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Everything posted by Scriptorian

  1. ALL OF THEM *Ahem* If you must choose, I'd probably start with Mistborn, and time your reading of Stormlight so it lines up with the next book release. Steelheart would also be a good start since the next is coming so soon. Not all of his books are equal, but I think they're all worth reading.
  2. :blink: Umm, I think you win. Alethi is the only fantasy language I've bothered to learn, and it's just english with different letters. And the way the characters are organized by sound makes it relatively easy to learn. The characters are certainly a simpler to draw than Daedric. Also, I can only read Alethi 20x slower than I can write it.
  3. Maybe he has an ipod speaker.
  4. When you're required to take notes, and your notebook looks like this: I know, my handwriting is terrible.
  5. When your greatest achievement of the past few days is reaching an overall post-to-upvote ratio greater than 1.
  6. Truthwatchers have Progression too, and both lifespren and Ym's spren glow. This was my only real reasoning.
  7. I just spent five minutes finding the reference and three people beat me to it... There isn't enough options for sad emoticons on these forums...
  8. So basically I'd like to discuss the various bonding spren and their relation to "normal" spren. We have explicit confirmation that Syl (and presumably all honorspren) and windspren are cousins. The most apparent difference between the two is the honorspren's ability to form a Nahel bond and gain sentience in the Physical Realm. I also presume that within Shadesmar, honorspren are fully sentient with windspren less so. Otherwise, honorspren and windspren are very similar in temperament and appearance. So may question is, do all spren capable of bonding have a "cousin" among the regular spren? I would bet this is the case, so I'd like to theorize what spren we've seen that could be related to bonding spren. I think the most likely case is the stormspren and angerspren. In WoR, their consistently described similarly. Eshoni's description of angerspren is very close to how Syl sees the stormspren. I believe Adolin also mentions how the spren leaving the dead Voidbringers resemble angerspren. I bet Cryptics and creationspren are also related, for several reasons, most of which are purely circumstantial. I first started thinking this when I saw the similarities between how Shallan attracted dozens of creationspren when she drew Pattern and how Kaladin attracted a bunch of windspren while flying. Then I started thinking about how the creationspren's nature seems a good match for what we know of a typical Lightweavers artistic ability. Then Pattern mentions that he doesn't like creationspren much because the don't do anything besides show up when other people do stuff, which seems kind of an odd thing to mention. I seem to recall him also saying that his own kind are prone to inaction. Is there a connection here? While I'm thinking of it, most of the radiant spren we've seen have a resemblance to their associated essence: Syl is like air/wind, Wyndle has crystals in his form, Ivory looks oily, Ym's spren is a glowing plant. Of course, Pattern doesn't look like blood, and I'm not sure how the Stormfather resembles "Meat, flesh". Maybe he has a corporeal form? Anyways, we can probably try and figure out the rest of the radiant spren's relation based on their predicated appearance. I think a lot of people have already speculated that a Dustbringer/Releaser's spren would resemble a flamespren. The Skybreaker's essence is smoke, so maybe the logicspren Shallan mentions in WoK? They're supposed to look like "tiny stormclouds", and logic might fit with the highspren's thing with legality. I've thought for a while that the "cometspren" from the Eshonai chapters would be related to starspren (Whether they're the spren for WIllshapers or Skybreakers has been widely discussed). Starspren are supposed to be rare, yet Sanderson keeps mentioning them, and they would probably resemble a comet in form. So, maybe? As for the rest of the orders, Truthwatcher spren = lifespren? I don't believe we've seen any spren resembling Ivory or Wyndle, and we haven't seen the Stonward's spren, that I know of. I wonder if the spren used to animate the Ten Deaths are related to the same spren as their corresponding radiant spren...(I am assuming that we have Death for each Essence) Okay, done rambling. You may resume your regularly scheduled theorizing.
  9. Hey, reduce, reuse, reanimate. It's good for the environment. Actually: So only all of his current ones.
  10. I believe we have a perfectly valid explanation for this from Lightsong himself: Didn't you read the book? Edit: Love your profile pic. Have an upvote.
  11. Nobody believes anything I say. No Really. Why are you all looking at me like that?
  12. Well said! I would only add one more example to the "Only Life and Justice". This would also allow no leniency for laws broken in ignorance. It could even be considered unjust to punish someone for a law they had no reasonable way of knowing about, thus justice isn't even just without mercy.
