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Immortal Platypus

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Everything posted by Immortal Platypus

  1. oh, I didn't see that the first time. I have no idea what it's referencing. I meant the fact that gru is broke in the first movie, that's one of that actual problems in that movie
  2. Alright, I don't see anywhere this fits better, so here it is. Luhel bonds. Are they always water for control/power? If not, do wielders of Nightblood form a Luhel bond with him, Investiture for power? We see that he can drain a person's innate Investiture if needed, and we see that controlling spores can drain all your water and (I believe) kill you from dehydration. Thanks!
  3. why would cross be better than track? more running=bad
  4. I finished Memory of Light and I'm having an existential crisis. 







    I don't know how far down I have to go.


    This should be fine

    Who restarts the Age counter? Like, who will decide that the 4th age is over, but instead of the 5th age, we'll call it the 1st age? How many ages are there? The 4th age seems like it will be an age of legends, but that was the second age. What will happen between the 4th age and the next 3rd age? The Dark One's prison still needs to be sealed at that point for them to break it open, so what would happen? I don't understand. Also, did Rand and Moridin switch bodies? HELP!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NameIess



      Sorry, I got the ages mixed up. I think the Fourth age ends with a war that either causes channeling to be lost or channeling is lost during the Fourth age just through channelers not being born. Either that or there's a bunch more ages, but when you get to the First age there's no channeling, since we know that channeling was rediscovered in the second age.


    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      Alriiiight then. I am now having an internal debate into if I want to go to the effort of learning WoT to the level I know cosmere.


      Do we know for sure each spoke represents an Age? Is that confirmed, or just a theory?


    4. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      It's an in-universe theory, iirc

  5. I stabbed myself with a loving stab for Jesus cause he can't, and he loves me
  6. nope. i've been having trouble with images for a while now. oh well. "Yes actually, I probably would. I would likely die shortly to some other Author's character, but I would survive past my Author's death. I might not get much screen time, I might go dormant (like characters like Butt and Kilometers), but I would live." Hacob picked up a sheet of paper from his desk, then compared it to another one. "This paper? The one by Nowhere? Strangely enough, a paper published a week later, redacted that claim, noting that after further testing, Ennullers likely could not contain all Chaotic Light energy. Much of it? Yes. All of it? No. As for Platypus' transformation, it didn't change history, but it changed our understanding of what things can happen. For a long time, there have been no commonly available Luxsprites, with very few even surviving. Now there is another. This was not believed to be possible. As for your claim of the little amount of energy outside of TLT, these other papers," he said gesturing to another pile, roughly the same size, perhaps a little smaller, "show that there is plenty to return to being a Narrator. These papers include some of the big names like Emos, Kyain, Worthington, and Icarios. Nowhere wasn't sure for either side. Neither of your sets of papers prove anything conclusive at all! Thank you, I hadn't heard of that. Did you say it was Frasier's?" Hacob laughed for a second, finally understanding something he'd been thinking about for a long time. "Oh, that was good, Platypus. Anyway, it is likely that he was just going through the motions, recognizing that Thaidakar had based his book on a person based on an Author. In all reality, this book is based on my Author through me. I don't know for sure why Nameless decided to acknowledge that, but it is legally binding. He did not refer to myself as fictional, as that I am. That acknowledgement was about my Author. However, I am a victim of libel, copyright infringement, and appropriation. What reason do I have for a grudge against your Author? And that book is quite literally about me! Even your Author said it a few pages back. As for this so called 'brief' description, it stretches three pages, with an in depth description of my physical appearance, my theorized thought process, and my possible emotional state. For this to be coincidence, I would have to be ta'veren, and I assure you, I am not."
  7. oh, you did. no one can help you now. (Besides the STICK, but he doesn't help anyone against Chaos)
  8. I take your pocket pencil then give the sandwich to nameless.
  9. I wonder how long it's been since I've had the sandwich. Using the power of not being here recently, I claim it.
  10. I can't see the picture. "And that is where you're wrong. I'll cede your point about the World of Dreams, as I am no expert in the matter (though I would exhort you to come up with an explanation for how Thaidakar's soul and Nameless are in the same place as according to you, with a soul, Thaidakar could not be there), but characters are not built to survive in any specific way. One can survive with or without a connection to an Author regardless of how they started. Honestly, if I didn't know better, I would think you haven't even read Shaown's thesis on Authors and their characters. He clearly shows that no character needs a connection to TLT to survive." He looked at the book and his expression tightened. "You dare offer me the history of TLT before page 2500!? Theories were reshaped when Platypus became a Luxsprite! Things that were formerly thought to be laws of TLT changed completely and utterly! As for your silly points, both happened. The majority of Chaotic Light energy is here because the Narrators are here, and the Narrators are here because of the energy. If every Narrator were to spontaneously die, the energy would not be able to be contained by the Ennullers. There is still Chaotic Light energy outside of TLT though. The reason there seems so little is because it is not concentrated. The energy spread out. However, if one with enough draw (which would be only a little bit above any) were to be there, they would draw all the energy to themselves, becoming (or in this case, returning to being) a Narrator. A weaker one, perhaps, but a Narrator nonetheless. As you said, Narrators are extraordinary powerful. A rogue Narrator could demolish worlds and conquer the areas outside of TLT." Hacob looked at him incredulously. "Are you accusing me of forgery? If so, why would your copy say it too? And are you saying I am fictional? In that case, this suit would still be happening over copyright infringement. Also, are saying page 312 of chapter 32 or simply page 312 of the book? Unimportant, but I would like to know. Real people being mentioned would be unimportant to copyright, more so for libel. As Thaidakar knows, I am largely based on my Author. He based his work upon the character he interacted with which was based upon my Author. He had permission to do so. Nameless didn't. Even if I'm not a real person, this breaks copyright and still uses my name and likeness without permission, which is, need I remind you, illegal. So far none of your points have brought this down. So, are you near completion so I can gain my compensation?"
  11. I did no such thing. This thread could be doomed. STICK is powerful, but he will not interfere with him
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