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Maddie The Survivor

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Everything posted by Maddie The Survivor

  1. I honestly want to know what should I read after Elantris? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      I’ve read, TWoK, WoR, OB, RoW, Mistborn, Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages, secret history. So, I suppose not much.

    3. Doomstick


      I'd say go MB Era 2 or warbreaker (those being the obvious choices as the only other cosmere novels)

    4. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Ok, after those, probably the rest of the Arcanum Unbounded? 

  2. I hope you like these Edit: this is my first time making memes, so I’m experimenting.
  3. Alright, it’s about time we ask the question, and I couldn’t find any topics in this forum to I guess I’ll ask the question. Will Kaladin say the 5th ideal in Stormlight 5? I personally think it’s very likely. I know he’s going to Shinovar (most likely with Szeth) (they are gonna get along great) so I don’t know if that will give an opportunity. I also think that the oath has someone to do with the bond. Like making really strong (like Syl being able to have a body?) So, what do you guys think?
  4. Asher just thought he should ignore the windspren. As we was walking about ten minutes later, that spren came up to him and said, “Hello! My same is Isabelle!” She said in a small voice. “Uhm hello Isabelle.” Asher said confused. Some of the people in the market were staring at him. Wait. They can’t see her? Asher wondered. Wait could this mean? “Uhm Isabelle, are you Honorspren?” ”what’s that?” Isabelle asked in her cute voice. Then she zipped away.
  5. Wow! Thanks everyone I won another day! It means a lot! 

  6. Hello! How is everyone?

    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      I'm doing pretty good, just trying to get my schoolwork done before Saturday, so I can go to an all day activity then, lol.


    2. Chinkoln


      I am experiencing anxiety, boredom, tiredness, and relaxation at once. We are reviewing for exams.

    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Not much honestly, I’m feeling a little anxious to find out what my grades are overall for this year. And testing is not fun at all.

  7. Well, my profile picture is green! @TheOnlyEdgedancersss Yes, I did watch part of it. I never finished it. I agree, I think most people over look this month and think nothing of it. For those people who fight depression or other mental illnesses, I look up to you. While, I have never had depression before, I have had anxiety. Like I said all of you guys who have mental illnesses you are true troopers, nothing less, but much more! Just remember that there is always someone who loves you and wants you to succeed!
  8. Oh my gosh! Thank you everyone! I have never won the day before! It means so much! Thank you!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Thanks! Wow!!! @Chinkoln how often do you win the day? You’re a very liked person on the shard!

    3. Chinkoln


      Thanks! I have won 35 times, though most were pretty recent

    4. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Wow!! That’s a lot!

  9. To be honest, I just had to change my username...

    1. TheOnlyEdgedancer


      Dude, I love it! I can’t get over how awesome Maddie’s full name is!

    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Thanks! Once again the name “Maddie” came from @Starborn42

  10. Ok, big announcement! The succulent’s name is (drumroll please) “Maddie The Survivor of The Pits of Hailey’s Room!” 
    Thanks to @Starborn42 for the name!

    Here is a picture:




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheOnlyEdgedancer
    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Thanks! I will try my hardest to give it a long and happy life :)

    4. Starborn42


      Yaaayyy!! Long live Maddie!

  11. Alright, whenever I get a plant it dies. This time, I’m determined to give this one a long and happy life. I got it from a local plant nursery. It’s so cute!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IHateVyre


      How about Noelle?

    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Ooooooo Maddie is really pretty! I think that is the name. “Maddie The Survivor of The Pits of Hailey’s room”

    4. TheOnlyEdgedancer
  12. Asher immediately thought, This could be Honorspren! I could be becoming a Windrunner! Then he cursed himself, he mustn’t get his hopes up, and after he said that he immediately felt silly.
  13. This is perfect! I am not a huge fan of Moash, so I’m excited about this!
  14. “Hello there!” The little windspren aaid in a feminine voice. “Uh. Hello?” Asher said, confused. The little spren laughed and zipped off. Strange, Asher thought.
  15. Hey everyone! What are you guys up to?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheOnlyEdgedancer


      Oh no! That’s not good! I hope she gets better! How did she dislocate it?

    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      She was getting out of a trampolines then basically dove arm first out of it, and landed on it.

    4. TheOnlyEdgedancer


      Oh my gosh! I hope she has recovered alright!

