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Potato's Wit

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Everything posted by Potato's Wit

  1. I win, but for a fleeting amount of time. Someone else will come, seeking to find victory here. *dramatic whisper* It never lastsssss.
  2. @Ranryu found a rabbit burrow with two dead baby bunnies out side. After realizing that there were five alive bunnies in the burrow, we put them in a chocolate box and went out to a nature-y area in our neighborhood and dug them a new grave burrow. :( Them we just left them there. To die. We could not have taken care of them, and they were probably sick, but I still feel really bad. I got emotionally attached to them too fast. I'm going to go feel sad now. Bye.

    I hope the image works.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      I didn't try and make you sound like a soulless villain. Sorry.

    3. Telrao


      I think you did what you could, and we all make mistakes! Bunnies are a pest in Australia and have murdered many native species so I've kinda lost a bit of my sympathy for them uhmmm

      Plus, you could never be sure how your cats would react to the bunnies. Not to mention the risk of zoological diseases... sorry, I'll stop. *hugs* Don't feel bad! It's okay.

    4. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      I don't have any cats(:(), but yeah, they're pests. I just have a waayyy too big soft spot for all things small and fluffy.

  3. *in tears* What happened to my little puppet people?? And where's Betrand the Frog?? *maniacal laughter* T'was me, just as no one predicted!! Mwhahaha!!!
  4. *uncomfortable existence* Brightness, you shouldn't drink so much...
  5. What do you mean, 'yes'?? He just said 'I'll will'!! As in I will will!! It's honestly hard to look at... (But it's also kinda funny. Shh...)
  6. I was just like "Hmm... what do I like and what's someone in the cosmere?" Then I just took potato and made myself a wit. (Even though I'm not actually that good at roasting people. Like, whatever. Potato standards are low.) So that's how I got my Amazing name!
  7. My new background* just makes me so happy. I hope at least some people here have watched Odd Squad. It would be sad to post something like this and no one has context. Agent Olaf... he was truly the best character in that show.

    *thing whatever its called.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai


      it’s called a banner :)

      I'm not sure it is tbh, the button to edit it says "Cover photo". Seen people say both.

    3. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      *shrugs* Whatever. I'll just mix the words together! Cbanner photo! Perfect! :P

    4. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Perfect, just like Hoid's fashion sense. 

  8. Right now It's mostly loans. But those were funny too... Edit Ooh I started a new page. I hate doing that.
  9. Maggots are not tasty. Not that I've eaten them or anything. Also, taste not tatse.
  10. Why does the microwave have bite marks on it? Hahaha, never. EVER.
  11. Happy birthday!! Your drawings are amazing!!! :)

    1. Hyoukane


      Thank you very much!! <3

  12. Granted. The vacuums in your life now yell insults at you when you're alone. I wish for Cheetos. Edit: Someone please hurry and give me Cheetos. I have been waiting... a very long time.
  13. Nice. Was it fun? I have not played anything other than Link's Awakening and BotW, so I don't really know what most Zelda games are like.
  14. You are none of the things you listed above. I wish I could help more, but I'm completely clueless when it comes to helpfulness with these kinds of things, so just know you're awesome! And smart! And not annoying!
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