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18th Shard

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Everything posted by 18th Shard

  1. Granted. Unfortunately, Tor then refuses to publish it for the large number of chapters consisting of expletives. You are then murdered by 17th Sharders who blame you for the end of the cosmere's publishing. I wish that any bane I receive is inflicted seventy-seven fold on the person who gives me the bane, and that that person is then forced to relive their worst experiences eternally. (Take that, Nightwatcher!)
  2. Xanas laughs and rolls dice. "Yahtzee." He picks up four cards, folds them into paper airplanes, then throws them through an ethereal realm of half-dead living orbs of non-existent pie precisely 3.1415... inches in radius. They were pie cubes. He then spikes imaginary friends, imaginary numbers, and imaginary enemies into a taco. He detonates the potato.logic broke in both directions. Then time-space became Tim the Astronuat, misspellings broke all enchnatments itno peices, and the cosmere became Adonalsium once more. Xanas handed Nashan and Secrets giftcards to Pits of Hathsin BookStore
  3. you receive an ugly sweater. *inserts distilled nonsense in the Holy Grail from Monty Python*
  4. Xanas yawned. "Fights are much more fun with Ascendants on an existential level. I prefer keeping mine in a pocket dimension within a homemade deck of cards made with the criticism of a frog, or if that fails, chains morphed into an alternate plane of darkness embodied by a dragon-blooded sword." He pulled out the cards and dealt a hand to Secrets. "I play Knight of Fools with a sandwich. I raise your bid on your behalf to two too toe homophones and cellphones." He eats the pineapple with which he had contained all of the water from the pools in the garden between worlds, slipped on a green ring, and moved into Zzyzx to help redecorate the skulls of unborn conquerors. He had a pencil to wrap in tortilla and nonsense as he vaulted out the spell mint he had discombobulated. He handed his deck to a child of Odium and then pulled the pin. "Uno."
  5. This may be of interest. See page two, third to last post, for the conclusion.
  6. I don't mean to seem like I am just joining a train of people who disagree with you, @Rockobar. I honestly feel that through level-headed discussion, you can understand more fully almost any topic. However, I do think you are oversimplifying humanity. If all I, as a human, care about is preventing death and having sex, even subconsciously, then I fail to see how a majority of my decisions are possible. I, as a youth, enjoyed the mental challenge of taunting people and verbally sparring with others. While I [thankfully] grew out of this habit, it was not an endearing one to many, especially girls in my age group. It tended to engender feelings of dislike in girls and feelings of physical annoyance in other boys, for a vast majority. I enjoyed it because it was a mentally amusing. I wasn't an insecure child, I just enjoyed the mental challenge it posed. However, it decreased possibilities of any romantic relationships with the girls around me, and increased the possibility of physical retaliation with the boys around me. This behavior, if Occam's razor is applied, directly contradicts your idea of these two ideas being the root motivation for my actions. I understand that, given some mental gymnastics, you will probably be able to twist this to fit your worldview. However, it will most likely be more complex a reason than my own explanation - I had a motivation other than avoiding death and promoting sex: I love to know information, to stretch intellectually, regardless of if I then end up with a smarter mate, or whether or not I am more capable of survival. If I knew that I had a genetic, fatal disease which would kill me in a few years, I would still love to learn and read and be a better human. If these two motivations explain all the actions in the world, how do you explain an artist who shuns others to promote art no one will look at until after he is dead? How do you explain my mother's love of growing ornamental plants? As Einstein once said, " It would be possible to describe absolutely everything scientifically, but it would make no sense. It would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure." So too with life. It would be possible to describe absolutely everything using only death and sex as motivators, but it would make no sense. It would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. While I may disagree with you, I respect your courage and decision to share your worldview, and appreciate that, in articulating the above, I better understand my own worldview. In that respect, I thank you.
  7. Suppose you create a koloss. Then you spike a Feruchemist and take the ability to store/tap youth Feruchemically and give it to the koloss. Could the koloss then control its size (as they grow massively as they age), getting large for a fight and the shrinking it back down to normal for life. If you made them an atium compounder, would they be able to remain roughly human-sized indefinitely, only growing when they stopped tapping youth? Popup Koloss army. Just add atium.
  8. @Quiver That's one of the best explanations I've heard. C.S. Lewis used a corner - there are three separate lines/planes that intersect, but only one corner. Mormons actually believe that the three are separate beings; however, because they are all perfect and have the same objectives and desires, they act as one. Like when you have two people who know each other so well you only need to ask one to know what the other would want. However, I've always found it best to try and understand others beliefs and I think the shamrock/corner analogies work very well for explaining that.
