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Everything posted by Telrao

  1. Welcome to the Shard! We are super excited to have you here I think you'll really enjoy this section, if you haven't already https://www.17thshard.com/forum/forum/35-creators-corner/ We are always excited for new stories! And now, a question (or two): Would you rather be a fullborn feruchemist, a mistborn, or a Steel Inquisitor? What Knight Radiant would you want to be? And third: If Stormlight had a taste, what do you think it would taste like?
  2. Helooooo humans! Something wonderful, magical, and totally unexpected has happened! *drumrollllllll* EPISODE 7 EXISTS NOW!! YAY!!! [Implied Elantris Spoilers] This one is a bit shorter than the others, and I am not as happy with it as I could be... but yee! I know @Being of Cacophony has been waiting for this, so here ya go! Also, @Aes Sedai, @Wittles of Shinovar, @Potato's Wit, y'all can come on over too! Have a wonderful day/night/whatever time! - Telrao *throws muffins*
  3. *cri* I lost the gaaammmmeeeee Fun fact: At rehearsal for Church, I made EVERYONE LOSE THE GAME BWUHAHHAAAA
  4. Would you consider AI's to be droids? Wouldn't Siri be a droid, then?
  5. BROOOO THAT IS SO UNCOOL!! *throws Rhythm of War to Cone Slice* This will solve all your problems!
  6. The kitten blinked innocently and released her grip on his hand, dropping to the ground with a soft thump.
  8. The Root Kitten watched the inspector's hand, tail twitching excitedly. Then, she leapt out and nommed on his hand (gently), grabbing it in floofy paws.
  9. *logs onto the Shard* *Realises that the game had started while I was STORMING SLEEPING* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *reads the 4 pages to catch up* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thar was a Thread For the Pirates realm Where all set sail under setting sun! But thar was a traitor! Aye, here he be! By the name o' Kas he roamed!
  10. Four of them! It's an... interesting experience. What would you use to destroy the intergalactic alliance?
  11. I sit down next to Bookwyrm and hand him a jar of root, humming merrily.
  12. *screaming* WHY do I see this topic EVERY SINGLE TIME AHHHHH
  13. The Root Kitten (who sometimes goes by the name of Rooticus) appeared beside Bookwyrm and licked a paw while staring at the Guide.
  14. Is it normal to refer to oneself in third person?
  15. Yes, why would Telrao tell you what the implications are?
  16. *gives @shortcake some muffins* *pokes Aes* GOTOBED!!
  17. Welcome to the Shard! I think you'll really enjoy sifting through the Theories Section Who is your favourite character, and would you swap places with them for a day?
  18. What are the implications of Anyone not being personified?
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