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Shining Silhouette

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Status Replies posted by Shining Silhouette

  1. *takes deep breath 







    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      i've been watching for it too

      i can't wait


    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)


    Why can’t we just have fall back every year and watch as the night turns to day? It’s be cool and we’d get an extra hour of sleep one night per year. And instead of leap year every 24 years we can skip a day to account for us going back 24 hrs. 

    Thank you for listening to my sleep deprived Ted talk. 

  3. Seriously is it my third status update of the day? 

    You guys are heroes for keeping up with the notifications 


    Ive been, albeit very slowly, listening to the magnus archives because szeth facepalm reccomended it and their recommendations are always top tier 

    (Tho i got terrified of it and left it for a bit in the middle there)

    They also happened to reccomend welcome to nightvale which honestly sounds like my kind of bizzare 

    I just started listening to the first episode 

    And you know what 

    Imagine this 

    I live on the 11th (top) floor of my building and theres a terrace here. Its currently 8pm and the only lights are the lights from the cityscape around me. there is no one else on the terrace. its completely silent. And im just leisurely taking a walk while listening to this and it starts off by talking about how nightvale is a place where they all pretend to sleep and about this weird as heck dog park thats neither for dogs nor for humans 

    is this a good idea 

    We'll see 

    What im going to do is try to listen to one episode of the magnus archives and welcome to nightvale each day and that should be something. Hopefully it will be enough to help me get a bit over my horror fear as fear is no reason to not do something which genuinely interests you 

  4. Twas closing night for our musical. We finished nicely with a heartwarming ceremony for the seniors, but right now I'm kinda just feeling sad. 

    I spent almost 18 hours today with my friends doing musical stuff. I really don't know what I'm going to do without them. I go to a small school (about 70 kids per grade) and one nice thing about that is everybody knows each other super well―the cheering is quite spectacular.

    I'm going to miss it all. The music, the memories, the magic...everything.

    Also, my orchestra conductor is my hero. I'm really going to miss him too. I've seen him almost every day for the past 7 years and I tear up thinking about not having that. He's been there for me so much and it makes me sad to think about leaving.

    My core friend group is all in orchestra with me and we have one more concert. Just ONE more. I can't bear thinking about it. We've been playing together literally since first grade! It's going to be a really tearful parting. And 2 months till I leave high school behind and go on internships. THIS IS INSANE

    Can someone explain why growing up is so sad??

    Also it's currently 1:22 AM and I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep from last night so apologies if this SU just doesn't make sense

  5. Twas closing night for our musical. We finished nicely with a heartwarming ceremony for the seniors, but right now I'm kinda just feeling sad. 

    I spent almost 18 hours today with my friends doing musical stuff. I really don't know what I'm going to do without them. I go to a small school (about 70 kids per grade) and one nice thing about that is everybody knows each other super well―the cheering is quite spectacular.

    I'm going to miss it all. The music, the memories, the magic...everything.

    Also, my orchestra conductor is my hero. I'm really going to miss him too. I've seen him almost every day for the past 7 years and I tear up thinking about not having that. He's been there for me so much and it makes me sad to think about leaving.

    My core friend group is all in orchestra with me and we have one more concert. Just ONE more. I can't bear thinking about it. We've been playing together literally since first grade! It's going to be a really tearful parting. And 2 months till I leave high school behind and go on internships. THIS IS INSANE

    Can someone explain why growing up is so sad??

    Also it's currently 1:22 AM and I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep from last night so apologies if this SU just doesn't make sense

  6. why do you read they ask

    isnt it becoming something of an obsession? they say 

    They dont understand, can never understand, will never understand 

    will never understand that when sometimes you dont want to be yourself. Sometimes you wanna be swept up away, you just want to forget. 

    they dont understand when nobody ever cared, characters were there. That when nobody was there to read you bedtime stories, you learned to read them to yourself. 

    that when nobody was there to hold you, you allowed language to put its soothing arms around you, and tangle up in your heart. 

    oh words weren't always good, especially when they came from the mouth of others 




    but you eventually learned to ignore those harsh words, learned to find refuge in books, learned that those same syllables that made those words so cruel, could make others so beautiful 

    (perhaps you could be beautiful too)

    You ask me why i read 

    you ask me why dont i do something more productive 

    i say, i read to know one thing and one thing only- that i am not alone. 

    i say, you will never understand; can understand. 

    I say, when love's been given to you on a sliver spoon, you never have to learn what it is like to starve for it. 

    and so you remain ignorant

    but that's okay 

  7. Twas closing night for our musical. We finished nicely with a heartwarming ceremony for the seniors, but right now I'm kinda just feeling sad. 

    I spent almost 18 hours today with my friends doing musical stuff. I really don't know what I'm going to do without them. I go to a small school (about 70 kids per grade) and one nice thing about that is everybody knows each other super well―the cheering is quite spectacular.

