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18th Shard

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Everything posted by 18th Shard

  1. Granted. You are now a mistborn, the first ever to be allergic to every Allomantic metal except aluminum. In addition, you were hemalurgically grafted feruchemical chromium, a very old degraded spike, which means that for about every day unlucky you spend an hour lucky. I wish that Brandon would surprise us with the announcement that while writing Oathbringer, he accidently wrote the 4th storm light book as well.
  2. Not signing up, even though this looks awesomely fun (excellent job @Elenion). Noticed an ambiguity in the rules I wanted to have you clarify before someone argues in game - the outlaw is revealed players who used actions on him a) during his stay in the underworld, b ) at all times previous to this ability. I'm assuming it's option a, as that makes sense game and RP-wise.
  3. It is cheap. Say, cheap enough for someone who lives as a thief, cheap enough it isn't stolen by the other thieves after a decade (approximately) of living with them, cheap enough Vin's mom could get it in the first place. Unless Vin's dad gave her mom it, it would have to be pretty cheap. Silver makes more sense than aluminum, which was literally almost nonexistant in society. Obligators got it from the insides of volcanoes. It's not something Vin would have been able to keep if she had been given it by a worldhopper.
  4. Correct. By off world, I meant using a planet's natural investiture (e.g. Stormlight) as opposed to the natural one for the system (Breaths). Sorry if that wasn't clear. The Stormlight should act as a breath equivalent, as they're both investiture (which it does for Returned and Nightblood's consuming, but not awakening). Therefore, there is something different in the 'flavor' or type of the investiture that Awakening requires. We don't know what that is, but WoB implies it is possible to hack stormlight to enable this.
  5. Yes. Some magics, such as the metallic arts, are accessible everywhere (ala Hoid). Some, such as those from Sel, are practically impossible offplanet, but not actually impossible (i.e. they are so hard that it is currently easier to do it some other way.) Surgebinding seem so far to be the middle of the road, requiring some hacks to the system to hook it up to the right power source, but otherwise not impossible. Awakening has not been seen off planet yet, though not for lack of trying on Zahel's part. It is, in my opinion, probably between Surgebinding and Selish magics in difficulty. tl;dr - Yes, though it requires hacks sometimes, which can vary from very easy to storming impossible.
  6. He's actually storing identity and connection to avoid being noticed.
  7. Nerpspren : appear around perfectly symmetrical names (colloquially called ketekspren).
  8. I believe the reasoning was that the Urithiru side was open for every gate, but the city side of rah gate was locked. Stormseat was left open because the city was destroyed and consequently ignored (if it's been dead for ~2000 years, as the quote above suggests, then it's been insignificant for a while).
  9. Well, I did, in reply to iastofus because my phone didn't load the last half of the thread like it normally does. So... look, a new radiant in the bushes *ducks into cover*
  10. Did you read what @Calderis wrote? Oaths aren't based around a capital t Truth. They are based on perception based truth. If Kaladin finds out Elhokar was secretly controlled by Odium and killed thousands behind the scenes, then he probably won't protect Elhokar. If he never found out, he would still protect Elhokar. Hence, the oaths are perception based.
  11. I'm assuming you meant to explain that cognitive expectations defined the Heralds in the same way they do spren in the later post? If so, I like it.
  12. +1 for unintentional cosmere pun But, Alcatraz broke that rule ^^this Well, the balefire used in the Last Battle destabilized reality enough for the breaking talent to operate in cosmere. This was right after Alcatraz broke the fourth wall, but before he broke logic.
  13. The book does state it is an aluminum alloy, albeit one that is enough aluminum to remain allomantically inert. If you notice, Wax mentions the possibility of it containing eka-boron, I believe (it's been a while, but we looked into it.) This means it is an aluminum and scandium alloy. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21663831.2014.985855
  14. What about duralumin level soothing? Sustained via several soothers, so that before they can heal, they have no will or capacity to even want to heal. This would then allow multiple incinerations or the like to remove metalminds.
  15. Just a reminder, sometimes threads that are a year or so old don't have all the knowledge we do now. Unless you have some really pertinent new information, it might be best to create a new topic and just link the old one.
  16. Yes, what could prevent Ruin from having a lot more power than Preservation and making the ultimate clash unfair - the atium Preservation had sectioned off of Ruin.
  17. I vote it is the record of the Sunmaker - a modern book written after oathbringer just feels wrong to me.
  18. People may attract multiple Spren if they live in such a way - Ym attracted both, he just only bonded ten truth watcher spren
  19. @FiveLate This was the original post. Don't see any picture @Sirscott13
  20. Small nitpick, a Blessing is a pair of the above two spikes. The kandra do have some odd effects with Hemalurgy as that is what grants them sentience.
  21. I think it's a good idea - if you want advice on the writing itself, I would look at varying the sentence structure a little bit more. If you notice, the first bit is mostly two line paragraphs starting with "Subject Verb ...". Try writing some of them with prepositional phrases or adverbs before the noun, or change it up even more by inverting the subject and predicate. And most of all, keep writing.
  22. I have a story in which the main characters are part of a modern secret society of oracles and prophets, and the thing is they're trying todamage control all the prophecies they say by making them harmless. like naming a pig "your father" if your prophesied to kill your father, then having you kill the pig. the organizations name? Global Oracular Organization for Good Lives and Endings (Google). They know quite a lot from prophecies - see your search bar for proof
  23. I get totality where I live. I know schools here are basically letting kids out to see it.
  24. See the Reckoners RPG. one example from my own creations: the ability to have perfect memory combined with the ability to "download" information via touch [see Jumpdrive]
  25. I think TLR if he was actually trying is as powerful as the bands - you have to remember, when he's fighting Vin, he's really not trying. otherwise, boosted steel and compounded iron and he could rip her to shreds without moving a muscle.
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