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Everything posted by Telrao

  1. Wait who's Aracle? I don't see the name on the player list '~' or maybe I'm blind haha
  2. Hmmmmmm *contemplation* I'll sign up... but on weekends I probably won't be able to get on and cast a vote. That is the only issue - and that holidays are in three weeks, and I can't get online during then *cough* Also... CAN I BE A PIRATE CAT???
  3. Thank you! I'm looking forward to murdering playing with y'all again
  4. Sus Welp, that was a wonderful first game! Thanks, you guys!
  5. I'm also looking at Nightmaw - would that suit the criterion as well? (And are hallendren dyes invested I dunno)
  6. I agree with Mat - because metal flakes and aluminuim are used in allomancy... but would they count as Invested, or just used in Allomantic arts? Ahhhhh
  7. Sqrt(-1) was a toxin that made people become Root beings - so that the universe could once more be One with the Root.
  8. ... if you count fish... then I have over 70... *cough* TPBM would steal a frog, then put it back
  9. *crawls back into her den with all the muffins in the world*
  10. The Root Kitten Clan welcomed the Root Dragon, and the Root Kitten (not to be confused with the rOot Kitten) greeted it with a barrel of freshly stolen Root from the Fountain of Root.
  11. Personality wise? If so then yup! @Wittles of Shinovar I imagine you kinda like your pfp, except around 14-15 age range. Brownish-black hair, blue eyes and a goofy grin. A bit lanky too I dunno
  12. What do you think it would be like to eat this totally not spiked cookie? *cRUnCh* hmmm?
  13. The Root Kitten Clan, meanwhile, were planning to dominate the universe. From their super secret organization the in Nowhere, they began plotting.
  14. Why steal highlighters When you can, of course, good sir, BECOME HIGHLIGHTER??
  15. Mkay... I've got my theories. I agree that my evidence looks a bit sus... uhm... THEORIES! I'm giving Amanuesis the sideeye right now - that is, Aman/[dagger or black frayn]/[hemalurgic earring or dakhor bone]. It's a bit problematic, though, as it doesn't really fit with the wilderness tile. Alpha is also suspicious - Alpha/ cutaway vines/ Aon Tia plate. This does fit with the wilderness tile, but cutaway vines could be accidental. Those are the two I have right now... still got some more investigation to do :/
  16. What is the meaning of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" blep blep BLEPBLEPBLEP
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