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Apologies for not seeing it.Yes, a Dragon Fang would be noted in the Day write-up. Dragon Fangs can be targeted by roleblocks or redirects, prevented from Detains, etc. And if there is a tie among Dragon Fangs, then one will not be posted/revealed.


What I mean to ask would it say something like "3 people scrawled a Dragon's Fang on Nikel Fain's door" or would the number of villagers that voted never be announced?

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What I mean to ask would it say something like "3 people scrawled a Dragon's Fang on Nikel Fain's door" or would the number of villagers that voted never be announced?

Yeah it just mentions who has a Dragon Fang, not how many votes. Otherwise that would just confirm the number of Vanilla roles there are

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*devotion enters the game* 


*ruin follows*


this isn't cosmere. 


i know


we'll confuse them 




wait, was that the point? 


devoted to chaos. devoted to ruin. 


you're right


i'm always right.


no you aren't, shut up.




ruin, it's me that's always right.


anyway, so, who wins?


it's not winning. 


we win



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Long Game 22, Day 3: The Mother's Last Embrace


Douza stalked the village at night, his huge hammer slung over his shoulder as he roamed the shadows and the outskirts of the town. He didn't really know what he was looking for, or why he was out meandering about in such dangerous times, with such dark and deadly undercurrents attempting to tear the town he knew and loved apart. But he also knew that he couldn't sit idly by and wait for something to happen because that just wasn't in his nature.

He peeked again at the huge steel hammer he was carrying about, as a stray beam of moonlight fell upon the intricately carved hammerhead, reflecting a silvery flash of light. Funny, he thought to himself, I don't even remember where or when I picked this hammer up. It was as if one day he just woke up and it was sitting there in the corner of his house. Most remarkably, he didn't even think of it as odd, and in fact, he remembered it feeling right somehow, as if it had always belonged there. Foolish fancies, of course.


That giant hammer stood for everything he was against. Sure, a hammer wasn't strictly a tool for violence, and some could argue it could be used to create and help, somehow, but he just couldn't convince himself that that was the case with his hammer. It's hefty weight, solid frame, and the familiarity he felt when swinging it, he knew deep down that there was only one purpose for this hammer. Years as a village Wisdom -- practiced in secret, of course -- had taught him that sometimes there was no use putting it off. When a limb was too festered and rotted, when the infection would spread and threaten the host, sometimes you just had to remove the limb entirely. Before the corruption could spread and consume the whole body.


That was how he looked at it, so despite the years of medical training and practicing the art of saving lives, Douza found himself walking about Drell's Crossing after hours, trying to find the storm that his senses told him was brewing.


Most people always thought that Wisdoms only specialized in herbs and healing people, discounting their claims of reading the wind, being more in-tuned with the weather. Douza knew better. That was one of the reasons he had pursued such an unusual -- and often ridiculed -- career as the town's Wisdom. Everybody always maintained that only women could be healers, that only women were compassionate and smart enough to protect people from death. Men were just too brutish, slow and stubborn. No way they could heal.

I guess they're not too far off on that one, he thought wryly, glancing back up at his hammer, suppressing a sigh. Douza didn't know why his weather senses told him that there was an impossibly huge and fierce storm raging right on top of him right now, when the sky was clear, and the large shiny moon was reflecting along the riverbank on a perfectly cool, breezy night. It just didn't make sense.

He shook his head one last time, pausing at the riverfront, reflecting on his reflection. A healer at heart, a warrior in appearance. He knew his inner-turmoil would end up tearing him apart before too long. A man couldn't push himself to both extremes, keeping at odds with himself and his true nature. No matter how right the hammer felt, it's comfortable weight resting on his shoulder.

NO! He told himself, rejecting the even heavier burden that was weighing him down. There just wasn't something right with what was going on. As a healer, he should've seen the festering wounds that had buried deeply into the heart of Drell's Crossing. Ever since the death of poor old Mayor Twim, something had become wrong. The darkfriends and everything else was proof enough of that. Bloody ashes! He cursed at himself for not seeing it sooner. As a healer and a Wisdom, he should've known better. Should've known that it would take special work and intricate care to help reknit the community and love that had once help the village together. And that was the work of a healer.


