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  1. LG29: Day Three - Cataclysm Farallen Oniz walked carefully through his garden, watching his menagerie. Perfect pieces, frozen in time, each in the middle of whatever action had been most important to them. Preserved, all of them. He again breathed in a sigh of contentment. For a thousand years he had maintained this garden - a thousand years of protecting it against change and the power of entropy. With proper care, it could easily be kept perfect until the heat death of the universe - provided the Shards hadn't figured out a way to prevent that from happening. With the combined power of all sixteen, it was almost an inevitability that they would figure out that problem eventually. And so, with a little bit of luck and attention, his garden could last forever. Not just unimaginably long times, but forever. Perfectly Preserved. A little fire blossomed near one of his figures - a mortal. Frowning, he bent over it - someone was trying to interfere with his work in the Physical Realm! This one was a worldhopper, involved in...something or the other. It all seemed to blur together when he was here. He pushed a little more of his power into the worldhopper, Preserving it more. The fire winked out. Satisfied, he stood up again. Dark laughter sounded behind him. "I should have known you would occupy yourself with something as...sentimental as this." The voice was mocking, hateful. Farallen shivered. "Ah. The Lord of Hate. What brings you to visit?" He attempted to keep the fear out of his tone. He wasn't sure whether he'd succeeded. "Finishing what I started - all those years ago." Then there was only fire. Fire, and the baleful hate of the one who watched him burning. After a time, Odium looked around the remnants of the garden, melting under the heat of his power. Such a monument would be...satisfactory. Let the Cosmere tremble. The Lord of Hate reigned again. Conquestor was killed and Preservation was Shattered! Jondesu was a member of the 17th Shard! Day 3 has begun, and will end in 46 hours. Player List: 1. Assassin in Burgundy - First of the Game 2. Master Elodin - Second of the Signups 3. Jondesu - Quintus17th Shard 4. AliasSheep - Kelen Taldar 5. Darkness Ascendant - Kaldain Selblessed 6. A Joe in the Bush - Jack Tormander Returned 7. Doc12 - Silence 8. Kynedath - Desten Kyde 9. TheMightyLopen - Kaloo 10. Straw - Malum Farcimen 11. Young Bard - Serol 12. Magestar - Magestar 13. Alvron - Lorna 14. Dalinar Kholin - Sanya 15. Harambe - PUNisher 16. I_am_a_Stick - Stic 17. RubiksCube - cubefright archive 18. DroughtBringer - Ralar 19. Araris Valerian - Aralis 20. Arinian - Arinian 21. Zephrer - Tardeick 22. Conquestor - Farallen Oniz 23. Sart - Sam Trudite 24. Aonar Faileas - Nilan Izenry 25. Elenion - emissary of Mandos 26. Kasimir - Tenth of the Dusk
  2. Day 9: Redshirts The red-cloaked man shuffled across the corridor, keeping his back to the wall as he went. One foot slowly and carefully placed after the other, with the intention to make no noise whatsoever with each footfall. Stealthily and steady he went, each move calculated beforehand to minimise the impact each step would have on the cobbled-stone floor. Paranoid? Perhaps. But he would gladly be paranoid and alive than uncaring and dead. So what if he looked foolish right now? There was no-one around to see him anyway. He came up to a door, which was ajar enough to create a little shaft of light into the corridor. The beam of sunlight was interrupted every few seconds by the billowing shadow of a curtain, dancing in the breeze. An open window, perhaps? It might be their ticket out of here. They’d searched in vain for open windows or keys, or even something heavy enough to smash the thick, seemingly indestructible glass. Now, assuming the House hadn’t somehow reconfigured itself, they had a way out. There was a thud, and another interruption to the light he could see. Carefully, he put his hand on the door, pushing it and praying it would not creak as he did. Unfortunately, his prayers went unanswered, and he winced at the sound of the metal hinges. The moving