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Everything posted by Asperity

  1. Playing on PS3. Anyone else got it?
  2. I like the way it's laid out, with unfortunate things happening. Odium kind of has Roshar in a cluster of control so Roshar won't be in a great situation for a while. And what's this about Jasnah jumping to the past?
  3. Also we know that Braize is the world referred to as Damnation. It's in WoR but I 1) haven't seen it mentioned in this forum from the threads I've read and 2) didn't want to remake another thread as I had already made one in the Cosmere board.
  4. IIRC, there's a WoB that states Odium is currently Invested in Braize.
  5. Unrelated to the thread topic itself but to elaborate with this comment, I never understood why voting is a feature on this website. This is the only forum I visit and participate in because its purpose circumvents the fundamental flaws the large majority of all forums have but why on earth would voting ever have any relevance to theory-crafting? If its an obvious topic of misinformation or spam, moderation exists to cull that. Otherwise, I don't see the point. For heaven's sake, if somebody has an opinion you don't agree with it, perhaps you should frequent a website like Reddit where unpopular opinions are quelled and frowned upon. Or better yet, not use the internet as it is the last remaining bastion for any semblance of "free speech". On-topic: I can see Shash's perspective. Szeth hearing Nightblood could be treated in the same way Zane heard Ruin back in The Well of Ascension.
  6. I personally doubt it. Sadeas spent the entire book taunting Adolin, and Sadeas did abandon Dalinar, Adolin, and Dalinar's army. Simple vengeance, as far as I'm concerned. Sadeas outright told him he will kill Dalinar when he can, and Adolin had enough and did what was right.
  7. Cultivation's holder is alive, as WoB said, but this could be a different person than Cultivation's ORIGINAL holder.
  8. I think it might be helpful to have a list of revealed info solely about WoR, at least for a little while since the book just released and has Invested the obvious stimulation. Anyhow, I wonder if Mistborn 3 will be the Cosmere finale. While I'm sure Dragonsteel will have current events, it'll probably be more of a prequel since it's designated as a prequel.
  9. There's at least enough information we know PURELY from interviews/Q&As/etc to produce a novel.
  10. Wit also remarked that the Shards "here" (going with Roshar) are very specific.
  11. I feel like the pacing was a bit slow, or, easier to see coming what with the deadline from the glyphs and Kaladin's intermission from his Windrunner powers, etc. Barring that, I was very excited to see Nightblood at the end as I knew that he was going to show up somehow and was even more excited to spot the Cosmere references and reveals, which is the entire reason I'm interested in the meta-series. Now for an agonizing 10+ year wait until the meaty books are released but I wonder how Cosmere-packed each consecutive book will be now.
  12. There's a WoB that says Hoid can survive decapitation.
  13. IIRC, Odium is currently Invested on Braize so he could be currently AT Braize but I'm not sure.
  14. Could you ask if Adonalsium was sentient? Probably RAFO but we can try. Or ask how many entities currently exist that are equivalant-or-greater in power or knowledge compared to Hoid? And to indulge my own curiosity, ask him if he were to create a Shard who can read humans easily and is very perceptive, what would it be called?
  15. True. I just don't see the relevance of having a flashback character be a character that died in the previous half. If it was during 3, 4, or 5, then I could understand it. Just me.
  16. Right. I've seen entirely too many Nightblood-related threads lately that I can safely assume it probably shows up at the end of WoR and that a certain somebody in WoR is probably a certain somebody from another book so I'm a bit aggravated that I know all of this without ever even opening a single thread with spoilers. That's all.
  17. Ah, okay. I didn't know there was magma on Ashyn. Besides general Cosmere information, I try to stay blind when it comes to specifics.
  18. I'm reading WoR right now but beforehand, I was (very very slowly) reading through Memories of Ice. Question to those who have finished the Malazan series: Does it consistently stay as "crazy" throughout the entire series? I noticed that in the first book, there were multiple moments the book could have ended on a cliffhanger with major climaxes, and that was only at the halfway mark. I really enjoyed that aspect. (And for those who were having trouble reading the Malazan series, or even enjoyed it, read the Black Company series. It's where Malazan got its inspiration and a very well-done series involving excellent shades of grey. Plus, the author actually ties up his loose ends while providing a satisfying ending that actually makes sense.)
  19. Beats me, my man. Something we'll have to RAFO unfortunately. We might see some interaction between Odium and anything at the very least in the Braize scenes.
  20. Whoa, this is awesome. So we get an Eshonai book, Dalinar's will be the last in the first half, and I suppose that means Renarin will survive into the second half. Huh. I thought his comment on being able to pick out when a child is wrote badly was cute, and that electric world does sound really cool. One thing about Cosmere; he does make up some amazing magic systems although I think Legion would have made a decent Cosmere book, maybe in the vein of Silence Divine's magic system.
  21. To quote the wiki: "Ashyn is mostly barren, with a few fertile patches". I would envision the Halls to be a more... majestic place since I take it as what Roshar believes is their Heaven; not exactly a wasteland. The magic there makes sickness into power and that doesn't make sense to me, personally, as sickness/pain/etc would be null in a Heaven-esque place. And while I could be completely wrong, something I may have read (or assumed from something I read) told me that the Shard attempting to hide settled on Ashyn but if Ashyn were the Halls then that would be a major place of significance, I would imagine. If the place is poppin', that Shard doesn't want to be there.
  22. You're welcome. I was completely off where I remembered it was too. I naturally thought Eshonai because songs. Sorry for that but I'm glad you knew where to look.
  23. Can spoilers in the thread title stop being a thing?
  24. I don't remember the exact place. I thought it was in one of the Eshonai Interludes before Part Three as the exact statement read something like "Damnation, referred to as Braize in the old songs" but I couldn't find it there. Maybe in one of the Shallan POVs in early Part Three then as I'm not sure who else it would come into relevance for (with Shallan being a scholar and all.)
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