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Everything posted by Scriptorian

  1. READ ALCATRAZ!!! It should be standard reading in public schools. One of the best series I've ever read, besides Mistborn and Stormlight.
  2. No love for Mab the Cook? Or Rysn? Or that random female Radiant from Dalinar's vision? So many unloved female characters... (Seriously though, I had to stretch to find this many characters who hadn't been claimed. ) I'm surprised none of the ladies have fallen for Szeth. Who doesn't love a short, bald assassin that hears voices?
  3. But you can also store liquids with bendalloy, and oxygen with cadmium. If that works, hormones should too.
  4. As of Wok, Kaladin has no knowledge of basic lashing, giving Szeth a huge advantage. All he'd have to do is touch Kaladin once and Lash him to the moon. Beyond that, Szeth simply has more experience fighting supernatural opponents. Combined with his shardblade, Kaladin would be extremely hard pressed to hold his own against Szeth, even with stronger stormlight. But this is just how it stands at the end of Wok, so things could change in the meanwhile.
  5. So last Friday my art professor gave a lecture weirdly similar to the Epilogue "Of Most Worth" from WoK. (minus the collapsing Herald) It's always cool when a random sequence from a fantasy is actually applicable to real life. Especially when Hoid says it. Any other profound dialogue from Hoid (or any character) apply to someone else's life? "What is it we value? Innovation. Originality. Novelty." -Hoid
  6. Thanks! I thought of chromium too.
  7. Well, now I have to ask, how is electrum then a Hybrid/Physical metal? Does storing/tapping cause hormonal imbalances? Hmm.. actually that could work. If bendalloy can store calories, of all things, then why can't hormones be stored? This would make electrum fit much better with the other metals in its group since they all have a "biological processes" theme. I claim this officially as my theory .
  8. I would just point out that Sanderson has been decidedly silent on what storing Identity actually does to you, aside from the hints of shared metalminds.
  9. Yeah, I had heard that, so I meant two blades that specifically go together, like two blades in one. They'd have to be tied to the same spot on a person's Spiritweb I think. Here's the link to what Sanderson originally said, http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=977
  10. As a side note, I always thought the Set weren't trying to breed a mistborn, but rather create one via Hemalurgy. Now that I think about it, it does seem rather far fetched that they would have any idea how to do that.
  11. I've read the Liar samples and thought it could be a good book... His storytelling method does seem really similar to what he does in Liar, just without the actual magic.
  12. Hmmm...I think that might actually work, since Compounding is technically Allomancy, just accessing Feruchemical traits instead of the typical effect. I think you'd have a couple issues though. First, full Feruchemists are probably as rare as Mistborn in later trilogies (though you could always use Hemalurgy...). Second, someone with no spiritual identity would probably lack much motivation to do anything, I think. Also, I'm not sure if it's practical/possible to go to zero, just like a Skimmer can't become weightless. In any case, storing the very essence of your being in a bracelet doesn't sound pleasant. It wouldn't be as efficient true Compounding though. A Twinborn only has to put a little attribute into their metal before continuously re-storing and re-tapping. Amy would have to have a fully charged goldmind to get the same amount of health out of it; she's essentially asking her friend to be sick for her. (Not nice) And a lot of health would be wasted since she couldn't store the excess.
  13. I definitely think we are missing something substantial in the way shardplate/blade work, something relate to the Radiants I'm thinking. There do appear to be some discrepancies between how shardblades and shardplate operate. For instance, blades appear to be self-contained energy sources, whereas plate requires stormlight to function. Also, blades will cut through anything inanimate, while plate is only mostly indestructible, so there is some fundamental difference in their design principle. Also, how on Roshar would Szeth know that shardplate interferes with his Surgebinding unless he had tried a suite on? Where do the Stone Shamans get all of these storming artifacts?!
  14. Another thought, Serendipity could be the 17th shard! Bu-dum-bum...
  15. So, I'm new to the 17th Shard, but I've been a huge Sanderson fan for a couple years now. I was completely blown away when I first learned of the Cosmere, Hoid, and the spooky connections in all of his books. (Hoid was my favorite character even before I knew he was everywhere.) Anyway, when I got Cosmere-savey, I thought to myself, If I had a Shard, what would its intent be? After some deliberation, it struck me (in a rather serendipitous fashion) that Serendipity should totally be one of the Shards (hence my username). I'm thinking a person would gain access to this Shard's magic system essentially by complete luck. I picture the shardholder interpreting the intent to mean "doing as much good in the most bizarre and unexpected way possible". Thus, he/she gives random people magical abilities to allow them to help others, and also to test them with responsibility. Think Hoid with a Shard. Please reply to either call me an idiot, or acknowledge my genius!
  16. Here are some questions I've actually wondered about for a while. Mistborn: What happens if you burn electrum and atium together while fighting another atium-burner? Edit: Asked Brandon about this at the Steelheart signing, apparently this wouldn't do anything special beyond the normal effects of the metals. What the heck happens if you Compound memories (that is, copper)? What are the Feruchemical properties of lerasium? Since electrum is a hybrid Feruchemical metal, does tapping determination have a Physical and Spiritual effect in addition to the obvious Cognitive effect? Or is this just another case of in-world mis-categorization? Edit: I've decided that storring determination works by manipulating hormones Warbreaker: Would an off-worlder on Nalthis essentially be a Drab, or would they have the equivalent of one Breath, at least for the purposes of Life-Sense? Stormlight Archive: Could you have a set of twin shardblades that can be summoned simultaneously? When stone is Soulcast to smoke, it maintains the same density, so why is it that you can Soulcast air to stone without it turning into a pile of dust? Edit: Apparently the process draws in the necessary air somehow. Are spheres made from Soulcast glass? Silly: Does Susebron have the Infinity Blade, 'cause he's the God King? Could a shardblade permanently kill a Deathless? Who would win in a fight, Siris (with the Infinity Blade) or Szeth? Will Hoid ever be disguised as a woman? (Or has he already?)
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