door revealed a hand on the floor, but nothing else at this point. Behind the door, he heard a footstep, followed by another, more hurried. Wasting no time, he threw open the door, stepping through it. The door caught on the corpse behind it, and he almost slammed his stomach into the handle. He narrowly avoided it and whirled around the door to face the killer. He caught a glimpse of a travelling cloak whipping round the corner of a secret passage, and chased after it. But before he could slip through after them, the stone door slammed into place, forcing him to slow down abruptly so he wouldn’t charge into it. He sighed and put his back against the door, slowly sliding down to the floor. He rested his arms against his legs and sat for a moment, his heart still pounding as he contemplated what had happened. A second earlier, and might that corpse still be breathing? If he wasn’t so cautious, would he have saved them? Or would he have joined them on the floor? He pressed a hand to the floor and pushed himself back up. He dusted down his hands as he went to identify the corpse. As he got closer, it was pretty easy to see who it was; there weren’t many women stuck in here, after all. He carefully moved Khaos’ body so it was facing upwards, so he could inspect the damage. A bloody scar across her chest indicated how she had died, but did not help to identify the weapon used. The blood had spread across her shirt, dying it a rich, deep sanguine red. “Get away from her!” He dropped the body, wincing a little as a little more blood broke through the cut across Khaos’ skin and seeped onto the floor. He held his hands up defensively. “I didn’t kill her,” he said. Blood dripped from his hands onto the floor. “That’s what they all say.” The other person said, advancing. “I found her like this! They escaped through the wall. Over there!” “A likely story,” they said, “but don’t think you can trick me that easily!” they continued, stepping over Khaos’ body. He backed up against the wall, but his accuser did not stop. “Wait!” he shouted, holding his hands up to show his surrender. They did not accept his surrender, and stabbed forwards with the knife. At least, he thought as he started to lose conciousness, the blood wouldn’t show against his uniform. Pity he decided to wear the same colour trousers too. Khaos (little wilson) was a Mistborn with a Vial of Copper, a Vial of Steel, and a Mixed Metal Vial! The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III) was an Explorer! Kas and I are both busy on Thursday at 9PM GMT, so while the Turn will end at that time, I will begin the new Turn on Friday the following day at the usual time. Character List Kasther's Pocketwatch
  3. I was looking for wifi this morning when...
  4. voila me with my fabulus new hair it is a bad picture but the only one that makes my hair look blue instead of grey
  5. An early happy new year! In celebration of the year of Stormlight 3, I drew something from the flashbacks XD
  6. fine then here you go , me in all my magesty : i know i have a sour expession but this one highlights my hair the best
  7. Hi everyone, All of you here can call me animus (it's not my real name but it's what I use for all my online gaming accounts). I basically got hooked to Sanderson's works after I read Elantris, following which I did a bit of research on Cosmere and I admired him even more. So far, I've read Elantris Mistborn Trilogy Steelheart & Mitosis Started reading Warbreaker yesterday.
  8. One of my alligator photos from Florida was just asking to be memefied, so I give you Smug Gator and Skeptical Gator!
  9. This is a fairly simple idea. A person makes up a sentence. The next person then needs to come up with a short story that uses that sentence either in the beginning or the end. After they finish the story, they then leave another sentence at the end of their post for the next person to use. Feel free to make the sentence ridiculous or weird. That's what makes it a challenge (and in my opinion, fun). I'll start: "Dave grabbed the duck and ran, fully aware that the fate of the world now rested on his shoulders."
