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Status Updates posted by InfiniteInsanity

  1. I did it!

    I’m done!

    I am no longer a junior!

    And I get to torture all my friends with that fact!

    Its great!

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      NICE ME TOO!!!

    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      *tired party noises*

      Saaaame, man... 🥳

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      See you don't get to torture your friends with that when you've graduated, you get tortured instead :P

  2. So I get to go to FSY again this year.

    Except this time I’ll be in Utah. And I’ll actually have to meet new people.

    And I’m excited but also absolutely terrified.

    People are scary.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Good luck!!!! And have fun :))

      God will help you find another friend family while you're away and if you need me, you know where to find me, love you sis ❤️

    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I haven't scheduled my FSY yet. If you want, (and it's still open) I could schedule it for then.

      EDIT: actually, turns out I have a family vacation that week. sorry!

    4. InfiniteInsanity


      That would be nice.

  3. Y'all my brain is on a roll. 

    It's just going.

    Like I'm just scrolling through the Shard. Happily letting my brain drift from thing to thing.

    Like and was thinking about short jokes. And tall people.

    And then washing machines. And shrinking people.

    And now I want to make some sort of blueprints.

    Along with an essay as to why my brain's logic is right.


    And the thing is I don't have free time right now.

    I should be working on a final.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. InfiniteInsanity



      Cause like what if we could shove the annoying stupid tall people (which is not all tall people just some of them) and they would shrink?

      And then they would still be annoying and stupid but more manageable?

      And they would be kind of like trolls! Or goblins!!! Or gremlins!!!!!!!

      And the nice tall people could be like shepards for them and help keep them controlled?


    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      I love that so so so much! And also your green jelly blob!!!!!

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Makes sense, as a short person I would love to see tall people taken down a peg.

  4. My brain and emotions are numb.

    So I don't want to sleep.

    Because these are the times I often have dreams.

    And for the past few years dreams I've had are nightmares.

    Which often include wide spread death.

    And I don't want death right now.

  5. I get to go tour schools for show choir!!!

    Starting with a middle school.... with historically mean children.... yay?

    Also I think the weather won't scare me too much as long as it doesn't hit while I'm at the middle school or driving around.

  6. So... remember how I was doing some choreography?
    Maybe you don't that's fine.

    Well now its tech week.

    And we put it with the band for the first time yesterday.

    Turns out the band has 7 extra measures.

    That I had to come up with choreo for. 

    And I think I've got most of it. 

    However what in the world am I supposed to do with the measure where the band just doesn't play anything??

    There's literally nothing happening for that measure. 

    And I don't want them to just stand there.

    I don't want to just stand there. I have to dance this too.

    If anyone has any ideas please give. Cause that's all I got left.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kajsa


      what style of dancing are y’all doing?

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      Just sort of what we do in show choir. Thats where most of my stuff comes from.

      I'm thinking maybe I'll just do like a faux ending. And we'll pose and go  back into it?

    4. Kajsa


      wait that’s actually really cool! cuz you can be like “look how epic we are, tada! …SYKE THERES MORE” so i like that a lot

  7. Y'all want to know what was sooo much fun today. 

    Walking to eighth period only to hear tornado sirens...

    And then being stuck in a locker room with boys who were dead set on being as chaotic as possible... for an hour.

    Though I was given much more information than I normally would have because eighth period is my show choir period. And as is quickly discovered, show choir children are insane. So many people were keeping very close track of the storm and tornados. One dude was even sad because when they let us go only to immediately tell us to go back he almost got outside and was close to seeing the tornados. He looked like he was near tears. I don't think he actually was but it looked that way.


    Lovely fun.

    Tornados and big windy storms are the worst part of being a Nebraskan. 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’m glad you’re ok <33

    2. Kajsa


      i wish i had show choir built into my school day 🥹

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      We had a field trip at Conestoga lake that day and we had to leave early to get back to the zoo so that we could hide in the bathrooms with our soggy feet and sweaty bodies. (also yes I'm fashionably late)

  8. Dancing is a word right?

    Autocorrect is trying to tell me it isn't...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anguished_One


      Autocorrect is dumb.

      Dancing is, in fact, a word.


    3. shortcake


      one time autocorrect kept changing my name to "embellishment"

      and that is literally nowhere close to my real name

      and yes, dancing is a real word

    4. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      auto correct sometimes changes "i" to "u" and one time it changed it to "o"

  9. Happy Birthday!

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thaaaank you!!!!!

