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Status Updates posted by shortcake


    also the logo for the shard is the pride flag!!!!

    there's a lot of stuff I wanna talk about but I do have the energy to talk about it

    uuuuuh I got back from youth conference camp thingy yesterday

    and I saw a double rainbow two days ago

    @TheGreatSnail got me to start listening to Welcome To Night Vale andim currently on he 4th episode


    I straightened my hair an I feel like I look like a sad soggy litter mop

    it took 42 minutes

    also don't drink three monsters when you've only eaten a cookie it's not fun your brain kinda like, dies but not really

    my room smells like paint for some reason

    I somehow didn't get sunburnt during your conference?

    I also never got any bug bites even though we literally walked like, everywhere??

    blegh I'm bored

    and to the people of insanity clinic, I'm sorry I keep dissapearing!! i hae a feelin it's gonna be like this for the majority of the summer soooooo yeah

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      I also never got any bug bites even though we literally walked like, everywhere??

      Oh my goodness your the chosen one

    2. Kajsa



      I also never got any bug bites even though we literally walked like, everywhere??

      so the prophecy is true…

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I also never got any bug bites even though we literally walked like, everywhere??

      All hail.

  2. guys my closet door got yoinked while I was asleep

    I always close it before i go to bed and I distinctly remember closing it but it was open when I woke up

    and there were things in the way of the path it takes to close it


    1. Kajsa


      oooh spooky 👻 

    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      Oop- sorry, that was me. My bad.

      I forgot to close it.




      Actually though dude that's freaky. 🫥

  3. I doubt I'm gonna be on here for most of he week but hello!

  4. guysssssss

    I passed all of my classes!!!!!!!


    also the entire Clancy album got released the day before yesterday so yay!!!

    and my Spotify premium ended ;-;

    I'm gonna be gone from the 29th to the 31st unless there's wifi where i'm going (and I don't even know where exactly I'm going so that's gonna be a fun conversation lol

    also school's officially out!

    I'll post everything I made in pottery probably later today if I remember

    people in the insanity clinic- so like, @Exotic Almond, @Spark of Hope, @Cash67, @Edema Rue, @Ancient Elantrian, let me know if I'm forgetting anyone- where does Lundyn need to be? preferably something that works with me being gone for most of the week...

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      That’s awesome!

      You can exist just about anywhere except with me and Elan

    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass



  5. im literally only two points away from passing my math class

    today is the very last day of school

    I feel so stupid though because the only thing keeping my grade down is a test that i've already taken twice but I don't even know how to do it

    and I only need a 30% to pass the class

    I feel so stupid I've already shut down and my math final isn't even the final I need to take today

    because that one is my pottery final which is a group project

    the two other people in my group keep telling me to do stuff before Im even finished with the stuff before and I feel so stupid

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      I still believe in you! Work hard to the end!

    3. shortcake


      im trying to I swear



      I asked my group if they wanted me to label some of the pictures and they straight-up just didn't respond

    4. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      *casts success spell*

      You shall pass.

  6. i know I just posted but like

    if you buy me a weighted blanket/stuffie...


    besties for life right there my man

    like actually

    1. shortcake


      and also notifications have officially hit 569

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hahahah I gave you rep so it gets even higher!!

    3. shortcake
  7. got a 89/95 on my woods final letsgoooo

    failed math but I mean hey we were all expecting it

    pretty sure I got a 90% on my American Literature final

    got a 76% I think on my US History

    pretttttyy sure I got a 80-something percent on my Criminal justice

    environmental chemistry is still unknown, as far as I've been informed

    my last final, which is pottery, is tomorrow, and I'm feelin not that confident


    I have work tomorrow as well

    speaking of which, idk if I already told y'all, but I got my old job back! YAY!!!


    I went to the store and I bought a ✨swimsuit✨

    and I just bought some tank tops and a short-sleeved button-up on Amazon which arroves on Monday so yippee!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Oo, that's fair, that's fair.

      I love wearing shorts on a hot day and then a nice cold breeze comes through... oh it's so nice.

    3. shortcake



      I agree 100%

    4. Cash67


      I think i've worn shorts in regular situations once in the past 4 years. Pants for me all the way. Shorts make me feel cold. 

  8. day two of finals

    lets gooo

  9. ooh hello! thanks for following me!

