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Beware: RP incoming.

Ba’alzamon stepped through the streets of Drell's Crossing, looking around at the common folk walking in the streets. He knew their faces, but not from here. He has glimpsed each one of them in Tel’Aran’Rhiod, the World of Dreams. Last night he went there in flesh, and when he came back he found a few scraps of wolf fur on his bed, and his door was wide open.  This was disquieting for him, of course, but not as much as being detained the night before that was. Again, he had let his name slip and he ended up in a cell with a gag and blindfold on him before he could say “Bloody ashes!”. After he explained his situation to the Whitecloak he had been allowed to leave, but some suspicion remained on him for that reason. He told the other townspeople and they agreed for the most part. It was almost certain that the perpetrator had been a servant of the Shadow until another Whitecloak claimed, but so far Ba’alzamon had seen no golden sunburst from that man. Now though, as he walked through the streets of Drell's Crossing, he saw a tendril of white fog curl around a corner, along with a muted cackle. Fain! He hurried after the fog, but a beggar on the street stuck out his foot and he tripped. He turned, but the beggar was gone as well, and the strange white mist had nearly dissipated. He strolled over to a vendor selling apples, and looked at them hungrily. He had no money, as the Whitecloak had taken it all, and stealing now would probably get him executed with the state of affairs in this town. No matter, he thought, there's always another way. He had glimpsed her in Tel’Aran’Rhiod once, and she had the sense of a fledgling Dreamwalker around her. 
He walked to the front of the stall and asked “How much does an apple cost?”
The vendor gave him a suspicious look, but responded “Three copper's normally, but it's one if you have any gossip that an Aes Sedai might be interested in.” Ah, so she’s an informant. 
“Hmm. How about none and a guided tour of Tel’Aran’Rhiod?”
She gasped. 
“Is that what it was? I thought I had seen you before… no! The World of Dreams is a place of the Shadow, and I will not walk in the Dark.”
He was offended, slightly. He got this all the time from fools who couldn't look past a name or power.
“That's what they all say. The Whitecloaks, the townsfolk, even the.. less savory denizens of the World of Dreams.”
“Like who?”
She had asked the wrong question, Ba’alzamon thought. The Dark Lord himself had cursed his name, albeit ironically.
“Moghedien, Lanfear and Rahvin, to name a few. By the way, I believe I haven't introduced myself properly yet. My name is Ba’alzamon, and it's very nice to meet you.”
she screamed and 'sped away from him, pushing aside a group of gullible-looking townsfolk in the process. People turned to him inquisitively and he shrugged.
“I think she was trying to take my apples. I had let slip that they were from the court's of Cairhien, and I was a lord in disguise. Oh. Whoops.”
The gossip-hungry people rushed forward, for some reason not doubting a word that he said. Funnily enough, it was slightly true. He had been a lord for a while, under a pseudonym, but his lordship had not lasted long. A player of the Great Game of Houses had a Whitecloak contact and soon uncovered his secret. He still knew enough to spin believable lies out of truth however, pausing at times and gesturing towards his satchel, which was quickly growing full of copper, silver and occasionally a gold piece or two. He was going along just fine until he saw a golden sunburst pendant lying on one of the shirts of the peasanta. Then another, and another. As they slowly advanced towards him, he pulled a mixture of herbs out of his satchel and stuffed them into his mouth. In seconds, he fell asleep. He awoke in Tel’Aran’Rhiod feeling bored, so he decided to mess around a bit. With a thought he created an army to rival Artur Hawkwing's, and brought them to the edge of Shayol Ghul. He then made them and him invisible and quieted their movements. About one hundred paces from where he was standing he saw two people conversing. As he got closer, he saw their faces. Graendal and the boy who claimed to be the Dragon, Rand al’Thor. He saw Rand's face grow dull and then brighten again. Ba’alzamon could easily see that Graendal was Compelling him, the one Weave that he didn't have to be an Aes Sedai to see. All that's required to see that one is a bit of logic and common sense. Rand and Graendal walked side by side, and Ba’alzamon could see that within moments Rand would be bound to the Shadow and never return. He could not let that happen. He reached out to the mind of the young boy and gave it a little nudge, shaking Rand out of his stupor. Rand suddenly blinked and looked around, a look of confusion on his face until he saw Graendal. He screamed with rage and conjured up two spears of balefire. He threw them at Graendal, but she dodged them both and quickly disappeared, looking as 'shocked as Rand did by the sudden turnaround. It was that moment that Ba’alzamon chose to reveal himself, and walked up to Rand. 
“Hello. I 'see the stories about you are true.”
“Oh, you have no idea. Thank you for saving me, but please, stay out of matters that are none of your business.”
Ba'alzamon’s temper flared. How dare this young man, no matter how much power he had, be angry with him for saving his life?
“Well I'm very sorry-”
Rand cut him off,
“Thank you for apologizing, but I think that I will be on my way now.”
Rand vanished quicker than a puff of smoke.
“Bloody ashes, that boy is a pain!” Ba’alzamon exclaimed.
I wonder if thi's is all just a cruel joke played on us by the Creator, 'sending us this arrogant and abrasive excuse for a leader. Well, whatever the reason for the boy’s abrasiveness, he had other plans. He marched his army to the place in the real world where the Trollocs and Myrddraal were fighting the Shienarans and instructed them to swing at any flicker of a beast. Within an hour they had killed five hundred Trollocs with zero casualties. He then left his army with their orders and woke himself up, popping back into existence in the town of Drell’s Crossing. It was nearly night then, and there were no longer people in the square. Carefully, jumping at any sound, he made his way back to his home, where he triple-locked the doors before sitting down. That was a rough day, he thought as he walked over to the kitchen. He set down a plate and grabbed a loaf of bread and a slice of cheese from the cupboard. It was going to be a simple and lonely dinner for him. As he contemplatively chewed his bread, he started to write. He wrote pages and pages of anything and everything in his head, and then burned it all. Now for the one thing that i’ll keep. He grabbed a fresh piece of paper and started writing an analysis of the situation in the city. He would share it with the villagers once he was done, but for now he had to sleep without Dreaming and rest.