  10. Hold the secret that broke the Knights Radiant. You may need it to destroy the new orders when they return. - WOR Chapter 84 epigraph (decoded) Now, as the Windrunners were thus engaged, arose the event which has hitherto been referenced: namely, that discovery of some wicked thing of eminence -- WOR Chapter 38 epigraph These epigraphs strongly imply that the Recreance was precipitated by the KR discovering some terrible fact. It doesn't seem to have been tied to any corruption that may have crept in to the Orders (the taxes for travel through Urithiru, etc.) Now, here's something anomalous. The Desolations devastated Roshar, killing something like 90 percent of the human population and knocking technology back to the stone age, at least sometimes. Yet when Honor was Splintered (after the Recreance -- he remembers it in the visions) there seems to have been no such cataclysm. Aharietiam is still seen as "the Last Desolation", which it wouldn't be if another apocalyptic event had occurred since the Recreance. Similarly, Odium Splintered Devotion and Dominion on Sel. But humanity on that planet survived; he didn't destroy the planet, depopulate it, or warp it into some kind of a hellscape. So why the devastating, lethal Desolations on Roshar before the Recreance? Because humans were fighting on Honor's side. Odium doesn't really care about killing humans, except incidentally to getting at the Shards; nothing much below the power-level of a Herald registers on his "radar screen" Therefore, my proposal for the Secret That Broke The KR is: Honor's been feeding us into a meat grinder for thousands of years to protect Cultivation and a couple of alien gods we'll never see. If we let Odium win, nothing bad really happens to humanity. Honor betrayed us. Our spren have been in on it, all along - they're pieces of Honor. So let him die.
  11. Wait... What? (I'm kidding. Please don't hurt me)
  12. I finally got over that girl that was no good for me anyway, stopped being such a terribly self-centered person to my friends who love me and whom I love back in equal measure, had my ego knocked down a few a lot of pegs, improved my instrumental and vocal abilities, started up something that could possibly be called a band with some of my best friends, found my place in high school, realized who/what is truly important to me, realized what I want to do for a living, had my first boyfriend, lost my first boyfriend, set up a YouTube channel, and got a bunch of great books for Christmas. Most importantly, I met you guys.
  13. Unless they are pushing off the coin at an extreme angle I'd say that the increase in friction due to the applied downwards force would be sufficient to hold the coin in place unless it was on a very smooth surface with little friction like ice. The friction force is proportional to the normal force on the object. Thus when they push downwards on the coin the force of friction is increased substantially. The downwards force necessary to lift off the ground has to be greater than the persons weight, therefore the normal force is increased by at least the amount the person weighs and most likely more. Since a normal coin probably weighs about 1/1000 of a persons weight this means the force of friction on the coin will increase around 1000 times. Easily enough to hold the coin in place.
  14. 2016 needs to go storm right the hell off now.
  15. She didn't really have a ton of personality for the first five books—she was Ron's little sister, with a few side interests and a huge crush on Harry; and then when Rowling was ready to give Harry a love interest, Ginny suddenly becomes everything Harry could want in a girl. I actually would've been happier if Harry had married someone completely different, someone who wasn't mentioned in the series or mentioned only in passing. Maybe a cute young accountant at the Ministry, or a badchull fellow Auror, or a diplomat who went to one of the other European schools. Then again, I'm not a fan of the high school sweethearts = eternal lasting love forever trope to begin with.
  16. 2 likes
  17. Nah Sweetpea hates people and would rather be in her nestbox. She was an angry little fuzz muffin.
  18. Uh an updated photo with a bird on my fist because that's my eternal state of being now? Its Sweetpea and I at our last education program. Her and I were both mega uncomfortable. She doesn't like me very much and has drawn blood from my finger numerous times.
  19. OP has been updated with the writeup and eratta'ed information. Normally I wouldn't draw attention to it, but Elb says I have to since I did the writeup, and she wants a place to put the upvotes. (I think that you should upvote the OP, since she did all the work this rollover)
  20. FOUND THE SPYRIL https://ifunny.co/fun/SZ6aYbp81?gallery=shuffle
  21. Reserved for clarifications - I'll post the relevant ones from last turn in a bit.
  22. @TwiLyghtSansSparkles I did a thing, apparently. Besides that... 2016 is the year I finally pulled the trigger on role-playing. I started posting in Oregon. I also began picking up official rule systems, and have been playing Pathfinder campaign for a while. That's been fun.
  23. I got my first real career-type job. It took a while, but I got it, moved to a cool city, and proved to myself and the world that I could adult. Cursed Child convinced me I could do better....and @Quiver convinced me I should.
