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Everything posted by Trusk'our

  1. When shards like Odium visit mortals, they seem to need a certain strength of Connection to do so, as we see with Dalinar, Moash, and Taravangian in RoW. But could the reverse be done? Could a mortal who had the ability to manipulate Connection be able to visit a shard in their own realm by manipulating Connection? If a Feruchemist could store the Connection associated with Odium, while hiding themselves from Odium’s future sight via chromium, could they visit Odium and attack him with Nightblood, killing him? This seems like the kind of scheme a certain Scadrian would plan
  2. Based on the technological development that is going throughout the Cosmere, does it seem likely that the Taldainians will create a dyson sphere at some point, allowing them to get as much investiture as they want?
  3. I meant more along the lines of the lifeless being able to fill metalminds, possibly while being able to blank their Identity, possible filling them with nicrosil investiture as well, so that you, as their awakener, could benefit from it.
  4. My thoughts exactly, as Forgery doesn't use much investiture itself, so it can only realistically be used for relatively low investiture endeavors.
  5. I actually don't like Sel's magic very much. Well, not Elantrian magic, anyway. It just feels too much like a "Well, I can do basically anything, but I choose not to for plot purposes and stuff", like how pretty much every standard fantasy wizard works. But I suppose that's just my personal preference.
  6. First, awaken a body to create a Lifeless. Second, Feruchemically store the memories, Identity, and a good portion of health in an unsealed metalmind. Third, have the newly awakened Lifeless tap the metalmind, giving it a foundation for it's new Identity, as well as granting it the ability to physically shape itself into what it's Identity now is. Does this sound doable?
  7. I used to think that Awakening could do just about anything without needing other magic systems for hacks if used with the right command and with enough skill (i.e. using breaths to enhance body or mind by investing them with a command, editing your own spiritweb, copying other invested arts' abilities, or creating powerful invested objects like Nightblood by simply investing enough breath into their creation). However, this quote changes things... Apparently, you can only work with the intrinsic properties of something that you awaken, which greatly limits your abilities. Not only that, but since Awakening follows Endowment's Intent of giving things away, you are somewhat limited in how much you can modify yourself (I know there's a quote somewhere, but I couldn't find it). I'm actually pretty glad about this, as it helps balance a magic system that once felt like it would outshine the others. Nightblood, however, is a special case, since it quite clearly has some magical abilities that normal swords don't have. My theory on this is that a hack between Hemalurgy and Awakening was used in order to make it work, as if you were to awaken something that already had magical properties, you should be able to manipulate them further with Awakening. I feel that my assumption that a Hemalurgic charge being involved with Nightblood's creation is supported by this quote here. Not only that, but Nightblood is black, and the color black is associated with Ruin's investiture. Although, I suppose that Nightblood could have simply absorbed investiture from a Hemalurgic spike after killing a Hemalurgist at some point, or that some other weird investiture mechanic is going on that we simply don't know much about yet.
  8. In the Hallendren court of Gods, the Returned seem to be able to get away with a lot of things without punishment, because it would be rather difficult for the priests to justify disciplining them, I would imagine. But what if they did something truly horrible? Killing a normal human being would be bad enough, but with their station, they could likely still get away with it. But killing one of their fellow Returned? What would the priests do in such a situation?
  9. When someone summons a shardblade, their eyes lighten in color. Is this because they receive a small boost of investiture after summoning it? In addition, this can be passed on to the shard-holder's children, which indicates that there is some kind of change to their spiritual DNA. Would this be similar to how a lerasium mistborn's children will have a stronger Connection to Preservation?
  10. You can outsource some of your memories to your breaths if you hold any. Similarly, you can store your extra memories inside a coppermind via Feruchemy. However, breaths are pretty hard to remover from you, while your copperminds can be physically removed without too much effort. Plus, based on what we see with Hoid in RoW, it would seem that you still have your memories while they're held by breaths, while with copperminds you actually forget what is stored in them until you tap them again. So, are breaths better than copperminds?
  11. When you are in the cognitive realm, can you use emotional Allomancy on people in the physical realm? Are there other things that can be done in the cognitive realm with emotional Allomancy, such a "physically" manipulating someone else currently existing there too?
