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Maddie The Survivor

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Everything posted by Maddie The Survivor

  1. Hey guys! So I started reading a new book! It’s called Matched by Ally Condie. Have any of you guys read it?

    1. Spren of Kindness

      Spren of Kindness

      Nope.  I've looked at it a couple times, though.

    2. Vapor



  2. Ok, so after like forever, I decided to sit down and finish Cytonic. I honestly-

    wow, just, wow

  3. So, I’m not much of an artist…

    but I decided to “design” shoes (more like use sharpies) anyways, I really didn’t know what to do so, this happened:




    (Sorry the lighting is really bad the shoes also look super small lol)


  4. So, I don’t think I have ever gin out and said that I love football (American) and I’m currently watching the Dallas Cowboys vs the San Francisco 49ers. I am a cowboys fan, don’t judge ik they haven’t been doing too great in past years, but I do have hope for the big game in February! Anyways what I’m trying to say is:

    GO COWBOYS!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doomstick


      It is my geographical duty to oppose you on this 

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      hey, at least you dont like the Seahawks like me... 

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  5. Hmm.. maybe a boy or gender neutral name. If you guys have any ideas, I’m open to suggestions!
  6. Eating a ghost pepper on Abraham Lincolns birthday, but thinking it’s a bell pepper and thinking it’s George Washington’s Birthday.
  7. Don’t you just love being sick. It’s soooooooo much fun, especially when you don’t get to see your friends and miss out in all the important projects that effect your grade. Fun am I right?


    Sorry guys, I’m just incredibly bored and all I want to do is lay in bed, but you can’t to many things in bed…. 

    Anyways, how have you guys been?

  8. Guys, I’m not going out anywhere because I’m not feeling all that great, so I’m going to take advantage of today and I’m gonna read half of Cytonic today. I should be able to do it…


    I’m 99% sure I can do it since I read an entire Keeper of the Lost Cities book in a day. And those are like 600 pages or sm like that. I only have to read 200 pages so… I’ll let you guys know what happens….


    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Oh yeah, you can do it. About a month ago, I decided to finally sit down and read Skyward, and it took me about two or less days to read it. Considering my schedule and how hectic it can be, I think I made good time lol.

  9. So basically this is a thread about my Succulents and my cactus. Honestly, I’m bored and my plants are like my little roommates. I’ll try to post often with pictures of my plants with updates. And if I get anymore plants then you guys can help me name them. Here is a picture of Maddie Here is a picture of Evelyne: (I feel bad for Evelyne, I don’t know what is happening) And here is a picture of the undecided one: So, yea those are my plants!
  10. I got tested for Covid today.

    I had to do the nose test and they told me to do it myself and it was very painful because I stuck it up too far:D


    It was negative, thankfully.


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Ouch. I'm glad you're okay!

  11. Thank you so much! I’ve already busted out my sketchbook and pencil set. (even though I really should be sleeping)
  12. Those are amazing! I still don’t get how you do it! Do you have any tips for someone who wants to get better at drawing?
  13. Well, if you haven’t read it, The Hunger Games. It does have romance but I don’t think it’s too overwhelming. Keeper of the Lost Cities is just great too. (It is more of a YA or middle schooler book but it’s still amazing)
  14. Soooooooooo…

    The really only time I have time to actually get in the Shard is when I’m extremely bored, watch a bunch of yt and Shardcasts. Then (I think almost everyone has done this) sneak into the  pantry, grab some junk food and watch stuff on your phone. When you should be sleeping. I am certainly not proud of it, but I like to workout and play some basketball so, in my logic, I deserve it.

    Anyways that’s beside the point, I’ll probably only be able to be active during the nights. 

    Soooooo. How are you guys doing?

    1. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather

      A bit tired, but other than that, I'm quite good. How are you?

    2. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Running on three hours of sleep :D

    3. DramaQueen


      That's the way I initially got active on the Shard. Late at night, I pulled my Chromebook from its hiding spot under my bed, then got on the Shard and caught up on everything, making really good friends with people who were actually supposed to be awake, as they were on the other side of the world.

  15. Hey everyone! Happy new year! I hope you guys had a decent 2021!

    It’s crazy to think it’s been almost a year since I joined the shard! Thanks everyone for making 2021 awesome on the shard!

  16. Guys, so I got back from a vacation and I totally forgot that Cytonic had come out… then I remembered… So I’m like kinda obsessed… it’s pretty great. I love it so far! Eeeeeeeeeeeee!




    1. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      I apologize, I just get really excited when new books come out :D

  17. Hey guys! How many of you have read the Shattered Castle? It came out on the 19th of October.

    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Can’t say that I have :// It is something you recommend?

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      not yet, im waiting t borrow it from a friend, CANT WAIT>

    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Sorry, I forgot to respond, @Ookla the Mystic yes it is super good and I highly recommend!

  18. Hey guys! I’m back for a little bit. Sorry for just leaving I kinda forgot about the shard and started focusing on school. 

  19. I am almost halfway through Lux… I started it last night..


    Ya… last night at 11… hehe


  20. Who saw that they are making a Wheel of Time SERIES on AMAZON?! I haven’t even gotten halfway through the first book and I’m already pumped!!!!!!C050ECDE-9319-413C-96CB-E7403A4730B3.jpeg.bd8a163d3b3f1b7daf09addc0fa23110.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flying


      I'm like 2/3rds through the sixth book, but I've been annoying my family about the show for months.... Tomorrow there's a panel at comic con that's gonna have some WoT stuff. I'm hoping they're going to release the trailer, but I'll try not to get my hopes up :P

    3. LukeWasTaken


      B)already finished all 15 books, 3 years later and I am still not sure if I regret it.

    4. Flaming Coinshot

      Flaming Coinshot

      Finished all of the books, five months later I occasionally pop in and reread parts of them and realize that I completely missed something semi-essential to the plot that makes everything make more sense. That guy had some true dedication.

  21. Sorry, I totally forgot about this rp. Ella dashed out the door and saw the creature snarling above her on the roof. She threw a knife at it. But she somehow missed. Strange Ella thought.
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