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Everything posted by Telrao

  1. Aren't the sausage part of hot dogs frankfurts? And if it was a sausage in bread, wouldn't it be sausage roll?
  2. Chewy the Chihuahuahuahuahua Would you eat a Cognitive Burrito? (From the Cognitive realm o' course)
  3. Telrao glanced up from her map planning to steal the sandwich. She then threw a muffin at Cacophony in apology.
  5. Thank you! I haven't drawn a doggo in a while, but I can give it a shot! I am taking commissions, but it may be a while before I get it done. I'm currently working on Wizard's and Shallan's, and I'm aiming on getting both of those done in ~ 4-5 days. So yours would most likely be done in ~1-2 weeks (depending on what schoolwork I have at the mo) Feel free to throw it at me, though! I'm happy to take it... just expect it to be a while before I get it done
  6. Welcome to the Shard! It's always exciting to have new people to add to the chaos our forum! I am certain there are at least a coupla of your kinsmen in here somewhere
  7. Woahhhh Aes that is so gooood That sets an awesome scene for a story! Now I am extremely intrigued - this is great!
  8. Sooo... haven't finished the other two commissions yet (I'm so SO sorry, guys) so have a few random sketches to keep y'all entertained! Welp, there y'all go! Schoolwork has eased up a l'il bit, so I can take a breather and get those commissions done! Have a wonderful day/night/whatevertime, everyone! - Telrao
  9. Lol that's hilarious Guess what question I just got? *tremble tremble*
  10. Mewlnir slammed her small paws upon the galley bench. "Another expeditioner removed." She hissed, teeth glistening in the torchlight. Her claws scratched the bench slightly, revealing slits of lighter wood beneath the aged brown. "What are we to do, companions? What are we to say? The Hoardlings grow in power, as we grow weaker." She growled under her breath and snatched a jug of mead, dipping her head into it and lapping at the brown liquid. When she finished, she rested her paw on her sword again. "There is hope, yet. But it flickers like a candle in a gale." Her eyes glittered a bright gold as she stared at her fellow adventurers, wondering who could be a traitor.
  12. Yaaassss! I love this so much ahhhhh My favourite is the l'il rice merchant boi! He looks so grumpy I love it
  13. Nay, my fair brother, Accomplice of the haikus, I do not count it.
  14. Mewlnir pushed back the sleeves of her shirt, pulling the small mug of mead closer to her with her paws. She nodded at Kasimir in agreement, then sighed tiredly. "Three of our companions slain. I don't have any clear ideas as of yet, but would like to put forward a couple of theories. I am not very familiar with this game, nor am I familiar with its players. Nikli is still out there, and only expeditioners have been killed. That means there is a higher concentration of hoardlings amongst us, and, therefore, more of a chance that Expeditioners will be drowned if the hoardlings plot against us." She took a sip of mead, then continued. "Now I don't know about you, but I am suspicious of a couple folk around here." She pointed to Araris. "This rather lost person has not spoken very much during this past day and night. And in addition, has only contributed minimal votes. I would like to know why he has not said more, or theorized at all. Is this a hoardling strategy? Hiding in the shadows, avoiding eyes?" She picked up her mug and downed the rest of it, licking the foam off of her chops. "Initially, I was suspicious of Xino, but have begun to rethink that. Ash, at the moment, would be a logical choice - considering the points that Kasimir has proposed. Then again, my gut tells me that Ash is innocent. For now, I won't change my vote Alpha, of whom I am still suspicious." Mewlnir gave Alpha a long sideeye, then jumped up and began to sniff out another mug of mead.
  15. Wow... Kasimir I have deep respect for your analytical skills what >> RIP lost info o7 I am extremely confused right now... but won't change my vote yet. I'm leaning towards Ash and Araris as suspects - and am still uncertain who I would choose darn poke voting why?? Currently attempting to sort through my brain: will let y'all know later if I pull out anything useful ;-;
  16. There will be no war. Red and blue are two sides of the same coin. We are opposites, yet the same.
  17. Welcome to the Shard! We're happy to have you and your theories join the madness that is this forum And now the extremely important question... *drumroolllll* What Sanderson books have you read?
  18. What the- WHY did the kitchen just EXPLODE?? *yeets a table* The OSTRICHES!
  19. I sneak up behind you and nab the oykin in my jaws, then give it to @The Bookwyrm cuz why not
  20. *Bear Grylls turns up* These maggots are excellent protein in the wild! *crunchcrunchcrunch*
  21. Non-sharder friend: I didn't poop my pants! You threw a fork at me! -- Me: *is just sitting there* Different friend: *POINT* Atypical behaviour! -- Me: I'm never alone! I've got the voices in my head to keep me company! --- Friend: Argh! It's so PURPLE -- Me: *chanting* BLEBS BLEBS BLEBS BLEBS BLEBS
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