  9. As an LDS member (i.e. Mormon), I must agree. While there are some things in Mere Christianity that vary slightly between most Christian denomination (as Elenion noted above, our view of the Trinity is different), the book is impressive in how simplistically and yet capably it conveys concepts. I especially the logical proof Lewis uses to "prove" the existence of a higher power in the first chapters.
  10. Feruchemical iron does not store any physical strength; when tapped, however, it does make a body capable of dealing with the increased weight.
  11. "Spikes made from other metals steal Feruchemical abilities. For example, all of the original Inquisitors were given a pewter spike, which—after first being pounded through the body of a Feruchemist—gave the Inquisitor the ability to store up healing power. (Though they couldn't do so as quickly as a real Feruchemist, as per the law of Hemalurgic decay.) " from HOA. This seems to indicate to me that Feruchemical strength would indicate how fast a metalmind can be filled, i.e. the strength affects the time constant of the capacitor. This seems to me to indicate that in my Feruchemy circuit, strength would register as the motor's resistance.
  12. I'd like to restate the supposition that if a metalmind acts as a capacitor, then it should be increasingly hard to store charge in it as charge increases (or more technically, charge is stored at a lower rate the more filled the metalmind would be). Capacitors have a time constant that describes how long it takes to fill them to various percents of their capacity. It is calculated as RC, that is, the Resistance multiplied by the Capacitance. Capacitance would be dependent on the metalmind, but resistance relates solely to the Feruchemist and therefore could be considered the Feruchemical strength. A stronger feruchemist should fill faster and therefore reach a reasonable maximum to storing in one metalmind after a weaker one. I would therefore suppose that it would be much easier for a Nicrosil compounder (such as the Sovereign) to fill a metalmind to a much higher storage level than another Feruchemist. This would explain the high level of Investiture in the Bands of Mourning. @Idealistic Mistborn I have not done partial differentials (I think that is the math level required for that particular model), I've only done calculus so far. I am in a Calc-based Electricity and Magnetism class currently, so you'd have to explain that particular equation on a dumber level for me to get it.
  13. So I was working on this last night, and I figure if you say a metalmind is a capacitor, electric charge is what you are storing, and the voltage source is yourself (the feruchemist) for charging (storing). Then when you discharge the metalmind, the feruchemist acts as the resistor, a variable one that decreases resistance as you tap more. [Perhaps deal with this by making the Feruchemist a generator/motor, which changes from emf to resistor]. As a side note, you might be able to account for loss for high tapping levels in the same way resistors drain energy as heat. As a suggestion, Metalminds should be rated in "Ferads" (b))and you store the above "Ferils" of fCharge in it. They should have a hard upper limit, but it should become logarithmically harder to store in a metalmind. Thus, current is the rate of power you are tapping/storing. In Allomancy, Preservation is the voltage source, the Mistborn is the (again variable) resistor. I think that in between the two there should be some kind of conducting material (representing the metal) that deteriorates as current passes through it (perhaps similar to steel wool? I don't know of a real world analog here). Flaring metal is decreasing your resistance, however you can only decrease it so far. The size of the emf should relate to the strength of the Allomancer (i.e. Elend had a bigger battery than Kelsier), and perhaps savantism is the efficency of the resistor(?). Compounding in my mind is hooking the capacitor up to the Allomantic circuit, then discharging the filled capcitor, creating a voltage spike (?). If anyone has a better analogy with the above ones for Compounding, go ahead and make it. Resonances for Twinborn would be like a magnetic field created between the two circuits when they are close by each other. Standardization should probably use ettmetal, as that can be standardized more easily than most people. This will be easier for allomancy than feruchemy, at least from what we know. Hemalurgy is ripping the circuit free of another person (resistor) than attaching it to oneself. Multiple powers should be treated as multiple circuits hooked up too the same source of voltage. I'm not sure how to treat duralumin/nicrosil/aluminum/chromium in the analogy. To be clear, when the Metalborn is the resistor, it is more specifically the part of their spiritweb that codes for that power that is the resistor. If anyone wants to clear this up, feel free, I just kind of word vomited it here. Edit: Voltage could be measured by relating relative uses of the same metal/charge to identify resistance and using V=IR perhaps.
