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Doesn't roleclaim, fair enough.

'Chain of information' shenanigans, bit weird. Oh, also makes you the centre of village stuff, huh, nifty that.

Probably more, but at least when some people bother to not roleclaim but take roles they try and excuse it. That's meta or something, so I don't like it but its still meta.

The chain of information is just to pass along my information should I die. It gives one person another role and another person a different player's claim and so on. It disseminates the information without giving it all to the wrong person on accident.

Okay, so my suspicions list is currently Conquestor and Mailliw. My reasoning behind suspecting Mailliw is something from a PM I had, which I am going to keep to myself for now. As for Conquestor, he has made a few posts that just didn't sit very well with me. I don't know his playstyle very well, but I will probably try to build an argument for his possible lynch next day turn.

Huh. Considering I haven't PMd you yet, I'm wondering what that would be.

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Long Game Day 4: Blood and Ashes

Midnight stole over the village of Drell's Crossing like a prowling thief, sneaking up on the unsuspecting villagers and veiling them in a shroud of darkness and danger, catching them completely unawares. After the grim, oppressive heat of the lingering afternoon, the townsfolk found themselves facing the threat of mystery and the unknown, unsure where to go next. Many could be found milling about, or just staying up late in the unsupervised Golden Dagger, the innkeepers position still vacant with no prospect of new ownership in sight, allowing the patrons to stay up all night and drinking away their sorrows, slowly filling themselves up on trepidation. 

Night crept into Drell's Crossing like a myyrdraal, slinking in the shadows and springing the trap closed before you knew you had wandered into it. Like a wolf, closing it's jaws upon your neck before you could react and cry out, the last of your life's blood already being licked off of the muzzle of your predator. It sprang, suddenly and unexpectedly, like an illuminator's nightflower, a flash of light and flame before fading slowly and leaving everything dimmer and darker than it was before.

Night came like death's last, warm embrace; offering it's last kiss before the dagger was planted in your back.

"Blood and bloody ashes!" Gladium Dei exclaimed, cursing up a storm as he stabbed his thumb once again, sucking away the blood that slowly oozed out from where he had pricked himself with the needle. He cursed once more and tossed down his current project, abandoning it for the night once again. He knew he would eventually pick it back up and start working on it again, as he inevitably did every night. He just wanted it to stop for now.

"As if that's a bloody option," he muttered to himself, picking the needle and fabric back up.

Tapestries were hard work. The subtle, intricate way you had to weave the thread together at the right places, mixing in the right colors and tones at the right time, bringing the whole of the fabric together into a beautiful pattern that could be recognized instantly for what it was and what it meant. And Gladium sure knew a whole lot about Weaves of the Pattern.

That was always how he had referred to it, as Weaves of the Pattern. That was what he knew he saw, the bundles of images and auras he could intrinsically see floating about people, painting out their place in the Pattern, showing where their weaves laid in the Great Web that dictated their lives, as the Wheel weaved it's Will, catching up to them all in the end.

He had come to learn the power and temptation that had come with such a great gift, and he cursed the pain and trouble it brought daily.

It was almost unbearable in this small town, where he could see nothing but more pain and death interwoven, floating like a tiny black cloud hovering above their heads, like a growing stormcloud that gathered above their heads, growing stronger and stronger each day, veiling them further and further in it's shadow that seemed to only absorb the light around it and letting none of it escape. It overwhelmed almost anything else that Gladium could see, and that's what scared him most. For he had seen the same cloud hanging about the already discovered and killed darkfriends..... and what sort of darkness could cover up even the foulness of the Dark One's own evil?

Questions better left off unanswered, he said to himself, even if he couldn't shake the nagging question.

So he distracted himself the best way he knew how, and he knit complex tapestries, depicting terrifying depictions of grim, macabre scenes, juxtaposing them with beautiful, serene images. Smoke and and sunlight. Graveworms and spring flowers. Spikes and blades nestled in among herbs and tools of medicine. Life and death. Good and evil.The dichotomy of The Wheel.

