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Shining Silhouette

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Status Replies posted by Shining Silhouette

  1. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      I do have 8 classes. It's quite the adventure :lol:

      Anyone wanna switch with me?

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  2. Help me guys.

    I just spent two hours working on a family tree for a fictional character I just made. This character doesn't belong to any plot or story, yet I am obsessed with her and her family history.

  3. What did you do to your pfp!?







  5. Oh man. I'm trying not to cry as I write this. 

    Yesterday was incredible.

    Both show choirs (JV--Subwoofers and Varsity--Leaders of the Pack) had to be at the competition at 10am.

    Subwoofers got second place in the JV division, and I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard!

    I don't even know where to start for us. We all got ready and stuff (there was some drama that went down and... yikes) and hung out for about six hours because we performed at 5:30.

    They had donuts at the comp and they were so good it's not even funny. So I bought three. :D And then there was also hot chocolate and I couldn't resist. So I was on a sugar high for a while before the show, and then I got super tired and sat in a corner for twenty minutes.

    Firkins then rounded everyone up to go to our homeroom, and he pulled out these papers with everyone's names on them. We'd written notes to each other on the papers a couple weeks ago, and he handed them out last night. I was crying so hard I couldn't even read the whole thing, and then I had to redo half my makeup because I'd cried it all off.

    Then we went to warm-up and went over some parts of the show that needed just a quick run-through. And Firkins had us stand in a circle and sing the ballad. Most of us were holding hands. I made it to the second verse before I started crying--and THEN Firkins started going around and hugging us one-by-one. I was literally sobbing xD I couldn't even sing! So the costume moms passed out tissues and we couldn't go back to redo our makeup so it was what it was and we went on stage and slayed.

    We got best costumes, best choreography, best vocals, and grand champions. And with it, we celebrated the first time EVER that Leaders has gone undefeated.

    I will miss that group so much. We have one last performance on Tuesday, and then we're done.


    I shall go cry in the corner now because I'm so happy but so sad all at the same time. :): 

  6. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      I have heard the legends of her INSANE sugar high

      They will live on in the hearts of Sharders for generations to come

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Honestly, the person whose insanity you REALLY gotta watch out for is @InfiniteInsanity

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  8. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Oh, don't listen to him, Kajsa

      Sometimes you gotta block out Archie's insanity

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  9. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      rip calano

      replying to an su a month ago and only now getting spammed

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  10. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

  11. I only have a few more pieces to set in place in my plot! I'm so close and it's such a tease xD 

    Anyway, WISH ME LUCK!

  12. Oh man. I'm trying not to cry as I write this. 

    Yesterday was incredible.

    Both show choirs (JV--Subwoofers and Varsity--Leaders of the Pack) had to be at the competition at 10am.

    Subwoofers got second place in the JV division, and I'm so proud of them. They've worked so hard!

    I don't even know where to start for us. We all got ready and stuff (there was some drama that went down and... yikes) and hung out for about six hours because we performed at 5:30.

    They had donuts at the comp and they were so good it's not even funny. So I bought three. :D And then there was also hot chocolate and I couldn't resist. So I was on a sugar high for a while before the show, and then I got super tired and sat in a corner for twenty minutes.

    Firkins then rounded everyone up to go to our homeroom, and he pulled out these papers with everyone's names on them. We'd written notes to each other on the papers a couple weeks ago, and he handed them out last night. I was crying so hard I couldn't even read the whole thing, and then I had to redo half my makeup because I'd cried it all off.

    Then we went to warm-up and went over some parts of the show that needed just a quick run-through. And Firkins had us stand in a circle and sing the ballad. Most of us were holding hands. I made it to the second verse before I started crying--and THEN Firkins started going around and hugging us one-by-one. I was literally sobbing xD I couldn't even sing! So the costume moms passed out tissues and we couldn't go back to redo our makeup so it was what it was and we went on stage and slayed.

    We got best costumes, best choreography, best vocals, and grand champions. And with it, we celebrated the first time EVER that Leaders has gone undefeated.

