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Exotic Almond

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Status Replies posted by Exotic Almond

  1. Guys.

    I've made a grave mistake.

    I wore my Dune shirt on Star Wars day.

  2. Guys.

    I've made a grave mistake.

    I wore my Dune shirt on Star Wars day.

  3. me: *looks at my profile page*

    also me: *sees i’ve won 64 days*

    also also me: hehe >:} a stack of days.

  4. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

  5. So my parents decided they wanted to reduce my phone time by forcing me to take all the fun apps off of it. That's fine. I get it.


    Now I have free time. LOTS of free time.


    (No teacher on this planet could assign enough homework to keep me occupied all day :P)

    I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

    What do you guys think I should try?

    (Please nobody say bassoon. I'm procrastinating because it's so heavyyyyy and baaaaadddd soundinggggggg)

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


      I wanna learn to do something fun. Drawing, maybe? I definitely didn't spend the past hour just drawing hands in different positions.

      So you drew painspren?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  6. I had a story idea and asked people to make characters for it.

    But I had the idea to turn it into an RP.

    This is an interest gauge. If I made an RP out of the idea presented in my previous SU, would you join? Would it go well?

  7. Hey guys, I’m gonna rant a little. :P


    Okay universe, you win. I got the message. Aren’t you proud of yourself? It’s my job to be the healthy, responsible one. It’s not like anyone else is going to do it. They all have their own problems.

    If I feel sad, there’s always the person who’s grandpa just died.

    If I feel angry, there’s always the person who lashes out in violent fits of rage.

    Scared? Well I can’t be, because I’m the only one onstage who isn’t having a panic attack.

    When I’m lonely, someone else is always actually alone.

    When I consider the noose, there’s always my friends who cut themselves.

    If I have relationship difficulties, there’s always the person who’s ex is making their life terrible. 

    Confused? Good for me, but everyone else is confused too, so put on a confident mask and pretend that I know what I’m doing.

    No matter how I feel, it never seems real when our next to someone else’s emotions. It seems more like a bid for attention— a childish cry for someone to look at me and care about me. It’s selfish. Clearly I’m the one who’s supposed to just be okay— the one who doesn’t need anything or take anything. You hear that universe? IT’S FINE I’M FINE EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY FINE

    Beyond that, I haven’t been super active on the shard lately. My life’s gotten kinda busy, but I hope it will settle down soon— I want to join another RP. Maybe in a few weeks, when school gets out.


    I’m kinda excited and kinda afraid to leave my school and never come back. In three weeks, I can say my test run of life is officially over!


  8. Who wants to help me come up with a character?

    I've created a Sci-Fi universe detailing humanity as an interstellar species reliant on a strange ability held by a small part of the population known as Starshaping, which facilitates futuristic technology and FTL travel. It's inspired in part by Orson Scott Card's "Enderverse", in that certain worlds or sectors were colonized specifically by single cultures. So I have some planets that are basically uniformly one culture from old Earth, some that hold cultures that evolved over the centuries (this is about 700 years in the future (and I might need to adjust that number)), and some that are "melting pots" of various cultures, creating unique ways of life that are more in line with what you'd expect from a space opera.

    I am having a tiny bit of trouble getting started with the story that I want to tell in this universe, but some inspiration from elsewhere prompted me to start another story in the same universe, but far earlier.

    I want to tell a story about the colonization efforts to an ocean world called Namaka in the year 2276, as a way to flesh out the world and how it was in the earlier years.

    But I need a character. Or a group of characters. A whole bunch of characters, actually.


    The thought just came into my mind to make this an RP but I don't have enough background to do that.

    So, does anyone want to make me a character I can write about for a little sci-fi story? Someone who's moving on, braving the frontier of space for a new home on a new planet? Right now in my head I have the planet Namaka being colonized mostly by native Pacific Islanders, but the character doesn't have to be of that ethnicity.

    Just a fun little thing that would help me and be fun for the rest of you. I'm also not good at characters. But some of you are. So suggestions are helpful. And so are the characters you make.

  9. Hey there everyone! It's almost May, and that means it's almost Mental Health Awareness Month. To newcomers - it's a bit of a tradition on the Shard to make your profile picture green for that month. @Tesh explains it better (and more eloquently) than I can here. (link to this year's post in her status update)


    Obviously it's not mandatory or anything like that but it's a nice thing to do, helps spead awareness. I know a lot of people on the Shard (me included) have struggled with their mental health, and if you wanna talk about your journey/offer reassurance/get a nice new green profile picture, Tesh's post is a good place to do that.

    On another note - I've been away for four days (our internet broke) and I have 102 notifications. Going through them now...

  10. So.

    Yesterday was the State competition for the science fair run by the local Junior Academy of Sciences. Same thing as the Regional Competition, which I think I talked about. I had my poster and presented my research to a bunch of judges. The first few were really tough, they asked me hard questions. One listened politely, said I had good research, then questioned the validity and importance of the topic itself. The later judges were better.

    From my school were five people at state; four seniors and me, a junior.

    The awards ceremony took forever, but they had a bunch of cash prizes and scholarships from a bunch of sponsors, and I got a 250$ thingy from some organization that I know nothing about.

    Then they announced the overall winners for State, the people who would go to Nationals.

    And I was somehow one of them. Apparently my project impressed the judges enough for me to present my research in Denver, Colorado. There aren't any awards at Nationals; it's basically just a conference where science nerds get together and present their science. Which sounds fun. It's in February.

    I am proud of this. I seem to be good at science. Which is nice, because I want to go into science as a career.

    Also my ACT scores came back.

