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The unfortunate thing about last-minute bandwagons is that they tell us nothing about the people who can't be on during them. They're really nice for looking at the alignment of everyone who is on, though.

Note - I'll be active in PMs tonight, but probably not tomorrow, unfortunately. I have family coming. These Night cycles are really falling at terrible times for me...

It's too late, anyway. Four minutes after turnover. No retractions now. Yup, what Lopen said.

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The Cycle is over. You can't change votes once it's past rollover. Gamma might be okay with a bit of posting, but changing votes isn't allowed.


Oh. Well, at least we'll know if Phat's lying. That, in itself, will tell us something.

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What? I mean, if he's lying and not an eliminator (possible although I think it's improbable), what does that tell us? And if he is an eliminator, why does his lying tell us more than his eliminator-ness does?

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Your motivations for what? Not claiming? That's the only game-relevant thing you've said this game. Which is why I wanted to leave you for the Wolfbrother so we didn't have to waste a lynch on you. Too late now, I guess.

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Well, it's possibly a lead as to a "changing appearance of role/alignment in write-up" secret role that I mentioned earlier, at the very least.


Also, in the meta, it tells me how likely people are to tell the truth / lie in a situation like this, which Elodin did, and I'm sure someone else did, but I can't remember at the moment.

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Although I doubt that actually exists, I can see your point there.

Regarding your second point... Hmm. I think it really depends on the individual player here. In most cases, it's going to be truthful. 90% of the time, at least. The other 10% is a really desperate eliminator (although with the meta as it is right now, most eliminators would have given up long since) and trolling villagers. Phatt's actually one of the more likely ones to do such a thing, of the few who would. He claimed a nonexistent secret role last game and very nearly got some eliminators neatly tricked into claiming because of it. And he's a troll. In general, though, people wouldn't lie in this kind of situation.

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Although I doubt that actually exists, I can see your point there.

Regarding your second point... Hmm. I think it really depends on the individual player here. In most cases, it's going to be truthful. 90% of the time, at least. The other 10% is a really desperate eliminator (although with the meta as it is right now, most eliminators would have given up long since) and trolling villagers. Phatt's actually one of the more likely ones to do such a thing, of the few who would. He claimed a nonexistent secret role last game and very nearly got some eliminators neatly tricked into claiming because of it. And he's a troll. In general, though, people wouldn't lie in this kind of situation.


OK. Thanks!

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Long Game 22, Night 3: One Man, Alone

Night came slowly to Drell's Crossing, the harsh, sweltering sun hanging high in the sky and refusing to dip below the horizon, basking the poor village in it's unrelenting heat. More than a few angry voices complained about the unusual heat, demanding for the day to finally end, seeming to forget in the moment what horrors the night could hide.

The stifling heat also had an adverse effect on the citizens of Drell's Crossing, bringing the usual clamor of activity and bustling of people to almost a dragging standstill. The villagers could be seen milling about the village green, slowly meandering their way about to accomplish their activities and getting settled for the night, even if their heart wasn't obviously in it.

Ana-alline wasn't nearly as affected by the heat as everybody else, being a native citizen to Tear; the brutal southern sun and muggy, humid breeze constantly flowing off of the ocean made this Andoran spring still seem like the heart of winter. Or at least that's what he tried to tell himself, as another bead of sweat rolled down his brow, dripping down right into his eye. He blinked it away, wiping his forehead down with his kerchief he kept in his pocket, already stained from the strenuous day's work.

He straightened himself out, smoothing out his pointed, oiled beard he made sure to keep in proper fashion, despite his location. With a little reluctance, he had to admit that acting like a bloody noble did have it's uses sometimes, especially when one was busy and wanted to be in a hurry. That was one lesson constantly ground into him back at home, before he found himself fleeing the city just ahead of a written warrant for his arrest.

It wasn't his fault the High Lord was guilty of those heinous crimes. Although it was his fault that he couldn't keep quiet about it when he knew it was better to. It was just he never had smelled anything so foul and horrible. That was, until he came to this town.

Being a thief-catcher can sure be a hassle, sometimes, he thought to himself sighing. He caught another whiff of.... whatever it was that was plaguing this town, making him rub his nose at the rancid smell. Sometimes he feared that he would smell this odor until the day he died, no matter how this whole ordeal turned out.

Sure, he might not understand how or why he could do what he did, it just had always come natural to him, despite leaving him the subject of scrutiny and suspicion. People tended to write off what they couldn't understand as some proof of the Dark One's touch, or at least some sort of mark. Funny that the people who are so scared of my powers and what they mean are the ones who have the most to hide, he thought, laughing at the irony of it all.