  24. RIP Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia.
  25. Dave grabbed the duck and ran, fully aware that the fate of the world now rested on his shoulders. "Why would anyone create a bio-genetic destabilizer?" he thought to himself, as the duck started to mutate. It slowly grew smaller and cuter, with big eyes like you see in the movies. "Oh, look at that cute duck!" someone cried as Dave ran passed. But he didn't have time to describe the horror -- the doom -- this duck represented. For, given enough time, the bio-gel would spread to other organisms. Society, and the human race, would be destroyed. He gave a brief glance at the duck, but that was a mistake. It was even cuter now, with fluffy white feathers and a disproportionately large bill. He just wanted to stop and pet the freakishly beautiful animal, but his better judgement prevailed. "Must get this duck to an incinerator..." Dave thought wildly, running even faster now. "There!" he thought wildly, seeing a local Mongolian grill restaurant, "They must have a fire inside." He barely paused to swing the door open, and hurriedly threw the duck onto the open grill. He cried as the cute little ducky was cooked alive. "What have I done?" Dave sobbed, wearily backing away. The local cook looked on in shock. A policeman who had seen the entire incident quickly handcuffed Dave and led him away thinking "How could a man be so heartless and cruel to animals?" Not wanting the food to go unused, the cook quickly chopped up the duck, added some noodles, a heaping spoonful of soy sauce, then threw the entire batch back on the fire. Soon, it was fried to perfection. "Delicious" the cook thought, as small tears ran out of his slightly over-sized eyes. ---------------------------------------------- "I wish I owned a pet dinosaur," Sam thought glumly, looking out enviously at his next-door neighbor's yard.
  26. Friends, gather around. I have uncovered the greatest secret of all time. Perhaps this has been revealed before and, if it has, bless the Sharder who first found it. If it has not been revealed before, or if this post can reach just one more person and help them understand the depth to which Brandon has prepared the Cosmere for our enjoyment, then I think this post is not in vain. I quote from Elantris, page 466 and 467 of the Kindle version: This is where "Raoden" fixed Elantris by adding the chasm line to the city. Or, rather, this is where THE STICK fixed Elantris! Compare this to the following passage from Words of Radiance page 143 and 144 of the Kindle edition: Is it not suspicious that one of the beads that "surged" up to Shallan would happen to be a... nay, THE stick? It is, to me, quite obvious that the stick Raoden used to add the chasm line to Elantris is the exact same stick Shallan communicated with after the santhid rescued her. Note how the stick Shallan is speaking to "sound satisfied"... perhaps this stick was feeling so satisfied because it knew that it had been, literally and figuratively, instrumental in saving Elantris from the Dakhor monks! Perhaps this particular stick is now deeply embroiled in the fight against Odium in the Roshar system and, therefore, simply could not turn to fire for Shallan because the stick still had so much work to do. Perhaps Brandon Sanderson has given us a massive clue as to the fate of the Cosmere and we have been distracted by some doofus named Hoid (or whatever) and missed this obvious clue given in the very first published work! Also, lest we forget, there was an entire chapter of missing information about the stick that Sanderson gave us - I will quote the relevant portions of the chapter below! I propose a re-read of every Cosmere work with a distinct emphasis on finding out what the stick has been up to! I would wager that we can find the stick in each published work, quietly providing assistance to the characters of the book and not at all upset that Hoid (or whomever) has been soaking up all the glory! Truly, the stick is the worldhopper we need to focus on if we plan on teasing out more details on the Cosmere. edit: weird strike-through error corrected
  27. Since we don't know the "loss ratios" involved with bursty type draws on Feruchemical storage, I've always imagined it as akin to something most of us would be familiar with IRL: fuel economy in a motor vehicle. Going slowly and steadily uses minimual fuel, while being aggressively bursty - like flooring it to redline to go 1 or 2 blocks between red lights/stop signs - is very wasteful. BUT, if you really, really want to get to that stop sign at the end of the block as soon as you goddamn can, every time, that's what you can do. It's not quite like the "bucket of water into a drinking glass" analogy to me, where the "waste" is represented as overrun or a "lost to the environment" type of loss, but more like "the cost of revving to redline". Like cars, different Allomancers/Feruchemists would have different cost/yield ratios as to how much they gain from being bursty, and how much is lost in the nature of their burst-draw. And who knows, just like an Allomancer can become "savant" in the efficient use of their power, perhaps a Feruchemist can "go savant" in the maximally precise burst-drawing of attributes their metalmind.