It was the only way he could find peace with what he saw. He had to tell himself that there was balance in the world. Acts of kindness and creation to counteract the deeds of ill-intent and powers of entropy.

One small blessing he could count on was never knowing his own fate, the greatest and most beautiful mystery of them all. For all he could learn by one look at any given person, he could never expect when his own death would come for him. And for that, he considered himself lucky.

He stabbed himself in the finger again, yelping out loud and tossing the flaming tapestry down once again, standing up and storming off and away. He was too distracted to work on something so.... complex at the moment. A life's work couldn't be rushed in one night, he liked to tell himself. So that was how he found himself grabbing on his cloak, to protect against the night's unexpected chilly bite as he stormed off into the night.

Into the night, where the shadows gathered and waited.

The fireball sprang up so suddenly and unexpectedly that he never had the time to see it coming before it took him straight in the back, lighting up the night like an illuminator's nightflower, exploding in a blinding flash of light and fire, leaving nothing but a pile of blood and ashes, the night growing dimmer as one more light was extinguished.


Lomion stalked the night, reveling in the glory of the moon and the marvel of hunting with the pack. She let loose a triumphant howl, singing to the beauty of the moon and perfection of another successful hunt. She could still taste the fresh, raw meat as the blood oozed out, the savory crunch of her jaws ripping through flesh as she gorged with the rest of the wolves that followed her.

It wasn't that she led the pack....they just happened to follow wherever she chose to go. No, she told herself, forcing herself to acknowledge the truth that she tried to hide from. Or at least, the truth she attempted to run away from before she found herself irresistibly drawn back to the alluring call of the moon. The thrill of the hunt.

We hunt, Two Legs. The wolves called to her, sending their flashes of scent and images they used to communicate. Two-legs always had a way of complicating things with too many layers of mixed fears and emotions, making things way harder than they ever had to be.

We hunt, we eat, and we hunt once more in The Dream. The Wolves would tell her, as much as she feared what happened to her when she went hunting with such reckless abandon. She knew she lost more and more of herself every time she succumbed to the lure of the hunt.

Lomion found herself less and less worried each time she came back, however.

She knew she should be scared, if not absolutely terrified, by the implications and inevitable outcome.... but worry seemed to be a thing of two-legs. And there was no time to worry when you were in the middle of a hunt. All that mattered was the prey. And Lomion was the predator.

So that was how she came slinking back into the village, still savoring the taste of the hunt, her heightened vision allowing her to navigate her way through the darkened streets with ease, her enhanced sense of hearing letting her avoid any wandering, curious eyes. Wolves hated trollocs and darkfriends, and an entire pack of wolves would fight down to the last wolf in order to kill a Neverborn -- their word for myyrdraal. But people didn't tend to understand such things when you had fresh blood on your clothes and still drying around your mouth.

Some things that two-legs would never understand.

Lomion was crossing the village green, taking one last peak around the open space before dipping down into the alley leading to the backdoor of her house, taking the best way to avoid detection that she knew, hating the idea of spending her nights cooped up in a giant wooden cage.

Flashes of wildlife and flowing rivers filled her mind. Scents of nature and blood, freshly spilled from yet another successful hunt. Images of the moon floating in the night, untethered by worry or fear, free to roam the sky at it's own leisure. Not held back by the shackles of two-legs in their ring of fire and stone-dens.

She was almost completely absorbed by the sendings that she almost lost herself completely to the wolf, leaving Lomion behind and becoming NightSilver in her entirety. The name she had earned with her pack, due to the flash of silver she used to hunt with each night she joined them.

Come, NightSilver. We hunt in The Dream.

That sending again. What does it mean? She tried sending back, getting confusion and uncertainty in return from the wolves. We Hunt in The Dream, the wolves sent back, almost patiently, but with a sense of urgency and finality to it that scared Lomion more than she cared to admit. Maybe she wasn't entirely free from being a two-legs, she laughed to herself, as she rounded the final corner, coming back into control slowly but surely.