    I will miss that group so much. We have one last performance on Tuesday, and then we're done.


    I shall go cry in the corner now because I'm so happy but so sad all at the same time. :): 

  13. Ookay 

    My finals start from tomorrow 

    Ah im nervous 

    First paper is english language but somehow that makes me more nervous 

    I can do this right  

    My writing is good isnt it? Cause like the essay is a huge part of the paper 




  14. And look what im reading! 




  15. You know you're a biker when you walk around with blood dripping down your legs for 2 hours and don't notice until someone freaks out and asks you what happened and then you don't even know. :rolleyes:

    In other news, life is pretty good! I have a ton of homework to do, but I've decided to ignore it completely, and therefore I'm not stressed! 

  16. A fruity, fiery word is orange

    but versing it requires a crime.

    Our dear friend Hoid would grab the door hinge

    and flee in light of this slant rhyme.


    - attempting the Archivists poetry challenge.

  17. You know you're a biker when you walk around with blood dripping down your legs for 2 hours and don't notice until someone freaks out and asks you what happened and then you don't even know. :rolleyes:

    In other news, life is pretty good! I have a ton of homework to do, but I've decided to ignore it completely, and therefore I'm not stressed! 

  18. Im still confused who is who 

  19. Guys I reached a 380 day streak Duolingoooo

    *tired screaming*


    I've also got an irl commission that I've gotta make for a friend - and I'm gonna get payed whooo

    *more tired screaming*

    Have a wonderful day/morning/afternoon/evening humans!

  20. Guys I reached a 380 day streak Duolingoooo

    *tired screaming*


    I've also got an irl commission that I've gotta make for a friend - and I'm gonna get payed whooo

    *more tired screaming*

    Have a wonderful day/morning/afternoon/evening humans!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      (Haha, a little cash does not hurt at all :P)

      What's the commission?

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  21. Guys I reached a 380 day streak Duolingoooo

    *tired screaming*


    I've also got an irl commission that I've gotta make for a friend - and I'm gonna get payed whooo

    *more tired screaming*

    Have a wonderful day/morning/afternoon/evening humans!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      That's an accomplishment!

      Getting paid for doing what you love is when it really starts to get fun :D

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  22. Guys I reached a 380 day streak Duolingoooo

    *tired screaming*


    I've also got an irl commission that I've gotta make for a friend - and I'm gonna get payed whooo

    *more tired screaming*

    Have a wonderful day/morning/afternoon/evening humans!

  23. I need help!!!

    I’m participating in my school’s slam poetry competition and the poem is due tomorrow and I haven’t finished writing it yet! If anyone has any revisions, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated!

    Here’s the poem, so far:


    One friend is sad

    The other hates life

    Another is mad

    And more are in strife


    Then why am I happy?

    I’m living on a cloud

    I’m always so peppy

    And have reasons to be proud


    When my friends need rescue

    I’m a sympathetic soul

    But how can I feel cut in two

    When I’ve always been whole?


    How am I supposed to empathize

    With what I’ve never felt?

    Should I maybe deemphasize

    The feelings with which I’ve always dwelt?


    Do I change nothing

    Staying blind to what they feel,

    Or do I love nothing

    And let gloom take the wheel?


    Should I only let darkness in my sight

    So I can feel like my friend?

    Or to them should I be a light

    So they know it’s not the end?


    Thus my inner turmoil sings

    With pleads to understand

    And with which my soul does ring

    With yearning to take their hand


    I want to say “it’ll all be okay”

    But would my friends believe me?

    To me, it’s always been this way

    So how will I set them free?


    This is all so confusing

    But maybe I don’t need to revise

    Maybe I’m doing enough and improving

    So my happiness I won’t need to compromise

    After that, I’m planning on making like a list of actions that good friends take to help friends in need, in a format of like “When my friends ask, I’ll answer  // When they talk, I’ll listen // When they cry, I’ll comfort” etc. so if you have any ideas for more verbs I can use, that would be great.

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