  28. @PlanetReelo Thanks Ree. Glad to be on board. @Secrets Thanks for the pewter. Now, I can finish all of Sanderson's books in one go.
  29. Don't take the cookie!! It will Ruin your life! Now that I've done that, welcome to 17th Shard! Have a (cookie-less) upvote. I'm KnightRadiant, or KR. I recommend the rest of Reckoners. They're really good. Have you read the Wax and Wayne Mistborn books? Enjoy our corner of the internet where kandra and cookies live in Harmony!
  30. From the Steel alphabet page on the Coppermind. (The symbols are for Zinc) The far left symbol is in Ancient Terris. Image 2 is an intermediary, something slightly more akin to the Steel Alphabet. Image 3 is the Steel Alphabet we all know and love. The last image is in the Modern Day Steel Alphabet, of Wax/Wayne's time. What this implies, at least to me, is that the two languages diverged sometime around the intermediary (image 2) because they are largely the same symbol. I say around because had the intermediary been the common ancestor, all of the Feruchemical symbols should appear similar to the Allomantic ones. Most of them do, but not all. The Feruchemical Symbol for Zinc is largely the same as the Allomantic one, just rotated 90 degrees. Brass however, has no such easy explanation. Zinc and Brass (Rioter & Soother respectively) Brass is also the most different, barring Atium. The other symbols that are different are Tin(easiest to reason through), Steel/Iron, Aluminum, Pewter, and Brass/Atium (most changed) All of the other metals (including Duralumin) are either largely unchanged or have a simple logic to them, like Zinc did in the above example.
  31. Not only that, but I felt that having Harry finally become "part of the family" when he marries into the Weasley clan really undermined the family of choice message that had been part of the series for so long. He had father figures in Sirius, Lupin, and Arthur; Ron and the rest of his siblings were Harry's siblings, and Hermione was his sister; he had a mother figure in Molly; and all of this existed without Harry being "officially" related by marriage or blood. And then in the end, he's only truly part of the family when he marries Ginny? Way to shoot that message in the foot, Rowling.
  32. First post ever on this RP. Hope I don't screw it up. Florist sat cross legged in the middle of serenity. His plants grew all around him, their green leaves casting shadows all around the clearing. Outside, a war was raging. But inside, there was peace. He sighed. Why can't all people be like this? He thought. Epics and vanillas fought over food and supplies. Both were complete idiots. They would rather shed blood over a limited supply of necessities then take the time to simply grow their own. Fruit trees, to grow food. Certain herbs, to heal the wounds caused by pointless fighting. Idiots, Florist thought. He heard a whirring, and then a shatter. Florist turned, and hissed, a feral, animal sound. One of the bombs that had been launched had landed, tearing through his trees and plants. He scrambled backward, putting distance between the device of chaos that had shattered the peace in his garden. He went onto his knees, not breaking eye contact with the bomb, and dug his hand into the ground, scooping up soil. Florist was reminded of a song he had learned when he was younger, before Calamity. This is the Law of the Jungle. He held up his hand, and gazed into the mound of soil. A small vine sprouted, fueled by his powers. As old and as true as the sky. The vine grew, twisting, splitting, and speared the ground, runners splitting out from the vine, towards the bomb. The wolf that shall keep it may prosper. The vines crawled across the ground, sinuous and silent. It reached the device, and wrapped around it. But the wolf that shall break it must die. The vines split again and again, encasing the bomb. They constricted, and crushed it with an audible crunch. As the creeper that strangles the tree trunk. Florist was not done. The roots of the vine sank deep into the ground, and pulled the hunk of metal into the ground. The Law runneth forward and back. The ground swallowed the remnant of the bomb. All that was left was a scar of fresh dirt, where chaos had touched his peace. For the strength of the pack is the wolf. Florist wasn't strong enough. If he wanted peace for his garden, he could not do it alone. He would need help. And the strength of the wolf- He let the soil in his hand drop. He would help the City Guard. He stood up, and strode out of his garden. There was chaos outside, but there was also hope. -Is the pack.