And sure enough, while the nobles and bloody Lords sure liked to use him to recover any of their lost or stolen goods, or the guards and patrols asking him to help with any cold cases they might have encountered, they were the first ones to denounce and ostracize him when it came down to one of them being on the chopping block. Not that bloody nobles were ever executed or punished, really.

So that was how he found himself, cast out of his home, surviving on his own, by himself. Alone. That was when he decided to adopt a new name and try and start over. Somewhere fresh, somewhere new. Somewhere that smelled....clean. That was what he thought he had found when he came across the quaint little village nestled up along the riverbank, and it had been -- at first.

But old habits die hard, and that was another lesson he learned real fast. It didn't matter if he didn't call himself a thief catcher, or ignored any call of service in that line of work, he eventually found himself sniffing down trails that didn't smell quite right, investigating things that people would normally ignore. He figured it was just his nature, and maybe that was why the Creator had blessed him with the gift. Or perhaps had cursed him. He never tended to dwell on such things. He knew one thing though.

Something smelled wrong about the village now. And it just wasn't the town. It was a putrid stink that seemed to emanate from the villagers themselves, completely unaware of the corruption bubbling just underneath the surface. And he knew he had to find the source of it, before it consumed them all.

So that was how he found himself, again, One Man, Alone. This time surrounded by many, he couldn't let himself get too close to any one of them. Not when he knew he might have to help bring them to justice. He would leave them to their own devices, with their debates and discussions, and ultimately a public lynching, as things seemed to be going. He would help them in his own way. He just needed more time!

He cursed aloud in frustration, losing the scent once again as it faded away, seeming to evaporate with the slowly diminishing sunlight as the sun finally seemed to relent and sink back down into the sky. Bringing night, and with it, hopefully some answers.

Except when he wandered back into town, he found a small little gathering waiting for him, faces solemn.

"What happened, Mayor?" He asked Jak, , who was standing next to Lomion for some odd reason, fearing the worst.

"Nothing.... yet," Jak slowly replied, not wanting to look him in the eye for some reason.


"Besides, that's not my decision to make anymore," Jak continued on, gesturing towards Lomion. "We've elected a new mayor, and may he do a better job protecting these people....." He paused short, looking to say something else before continuing, "And anyway, we all agree. It's just too much power for one man, alone."

He understood all too well. He had heard basically the same speech, even if worded differently, it still meant the same exact thing.

He also understood why he couldn't get a trace on the evil stench that kept eluding him. It was because it wasn't coming from any one source anymore. It had already infected every single person in the town, and it would only get worse from here. He wanted to curse at them, and condemn them, to yell at them and plead, but he knew it was useless.

Ana-alline would face death, head held high and proud for never quitting until the very end. And he would embrace death with open arms as best as he could. As One Man, Alone.


Phattemer(4) - Lopen, Bard, Elb(+1)

Elbereth(3) - Aman, Stink, Phatt

Lopen(1) - Meta

Mayor Votes:
Elbereth - Bugsy, Seonid, Jaime, Bard, Lopen

Stink - Winter

Meta - Stink

Joe - Conquestor

Aman - Meta

Araris - Araris

Phattemer was lynched! He was a Village Thief-taker! (Thief catcher, sorry)

Night 3 will last a little over 24 hours, until 2AM EST Monday, June 13th!

Edit: Yeah, it is Night 3... >.> #BubbleofEvil Time-distortion. :P

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Quick Links:

Player List:

1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil
2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius
3.Elbereth - Lomion
4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father
5.TheOnlyNyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey
6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history
7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols
8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks
9.Phattemer - Ana-alline Village Thief-Taker
10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon
11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother Village Warder
12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure
13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim
14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei
15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken
16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith
17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven
18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian
19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker
20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)
21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman Darkfriend Whitecloak
22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack
23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube
24.IrulelikeStink - ???
25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends
26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder
27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer Village Wisdom




Bah. I assume Phat didn't get any useful scans then? 


Before I go again, just thoughts say, @Elb: That post from day 1 of mine you linked to? I don't think you've seen him much, particularly not over here, but that was grumpy!Hael.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Great. Kinda wish phatt had said something sooner. I mean, we'd already said a couple times that we might lynch him or suggest to kill him with the Wolf-Brother kills. Ah well.


This doesn't really change anything for me. Phatt was mostly ignored, from what I can remember.


Gamma, isn't it Night Three? You call it Day Four and Night Four a couple times.