With a resolute decision, he hefted the hammer up, rejecting the weight and darkness it had held over his heart, knowing it to be the symbol of what had been holding him back. And with a heavy heave, with as much strength as he could muster, he tossed the hammer into the river, turning his back on that path. Embracing his new purpose.


He started to stroll back towards the village, feeling renewed and invigorated for the first time in what seemed weeks. So determined was he, that he never even heard the wolves slip in silently behind him. Stalking and shadowing him, waiting for the moment to strike.

Douza never made it back to Drell's Crossing. His healing touch never felt again.



Keland stood behind the bar, polishing the same glass for much longer than was necessary, or expected out of a bored innkeeper trying to find menial tasks to fill the night. The night had died off early, with guests and patrons alike all retiring to bed earlier than Keland would have preferred. Idle time meant idle thoughts, and thoughts like that were ones that Keland couldn't afford right now.

He found himself humming an old, somber song under their breath, trying to remember where he had heard the tune and lyrics before, for surely he would have remembered hearing something as ominous as, "Trust is the color of death". He snorted at the irony, or really, the lack of it. Trust had certainly been in short supply lately, especially here at The Golden Dagger. It had seemed like the only reason people seemed to gather around anymore was to look at each other all askew, waiting for the slightest provocation or insult to go off on each other with. Why, Keland himself had found himself in more than a handful of heated arguments himself lately. As if the innkeeper couldn't be trusted! It was simply bad for business.


Settling down in this quiet, reserved town had definitely been a change of pace from what Keland was used to, and the Creator must have had some sense of humor to find an old warder -- bones weary and mind full of wonderful adventures -- settling down in a town like this. Drell's Crossing had a way of making the past melt away, leaving them nothing but foggy memories, seeming like they happened to somebody else, in some different life.

Things are different now, though, he told himself, keeping a wary eye for anything wrong or out of place. A lifetime of protecting the person on the other end of his bond had prepared him for moments like these, when a single missed detail could cost the life of many people, or even his own. Keland had always prided himself in seeing things that other people normally didn't, finding connections and subtle nuances that helped paint a bigger picture of what was really going on. And Keland knew that there was still something he was missing. That all of this just didn't feel right. It was as if a shadow had been permanently cast over the town since the old mayor's death. He could feel a pressure growing, slowly drawing the town tighter and tighter until something would snap. Keland intended to be long gone before that tension broke, or that bloody storm the town Wisdom had kept worrying about that had never come.

Keland looked up out the window to the clear, cloudless sky, remarking on the haunting beauty of the moon. The howling chorus of wolves breaking the silence in the night broke him out of his trance, making him shake his head and wonder how much time he had wasted just staring at the sky. He shook his head again, laughing at himself. Some bloody good warder you are.

There was a sudden noise from behind him, coming from the back storage room where he kept the extra supplies and barrels of ale. Senses suddenly sharp and alert, the years of training slid back over him, making the years disappear from his body as he found himself already halfway to the backroom in three long strides, counting on the element of surprise to catch the intruder off guard as he kicked the door open off it's hinges, crashing into the room roaring like a pack of bloody black-veiled aiel.


Somebody yelled out and Keland had grabbed at their wrists, getting ready to pivot all of their weight into a hiptoss, bringing them down to the ground and disarming them at the same time. Another quick yelp and a muffled curse stopped him short of that.

"Bloody fish guts!" Witless finally managed, eyes wide with alarm. "What did you do that for? They way you burst in here I would've thought a pack of hellhounds were hot on your tail!"


Keland sighed. Witless had always been one to exaggerate. Then again, he wasn't the one who had busted in on his half brother like a crazed maniac.

"Light, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to sleep in the stables tonight." Witless cried out, raising his hands up defensively.

Keland sighed, apologizing and telling them it was fine. In fact, he wouldn't mind having the company tonight. He had always had a soft spot for his half brother, even if they did like to run around the town telling people how he had aiel blood in him, and was destined to become mayor one day. Poor,witless fool.


Feeling a bit foolish himself, Keland apologized again before leaving Witless to his own devices, going back out into the common room. In the few minutes he had spent in there, the fire in the hearth seemed to have died out a little bit as the shadows were being cast a little bit further now, and the room was considerably cooler now. Keland could even feel a slight draft.