  12. So, I'm a bit confused as to how this actually works, but I can think of multiple ways it could work; 1. When you store Connection, you store all of your Connections equally. When you tap the metalmind, you tap all of the stored Connections equally. 2. When you store Connection, you may choose to store specific Connections, leaving others untouched if you desire, similar to storing memories in a coppermind or senses in a tinmind. When you tap the metalmind, you may choose to tap only specific Connections, making only those stronger. 3. When you store Connection, you store the ability to create new Connections and to strengthen pre-existing ones. When you tap the metalmind, you can create new Connections much more quickly, and make them much stronger than you normally can. So, which of these sounds most like what Feruchemical Duralumin actually does, or are none of them correct?
  13. How do Connections naturally form? Is it just through interaction? Does the amount of time spent with a person or object increase your Connection to that thing? For example, lets say I'm a soldier and have two swords. The first sword I use all the time and take extra good care of because it was given to me as a gift by my friend before I left for war. The second was given to me as part of my standard equipment for being a soldier, but I hardly ever use it, and only spend minimal time upkeeping it, just enough to keep my superiors off my back. So would the first sword have a stronger Connection to me because I interact with it more, and because it has greater emotional value to me? We see in RoW that Odium grows stronger in Connection to multiple people (i.e., Taravangian, Moash, and Dalinar), even though not all of them exemplify his Intent. Is this because they interact more, and because Odium spares more of his attention for them?
  14. If a singer's gemheart breaks, do they automatically change to slave form? Can their gemheart heal with time, or is it a permanent injury?
  15. I'm not sure that this is how Hemalurgy works. Feruchemical metalminds, I believe, would be less likely to cause infections in someone who was spiked by them, as they are invested, but they wouldn't likely be able to grant abilities to someone who was pierced by them, as that's not really what they do; Hemalurgy works by removing a functional piece of someone's spiritweb, and then allows you to graft it to someone else. Feruchemical objects store investiture, which when tapped enhances them in some way. I don't think that you could give most objects, even a Feruchemically charged one, a Hemalurgically charged spike and expect anything to happen, as I don't believe that they have enough of a spiritweb or Identity to interact with it in any meaningful way. I believe that there is a WoB saying that if an AI were to exist in the cosmere that it would be spike-able, so that leads me to conclude that maybe you could grant Hemalurgic spikes to awakened objects, but ones made of metal, like Nightblood, would bring a more practical issue in that they need to be pierced by the metal in order for their spiritweb to be effected, but that's probably going to be hard to work with for obvious reasons. This quote here pretty much says that memory isn't something that can be transferred Hemalurgically; perhaps it is too much of a cognitive quality and not enough spiritual. I do think that you could modify someone's bones to become stronger and have an increased density, but that would require expert skill and knowledge of Hemalurgy to work, and there would likely be some nasty side effects, such as other unwanted mutations.
  16. I thought that Oldmother's more elderly appearance was simply due to the fact that she viewed herself as being more elderly, possibly because she was older when she returned.
  17. I suppose that 'future sight' as an ability on it's own wouldn't count as what Taravangian was doing, really, even if he predicted the future using a combination of tools to do so. I would count 'future sight' as any kind of ability to accurately predict the future, whether it be Feruchemical chromium, allomantic electrum, Renarin's visions, or Sak's death prediction. Yeah, Tarivangian accurately predicted the future, even if he used indirect methods of doing so. But I'm not sure that I would count it as 'future sight' since he didn't personally see into the spiritual realm, but he did predict the future without needing it. I suppose a good way of putting the question to rest of whether he actually used future sight after a fashion would be if his own predictions tampered with others' abilities to predict the future, just as when anyone who uses future sight with interfere with anyone else trying to use it.
  18. Well, they do have a higher degree of intelligence than other animals. Plus, you can communicate and make deals with some creatures telepathically, like when Dusk 'talked' with those mouse creatures (can't remember their actual name).
  19. The Coppermind Wiki says that Feruchemical tin can be used to store more than the traditional five human senses. Theoretically, could you get a creature from Patji to store it's mind sense inside an unsealed tin mind, then tap it for yourself to get that sense? Could an aviar like Sak that could see into the future a little bit store that sense for later use inside a tin mind?
  20. Heck, based on what we know about bonds, you could probably manipulate a knight radiant into making you their squire without them even being aware of it if you were to tap enough duralumin.
  21. That would make sense if that were the case. I, personally, am quite exited to see what they really are when The Lost Metal finally comes out.
  22. Also true. Huh, I guess they do have natural charisma after all
  23. That's a way better explanation than what I gave.
  24. When a large enough amount of investiture is within one location, a perpendicularity can form. Is the reason for the perpendicularity forming near Elantris because the city is basically a giant Aon that draws investiture to it?
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