered what that said about himself.

In another moment, the same boy ran past, saw his past self and accosted him. The Healer leaned by the passage, grinning as he watched his past self casually outfox the boy, hearing the boy curse as the lights suddenly went out, and the groan of the TARDIS engines fading once more.

He pointed his sonic at the lights, as it lit up and whirred softly. The lights bloomed back on, and the boy staggered back, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light.

“I say, are you alright?” the Healer put on a concerned tone, reaching forward to help the boy up. The boy did a double take as he saw him, whipping his blade at him before he noticed the Healer’s new gold clothes and the sigil on his wrist.

“Who…who are you?” The boy asked, utterly bewildered. The Healer looked around once more, taking in the distinctly Roman flavored decorations, and grinned. “I am…Spartacus!” For good measure he whipped out his psychic paper, which had taken the form of a datapad, and flashed it at the boy.

The boy relaxed, and put away his weapon. “Right. I don’t suppose you saw where that gorydam Obsidian went, did you?”

The Healer shrugged. “Search me. But weren’t you late for something?”

The boy groaned. “Don’t remind me, I’ve got to run! And aren’t you supposed to be coming too?”

The Healer grinned. “On your mark.”

Then the boy took off at an inhumanly fast pace, leaving him gaping. Was the boy even human?

Luckily, even though usually he wasn’t the one doing the chasing, the Healer had a lot of practice running really fast.

His last thoughts just before he took off was...This might even be fun!


Doctor12, in full RP mode, signing up as Spartacus :D. Any Doctor Who fans get the reference? :P

Also, anyone want to take the role of the boy? It would be fun to bounce RP off each other.

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Okay. I keep telling myself to do productive stuff, but I just can't resist this. I'm joining as Stick. Haven't read the source material. (That seems to be happening a lot to me lately.) But whatevs I kinda have a basic idea so no worries.

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You gorydamn Pixies think you can keep Sevro out of this game? Slag that. Watch your back, Jackal; the Goblin is coming and has a dept to repay. An eye for an eye, and all that. Howlers, on me!


  • I thought Nero was ArchGoverner and Tiberious sought to overthrow him, not vice versa. Was this intentional?
  • Will there be any hidden roles or factions
  • Do members of the Telemanus family die if the person they're protecting gets killed?
  • The merit/post method seems to disadvantage those who make wall posts. Can people use the page break to split up large posts into sections and receive a merit for each section? (Merit would be assigned at discretion of GM, of course)

For those of you who don't know what I mean by "page break", it looks like

and can be acomplished by[/color]

Edited by Bugsy6912
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I just reread the OP.  Dang, I'm actually going to have to write some RP for this one, aren't I?  Well, be forewarned;  I've never RP'd this way before.  I fully expect to fail fantastically.

And, I too have a question;  By RP, do you just mean any writing that is game related, or some actualy Role Playing?  Also, are there any other ways to gain Merit, or is this your way of making sure that people will have to use the thread? :P 

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Is it ok if I RP as Sevro au Barca? I'll make it so I'm undercover as a member of family X, since Barca isn't one of the families in the game. I don't think it'd preclude me from doing anything or holding any role

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3 minutes ago, The_Lady_of_Chaos said:

I'd like to join!

Welcome to Sanderson elimination! Hope you enjoy :) 

Edit: Just realized you played in the last QF. Ignore my first sentence :P

 I look forward to playing with you! 

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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

I just reread the OP.  Dang, I'm actually going to have to write some RP for this one, aren't I?  Well, be forewarned;  I've never RP'd this way before.  I fully expect to fail fantastically.

And, I too have a question;  By RP, do you just mean any writing that is game related, or some actualy Role Playing?  Also, are there any other ways to gain Merit, or is this your way of making sure that people will have to use the thread? :P 

To be fair, it incentivizes RP and game contribution equally. If you don't want to RP, all you have to do is be more active in the discussion.

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