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Maddie The Survivor

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Everything posted by Maddie The Survivor

  1. Granted, but “Barbara Manatee” will play nonstop in your head for the rest of your life. I wish to personally know Thaidakar.
  2. Uhm…. Is your tongue that necessary? Or can you live without it. When you see a copy of RoW thrown into a fire.
  3. Nope. Not that I can think of. NHIE started a book, gave up on it, read it years later and loved it.
  4. Never heard of it. TPBM has a large irrational fear of something.
  5. I was doing a Hunger Games Simulator for my friend group and some of our friends who are in different friend groups. Anyways, it’s pretty ridiculous. 
    here are some screen shots of really funny moments:


    (the names are colored out for my friends’ privacy)


    Anyways, another cool thing, today I got 2nd place in this reading competition where we have to read like 25 books in like 3-4 months then answer questions. I had three other people on my team. (All of which are Sando fans) 

    it was pretty greatttt.

  6. At that point in time, I was younger so I hadn’t started it yet, several years ago, I didn’t know what I would like to you, so my mom told me to just put a little belt of everything. I also, don’t know what it was like, so I told my sister to ask my mom since I had no experience
  7. Kind of off topic, but story time!! A couple years back, I was home from school and my sister was looking through my backpack and found my… hygienic products and asked what they were….. and I told her they were wiped in case I ran out of toilet paper. Then she opened one of the… Things and well. Pushed on it so it came out of the tube and asked it I was sure it was a wipe. Then I told her to ask mom and not me. I did not want to be the person to.. explain certain things.
  8. When you play on Xbox because your freaking computer doesn’t have the capability to run Java so you are forced to play bedrock *cries on the inside* I remember when I first started playing Minecraft in 2016 and I though a stick was the coolest weapon ever and I thought I was so cool staring in a tree all day and night until the mobs went away.
  9. You guys, I don’t want to post another update, but I thought this was pretty funny:




    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I've had more on the forum games.

    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Yeah, but that's pretty common

  10. So, I don’t really know if someone has already made a thread about this, if someone has, than let me know! so basically, I was thinking, and I am genuinely curious to see what your guy’s favorite movies are. Soyou will just list your top 5 favorite movies (no tv shows or movies series) you can also list your reasons why. here are mine: 1. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. As a Star Wars fan, this seems pretty typical, I do know a lot of people who like Empire Strikes Back. But I really enjoyed this movie, even in my childhood, growing up with parents who are Star Wars Fanatics gets you watching these movies at a young age. Even when I was seven, I would always be watching this movie. I love the plot and it genuinely made me cry. 2. To Kill a Mockingbird. this movie is just incredible, (I have not had the pleasure to read the book yet) I really think it just inspires you to be a better person, the plot itself is incredible. I really can’t think of a good word to describe it, if you have seen it, then you may know what I’m talking about. It is definitely my favorite really old movie. 3. A Quiet Place. I find this movie thrilling! I can’t not watch it and still jump at the jump scares. I really like how John Krasinski directed it. 4. Shrek. You can’t not love this movie. It is one of the few movies I can watch multiple times in a certain time period. It is just really funny and I like how they added Smash Mouth songs. It is just one of those movies that just about everyone loves. 5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. I really love the books don’t get me wrong, but I think this movie is close to being just as good. I love this movie! It has made me cry in both tears of happiness and tears of sorrow. I really love part 2 because it has most of the major event, which I will not list for spoilerly reasons. I really love this movie! Yeah, those are my top 5 favorite movies. If you haven’t seen any of them, I highly recommend! I can’t wait to see what you guys have!
  11. Eeee! I thought I was one of maybe one or two fans on the Shard!!! Spoilers: So, I had heard that the actor of Jim (John Krasinski) from the office was in it, so I had to see it. Someone had also told me that his wife, Emily Blunt was in it, and that got me even more excited. Honestly, both movies are in my top five.
  12. Honestly, I would rather have this song stuck in my head than the actual version! It truly is a work of art! Edit:I’m sorry, if the first sentence sound insincere, I am just at a loss of words. (It’s really good)
  13. Guys, I’m supposed to write Goat Worlds, not live in them.” Brandon Sanderson
  14. Sorry about posting again but.

    that depressing part of the day where someone really deserves it but you can’t give it to them.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Now I am slightly confused because I can give rep now….. 

    3. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Each upvote resets at 24 hours, so some of them probably came back.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      yeah, sadly I get that message a lot.

  15. I was once staying at a motel 6, (we were on a road trip and we couldn’t find any free hotels) and I went to sleep late, then I woke up and my dad told me that in the middle of the night, I had slept walk and was leaning over him and staring at him while he slept, then we woke up and was completely freaked out. then another time I apparently had grabbed my scriptures and asked my mom to read them in an Australian accent mixed with a Texan Accent. yea, I’m a special person lol.
  16. I had one not to long ago, it might be all over the place so, that’s your warning lol. I had been invited to go into space, except, there was Oxygen In space, so I didn’t have to worry about suffocating. The dude that had invited me into space was none other than a mad scientist, who had the thing that Syndrome had in Incredibles (the divide that puts a blue force field around it and you can make it move wherever you want my moving your arm.) then the Scientist grabbed a WHOLE planet, and “accidentally” made it crash into earth. Then I had eventually gone back home (I was like 10 in my dream for some reason) and I came back into earth and there were pools of acid on the ground, and believe it or not, dinosaurs which had apparently “hopped” over as the two planets collided. I ran home and went to my basement to pack my bag, then for some reason, my room had a window that saw into the hallway and there was a velociraptor looking into my bedroom. I had screamed and grabbed my backpack and started packing huge Legos. Then I booked it upstairs and drove away, I drove as a 10 year old. Then I woke up with no covers on and everything knocked off of my nightstand. yep, it’s a pretty special dream.
  17. 465. Believe that anyone could die at any moment. You never know who might be next. But still enjoy living in the fantasy world.
  18. Granted, but you can only spend it at the Dollar Tree (Dollar general, all places like that) I wish to live in Urithiru.
  19. I see it. It actually makes sense. Brandon is a member of the Church of Jesus a Christ of Latter Day Saints. So that is pretty likely. I like where you are thinkin.
  20. Happy pi day everyone!!!

  21. Nah, succulents are better. Probably Wall-E. what’s your guy’s favorite DreamWorks movie?
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