Still here for a little while, so if there's something you want me to say, ask. Preferably with a mention. Also, yay, RP!

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So here's where things stand at the moment. Let me know if I missed something:

Araris (2+1): Stink (+1 if Mayor), Bugsy
Conquestor (1): Araris
Hellscythe (1): Aman
Hael (1): Lopen
Rubiks (1): Meta

Mayor Votes:
Joe (1): Hael
Stink (3): Stink, Jaime, Joe

Personally, I've had a villagery read on Araris from Day 1. The fact that there hasn't been a lot of talk about it also says to me that we're just letting this happen rather than actively searching. Neither the Darkfriends nor the Corrupted will want to make waves at this point in time unless they have to. They're at a disadvantage unless we kill ourselves for awhile. 

Personally, I'd rather see Rubiks or Conquestor put on the block. I'm iffy about Hael. A lot of what he said earlier made me think Villager and I'm not about to judge him just because he has RL issues coming up. I'll move my vote if needed, but for now I'll leave it where it is. Just saying, this feels like a late game mislynch because we're feeling confident; not because of actual suspicions. 

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I also have village reads on Araris.

I'd rather not kill Conq on 2 SE games simultaneously, seeing as I'm trying to lynch him in QF16, and that would seem more like a personal attack than anything else.

Hellscythe I trust.

Out of Hael or Rubik, I'll vote for @RubiksCube for now. Hael has RL stuff, and Rubik hasn't contributed more than half a dozen's posts worth at best, and some of those aren't really useful either. I might change this before rollover, but that's the way I'm leaning for now.

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I keep going back and forth on my suspicions for Conquestor.. I have seen some inconsistencies in his posts and some of his motivations for his actions have seemed like reaching.  I am going to put my vote on him for now because I don't have strong enough suspicions for anyone else.  Seonid was my biggest suspect and I was going to push for his lynch but a wonderful furry friend did that for me :) 

I am iffy about Rubicks and I'm not entirely sure I trust Maill still but I'm going to back off of that for now I think. 

Edited by jaimeleecee
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Well I think Lopen, Aman, and Meta are Villagers. I have been getting villager vibes from their posts. I am a bit suspicious of Hellscythe, but am more suspicious of Rubiks because of his posts. They have been a little off to me and a little inconsistent in small ways. I think Joe would still make a good mayor because of him being soft cleared, for now, and he has been consistent.

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Just a reminder/heads-up that the cycle will end in just under ~12 hours from now! Til 2AM EST! So make sure we get all our votes and any day actions in before then! Also, with the nifty new notification system, any questions players have just make sure to tag me in the post and I'll be able to see the questions a lot easier and answer them much more promptly! :D

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On 6/13/2016 at 6:41 PM, Metacognition said:


I was just thinking the same thing about Fain maybe being inactive. It's either that or they're trying to save their corruptions for later on. I just doubt that we're getting this lucky with Fain's corruptions going towards those that are detained or otherwise untargetable. 


Winter, Jaime, and Araris have been on during that time though; at least to some degree. I'm not quite sure about Rubiks and Hellscythe. I've gotten a villagery read on Araris right now, so I doubt he's Fain. So let's put some pressure on Hellscythe to come and speak up right now. 