He paused, frowning at the front door to the inn, which was cracked open and allowing the draft in. Funny, he thought, I coulda swore I locked that up already....

He cautiously walked toward the door, telling himself it wasn't just paranoia. He got there, peeking his head out the door and looking left and right.....seeing absolutely nothing. Nobody stirred, even the wind seemed to have died down, leaving a calm, quiet night. Hopefully quiet that wouldn't be distu--

A slight creaking of the floorboard was all the warning Keland had, as he tossed himself to the side, barely feeling the knife pass through the skin along his side as he could tell he barely avoided a lethal stab at the last second. He landed in a rolling somersault, but landed on the side that had just been stabbed, as the blow took the breath out of him and made his knees buckle at the last second, sending him sprawling.

That's what you get for getting old and complacent, he told himself as he tried to get back up, to face his assailant on his feet. He would at least look the coward in the eye when he died. And maybe take them out with him, if the light was willing.

"The Great Lord sends their regards, and soon, you shall be joined in the grave by the rest of these miserable fools" The darkfriend gloated, face hidden in the shadows, their voice a low growl. Their hands snapped out, and Keland knew there was no dodging it, so he tried to charge instead. The first dagger punched into his shoulder, the force of the throw like a weighted punch, pushing him back and down to one knee. He didn't even feel the second dagger as it took him in the chest.

They took their time, slowly walking over, keeping a wary eye on him, waiting for him to spring up again one last time. They knew not to take a warder lightly.

Keland spit blood at them. "Light curse you!" He panted, his breathing starting to get heavier, as he spit up more blood. He could feel it filling his lungs. He had seen more than enough people die from the same injuries in his life.

"I'll not give you the satisfaction of begging or groveling," Keland said, offering his last form of defiance.

"Don't worry, the only satisfaction I seek is that of your death." And with that, the darkfriend jumped forward and slashed quickly, the dagger a shining blur as he felt the hot sting of it draw across his neck, and the last of his strength poured out of him and onto the floorboards.

"That.....that stain will.....will never come out....." Were Keland's last thoughts as he drifted off to death. And he was ready for the last embrace of the Mother to welcome him home.



The prisonder heard the jingling of keys and the sudden, sharp groaning sounds of the metal bars being tossed open. Rough hands seized them, yanking them to their feet as they were pushed blindly along a hallway.

"Good morrow," a voice said, muffled from the cloth sack tossed over the prisoner's head. "You are free to go, and have a good morning, and may the light illuminate you." And with that they were pushed back out into the village, the door slamming behind them. The prisoner was ready to start a new day.

I wonder who the mayor will have us kill today.... they thought morbidly, as they made their way back home and to see what they missed in the intervening night.



Somebody was Detained!

Wilson was killed by Darkfriends! She was a Village Warder!

Twei was killed by Wolves! They were a village Wisdom!


I'll get PMs and results out as soon as I can, and just let me know if you have any questions or see any errors.
Day 3 will last for 48hours and the cycle will end at 10PM EST, Saturday the 11th, Remember that PMs are closed for the Day cycle. Happy lynchings. ;)

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Quick Links:


Day 1

Night 1

Day 2

> Night 2

> Day 3

Player List:

1.Mailliw73 - Amaiya Mavenil

2.Seonid - Cenn al'Idrius

3.Elbereth - Lomion

4.Amanuensis - Nikel Fain, Padan's son, on a quest to stop his father

5.TheOnlyNyali - Eryn, a Cairhienin 'Maiden of the Sword', lost from her society on her journey

6.AliasSheep - Llewella Rhysdaughter, an Andoran scholar studying history

7.Conquestor - Lorien, the town guard, likes boring patrols

8.Master Elodin - Ba'Alzamon, on the run from Whitecloaks

9.Phattemer - Ana-alline

10.Haelbarde - M'Hael, a False Dragon

11.Little Wilson - Keland, Owner of The Golden Dagger, Witless' half-brother Village Warder

12.The Young Bard - Ruon, 15 year old, wants to be a gleeman and leave the town for adventure

13.Hellscythe - Tazrim Maim

14.ThatTinyStrawMan - Gladium Dei

15.Sart - Sarah Tea, a recent widow Forsaken

16.Metacognition - Mezal Althara, a foul-mouthed, ill tempered blacksmith

17.WinterCloud - Lexa & Heaven

18.Bugsy - The aging town librarian

19.Deathclutch19 - Trafalgar Law Village Dreamwalker

20.TheMightyLopen - Jak (Of the Shadows?)