    I'm going to miss it all. The music, the memories, the magic...everything.

    Also, my orchestra conductor is my hero. I'm really going to miss him too. I've seen him almost every day for the past 7 years and I tear up thinking about not having that. He's been there for me so much and it makes me sad to think about leaving.

    My core friend group is all in orchestra with me and we have one more concert. Just ONE more. I can't bear thinking about it. We've been playing together literally since first grade! It's going to be a really tearful parting. And 2 months till I leave high school behind and go on internships. THIS IS INSANE

    Can someone explain why growing up is so sad??

    Also it's currently 1:22 AM and I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep from last night so apologies if this SU just doesn't make sense

  8. I have some great news guys!

    I won the senior level for a composition contest I entered last month! The song I entered is an edited version of one of the songs I posted on here. That means my music will be printed in a book, and I get to perform it later this month. Yay!



    So I was going to borrow The Eye of The World to read it for the first time, and guess what?


    Also, there's a Youth Unite on this Friday, and I am SO EXCITED! ALL the youths in my area are getting together, and some of my friends are going and I'm going to meet some of my friends' friends! EEEE

    I'm probably going to end up in a corner by myself (or with like two other people from my introverted youth group) but YEAH! SO EXCITED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Anyhow, have a wonderful day/night/morning/whatevertime!

    - Telrao

  10. The shard is such a cool place, and y'all are all just such amazing individuals and I am really happy that I am able to connect with everyone here even just through the internet.

    That is all.

  11. My bookshelves have been updated

    This is why you can't give a Sanderfan a job


  12. I am at the library. I am currently witnessing the following conversation. 


    “Hey, what are you reading?”

    ”Oh, it’s called Elantris. It’s about *spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers*

    They spoiled the entire book. I didn’t even realize until they got to parts I hadn’t read yet. This is the second time I’ve witnessed a Cosmere book completely spoiled.

  13. My bookshelves have been updated

    This is why you can't give a Sanderfan a job


    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette



      Imagine all that going up in flames ^_^




      nobody in my house is allowed to touch it

      I dust them every week

      they are my children

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. My bookshelves have been updated

    This is why you can't give a Sanderfan a job


    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      Every night I go to bed with a smile when I look at it ^_^

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  15. My bookshelves have been updated

    This is why you can't give a Sanderfan a job


    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      My posters came yesterday and I was very excited to put them up :D

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)


  17. How does one do the resume thing?

  18. I got a solo in my a cappella group!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. how did people ever think the dress was white and gold lmao

  20. Just found 2 actual errors and 1 horribly worded question on my 29 question chemistry test. 0K is not the same as 0C, and indirectly proportional does not mean the same as inversely proportional :lol: They need to fix our textbook. In the past, we have also found questions on tests that attempt to use elements that have not yet been discovered, or have mislabeled elements with the wrong elemental symbol. It's quite the adventure lol. 

  21. Four things! 

    1) I watched Knives Out and Glass Onion last night. Knives Out was fantastic! Glass Onion was not sadly. My parents had seen them both and didn't like either so I didn't have very high expectations but Knives Out was really good! Solid mystery. Chris Evans' character was the best. His name was Ransom I think? Best character in the movie by far. 

    2) I have recently rewatched all three How to Train Your Dragon movies, ending with me watching #3 last night. Yes I watched movies instead of sleeping its fine How to Train Your Dragon has figured out how to be an amazing franchise! The first movie sets everything up perfectly and is amazing and pure and so sweet and everyone loves it! Movie 2 is my personal favorite which is odd because I normally dislike the middle of a trilogy. But it's just so good! The climax! The characters! The emotion! The ANIMATION! It's all utterly fantastic! And movie three is such a satisfying conclusion that explores legitimate issues with real relationships and made me cry. Granted I was tired and it was late by the time I finished, but it accomplished making me cry, which doesn't happen often! High praise. 

    3) I saw a rather terrifying manifestation of ducks yesterday. We were driving down a main road in town, completely normal, when I saw about 200 ducks just sitting perfectly still under these two trees on the side of the road. Not a single one moved. They were all mallard ducks and they were all very evenly spaced over the area. It was quite freaky.

    4) My Cytoverse box came! It has some really cool things in it this time that I wasn't anticipating at all!

    That ended up longer than I was anticipating :lol: sorry


    I got to see Concerto for violin in G minor, op. 26 and it’s SO GOOD!!! If you’ve never heard it before, listen to it right now.

    we also saw Dvorak’s symphony No. 5, which was also amazing, but that’s less important. 

    Ok that’s all, goodnight humans in a similar time zone to me. 

  23. how did people ever think the dress was white and gold lmao

  24. Lol, I just saw this topic and I was about to go full boss mode and completely destroy whoever made this topic for hating you until I realised it wasn’t anything to do with you. 

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