  33. Thank you! @Bugsy6912 I just read the rules of that game. Sounds interesting. I'll most likely sign-up for it, since there still 6 days left till the game starts. Hi. I did indeed get your secret white message
  34. I've spent the last couple of days back in Spokane with the family. Some elements have come as no surprise—like Twimom losing her cool over something minor and preventable that had nothing to do with me, and then taking it out on me anyway; or being talked over and ignored; or the constant hinting that I should move back. I was ready for that. I was expecting it. But there was one thing that I didn't expect: I've really missed my siblings. I've missed having a plethora of inside jokes that can be brought up with a single word or inflection or movie quote. I've missed the way conversations between us could go from serious talk to humor in a second. I've missed just walking around the mall with my sister and talking about random stuff. I've missed being in the kitchen and talking about nothing at all. I've missed just having them around. And yet there are hints of what drove me away in the first place. When I told them how Twimom took out her frustration on me, they shrugged and said "Well, that's just the way she is." I remember that, and when I was exposed to it every day, I hated it. Now that I've been on my own for a while, it didn't bother me as much, but I also know that it won't go away anytime soon. I haven't missed feeling as though I had no allies when it came to Twimom and Twidad, or worrying over complaining about the wrong thing to them, or having to hide all of the stuff I've learned and discovered since I moved out. And I don't want to move back to Spokane anytime soon. I've just gotten my first taste of true independence, and I'm not going to give that up. But I have missed having siblings nearby.
  35. Hee. I've said this before around the board, I think, but I generally view Jak as a sort of Buffalo Bill-type figure. The following is completely my own headcanon, and may or may not have any actual bearing on Brandon's actual intent: Jak is, at heart, a showman. He runs around and he does stuff, but he makes bank on embellishing the heck out of his doings and publishing those stories in both the broadsheets and with Handerwym's annotated collections. He covers multiple angles there; the broadsheets for the people who are gullible and believe the adventures, the collections for the more sophisticated folk who know he's full of ash and get a kick out of the humor mocking him. In public, he's always in character. If you were to meet the man, he would immediately fall into his character persona and proceed to dazzle and/or annoy you. Because to Jak, there are two kinds of people in the world: those who know who he is, and those who haven't discovered him yet. Either way, it serves him to feed into his story persona and ultimately sell more stories. But he's very self-aware; he knows he's completely full of dren, and he truly enjoys playing the part. And all the while, he's watching and waiting for the next hook to turn into a story.
  36. If you say gullible slow enough it sounds like oranges
  37. ...I am a Natlhis fanboy, so sue me.
  38. 2 likes
  39. While reading Arcanum Unbounded, I reread the Emperor's Soul and I noticed something that I think is an important clue. The Emperor's Soul takes place in a region far away that was never mentioned by any characters. Even Gyorn Hrathen seemed unaware to their presence. He frequently spoke of how their god Jaddeth wouldn't be satisfied until the whole world was Derethi, and that seemed to only include converting Arelon and Teod. So, it can be assumed that they didn't know of the other empire at the time. While it has been stated that the Emperor's Soul takes place "shortly" after Elantris, at least to the point that technology hasn't had time to change. I think it takes place after the unreleased Elantris sequel, since that is only supposed to be 15 years after the first. So, back to Emperor's Soul. Near the end, when she is running to make her escape, Shai runs into a "southern ambassador in red armor." As we all know, red armor is what the Derethi Gyorns wear. Now, it was never a secret that, at this point in time, the two empires were aware of each other. So, with what we know of Gyorns, they only show up to make some mass conversion (as with Hrathen at the Duladel Republic and with the Arelon and Teoish Monarchies). Either Wyrn has decided to expand his horizons by converting others before eliminating Teod and Arelon or he already has destroyed them. We may see more of this in the coming sequel, which we won't see for several years. Now, let's talk about another thing. Shai is there to Forge a new soul for Emperor Ashravan after assassins from the Glory Faction killed the patron from the Heritage Faction. I believe that the Glory Faction was sought out by the visiting Gyron and tempted to convert to Shu-Dereth in return for the throne. Shai only ever saw a tiny part of the plots due to being confined for so long and being away from court politics. Plus, with the Arbiters having little knowledge of Shu-Dereth, they would be oblivious to the conquering nature of the religion. So, it stands to reason that, do to our limited view of the palace, more is going on than meets the eye here. So, lets take stock of the theory 1) The Emperor's Soul takes place after the unreleased Elantris Sequel 2) The Svordish Empire still stands powerful in Opelon 3) Either Arelon and Teod are conquered or are being ignored for the time being 4) The ambassador in red armor is a Derethi Gyron 5) The Gyorn was working with the Glory Faction and was aided them in the assassination of Ashravan So yeah, that's my theory
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  41. It's because you're in a secret competition over who is more adorable. It's the inevitable struggle for dominance by way of cute.