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Like I said during the day, if Wilson's Channeler and Wolfbrother could get in contact with me, it'd be much easier to coordinate. I understand that this takes a bit of trust from you, but at this point, I have enough to ruin the village if I desired and I hope to have given you enough trust in me by now. I'm of the opinion that Orlok's Channeler is the evil one, as they never came out in public. They're about to die regardless so it doesn't matter much.

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Bard, I'd like to introduce you to QF2. I don't expect you to read it all, but I GM'd that game and I put in a lot of Thugs in that game (Aiel-Blooded for a comparable role in this game). My point is that just because there are multiple of a role absolutely does not mean that there is an evil one. There are plenty of examples of this happening in other games. In one, we focused on Spanreed users and the Eliminators got rid of their Spanreed. I pulled similar trick when GMing AG2 with Smokers. 

If that is your only reason for doubting our alignment, it's not a very strong reason, IMO. 


As I said before, I don't see how or why the Darkfriends would detain one of their own and until we hear from Sheep, I'm of the opinion that Gunshy was the one to detain him. All detaining him did was put him under a lot of scrutiny and almost got him lynched. That's not a smart play, especially with Elodin having the means to protect himself. Beyond that, Elodin has proven his claim fairly well by avoiding the Wolfbrother attack last night. Beyond that, he can't have been corrupted yet due to him being detained on the first day (Which also means that he can't be Fain) and then used his role on the second. 


For me to be a Darkfriend, you'd have to accept the idea that I took out our Forsaken on the first day. As I've said before, I was on during the time where the votes were trying to shift (partially by you, btw. I still don't entirely buy your explanation for those switches. It very well could have been faked and with the amount of detail you went into with it, kind of feels a bit like what I'd expect a Darkfriend to do to try to cover themselves after making such an attempt, IMO) and I stuck to my guns about Sart due to the way it seemed like people were defending him*. Then, I'd have to pull a WGG by taking the Darkfriend hit during that night; setting the Darkfriends back even further. THEN, I'd have to not try to take credit for that, thus undoing any additional goodwill that could have bought me. And finally, I'd have to forgo using my role and position to get information about everyone's roles and gain their trust. 


That's quite a lot of hoops you'd have to jump through just to try to make either Elodin or myself seem like we are Darkfriends/corrupted. 


See? This is why I didn't want to have to come out of the shadows like this. IMO, the evidence is just too strong and between Elodin and I. It makes it so that we effectively counter both of the Eliminator teams. 


*In fact, I find it a bit suspicious that people keep treating the Sart lynch as if it was only about him wanting to have a discussion about whether or not to lynch. That is not what made me keep my vote on him. It was due to the way that people seemed to be trying to draw votes off of him. 

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<lots of writing>


Actually, I was saying one of you were lying. I don't think there are 3 Dreamwalkers in the game. The alignment of the Dreamwalkers is actually irrelevant if they're not a Dreamwalker to begin with. And, you both chose the one thing that makes you both valuable to the villagers, and impossible to verify. That's awfully convenient in my mind.


And yes, I could accept you voting on Sart to avoid suspicion. You're one of the oldest, most experienced players here, and you could definetely pull off voting for a team member to soft clear yourself. (And by the way, you and Seonid are the only 2 people who considered me suspicious after I explained myself, IIRC. You're really beating the dead horse there.)


You being the Darkfriend hit was one of about a dozen possible circumstances which could have stopped the kill, and only if we accept you being a Dreamwalker. And not claiming credit for blocking a role because of a counter-defence you hadn't invented yourself having yet would be quite easy.


And your arguments don't even cover the idea of Elodin not being a Darkfriend. You can't just give reasons to say why you aren't a Darkfriend and say they apply to both of you, because they don't.


Like I said. I think either you or Elodin is lying about being a Dreamwalker in the first place. I was placing even odds, but you misinterpreting what I said, which no-one else did, makes you slightly more suspicious in my eyes. Still, I'd like to see what happens in the PM's this night turn and in the write-up tomorrow before I decide on anything.

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Bard, I'd like to introduce you to QF2. I don't expect you to read it all, but I GM'd that game and I put in a lot of Thugs in that game (Aiel-Blooded for a comparable role in this game). My point is that just because there are multiple of a role absolutely does not mean that there is an evil one. There are plenty of examples of this happening in other games. In one, we focused on Spanreed users and the Eliminators got rid of their Spanreed. I pulled similar trick when GMing AG2 with Smokers. 

The Only Joe trolled everyone in LG14 by making all the lifeless commanders village - the village went and lynched them all. I think Joe was very happy with himself. (If you wanted another example, that is)


Edit: (Maybe I should refresh the page before posting...)

Edited by Haelbarde
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The Only Joe trolled everyone in LG14 by making all the lifeless commanders village - the village went and lynched them all. I think Joe was very happy with himself.