    1. Cataclysm


      Hello there

  10. just failed my first final

    feeling stupid 👍

    (I'm fine, I just forgot to take my notes since no one decided to tell me we were allowed to use our notes on the final)

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      I had my take charge final first 😕

      Got 87% before scaling tho, so that's good

    2. shortcake



      I'm still stupid though because I was freaking out since I thought I lost my ring

      turns out it was inside my computer

      but I have my ring now so I'm happyyyy

    3. Cataclysm


      Good luck with the rest of them

      you got it 💪

  11. guys

    first of all, I don't want to check these


    but I dont want to get rid of them either



    second of all, my brother told me and my grandma yesterday about a high school kid  who got stabbed and killed in a fight with another kid who I think was younger

    and that kid happened to be my brother's old coworker's boyfriend

    but the reason I remembered this is because my teacher just said "we have a few minutes before I have to read this message to you guys" and usually that means someone died

    it was a kid from our school as well

    and I know the person's girlfriend (I barely talk to her though)


    nevermind there was two people-

    two people passed y'all

    unrelated but yeah

    two students from our school died over the weekend

    this is why I hate school

    it's literally finals week



    this is upsetting




    sorry for the huge mood shift but I have exciting news

    @Izzi and @Wittles I know y'all will probably enjoy hearing about this

    I went to a listening party for Twenty One Pilots' new album, Clancy on Saturday, and I got to hear the entire new album before it gets released to the public

    I went with my brother and sister (my sister wasn't super thrilled about that but she's the one who introduced me to their music in the first place so womp womp to her

    and I got a wristband and a poster

    oh I also got tape

    red duct tape

    and I put it on my shoeeeees

    and also on my Scaled and Icy hoodie

    I put it on the left shoulder and also I put a piece over Trash the Dragon's eyes but it keeps like, falling off so that's not so slay

    and I saw people dressed as Juggalos (fans of a band called Insane Clown Posse. apparently it's also a gang?) and I thought their outfits were cool

    there was a girl within that group and she was prettyyyyyy

    I told them I liked their outfits

    also there was a person that kept taking tik toks of her singing the first three songs that have already been released and she was... really expressive with it which was kinda weird but like pop off girlie pop off

    and I'm pretty sure Josh sang in the background of one of the new songs!!!!


    also I realized that you can slightly hear Tyler singing "Dema" in the background of the "follow me instead"s in March To The Sea

    Tyler's been planning this for so longggg


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. shortcake



      @Izzi it was free!!!!!

      I wanted to pre-order the alternate cover for the CD but my brother wouldn't let me ;-;

      I really liked Midwest Indigo, Navigating, Snap Back, and The Craving (Jenna's Version)

    3. shortcake


      but they were all super cool I liked 'em all :3

    4. Izzi


      woaheee! cool

  12. RAHHHH FINalS hAvent even HAPPened Yet ANd IVe ALREADY MESSeD UP

    a;also why is my keyboard doing that they were all supposed to be capitalized what the heck??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shortcake


      but the way I messed up is because I cleaned out my backpack yesterday and I took out majority of my papers including a note packet for my first period class

      Wich we couldve used today on a summative test


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      WHAT it worked on my one . . .

      u h

      I don't know what to tell you

      (also good luck on the test, sorry about the notes tho)

    4. shortcake




  14. image.png.9deae45efa0b39bc842e0d26cc52784f.png



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Through The Living Glass
    3. shortcake


      😭 *excessive crying*

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      hehehehe I gave you rep for that too!

  15. image.png.7f58d2f45b4d45f65c304825f46fad1c.png


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cash67


      …how many people/threads do you follow again?

    3. Kajsa


      *procrastination intensifies*

    4. shortcake


      @Cash67 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      a lot

  16. how come no one's changed their pfp green for Mental Health Awareness Month?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I want someone to greenify mine..

    3. Kajsa


      @The Bookwyrm bet

      ill do it

    4. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Mine's already green

  17. Home.


    I wanna go home

    but not home

    I mean that I


    to go to my home.

    my real Home.

    the one where

    we all came from;

    where we all started...

    I want it all to be over

    when does the Bell ring?

    because I want it to be time

    for me to leave this place

    even though I know

    i'll just have to do all of this all over again

    you hear that?


    someone, listen, please

    I want to go Home.




    Did the Baby Delivery Bird ever stop to think,

    "Maybe they don't belong with them..."

    I think I ended up with the wrong family.

    I think they think that, too.

    I wanna go Home.

    why didn't they ask,

    "Are you sure this is the right family?"

    Why didn't you check?



    Excuse me?

    May I please be excused?

    I'd like to go Home now.

    dedicated to my grandmother. I'm sorry I made everything so hard. I love you.

  18. rah

    284 notifications

    ugh I feel ucky


    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh no! 

      Drink lots of water!! uh

      Get comfy! 

      Feel better soon!

    2. shortcake


      thank youuu Magiiiii ❤

      I feel like I'm being weird, but then again, I'm always being weird

  19. so I've been working on the same thing in my pottery class for over 2 weeks now and it got out of the kiln today and I had just gone and picked it up during my lunch

    I've made it very clear that I do not want anyone touching it at all

    and yet someone in my chemistry class decided it would be a good idea to come up and pick it up

    I'm literally so annoyed right now like I feel like nobody knows what the word "no" means

    its seriously not that hard to comprehend

    the project is fine, I'll post pictures in a bit, but I'm so annoyed about this

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Man, it sucks when people just don't understand boundaries. 