  14. I feel like we could measure a Feruchemical charge similarly to electricity. A particular metalmind's capacity for a fEnergy would be equivalent to capacitance, which would be easy to standardize as @Idealistic Mistborn suggested. Each person could find out their own personal "resistance" for fEnergy. If a Feril is a unit of feruchemical energy, it would be the feruchemical equivalent of voltage and electric charge, which makes it hard to define the current equivalent. Conversely, Allomancy seems to more easily adapt to voltage (power provided by Preservation being the emf), with each person having a similar resistance value for this energy. Here, current would be somehow related to the burn rate of a metal. In either, the energy outputed would be the equivalent of a joule, and the rate at which this occured would be a "Investiture watt". However I agree it is hard to standardize this between metals. Hmmm. I'll have to think on this more.
  15. Good work updating my own thread with BoM information, I thought about doing so and then neglected to. I agree in context of FeruAllo compounding (remember, the original theory was pre-Sos) and in context of Allo- and Feru-Hema compounding. You succinctly described the confusion we have with AlloHema as well. With FeruHema, I agree with the idea, except I believe the Investiture you could tap from the spike to be finite, i.e. you could only tap out so much. Otherwise, one Hemalurgic spike becomes the means of unlimited medallions with no cost. I'm not sure if you intended to say this and forgot, but I see issues in the future with that. On the latter two, I disagree on two counts, one logical and one opinionated. Personally, if HemaFeru compounding works as you propose, the fact that (as I believe is the case) only certain powers can be stolen from a bindpoint (i.e. I believe that, excepting the heart, there are locations that are power specific in the placement of spike for both donor and recipient of the spike), this effectively just means you can ensure that a spike stabs someone without having side effects that you had have an intent to cause anyway. This just seems redundant and narratively as an author I wouldn't include it. My opinion-based objection is thus: "But those are boring!" [*whiny kid voice*] No, those weren't actual WoB supported rules. They were rules I came up with to define Compounding that I found intriguing as a predicative model. Your theory is just as valid as mine. All in all, excellent sequel and discussion on Compounding Mechanics.
  16. Heal Atium, Hurt Bendalloy 3. Iron--9 4. Steel--17 6. Bronze--4 15. Cadmium--10 16. Bendalloy--18 17. Atium--27 18. Lerasium--10
  17. No... I am pretty sure they are in completely different systems, as evidenced by the maps in AU.
  18. Annotations to Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson "Allomancy is not fueled by metal; it is fueled by Preservation. The metal is the means by which a person can access that fuel, however. If there were another way to access it, then the metal wouldn’t be needed.... Regardless, if a person can get more Preservation into them, they become better Allomancers."
  19. Okola the Misspellde returns this year! Sorry for the inactivity, I've been pretty busy. I have been keeping up via email and unsigned in reads though. Does Jumpdrive need to respond to anything? I believe he finished the day at the funeral, but I can retcon him to be woken up by a text or something if needed.
  20. I imagine the perks like this: Imagine a sphere. Each power would be centered on a particular location on the sphere, equally spaced apart, with the investiture it accesses spilling out, sort of like an aura or penumbra around the location. I imagine this Investiture to attract toward each other slightly, like water beads. When two powers are located in the right position, the Investiture from each "leaks" toward each other, deforming the shapes of each power. This deformation, this new shape between powers is the perk. When you have too many powers, they crowd closer together, so that the powers no longer need to deform to meet together, meaning there is no perk.
  21. Ah. I was under the impression that they were more invested seeing as they are simply condensed Investiture (in addition, there is a WOB about atium supplying the power for atium allomancy, not Preservation), but as noted above, I don't know anywhere where it shows them to be significantly more invested, and because of this to exhibit resistance to Pushing. On that, we are in agreement @Spoolofwhool
  22. @Spoolofwhool Edit: Coppermind: " Atium is notable as it is the condensed power of the Shard Ruin. It was sequestered away at the Pits of Hathsin by Preservation when the latter gave up his mind to trap Ruin. "
  23. Actually, they are pure Investiture of the shards. They would also resist, though in a lesser, and quite possibly unnoticeable, fashion (Atium is not noted as being any harder to Push).
  24. @Vindicator There is no " interaction between magic" involved in savantism - it is a single-power misting (and possibly ferring - I don't know if we have a confirm or deny in that regard) utilizing their power at an extreme level. The WOB Yata has given in the OP clearly discusses an interaction between magics, which doesn't occur for any non-Raskek/Hemalurgically-modified people (i.e. the crew, who manifest savantism in the form of Spook, Kelsier, and possibly others). I think this is great to know; personally, I wonder if the "effect" can be spiked separately from the powers.
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