  16. Asher walked through the market toward that prick of light. As he got closer, he could see it better. It was a windspren! What? Asher thought, how would a windspren be indoors?
  17. Asher walked. After the meeting, he decided to walk to the market and see if he could find something to do. What was that Asher thought. A little blue prick of light bobbing around just ahead of him.
  18. Sure! Is you want to! So far it’s only me and @Random Bystander you guys can start your character’s story whenever.
  19. May the 4th be with you! Alright, tbh I’m excited about The Bad Batch. If you don’t know what that is, it is a new series on Disney + about some.. unusual clones from the clone wars. Are you guys excited? 
    I also believe I the one year anniversary of the last episode of Clone Wars. Sad. Anyways, it may be May 5th for some one you, but it’s still currently May 4th for me. S

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn


      To be fair, the focus on the show is not on Ahsoka, but it's about Din making sure Grogu is trained right. If you want a show focused on her, watch Clone Wars or the new Ahsoka show coming out. And Rebels too, I guess.


    3. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      I will admit that I may or may not have only watched the Ahsoka episodes in Rebels :P

    4. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      I mean, the show itself in the first and second season was really good, compared to Clone Wars that is. When it got into the third and fourth season, that's where Filoni's writing truly shone. It's not a bad show and I recommend only the third and fourth season, if you want good story; either than that, you can give it a watch.

      The only reason why Rebels doesn't look as good as the later seasons of Clone Wars or Bad Batch (in animation, that is), is because Filoni (main writer/director of the Clone Wars, Rebels, Mando, and now Bad Batch; he even directed/wrote some episodes in ATLA, before taking on Clone Wars) wasn't given a whole lot of money/budget to work on Rebels, animation wise or really with seasons. If he was given a better budget with it, the animation would probably be on par with Clone Wars and Bad Batch.

  20. Thaidakar is pretty cool! Do you know who he is? Have you read RoW?
  21. Welcome! Mistborn is really good! I love SA too! I take it Vyre is your least favorite Stormlight Archive character. Who is your favorite? (Also I hate Vyre to (more than anything) )
  22. Hey guys! I started a new Roleplay, called Becoming Radiants. I was bored, so writing about people becoming Radiants sounded interesting. You guys are free to join if you want to!

    1. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Honestly would love to join, but also I haven’t really been rping because school and also I haven’t finished RoW bc school.

    2. Maddie The Survivor

      Maddie The Survivor

      Oh oof. Well, at least summer is coming up! I’m honestly really excited! More reading!!

    3. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Yaaa, except I'm probably going to be sleeping the whole time lol.

  23. Asher strode down one of the hallways of Urithiru. He passed some darkeyed soldiers outside a door, probably guarding the Blackthorn’s quarters. Asher had a meeting to get to with some friends. He didn’t particularly like the meetings, but his friends insisted. As he walked, he saw Erik. “Asher!” Erik said. “Have you seen Zahel? He’s not in his quarters or in the training grounds.” “I haven’t seen him, maybe he’s doing laundry?” Ahsher said, he had once seen Master Zahel doing laundry while he walked by. “Alright thanks!” Erik said. Then sprinted away in the other direction. Asher walked on, he had to be on time, he was well, almost always late. A figure walked by, Asher immediately made way. The darkeyed soldiers froze. Everyone in the hallway parted. Kaladin Stormblessed walked by. Asher gawked. This was the man who kept fighting when all other radiants were unconscious. Asher wanted so badly to be a radiant. He was about Kaladin’s age, and was a capable fighter. He didn’t understand why he hadn’t managed to bond a spren yet. As Kaladin passed, Asher made eye contact with him. Wow, those eyes could drill holes through stone. Asher thought. After Kaladin passed, Asher went back to walking. He had a meeting to get to.
  24. Alright, this will probably and to about people becoming radiants, I’m not sure if there is already one of these, but I wanted a fresh one anyway. Please make sure you have read RoW! We will use some spoilers. This will mostly take place at Urithiru. Also, one person may clam the Nightwatcher for a bond. Anyways, can you guys make character sheets? Here is mine: Name: Asher Age: 18 Future Radiant power: Windrunner physical abilities (not powers) good with sword (taught by Zahel), (ill right more soon) appearance: black hair, freckles , scar under right eye, mildly pointy nose. miscellaneous: can read, wants to be in Dalinars guard, (more to come) (We’ll start the roleplay when some people join)
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