Lopen wasn't. :P I liked that part though. It was fun! ;)

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So your only real reason is a meta reason. One that I've pointed out is flawed because you're trying to guess the GM distribution (unless you also have outside knowledge by being a Darkfriend) when many GMs have gone out of their way to mess with what people would or would not expect in a game. 


Voting for Sart is just the beginning of my evidence for myself, not the end all, say all. You'll want to also explain why everything else I've done (a lot that I've already listed) is counter intuitive to the Darkfriends while also somehow making me a Darkfriend. I was on for the Gunshy lynch as well and didn't do anything to try to stop it. 


That's actually a good question: does everyone buy Bard's explanation after the fact? Seems to me that you're pushing that narrative a little far, considering the only person who really defended you when I brought it up last time was El. Most people just didn't say one way or the other. 


Now, I'm not saying that you are a Darkfriend. I just think that you're trying to push the idea that either Elodin or I are a bit hard at this point. 

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Right, have some thoughts. Some from before turnover that I never got around to responding to (because they're mostly irrelevant), some from afterward.

10. Haelbarde - Wasn't very sad that his beloved Brightness was brutally killed! :o Not very loyal of him as her "True Herald." :P

If we mourned her every time she died, we'd never stop. :P

Bard, regarding your point about the LG21 doc being spoiled - remember that was a combined spec/dead doc. It's a lot easier to keep spoilers out of pure spectator docs when no one has information from when they were alive.

The majority of the 23 pages was us trying to figure out where Alvron lives, (We've narrowed it down to less than half of the southern Island of New Zealand.) and a discussion about the WarriorCats series. (Ga'hoole was better).


Quick Links:

Before I go again, just thoughts say, @Elb: That post from day 1 of mine you linked to? I don't think you've seen him much, particularly not over here, but that was grumpy!Hael.

My suspicion wasn't really because of the end of that post. It was being paranoid of me, but more than that... Like I said before. That post (and your next few posts on the page after that one, too) doesn't strike me as evil, precisely. But it's something I see evil potential in, just as I did with Elodin. Some people I trust because I can't think of a reason for them to say something as an eliminator. These posts, I can conceive either quite easily, and that makes me suspicious.

Sorry if that's a bit vague. If you want more detail, ask, and I'll try to provide it in the morning, when I'm not tired since I've been up since 6:45 a.m. and it's after midnight now. :)

Like I said during the day, if Wilson's Channeler and Wolfbrother could get in contact with me, it'd be much easier to coordinate. I understand that this takes a bit of trust from you, but at this point, I have enough to ruin the village if I desired and I hope to have given you enough trust in me by now. I'm of the opinion that Orlok's Channeler is the evil one, as they never came out in public. They're about to die regardless so it doesn't matter much.

Seriously? Why would you say such a thing? You realize you just made yourself the #1 target for conversion tonight, don't you? Maybe not now that I've pointed it out, but even then, that's a maybe. Enough info might actually be useful enough to Fain that he'd take that risk even if you were under high suspicion of corruption.

Don't say things like that. You're just doing Fain's work for him.

Bard, I'd like to introduce you to QF2. I don't expect you to read it all, but I GM'd that game and I put in a lot of Thugs in that game (Aiel-Blooded for a comparable role in this game). My point is that just because there are multiple of a role absolutely does not mean that there is an evil one. There are plenty of examples of this happening in other games. In one, we focused on Spanreed users and the Eliminators got rid of their Spanreed. I pulled similar trick when GMing AG2 with Smokers.

If that is your only reason for doubting our alignment, it's not a very strong reason, IMO.

I agree here. It's definitely wrong to just assume that one of the remaining Dreamwalkers is evil, just because of balance reasons, because that's not always right.

However. It's not wrong, in my opinion, that there's a higher probability of one of you being evil, because three Dreamwalkers is a tad unlikely for the village to have. It's not impossible - but that's an assumption too, in the opposite direction.

And the thing is, Bard isn't proposing we lynch one of you just to make sure. That'd be dumb. He's proposing we try to figure out which of you are innocent (or if both of you are), without killing either of you. Which makes perfect sense to me, at least.

As I said before, I don't see how or why the Darkfriends would detain one of their own and until we hear from Sheep, I'm of the opinion that Gunshy was the one to detain him. All detaining him did was put him under a lot of scrutiny and almost got him lynched. That's not a smart play, especially with Elodin having the means to protect himself. Beyond that, Elodin has proven his claim fairly well by avoiding the Wolfbrother attack last night. Beyond that, he can't have been corrupted yet due to him being detained on the first day (Which also means that he can't be Fain) and then used his role on the second.