21.GunshyMink74 - Gunshy, an entrepreneurial dirt salesman Darkfriend Whitecloak

22.ArarisValerian - Alain Stern, a lumberjack

23.RubiksCube - Cubik Rube

24.IrulelikeStink - ???

25.jaimeleecee - Birgitte, serving girl at the Inn, named after the Hero of Legends

26.OrlokTsubodai - Locke, silent stranger Village Warder

27.Twelfthrootoftwo - Douza, with his hammer Village Wisdom


Edited by Haelbarde
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Blood and ashes!


Another Warder down? And a Wisdom? I guess we can hope that Wilson's channeler (or Orlok's) is a Darkfriend.


Also - if anyone can verify whether Elodin is a Dreamwalker, that would be a very good thing right about now.

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Oh! I didn't notice that.


No corruption could mean a couple of things. Fain could have been roleblocked by a channeler using Spirit. Or they could have targeted the player who was detained. Or they could have targeted a player protected by Mask of Mirrors. Or Padan Fain could be the player who was detained. Or Fain could have been inactive. Or Fain could have decided not to use the corruption because they hoped we would get thrown on the wrong track and go after the person who was detained.


A number of options, and no easy way to choose between them, unfortunately. If anyone was detained last night, though, it might be a good start to our search for Fain.


Also about my bedtime. I might be around a little longer, but don't expect more discussion until the morning. If then. I've tended to be more optimistic about my ability to be active in thread during work than reality should indicate.

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Someone was detained, Seonid. It's in the writeup. :P

Which also means there's at least one more Whitecloak out there, which is fun. We can't guarantee that Elodin was detained by Gunshy now, which is unfortunate. (Although I'm still not sure what conclusion to draw from that if Gunshy was the one to detain him... Kinda depends on whether Elodin was a Dreamwalker or not.) There was also only one Wolfbrother kill (on a Wisdom :(), which seems kind of like an inactive kill? I feel like Phatt's been more inactive than Twei, though, so I'm not sure what to think about that.

That one Wolfbrother kill means that (discounting the possibility of the Wolfbrother not targeting Elodin and getting detained/RBed/targeting someone else untargetable anyway, which I sincerely hope did not happen) either Elodin is in fact a Dreamwalker (which doesn't really say much about his alignment unless Gunshy was the one who targeted him) or he's a Darkfriend (non-Dreamwalker) and the Darkfriends have a Channeler who just used Mask of Mirrors on them. I'm not sure there's any way to tell, unfortunately. So he's not cleared yet. He'd have to be targeted again tonight to make sure.

And Wilson's dead, which is sad. :( As is her Channeler, soon, and Orlok's Channeler as well. I think in this case it's probably not a case of her Channeler being targeted and Wilson taking the fall, whereas we won't be able to guess with Orlok until his Channeler dies or reveals. Not that that helps much...

That's everything I can think of that we can learn from last night. Anyone else have something to add?

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I would like the Wolfbrother in contact with Wilson to contact me tonight, please. You have no guarantees about me, but if we talk, I can assure you of my loyalties. Wilson's Channeler, she didn't tell me of your identity, as it wasn't hers to tell, but I would appreciate it if you contacted me as well.


I am fairly certain that the other Wolfbrother did target Elodin. Which would mean that he was untargetable.

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A number of options, and no easy way to choose between them, unfortunately. If anyone was detained last night, though, it might be a good start to our search for Fain.

This is what kind of gave the impression you didn't know. :P
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Ah - I totally meant one thing and wrote another there, actually. What I meant to say was this: If anyone detained someone last night, it might be a good start.


Now, whether or not revealing in thread is a good idea is up to the Whitecloak in question, although I suppose we could all debate it together. On the one hand, if we do find Fain, we remove a powerful village threat, and that could be worth having a publicly known village power role. On the other, publicly claiming in thread is generally not a good idea. Personally, I think it's too risky for the Whitecloak to reveal in-thread. But if they don't say anything today in thread, then tonight for certain, they should contact somebody in a PM and start coordinating the search for Fain there.

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