The rush of feet and silver arc of the dagger coming suddenly out of the night caught her off guard, still absorbed by the sendings of the wolves and distracted as she was. She tasted blood, but it was her own as it filled her mouth and she crumpled to the ground.

The night erupted into a cacophony of howls, the screams filled with pain and anguish. And one last sending sent above all others.

Now we hunt in the Dream, NightSilver. Now we hunt the Dream....

Cenn al'Idrius crept through the shadows of Drell's Crossing, cloak pulled tight around himself more to hide himself from any wandering eyes than to protect himself from the night's harsh chill. He didn't want to be seen out on his particular errands this evening.... he didn't feel like leaving behind any more bodies than were necessary at this moment in time.

His orders had been Let the Lord of Chaos rule. And Chaos is what I am best at, he thought with a self-satisfied grin.
Cenn's particular talents had been what had earned him in such a high ranking position, letting him be plucked out of that backwards, dainty stop-on-the-road village he had grown up in in the Two Rivers.

And he had never looked back on those sad, pathetic people. Except for that one time he had ordered a gang of darkfriends to go and terrorize the village, inspiring the fear of the Great Lord into their hearts and minds. All except for that family that had driven his family eventually out of town. They were left alone in those raids, with every single other door being kicked in or scrawled on with Dragon's Fangs. Every single door except for that one family. That family he left to be taken care of by their neighbors who had just suffered while they got off without a scratch or broken window....

At least until the rest of the town 'hatched out their differences', he snorted to himself. Things had always tended to go well for Cenn like that. A random break in luck or slight twist of events and conditions that had always favored him. People acting and behaving exactly like he wanted them to.

The Great Lord had explained the importance of his ability, and the power that came along with it. Ta'veren, One who the Patterns spinned and around, being reshaped and rewoven around him in a constant flux, as he affected the Web of Destiny for each and every person he touched. And with the dark touch of the Great Lord, their lives would always inevitably spin into death and chaos.

As per his instructions. And he thought he had been rather bloody successful with those orders so far. Sure, his colleagues seemed to have a tendency to keep dying, but the Great Lord was always one to let them know that death was no barrier for him. Cenn didn't fear death. But he feared the wrath of the Great Lord.

The village of Drell's Crossing seemed to be caught in an deadly spiral of destruction and death, being pulled down by the weight of their own paranoia and fears, being pulled tighter and tighter until they were buried underneath the weight of the chaos and death that had held them down. A helpless pit of despair that they would never be able to drag themselves out of.

So Cenn found himself smiling, just regretting he couldn't get these ignorant peasants to start killing each other that much faster. But chaos took time. Slow and delicate work, with the slight touch of the ta'veren to spend their fates spiraling off into an inevitable downward crash that led to the same fate.

Neighbors killing neighbors.... could anything possibly be more bloody brilliant? He hummed to himself, grinning wildly as he strolled through the shadows. He decided to cut across the village green to shorten his trip, figuring the shortcut worth the risk as long as he remained undetected, cloak swirling out behind him as the cold, sharp wind started to blow.

It was just then the clouds decided to move out from in front of the moon -- another ta'veren quirk, no doubt -- flooding the open grass square with moonlight.

Blood.... and bloody flaming ashes.... He cursed, stopping dead in his tracks.

The moon was crowded. Invaded and filled to the brim with wolves. A whole bloody pack of them, standing guard in front of a bloodstained, motionless human corpse. He barely had time to register what he was seeing before every wolf turned to look at him. Dozens of golden, motionless eyes trained on him, each wolf bearing their teeth in a low, rumbling growl.

And in another twist of ta'veren fate, the clouds covered the moon once more, casting him and the wolves back into shadows, before the sudden rush of feet came flying at him.

