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Exotic Almond

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Status Replies posted by Exotic Almond

  1. Ok so I figured I might as well try one more time. Instead of Pathfinder however I think maybe just a DnD 5e/3.5e campaign would probably catch more people's interests. So, same as before Someone DMs and me and other people as players (or I can DM if I have to, I'm just bad at it)

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ok so I know double post and all but, if I were to DM I would be running the House of Lament mini adventure and then either let someone else take over or make a larger Ravenloft campaign.

  2. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

  3. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

  4. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

  5. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

  6. Y'all want to know what was sooo much fun today. 

    Walking to eighth period only to hear tornado sirens...

    And then being stuck in a locker room with boys who were dead set on being as chaotic as possible... for an hour.

    Though I was given much more information than I normally would have because eighth period is my show choir period. And as is quickly discovered, show choir children are insane. So many people were keeping very close track of the storm and tornados. One dude was even sad because when they let us go only to immediately tell us to go back he almost got outside and was close to seeing the tornados. He looked like he was near tears. I don't think he actually was but it looked that way.


    Lovely fun.

    Tornados and big windy storms are the worst part of being a Nebraskan. 

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      We had a field trip at Conestoga lake that day and we had to leave early to get back to the zoo so that we could hide in the bathrooms with our soggy feet and sweaty bodies. (also yes I'm fashionably late)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. I would like you to explain to me why you are not a nerd.

    Because frankly, the evidence is not in your favor.

    I think your definition of nerd might be askew, and so you think you aren't one.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      My goodness I haven't been on the shard for a while and came back to this lovely scene.

    2. (See 129 other replies to this status update)

  8. Petition to change the meaning of "lmfao" to "laughing my flipping arteries out". Benefits of this include:

    - There aren't any cuss words anymore
    - This is so much funnier than what it actually is

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Yum, Arteries. I prefer spleens or appendices though.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. *GASP*


    Screenshot 2024-04-25 12.34.10 PM.png

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Noo! My perfect 100! You monsters!


      JK not actually upset. Just gotta do the bit.


  10. Alright, it's rant time. Subject: Super Mario Bros 2, among other names.


    Okay, I might actually hate that Nintendo did this. So, y'all are familiar with Super Mario Bros 2 for NES (released in 1988), right? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but YOU WERE LIED TO.

    That game WASN'T meant to be the sequel to Super Mario Bros (released on NES in 1985).

    The game intended to be the sequel was SMB: The Lost Levels. The Lost Levels was released in Japan in 1986, and it was so hard that it wasn't released in America (at least until Super Mario All Stars for SNES Classic, which wasn't released until 2020 (imagine 2020 is capsed there for yelling). (Future Spark here, I did a bit more research and another source says 1993, which is better, but still the point stands.)

    "But Spark, there is a SMB2!"

    Is there?

    SMB2 was never meant to be SMB2. Nintendo just changed the sprites from characters of a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME to Mario sprites.

    The original game was called Doki Doki Panic, and it was released in Japan in 1987. The characters from that game were all replaced with Mario sprites and released in America as SMB2. It was released in Japan as Super Mario USA in 1992. Apparently, Nintendo thought they "wouldn't notice" that it was the exact same as a game they'd released six years before. This is also why the game is so DRASTICALLY different from every other early Mario game.

    I can imagine the board room meeting. 
    NinCEO: Okay, we need to do something for a sequel to SMB.
    NinWorker: We have this ready. *holds up Lost Levels*
    NinCEO: No. The Americans are too stupid, we can't release this to them.
    NinWorkerWhoWonClassClownInHighSchool: Ya know what would be funny.

    I mean come on Nintendo. We're supposed to be the lazy ones. It's your job to program games. So why don't you get your head in it.


    Many of the enemies that originated in SMB2 ARE STILL PART OF MARIO LORE! Shy Guy, Birdo, Mouser in the Super Mario Bros Super Show, the spiky cactus things - THOSE ARE ALL FROM DOKI DOKI PANIC. EVERYTHING IS RUINED NOW THANKS TO LATE 80S NINTENDO

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

  11. Would anyone be willing to start a pathfinder 2e game with me? I suck at GMing so someone else would probably have to. I could if I had to but, my storytelling abilities, especially with chaotic players, is very poor. Plus I prefer being a player.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      I've studied the rules but I've never played before. If you're interested in learning then I would recommend looking up Pathfinder in 7 minutes or less. Really helped. I could also explain if more people are interested. out of curiosity though would you join as the GM or a player?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Hello do you know Bookwyrm.

    Are you one of those notorious Nebraskans?