      I'm excited to see what you made though!

  20. Bookie, have you seen 3 Body Problem? If you have, do you recommend it?

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I haven't.

      But I have read the book.

      Do I recommend it... I'd recommend the book to a lot of people, but I don't know if you'd like it.

      And I haven't seen the show. I just know that it swears a lot. And there are some violent scenes.

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I wish it didn't have that stuff though because it looks cool and I want to watch it.

    3. shortcake


      I'll have to read the book once I finish the one I'm currently reading.

      I saw the show on Netflix (I did not watch it) and from the description, it looked really interesting.

  21. 159 notifications....

    I don't wanna check them, and it's not an even number-


    1. Cash67


      We are exploring a fantastical city inside the void in the insanity clinic! Assuming you’re with Pic. 

    2. shortcake


      oh yeah! okay can you ping me so I can respond? I am supposed to be with Pic and Aventine, last I checked

  22. guys this is kind of late news but my poem titled Painted Blue got into my school's Lit Mag which is a magazine that shows off the school's art and writing that the students have made


    1. Experience



      (Is that one you posted on here?)

    2. shortcake


      yeah! I think it's on my art topic

  23. I have 88 notifications... do I want to check them right now? not really.

    am I going to let curiosity get the best of me at some point today and end up checking them anyway? it's very likely.

    in other news, @Dead's birthday is on the 17th, so i'm working on something to give to him (shush, I know he can see these, but he like, never checks them)

    also did you know that Monster has coffee?? I already knew, but I forgot it existed until Saturday when I saw them at the store.

    My main Spotify playlist is starting to get boring because it never plays as an actual shuffle, and I don't have smart shuffle on, it's just regular shuffle.

    My current song obsession is Twenty One Pilots' newest release, Backslide. I got my grandma to play it in the car on Friday when we went out to eat for my brother's birthday and I sang the entire thing.

    Speaking of which, my brother is 22 (I think. he might be 23) years old now! We went to Arby's on Friday for his birthday dinner even though his birthday is on Star Wars Day (epic)

    @InfiniteInsanity, @TheGreatSnail, and @The Bookwyrm are telling me that I drink too much caffeine, but I don't drink like, 3 cans every day. I'm not addicted. I can easily skip a day or so of drinking, I literally drink them because I like the flavor. I'm not being sarcastic, and I'm not denying or anything. If I'm addicted to anything, it's the flavor, not the caffeine bit. I promise. And I only drink like a can a day.
    I usually drink Mt. Dew, Monster, Kickstart, and Dr. Pepper. I promise i'll be okay y'all.

    anyway, hi guys! how are y'all?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shortcake


      I haven't had any caffeine today. All i've dranken- drinked? drunk? - the only liquid i've consumed today so far has been water and a tiny thing of strawberry banana V-8 juice for my meds.

      and when I had the three cans in my lunch box, I only drank one of those that day, Dead had the other Mt. Dew, and the Kickstart went in my fridge.

      Dead buys me Kickstarts in the mornings but I don't really ask unless it's during lunch but I still don't usually drink them because they get warm by the time I want them, so they just end up going in my fridge at home.

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      But when we asked that day you said first that one was for you, one was for Dead but he was only going to have sip and then you would have the rest (that makes two) and you wouldn't tell us for the longest time what the Kickstart was for. So for us that pretty much makes three in our minds. 

      And that wasn't the first or only time you've had more than one with you and most of the time you say they are all for you.

      You have plenty of energy without caffeine and so my point still stands. If you are addicted to the taste do it without the caffeine. Because overall that's better for you. You don't need a stimulant like caffeine. Your body is capable of surviving without them. 

      And I've been trying to convince Abby to also not drink caffeine. 

      I like the taste of some of those drinks too. So I use drink mixes in water and juices. 

      You can do what you want. You have your own agency. I just feel very strongly that caffeine is not the way to go if at all possible to avoid. And I'm comfortable around y'all to share that opinion. 

    4. shortcake


      That's fair. Dead did end up drinking the whole thing, by the way (@Dead back me up on this)

      And I respect your opinion. I'm not saying you're wrong, because you're not, and you make really good points with the flavor packets.

      I know y'all worry about me and Snail, and I'm gonna work on lowering or even getting rid of my caffeine intake. ❤

  24. I hate that using shuffle on Spotify isn't actually a true shuffle

    it just plays songs you've recently listened to or artists you've recently listened to and then throws in some other songs into the mix

    like it's not even a true shuffle and it bothers me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Don't use smart shuffle and it'll help

    3. Kajsa


      i just don’t like spotify


      it’s just not good

    4. shortcake


      smart shuffle is the one where it adds songs that aren't already on the playlist, yes?

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