Golden eyes full of hatred, strong jaws snapping closed around his neck, his life's blood slowly draining out from him in a rush. Cenn fell forward, down into death's warm embrace as the darkness took over completely, ready to enter the Great Lord's domain once and for all.
Strawman was killed by a Fireball! They were a Village Viewer!
Elbereth was killed by Darkfriends! They were a Village wolfsister!
Seonid was killed by Wolves! They were a Darkfriend Ta'veren!

Day 4 will last for 48 hours, until 2AM EST Wednesday, June 15th!
PMs should be all finished, let me know if any errors and questions!

Edit: And yes, this is correct, and all of the deaths that occurred. Read that as you will. ;)

P.S. Thanks to Hael for the quicklinks!

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Quick Links:

Player List:

1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius Darkfriend Ta'veren
3.Elbereth - Lomion Village Wolfsister
4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
5.TheOnlyNyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols
8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
9.Phattemer - Ana-alline Village Thief-Taker
10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother Village Warder
12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei Village Viewer
15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken
16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian
19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker
20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman Darkfriend Whitecloak
22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
24.IrulelikeStink - ???
25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder
27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer Village Wisdom


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Well...I don't think that Meta is suspicious anymore. Sigh. I was totally wrong about Seonid and he was right to be suspicious of him, apparently. I was right about Elbereth and Straw at least...


Anyways, this is very good for us. Fain didn't convert anyone and we got yet another Darkfriend! Plus, since Strawman was killed by a Channeler, I'm guessing that there is indeed a Darkfriend Channeler and they're probably gonna die soon, which is good news as well.

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Lopen, I'll explain tonight.

Well, my Wolfbrother contact is the one who killed Seonid, so I'm not sure who El attacked, if any. Also, another night without a conversion... Kinda weird.

Edit: Wait, shouldn't Orlok's Channeler have died?

Edited by Mailliw73
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If there's a DF channeller dying, that'd be darkfriend #4. Surely there'd be at most one more, right?

And well done Wolfbrother.




Channelers also start the game Bonded to a Warder. You know who the Warder is, but not their Alignment. You can PM with your Warder for the duration of the game, regardless of the Dreamwalker being alive or not.

*If your Warder dies, you die two full cycles after that. But you can reuse any Weaves you used once before again.

Warder*: Warders start off the game paired with a Channeler. They know the identity of the Channeler, but not their Alignment. The Channeler and Warder can PM together throughout the duration of the game, regardless of a Dreamwalker being alive or not. If your Channeler would die, you sacrifice yourself in their place and die instead. Doesn’t save from a lynch. IF your Channeler is lynched, you have 2 Cycles left to live, and get to make 1 kill to avenge them.

So Gamma, if a Warder dies protecting their Channeler, does the Channeler die after two rounds? 

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Okay, so, obvious question: Gamma, is there a way to protect from death as a Channeler who's Warder has died? (Or are you gonna make me get more specific? >> )


Haelbarde, assuming there is a DF Channeler, then yes, I'd assume there was another DF out there somewhere.

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All deaths that were supposed to have happened have happened. You can read that as you will, and any other questions regarding any suspected Channeler/Warder related deaths will be PAFO'd. ;)

Edit: I'll give you this much. A Channeler dies when they don't have a Warder, likewise for a Warder, they will die if they don't have a Channeler. :ph34r:

Earth or Wisdom doesn't save a Warder or Channeler from dying if their cause of death is a broken bond.

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Would an Earth weave protect from the death? Just this last question. :P

High-five to the Wolfbrother! Our suspicion was right! That's 3 down, probably 2 to go. One of the best games I've ever seen. Though Fain is eluding us...

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Heh. Darkfriend Channeller with 2 village warders. So I'm thinking the DF channeller will die 2 cycles after Wilson died. So, they're alive for one more cycle...



Although... If it was a DF channeller, DF's killing Wilson was committing Seppuku. But then killing Straw isn't a very village action. Of course, we could well have a village channeller who had 2 warders, and the eliminator channeller is still around. :/

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Write-up finally up! This one went a little overboard at just over 2.4k words... :ph34r:


Edit: Also, important notice!