    If so, cool.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      We go to the same school. He tried (and failed) to save me from a lake once.

      Also yes.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hello do you know Bookwyrm.

    Are you one of those notorious Nebraskans?

    If so, cool.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      The uprising is beginning...


      Also yes I know him.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. @Everyone


    Wit here, if you want to ping people you think would be interested in seeing this, please do. I simply can't name all the people I am grateful for here.

    I am taking a break of the shard for a bit. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe longer. Maybe a few months. Maybe forever. I don’t think I will be gone forever though. I’d like to ask these things.

    @Just-A-Stick, I won’t be there for the therapy rp. Act as if he just hung up randomly.

    @justice magician, @Invisible, @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin @RoyalBeeMage, on the Everything and Anything rp, I really want you guys to continue it. I have no claim in any random people besides Dragon. I would say that he had to spontaneously leave to check on something you don’t know about. He said he would be back shortly. Don’t let it die. Do a heist! I look forward to reading it on return. I have no other pans beyond that. Elan, I summoned you, because I hope you can return to do the One of Worlds and all that drama, as we try to lure her there.

    The room. Piling is currently on the North wall, someone…never mind.

    TLT, not a ton of action there right now. Yeah.

    Insanity Clinic. Technically Wit is in there somewhere. Ignore that like it has been for the past months.

    HG, well, mage, I appreciate you doing that with me.

    The pirate one is kinda dead… Remember that httyd interest thread? Well, I did fully plan on starting that as soon as HG ended. I didn’t have any specific idea for that, but make it happen! I was going to make a planning doc though.

    On the topic of planning docs, the one that JM made, the rp, unfortunately I won’t get to participate in. I will be still on the doc. Also, if there is anything new or idk, on docs, I will be active if you want to ask me something I’ll be there.

    Why? Well, I was thinking. I feel like I am at the point in my life where what I spend my time on now will ultimately be my skills for the rest of my life. I’m the broad spectrum of it, the shard, while great, is not something that I can cultivate into what I want to define me. Things that I have spent my whole life and things that I feel are more substantial are what I want to focus on. The shard is great. A community of tight knit people who will never stop their support. Role plays also are technically helping me be a better writer. However, I want to focus on the real substantial things. Things that I want to be. I am also cutting a lot of my things down in my life. Anyways, I hope you guys continue in your awesomeness. Be good. Stay strong. Anything I forgot… I don’t know. 

    Favorite hymn: A Poor Wafering Man of Grief

    Favorite scripture: D+C 122: 7-9

    Favorite Quote: Well, that's complicated

    When I made that long list of quotes, I maintained one constant. My favorite quote is this:

    "Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right." -Brandon Sanderson.

    But I'd like to ask Brandon if I can alter it. I actually slightly disagree with this century old notion.

    "Someone has to start. Somebody has to step forward, even when it is hard. Even when all the world is against you. When the popular decision is to be with the unrighteous. When all seems to be lost, when there seems to be no hope, when you are lower that you thought anybody in the world could be. When you feel so unloved, so unknown. When you find yourself stuck in the same place, the same endless circle of sin that you thought you could make it out of. When you lack purpose. When you feel like the world has done nothing but hedge your way to what you feel in your soul to be the things of life. Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, not only because it is right, but because there is a God who knows you. Because, out there, watching and smiling at you, is a God who Loves you. Step forward and do what is right because it is the way of Him. Step forward and do what is right because it is right. Step forward. Do what is right, and carry along those who have yet to find the strength to join you. Step forward."

    God be with you till we meet again.

  15. The house on the end of my block has a realtor’s sign in the yard. Whether it’s being leased or sold, I don’t know, but that’s not the point.

    The point is, the top of the sign says, word for word, “Free Tacos w/ Purchase”.

  16. QUOTE: “Oh brother, don’t you know that a trapper’s traps can trap the trapper?” 

    A great quote, however, i decided today to take it a little further. 





    Don’t fall for these traps. 

    More traps:


    I just told you, don’t fall for the traps, because the trapper can’t be trapped! 


    Dagger disagrees. 


    Don’t get trapped! 



    Which leads me to my real point of this update. To show off a tra— piece of prose I made. Because with two different ideas, you’d know if you got trapped what those ideas are, that contradict, you don’t want to know if you don’t already, I must ask you, don’t go back and look at the traps, if you would like to be…we’ll go find out.