  10. My shoes for prom came today. Prom is in a week.

    They make me like 3-4 inches taller which makes me feel really tall right now.

    However my there will still be a decent gap in height between my date and I.

    I'm just gonna be giggling all through prom because he's still taller and yet I'll feel so tall.

    It's gonna be awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Did you even need to ask, Shortcake?

    3. shortcake



      I promise I won't be mean

      because I 99% sure I know who it is and I approve /hj /pos

    4. shortcake


      bookie, I was being respectfullllll

      I didn't want to assume :)

  11. I have cried twice today.

    And it felt really good.

    But also I think I'll cry more before the day is through.

    Also by the way, I have used one of my poems in competition for slam poetry.

    We're going to the semifinals sometime next week.

    And there are videos somewhere that will be posted eventually on Youtube I think which is kind of cool. There are also pictures of me somewhere.


  12. I get to choreograph things for a show!

    I'm really excited but also terrified. 

    I'm doing it with someone else but they've been sick and we have to start teaching it on Monday.

    It'll work out. The student directors are obligated and all qualified to help so it'll be fine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Best of luck!! And it will go great 😊

    3. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      You got this!

    4. Kajsa



  13. Hey y'all. I've discovered that I have a problem.

    I do not try in my harder classes... because I can get away with lower grades.

    However I do try in all my easy classes... because I can't get away with it...

    My grades are actually pretty good right now but... you know. 

    Its a problem because I get stressed because I don't do the work.

    1. Kajsa


      This is so real. 

    2. Wierdo


      oh my- i.. i have this problem too-

  14. HI.

    I'm gonna post something kind of similar to Kajsa's SU.

    Also gonna be about show choir.

    And the same competition.

    But we go to different schools so... yeah.

    First of all I saw @Kajsa's show. And she's talked it down a lot for this week. It was INCREDIBLE. If that was their vocals at like half power as she says then... Hearing them at full voice would be insane. They were awesome.

    I got to watch other groups.

    And then I had a panic attack and then I performed and it went pretty well. And then critique and the judge was our choreographer's wife and she was super sweet and made us all cry (in a good way).

    We placed first in daytime. Which was incredible. It felt good to know that even our "bad" performances can be considered good. 

    Then finals. Which was fun but also we performed at 10pm. And I pushed myself to the limit. So much so that I kind of died at the very end. But I wasn't the only one. Then I was still dying and I watched the host group. And then awards and we were the grand champs. Which was insane.

    I still think that the varsity group from Kajsa's school should have won. They were amazing and I love them. I owe being in show choir to someone in that group.

    I'm still drained. And I'm also sick.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Well done!! *hugs* get better soon Insa, love you <33

    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That's awesome :D

      Get well sis, we love you <33

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Wow good job! You should be very proud of yourself.

  15. "My mom and dad are both on the purple team, so I'm on the purple team. Even though I'm blue. It's confusing." -Bluey

    1. Kajsa


      😂 such a good show I swear

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      It is pretty good. (I'm just going down my feed 'cause I haven't been on in weeks)

  16. @Kajsa.

    ....we beat the chicken little show....

    We won and we beat the chicken little show.I

    They hadn't lost until yesterday.

    That felt so so good.

    Yesterday was a roller coaster.

    In the morning I listened watched the guys play a 2 HOUR game of poker. Like... They all stayed in as long as they could. It was really funny. They were very loud.

    I missed the costume change during daytime because my dress for stuck and I couldn't get it off. And then my knees died.

    So I ate dinner (which was actually good and I should probably do that more at comps) took painkillers. Which helped but the adrenaline was actually what killed the pain.

    We then did finals which was so fun and felt so good. We've actually started saying a prayer in my side of the stage right before we go on and it is so comforting and really nice and the thing is that everyone is there it not just a few people it's everyone. Its very nice.

    And then yeah. We WON!!! 

    We beat chicken little and another really good group and got best vocals. We have now won that comp 3 years in a row. Its very nice. 

    And I'll be in the same place as Kajsa's school next week and I am so excited!!

    1. The Wandering Wizard
    2. Kajsa




      We then did finals which was so fun and felt so good. We've actually started saying a prayer in my side of the stage right before we go on and it is so comforting and really nice and the thing is that everyone is there it not just a few people it's everyone. It’s very nice.

      Oh my chasms we actually did this too! We all held hands or put our hands on each others’ shoulders, even the non-religious ones, and said a prayer and it was really nice. 