In my view, the only reason Elodin would be detained (as a Darkfriend) would be that 1) he's not a Dreamwalker, and 2) the Darkfriends don't have a Channeler. If they did, they'd almost certainly just protect him instead of detaining him. As for the reasoning, he was a strongly suggested Wolfbrother kill that night and under a fair amount of suspicion in the day as well. While being detained would mean he couldn't make an action, it would also mean he wouldn't be killed. And in most cases, if there were a Darkfriend kill, this would make him more trusted, not less. It's just that the Darkfriends got unlucky for some reason.

That's the theory, anyway. Is it particularly likely? Not really.

Actually, wait. The only way for it to work would be the Darkfriends not having a Channeler to protect him. And if they don't have a Channeler, they can't have used Mask of Mirrors on him to fake his Dreamwalkerness. So... correct me if I'm wrong, but I no longer see a way for him to be a Darkfriend.

For me to be a Darkfriend, you'd have to accept the idea that I took out our Forsaken on the first day. As I've said before, I was on during the time where the votes were trying to shift (partially by you, btw. I still don't entirely buy your explanation for those switches. It very well could have been faked and with the amount of detail you went into with it, kind of feels a bit like what I'd expect a Darkfriend to do to try to cover themselves after making such an attempt, IMO) and I stuck to my guns about Sart due to the way it seemed like people were defending him*. Then, I'd have to pull a WGG by taking the Darkfriend hit during that night; setting the Darkfriends back even further. THEN, I'd have to not try to take credit for that, thus undoing any additional goodwill that could have bought me. And finally, I'd have to forgo using my role and position to get information about everyone's roles and gain their trust.

I agree on the first point. I disagree that you would have had to pull a WGG. There are multiple other reasons the kill could have failed, and you being targeted is definitely not the only one nor particularly more likely than others (in my opinion). Forgoing the trust is a bigger point, but I'm still not completely convinced. Look where it got you, after all - mostly trusted, out of a lynch at the critical moment, and not having to interact with people for a while and potentially get even more suspicion, given that you'd been picking up heat.

That said. I'm not reading you as any worse than neutral at this point. So I'm fully prepared to accept that all three Dreamwalkers are village, unlikely as that seems. But I'm nowhere near certain about that, and will in all probability remain uncertain. I won't be claiming to you, at least.

And I do still think Bard is village because of that defense. I haven't really read anything (that I remember at the moment, anyway) which made me suspect him at all (until his latest post, which felt a little aggressive to me, but that's very slight), and that post read as very genuine to me. So I stand by that. I don't think Bard's an eliminator.

Bard - Dreamwalkers are not impossible to verify, unless they're actually Dreamwalkers. So I'm not sure why claiming one without being one would be that great of an idea. It worked for Meta, obviously, but he'll probably just get caught tonight if he isn't a Dreamwalker, so that's not buying much time. And we know he's not Fain, so if he were evil I'd say it'd be better for his teammates to bus him and be cleared rather than buying him an extra 24 hours to live. ('Course, they could do the same thing I thought of about Elodin and target him with Mask of Mirrors. If they have a Channeler. And that Channeler hasn't already used that weave. And even then it wouldn't be very secure because we can target him tomorrow night too if necessary.)

I think there was something else I wanted to say, but I'm not sure what... Anyway. I'll be on in the morning tomorrow, but after about five hours before turnover I shouldn't be available at all. So if you have anything you want me to respond to, say it before then.

EDIT: I remembered! Aman, you never answered my question about what you meant when you said I was the "most connected" of the players you'd yet to eliminate from being Fain. I can think of a couple of different meanings you could have intended there, and I'm curious which one you meant.

Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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There's this bit from Seonid that you seem to be ignoring, El:



On meta, I have it on good authority that a night action targeted on him failed N1. A thief taker in my chain of communication found that he performed no actions that night. This could indicate that he was detained.


So either you're trying to place blame on both of us and stating that we're working together or you're reaching. 


Then there's this bit from last turn that caught my attention from you:



Meta, I don't currently have any better suspicions than you, no. And that's certainly a fair point against me. It's also something you could bring against me in practically every game I've played so far. 


And yet you were so sure of me in MR12. So it seems that you're not as uncertain in games as you want us to believe and you've seemed a lot more sure of yourself in other games. 


This is just one of the things that makes me feel off about you. Aman spelled out a lot more. I think you might be Fain. Obviously not a Darkfriend, as you helped lynch one of them and I don't deny that. But, killing Darkfriends is something you'd want to do as well since they stand in your way to victory as much as the Village does. 


Does this make you Fain? Of course not. But I still plan on keeping an eye on you at the moment. 

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