    One question, one sentence, one tra—: 

    (I highly advise reading this as fast as you can)


    Can you ... trap the trapper in the trapper's trap, trapped in the trapper’s trap that traps trappers trying to trap the trapper in the trapper’s trapping trap, even by tracking and tacking both their backs and sacks, packing them back like a nack or a tack, just on track, into it's trapper trapping trap, its lap, with no map, trapper trapped, like a pap, in its no gap trap, you'll try to nap, among the sap, a trapped chap in the trapper’s trapper trapping trap, where you'll tap and tap on the trap as you try to trap the trapper in the trapper’s trap, the trapper’s trapper trapping— too trapping— trap?


  17. Hey all. I'm back.

    Soooo... I've decided to make a TTRPG based on real life. I'm going to call it Backyards and Bullies and It's going to be like Dungeons and Dragons. All the players are students and they would have different "Specialties" (Can't use classes because that might be a different thing later). There is magic but it would be more mundane (like a fire spell being a lighter). I'm having some trouble getting started so if you want you can leave suggestions.

    Current Specialties are:


    I'll try to answer any questions I can if I know the answer.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Sorry for the dbl post but if you contribute I will credit you in my spreadsheet. (not gonna be published or anything but I feel like y'all deserve it anyway)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hey all. I'm back.

    Soooo... I've decided to make a TTRPG based on real life. I'm going to call it Backyards and Bullies and It's going to be like Dungeons and Dragons. All the players are students and they would have different "Specialties" (Can't use classes because that might be a different thing later). There is magic but it would be more mundane (like a fire spell being a lighter). I'm having some trouble getting started so if you want you can leave suggestions.

    Current Specialties are:


    I'll try to answer any questions I can if I know the answer.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Good ideas.

      Implementation must happen now.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Good afternoon, everyone.
    Since May 2022, I've been known as CalanoCorvus. That has been my name, my next iteration succeeding Doomslug the Destroyer.
    CalanoCorvus now has been succeeded by Medium.
    I am a man of many mediums. Art, music, writing, and abounding creativity. And within each form of creativity is still further forms of creative expression. With music, for instance, I take inspiration from whatever sounds good to me. I am not partial to a specific genre, I do not assign myself a specific field to lie in. I use everything available to me. I use every medium.
    With writing, the same is true. I am a poet. I am an author. I am a storyteller. I use so many mediums of writing.
    Thus, I am a Medium.
    I am Medium. The Influences are never ending, and Everything is able to be used for creative expression.
    This is my new persona.
  20. "My mom and dad are both on the purple team, so I'm on the purple team. Even though I'm blue. It's confusing." -Bluey

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      It is pretty good. (I'm just going down my feed 'cause I haven't been on in weeks)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. HI.

    I'm gonna post something kind of similar to Kajsa's SU.

    Also gonna be about show choir.

    And the same competition.

    But we go to different schools so... yeah.

    First of all I saw @Kajsa's show. And she's talked it down a lot for this week. It was INCREDIBLE. If that was their vocals at like half power as she says then... Hearing them at full voice would be insane. They were awesome.

    I got to watch other groups.

    And then I had a panic attack and then I performed and it went pretty well. And then critique and the judge was our choreographer's wife and she was super sweet and made us all cry (in a good way).

    We placed first in daytime. Which was incredible. It felt good to know that even our "bad" performances can be considered good. 

    Then finals. Which was fun but also we performed at 10pm. And I pushed myself to the limit. So much so that I kind of died at the very end. But I wasn't the only one. Then I was still dying and I watched the host group. And then awards and we were the grand champs. Which was insane.

    I still think that the varsity group from Kajsa's school should have won. They were amazing and I love them. I owe being in show choir to someone in that group.

    I'm still drained. And I'm also sick.

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Wow good job! You should be very proud of yourself.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Guys, I was playing this game and this happened…



    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


      Also ewwww.

  23. Hello my fellow sharders! I'm back for now. (If anyone has threads I should participate in please let me know)

    I need books/series to read. Or really any form of consumable creative media. Can I get some recommendations?

    I'm doing alright. I finally got diagnosed with anxiety yaay. So now I'm medicated and it feels strange. Things are still hard, but I generally feel like I'm doing a better job of holding it together and keeping my emotional state grounded.

    I think that's all I've got right now. Oh, except I did get asked out by a girl a couple months ago and that was extremely scary.


  24. So here I am, sitting at an airport terminal waiting for my flight, instead of being at school.

    Why is that?

    Almost a year ago I posted an SU about doing well at a local science fair. I was one of the medalists. Then I went to the state competition. And medaled again.

    Well, because I medaled at state, I was invited to a three day conference for these winners of state science fairs across the country.

    So yeah.

    First time going through an airport alone; luckily this one's small. I made it, now I'm just waiting.

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