      Also I cannot WAIT to see y’all’s show!!!!! Congrats!

  17. I did not get enough sleep. But you know what I did do? Finish a book in less the 24 hours.

    I did it on Friday too.

    Both books were the first in their series.

    Both books were by the same author.

    Both books ended in more of an "Oh look! You're not dead!" "Oh hey! You aren't dead either that's great because there were people and things that wanted and kind of still want to kill us!" sort of a way rather than "We did it! It's over!" sort of a way. Which makes sense cause they are the first books in their separate series.

    Anyways I have a plan now.

    I have three library books left. 

    All of them are shorter than the one I read yesterday.

    I shall read them all fast.... and then I'll read Yumi. Finally.

    1. shortcake


      I'm sitting next to Insa right now. she is, in fact reading

    2. Cash67


      You make it to Yumi yet?

  18. How is y'alls?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Awwwww noooo sick is no fun :((((

      *hugs tightly*

    3. Anguished_One


      *adds hugs*

      I hope you feel better! ❤️‍🩹

    4. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      I’m doing well.

      *hugs all*

  19. We won on Saturday.

    It was chaotic and lovely and fun.

    I got a crocheted chicken. It's really cute.

    It was my emotional support chicken all day and now my little brother has taken it so I need to make more things like it. Obviously. 

    I had a panic attack in the morning cause I felt lonely and I had no one to hang around.

    My parents were there and I spent pretty much all of the time that they were there with them. It was really nice.





    This little thing has nothing to do with show choir  and isn't happy either please just ignore it if you don't want to deal with anything like that.


    I didn't get any homework done until like just a little while ago cause I had no time.

    We just started a new book in English and already in the first six chapters there was a really hard thing for me to deal with emotionally and I want to cry. I got no warning this time and I've sort of relied on those. I don't know what to do.


  20. Hi everyone!

    I've got show choir things today.

    The cursed competition.

    It's just cursed. 

    Something always happens. 

    The risers are strapped tight enough and they split open and swallow someones leg for a bit. Someone else does something and gets really hurt and the whole comp is on pause for half and hour or more. They say the wrong name during the varsity group's introduction. And then there's an interruption to fix their name (that actually happened twice last year). I've had to save one of my guy friends from some females last year. They didn't actually do anything but he was uncomfortable and was scared to leave on his own so I came and got him out of there. 

    So yeah. Cursed.

    But all that aside I went to slam poetry yesterday and I wrote a happy poem and they gave me some ideas to make it better which was nice.

    We had a temple trip last night that was nice.

    And... yeah. I guess I might post more today if I have time (I've got homework to do so I'll be busy)

    Y'all are amazing. I'll do my best not to die or literally break a leg today. Who knows? Maybe the curse will be nice to us.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Maybe break others legs. The curse Gods have to be appeased but who says it need to be your legs

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That doesn't sound fun but, I hope it went better.

  21. Now is the time for registering for classes for next year! Which is when I'll be a senior... 

    I have plenty of space in the one year schedule to get all the credits I need to graduate. I could probably have everything ready so I could graduate at the end of winter semester if I really wanted to (I don't). 

    However like none of my friends seem to and I'm really confused. I have taken most of the time to do things besides core classes with music classes since my freshman year. And yet somehow even though they've done less of those then me, my friends are struggling. 

    Like I just did course request stuff for next year and I put the last classes I need to graduate and all my music classes in and I still had plenty of space to put in other things if I wanted to (which I did for now because while less school would be nice I get bored to easily and I want to be sure I qualify for honor roll both semesters.) But they didn't?

    Maybe it has something to do with me taking 2 years of math in middle school? But like I didn't stop doing math until this year, this semester so... I don't know. 

    I'm just lost. 

    It's a good thing for me! I've done no summer school. I won't need any summer school.

    It's just weird and confusing and I don't understand it.

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Congrats on being able to graduate! I kind of feel the same way . . . my counselor has always just insisted I take certain classes and I'm on track to graduate as well, I'm not really sure how other students end up running out of time. That being said, I don't do any extra stuff that would take up time, like debate or yearbook, or sports so maybe its harder if you do that stuff?

      I honestly don't know.

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I prioritized things in a way that made it so I barely had enough room. I still have to take a summer school class after this year to get it all in.

      I've loved the awesome experiences I've gotten to have...I just wish it didn't seem like the system was punishing me for wanting to do those things.

      You'll figure it out, Insa. One way or another.

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