  13. As to your last question, no idea. The obvious answer is because it would have revealed to much, but at the very least there should be a dang good in-story reason. As to your second idea, I am now picturing giant shardglaive, ala night elves from WoW: This would be awesome! Edit: just realised this wasn't actually a throwing glaive, but it's pretty close. Just ignore the gauntlet thingy.
  14. Sounds like fun . And then we can all play the Mistborn RPG, tryout my GURPS adaptation of the Cosmere, form a stalking party to follow Sanderson to and from his writing lecture, and all be totally frightened by my obsessive behavior! Wait, what am I saying? This is the 17th Shard for Colors sake, obsessive is in the job description.
  15. This is so silly, I'm not sure if its worth posting, but thinking of it made me laugh so hard. This won't be as funny if your not familiar with Starcrafts on Youtube, and won't make much sense at all if you haven't played the Protoss in Starcraft II, but here it goes... Vin is being held captive by Yolen in HoA. She keeps instinctively trying to burn metals, only to realize that she doesn't have any. Every time she does this, Ruin instantly cries out in her mind "Not enough minerals!". Dang it, I'm cracking up again.
  16. Maybe what Feruchemical iron does is summon an invisible inertiaspren. It pushes on you to make you think your weight/mass has changed. Like, when your storing, someone comes along and shoves you, the inertiaspren also pushes on you, in the same direction and with a force proportional to how much you are storring, so effectively you are pushed as though your mass was less and the force the same. Vise-versa for when you're tapping. This spren theory also explains how you can store Feruchemical iron to slow your fall. When you jump over the edge, just it grabs on to your body and spreads itself out like a parachute to increase you air resistant several times over. So no, you couldn't store more weight when lashed because the spren doesn't care about your weight, he just likes pushing you around. This is getting a little silly, but I suppose its as good a model as any for Feruchemical iron. I wonder if invisible spren could also explain timebubbles...
  17. Ah, nice catch. I'm pretty sure it is immune system as well. As I recall, storing gold itself doesn't make you ill, it represses your immune system such that you're more likely to get sick, and pathogens that normally wouldn't affect you become a problem. So yeah, you could probably use it to stop allergies. Though, this would be kind of silly for people like me with seasonal allergies, because they're almost never worse than what I imagine storing gold would feel like. Still, it could be very handy for people who are allergic to foods they like, or are lethally allergic to something.
  18. It would explain why Inquisitors were able to accomplish it so soon after their transformation (as evidenced by Marsh).
  19. I would say no, my tenuous reasoning being that when you tap Health, it only heals you to the point as you were when you stored it (I think, maybe?), like a backup copy of your current Physical state. Thus you would have had to have stored the Health prior to having whatever condition you want fixed. At least in the diabetes case, I think it'd be pretty hard to get that out of your Cognitive Identity.
  20. Storing/Tapping emotions has come up a few times, and I'm pretty sure we actually have a precedent for something like this: the Kandra Blessing of Stability, which grants "emotional fortitude". Totally something I can see Feruchemy doing, even if its effects would probably be similar to Electrum.
  21. Brass is totally useful and works both ways, store in summer, tap in winter. What I would have given to have that during summer marching band... Edit: This would totally work, my marching instrument is made of brass!
  22. Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that it was possible to bond with spren from two different orders, but that it would be really tricky trying to follow both Ideals. You'd have to exemplify both orders' attributes just to attract the spren in the first place.
  23. I can finally answer a question I posted here a few months ago. An Aon drawn digitally would be functional, but only if drawn by an Elantrain and only the first time. I.e. you couldn't load the file to activate it again. The last day in Sanderson's class in April was an ask-me-anything class, and I was the only one to ask a Cosmere question. Awkward. Edit: Got a new question. Would a split-personality disorder make it easier to be a member of two different Radiant Orders?
  24. I asked about this all the way back in April when I got my WoR signed, but I haven't been on since then, so here it goes. I asked if a spren could form more than one physically distinct weapon, with the intent of seeing if a Knights Radiant could dual-wield shardblades. He basically said no, but he emphasized that spren were once all part of the same power, and so could possibly be Splintered again. I take this to mean that you could Splinter your own spren to get two shardblades, but that seems does not seem to me a good idea. This would also rule out shardbow/arrows. I suppose you could use a regular bow, and fire your spren in arrow-form...
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