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  42. I was planning on pinch hitting, but these sign ups have been up for a few days already and haven't received many sacrifices players. So for now, count me in. I will be playing Amanuensis, but the character will be Berelen Leiken. Not many people may know this, but before the events of MR10, Agrigar had a fiancé who was cheating on him with his best friend. She got pregnant, and after the birth there were questions about who was the child's father. Overcome with rage, Agrigar pushed his fiancé away until eventually she left him and maried his best friend. Years later he invited them to his home to "make amends" and, in actuality, poisoned them both, then ran away to the Horneater Peaks to escape retribution. There he learned the culinary arts with which he terrorized Urithiru. Meanwhile, Berelen was orphaned. After learning the history of her family, she, like Lift, has begun traveling the world, attempting to track down Agrigar. She has followed him all the way to Uritheru. Because I'm on vacation in Colombia until January 2nd, I will not be around for the beginning of this game. I plan on role playing that Berelen arrives to Uruthiru late, so if people could not mention her in RP until my initial post, that'll be great. I am going to be trying a few new things this game, such as only roleplaying in character. Do not expect me to write essays like I usually do. This game, I will not play like Mike would. I will be Berelen, completely, perhaps even in actions. I've left her character open to be any faction, but keep in mind that her primary motivations will not be achieving her factions win conditions. Her top priority is finding her father.
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  43. I believe that it's because Brandon doesn't want the Earth to be in the cosmere, not even a weird alternate version of it. He originally planned it to be cosmere, but then decided to make it it's own thing.
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  44. Its nice to meet you Animus, and I'm glad to hear that you've enjoyed Brandon's works! My recommendations right now would be that you finish the Reckoner's Trilogy after Warbreaker, or start reading the Stormlight Archive. Both are loads of fun. As a welcome to the shard, have a complimentary cookie and upvote. (note: cookie goes best with the upvote) (DISCLAIMER: THE DARK ALLEY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SOUL DAMAGE THAT MAY OCCUR. COOKIES MAY CONTAIN PEWTER, STEEL, IRON, OR BRONZE. NO NON-HUMANS WERE HARMED IN THE CREATION OF THESE COOKIES.)
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  45. Nice to meet you Animus, and welcome to the forum! My name is Riah (you can call me Ree) and I'm pretty new here too. But everyone's really lovely so I'm sure you'll feel right at home See you around the board!
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  46. My feelings exactly! I too would have preferred he ended up with someone entirely different. To be honest, I loathed the idea of any romance between Ron and Hermione too, as I wanted the main focus to be the original bond of friendship between the three of them. Adding the romantic dynamic meant that Harry was sort of left out as a third wheel. Ultimately, I wish JKR would have steered away from writing romance as I'm not sure that it's her forte.
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  47. My guess is, Shallan will feel lonely if Adolin is exiled, but Kaladin will be too honorable to make a pass at his friend's girl.
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  48. yes I do mean that. I am terrible at typing with capitalization. srry.
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