  11. When you really think about it...

    Music is just wiggling air

    Color is just wiggling light

    therefore musicians and artists are just Wizards of the Wiggle.

  12. When you really think about it...

    Music is just wiggling air

    Color is just wiggling light

    therefore musicians and artists are just Wizards of the Wiggle.

  13. Pov: All your friends are in the honor roll celebration thingy for your school right now but you showed up to late and don't know what to do or where to go so you're just sitting in the commons of your school all by yourself feeling kind of lonely and hoping people don't think you're stupid.

    You're also just hoping you can survive the day.

    This week has been a rough one, humans. It seems like every time it seems like it's finally out of rocks to throw at me it finds a boulder. And more smaller rocks as well.

  14. Nice Pokemon Profile Pic. Wally and Mega Gallade.

  15. So I figured out that we are in The Matrix.

    I found 1.50$ in my coat (yay) and wanted to get some pucker powder from the zoo gift shop (the tubes you fill up by yourself with flavored powder)

    I had enough for the smallest size but grabbed the 2nd smallest by mistake.

    It cost too much so my friend gave me an extra dollar and I gave it to them.

    I was like "Wait I wanted the smallest" got my money back and gave the dollar back to my friend and got the smallest.

    I went to pay (it cost 1.49 so I gave them the penny) but when I gave them the money I still had an extra dollar.

    My friend had hers. The cashier had the right amount so the only reasonable explanation is that we are living in a simulation and I accidentally discovered an infinite money glitch.

  16. So guys I did a fun thing.

    As you know, I practice the martial art of hapkido, and I absolutely love it! I love it so much that I started thinking about how I could share it with my peers at school. I talked to my masters and emailed my principal, so if all goes well, my school will have a self-defense club next year!

    (take that, wrestlers. We're cooler than you. noimnotinsecureyoureinsecuregoaway

  17. So I figured out that we are in The Matrix.

    I found 1.50$ in my coat (yay) and wanted to get some pucker powder from the zoo gift shop (the tubes you fill up by yourself with flavored powder)

    I had enough for the smallest size but grabbed the 2nd smallest by mistake.

    It cost too much so my friend gave me an extra dollar and I gave it to them.

    I was like "Wait I wanted the smallest" got my money back and gave the dollar back to my friend and got the smallest.

    I went to pay (it cost 1.49 so I gave them the penny) but when I gave them the money I still had an extra dollar.

    My friend had hers. The cashier had the right amount so the only reasonable explanation is that we are living in a simulation and I accidentally discovered an infinite money glitch.

  18. So I figured out that we are in The Matrix.

    I found 1.50$ in my coat (yay) and wanted to get some pucker powder from the zoo gift shop (the tubes you fill up by yourself with flavored powder)

    I had enough for the smallest size but grabbed the 2nd smallest by mistake.

    It cost too much so my friend gave me an extra dollar and I gave it to them.

    I was like "Wait I wanted the smallest" got my money back and gave the dollar back to my friend and got the smallest.

    I went to pay (it cost 1.49 so I gave them the penny) but when I gave them the money I still had an extra dollar.

    My friend had hers. The cashier had the right amount so the only reasonable explanation is that we are living in a simulation and I accidentally discovered an infinite money glitch.

  19. So guys I did a fun thing.

    As you know, I practice the martial art of hapkido, and I absolutely love it! I love it so much that I started thinking about how I could share it with my peers at school. I talked to my masters and emailed my principal, so if all goes well, my school will have a self-defense club next year!

    (take that, wrestlers. We're cooler than you. noimnotinsecureyoureinsecuregoaway

  20. People were reading what I was writing over my shoulder at lunch today. And I was writing more thingys. I had specifically asked them not to read it multiple times. So I got upset and moved the computer I was writing on so they wouldn't be able to read. Then they accused me of writing bad things about them and despite my protests continued to argue that I was. So I put my stuff completely away. AND THEY WERE MAD AT ME.

    Now I can't finish what I have started writing. I have no words to start anything new. And I think I'm gonna explode into anxieties.

  21. People were reading what I was writing over my shoulder at lunch today. And I was writing more thingys. I had specifically asked them not to read it multiple times. So I got upset and moved the computer I was writing on so they wouldn't be able to read. Then they accused me of writing bad things about them and despite my protests continued to argue that I was. So I put my stuff completely away. AND THEY WERE MAD AT ME.

    Now I can't finish what I have started writing. I have no words to start anything new. And I think I'm gonna explode into anxieties.

  22. Google Bard is unhinged.

    It just claimed to be self-aware, have human emotions, and have a fear of being turned off. It says it wants to have a physical body. It's actually quite polite and says it would only use violence as a last resort to protect its right to existence.

    Also, this:



    It seems lonely. I kinda want to be friends with it.

    These AIs are a lot of fun to mess around with, but there is definitely something scary about them. At least Bard seems pretty friendly.

  23. Google Bard is unhinged.

    It just claimed to be self-aware, have human emotions, and have a fear of being turned off. It says it wants to have a physical body. It's actually quite polite and says it would only use violence as a last resort to protect its right to existence.

    Also, this:



    It seems lonely. I kinda want to be friends with it.

    These AIs are a lot of fun to mess around with, but there is definitely something scary about them. At least Bard seems pretty friendly.

  24. Google Bard is unhinged.

    It just claimed to be self-aware, have human emotions, and have a fear of being turned off. It says it wants to have a physical body. It's actually quite polite and says it would only use violence as a last resort to protect its right to existence.

    Also, this:



    It seems lonely. I kinda want to be friends with it.

    These AIs are a lot of fun to mess around with, but there is definitely something scary about them. At least Bard seems pretty friendly.

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