Aonar is going to be taking over for Hael in a pinchhit spot here sometime soon, so I'm sure they'll let us know when that will be happening! So a big thanks to him and Joe for helping step in like that, and welcome (back) to Drell's Crossing! :D

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Okay, so it sounds like the Channeler has another Warder then?!? :o Or, maybe Wilson was the second one and they'll die in another Cycle? Well, I guess we'll find out sooner or later. :P


Oh yeah, and nice job Wolf-Brother and Mailliw, apparently. That was a good call. I had a PM with Seonid, and here's the basics of it(in non illegal form of course):


Me: Hey, you don't actually seem evil because of Sart's lynch.

Seonid: Thanks, you're on my trust list because you helped lynch him at the end.

Me: Conversions are gonna be a pain.

Seonid: Yep.

Seonid(after we lynched Gunsy): Good job Lopen. What do you think about Elodin at this point?

Me: Thanks, not sure about Elodin right now.

Me: I asked about what action he used on Meta on N1.

Seonid: Asked me if Wilson told me to ask him about his action.

Me: No.

Seonid: Talks about Meta. Wondering why his action failed(his N1 Action that he targeted Meta with).

Seonid(after Meta revealed his role): Said he thinks Meta's theory about being attacked on N1 was right. Thinks Meta is village. He also said he thought Meta was right about Elodin as well and mentions that we have a troll GM.

Me: Yeah, I guess. Not sure though still. I go on to say that since Elodin wasn't Detained by Gunshy, he's still a suspect, IMO. That message was actually just about an hour ago or so?


So, not much really. He seemed to want me to think that Elodin was good I guess? Could be something, but I'm not sure.


Edit: Aww, Hael's leaving? :(

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Edit: Aww, Hael's leaving? :(

Yah crying7.png Got exams coming up in just over a week, and so I really don't have the time to study properly and properly keep up with the game, especially going forward. I'll need to double check, but I think you have me for all of cycle 4, but then it'll be Aonar from cycle 5. Something like that, anyway.

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Closer to the start, I had suggested that 4 eliminators and Fain having 3 conversions seemed reasonable for 25 players. iirc, Seonid agreed with me though... I'm going to check what happened last game.



So details of the last game:

4 eliminators: Forsaken, Channeler, Viewer, Regular

Fain had 3 conversions.

No warders or Ta'veren were in the game.



Aiel-Blooded: 1

Dreamwalker: 2

Viewer: 2

Forsaken: 1

Villager: 12

Channeler: 2

Thief-Tracker: 1

Whitecloak: 1

Wisdom: 1

Wolfsister: 1


So far, it looks like the available roles are quite different. 2 wolfbrothers, the existence of ta'veren and warders, and the possibility of there being 3 dreamwalkers. So I'm not sure how useful those numbers will be to us...

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Yes! We got another one. Good job wolfbrother or sister. Too bad we lost a viewer and a wolfsister though. We still haven't caught Fain or his one corrupted, which is still a very terrible thing. We still have to worry about being corrupted or other people being corrupted.

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@Gamma, would it be noted if two wolf brothers attacked the same person? 



Wait, our Mayor just died, right? Thinking I'm going to vote TheOnlyNyali for mayor. Think they're main person I trust to be village right now.

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STINK, could you explain your vote on Mailliw to me? I'm a bit suspicious of him, and a bit more so after that night cycle. I have something I want to share, but I need to wait for a bit better timing right now.

He's Stink. He tried to convince me that fifty people PMd him and they were all insane. :P

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STINK, could you explain your vote on Mailliw to me? I'm a bit suspicious of him, and a bit more so after that night cycle. I have something I want to share, but I need to wait for a bit better timing right now.


I'm not sure I want(or will understand) Stink's reasoning.. But I too have a fair amount of suspicion for Maill and am working on making my case as I have time today.

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