I'm not Fain. I hope that puts all your suspicions to rest. 

This new site has so much white its burning my eyes. Anyone know how to make it less white? Or make it like the old site?

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Mailliw, Sheep is cleared because of Straw's death, remember? There hasn't been any conversions since N1 and Sheep was scanned on N2, so he's really the only 100% cleared player right now.

I'm getting a very eliminator vibe from Conquestors last post. Haelbarde. I'm fine with lynching him or Rubiks at this point. 

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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30 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:


Does this site burn your eyes? Because it has even more white.

I don't have to read posts on google. I just search things.

I will say I thoroughly enjoy the new mechanics of the site though.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Mailliw, Sheep is cleared because of Straw's death, remember? There hasn't been any conversions since N1 and Sheep was scanned on N2, so he's really the only 100% cleared player right now.

I'm getting a very eliminator vibe from Conquestors last post. Haelbarde. I'm fine with lynching him or Rubiks at this point. 

Oh, right. Sheep. Conq

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Just now, jaimeleecee said:

@Mailliw73 Lopen beat me to it.. He was much nicer though haha I was going to get all, "see this is the suspicious stuff I'm talking about.." on you, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you just forgot ;) 

Yeah... :P like I said in the QF, I started a new job this week and it's taken much more time than I thought it would. So I haven't been thinking about the game as much as I'd like. 

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5 minutes ago, Conquestor said:

Why is everyone voting for me? Besides the fact that they are getting eliminator vibes from my post's. 

Edit : Oh and Mail, that was very bandwagony of you.

I doubt that will dissuade him. Also, there is no reason for you being lynched besides reasons, that is true.

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32 minutes ago, Master Elodin said:

I doubt that will dissuade him. Also, there is no reason for you being lynched besides reasons, that is true.

Right you are. 

Also, Conq, we just have no real leads now. At least I don't. 

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Conq, who do you think we should lynch then?

Edit: Okay, I've got the time to go into detail into why I think your post was suspicious.

1. You're very vague with your reasoning. You say you think Meta, Aman and me are villagers, but just say that you're getting those vibes from us. I personally think we all are villagers too, so I feel like you're just trying to get on each of our good sides by saying that.
2. You're suspicions are just as vague. You say you're a bit suspicious of Hellscythe, but don't give reasoning. Again, feels like you're just trying to go with popular opinion here. Next, you vote on Rubiks. You're reasons are that you think "his posts are a little off and a little inconsistent in small ways." Vague reasoning again. Plus, you don't seem very confident in that suspicion, with your use of "little" and "small" when describing the suspicious nature of Rubiks posts. Sounds more like you just want a lynch to happen rather than you actually think he's evil.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Okay, I have had contact with Aman through pms and I trust him, he gave me a secure reason to trust Lopen and Meta helped lynch Sart. Rubiks has been acting fishy on day 2 when he was posting about something that was suspicious. (Don't remember and am to lazy to go and check) Also, if I was an eliminator, why would I bring so much attention to my self?


Edit : Mail, do you have something against me? You already killed me in QF16, why do you have to kill me here too?

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16 minutes ago, Conquestor said:

Okay, I have had contact with Aman through pms and I trust him, he gave me a secure reason to trust Lopen and Meta helped lynch Sart. Rubiks has been acting fishy on day 2 when he was posting about something that was suspicious. (Don't remember and am to lazy to go and check) Also, if I was an eliminator, why would I bring so much attention to my self?


Edit : Mail, do you have something against me? You already killed me in QF16, why do you have to kill me here too?

He already mentioned this and besides, you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole of suspicion. It's not his fault if you're the only reasonable lynch candidate. Also the "if I was an eliminator" argument is completely invalid, as you are trying not to act like an eliminator when you are one. Not to mention the fact that you could be doing it for precisely that reason.

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22 minutes ago, Master Elodin said:

He already mentioned this and besides, you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole of suspicion. It's not his fault if you're the only reasonable lynch candidate. Also the "if I was an eliminator" argument is completely invalid, as you are trying not to act like an eliminator when you are one. Not to mention the fact that you could be doing it for precisely that reason.

Ok, your right, but can I have still have a better reason for why I am going to be killed, please? At least then I can actually say that I tried to defend myself. On another note, if I am going to die, I might as well roleclaim. I am a village Whitecloak that has roleclaimed to Aman, he was just saying that he detained those people so that we could get more info, without revealing that I was actually the other Whitecloak. So, Aman tell them that this is true, please. Also, I have not roleclaimed to anyone else, but was going to claim to Lopen tonight.

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