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Everything posted by Trusk'our

  1. Found this quote here that seems to support my theory. (wait, did I just answer my own post? Shoot, I usually try to let someone else do that, but, eh, what can you do )
  2. So I actually went into the Arcanum, and it appears that it may not in fact be possible to do what I asked. But then again... so maybe you could change yourself in the way I suggest, but it would be harder than changing your spiritweb to believe you had different experiences.
  3. In Row, when Hoid is talking to Jasnah, he says that he isn’t bound. I found this kind of funny, as technically he is, because he held a Dawnshard for an extended period of time, he can no longer cause any harm to any living being, at least not physically. I suppose he probably meant he wasn’t bound as he shards were, but still, to me it just felt a bit like a fib on Hoid’s part, since he has some limitations magically imposed on him.
  4. Okay, now I want to mention that I’m pretty sure that the Unsealed Metalmind that granted all powers that we see in The Bands of Mourning were created by Kelsier, acting as the Sovereign, not the Lord Ruler. However, that’s not to say that the Metalminds that the Lord Ruler possessed weren’t Unsealed either. In The Bands of Mourning, the characters questioned why the Lord Ruler would have wanted to turn his bracers into Unsealed Metalminds, as that could have given someone else his powers. However, he could have done this because he feared getting Hemalurgically spiked. If his bracers really were Unsealed Metalminds, then even if he had his Feruchemical gold stolen away Hemalurgically, he could have tapped the Unsealed Metalminds to regain the power (of course he could probably have just Allomantically burned a goldmind that he’d already filled, but still). Additionally, he may have been okay with someone else gaining his power if he were to perish. We see that he did try to prepare humanity for Ruin, even if he died, so I don’t think it’s that far-fetched an idea to think that he wanted to give one last bit of an edge to whoever would have survived his death. Plus, no one even knew about Unsealed Metalminds at the time, and you can’t tap them without knowing that you can tap them first. I certainly could be wrong, and Rashek very likely didn’t make Unsealed Metalminds, but slight as it is, I think that there is still a possibility.
  5. Personally, I think that Feruchemical duralumin would be the best, as you could understand the local language, and you’d have an easier time interacting with the local magic system. Barring that, Allomantic bronze might also be a good option, as you would be able to sense sources of investiture, and Allomantic chromium would be a good option too, because you could sap the investiture from certain things that otherwise could harm you.
  6. It sounds like you might actually be able to use nicrosil Hemalurgy to steal breaths . I had a discussion with another 17th sharder, ShardlessVessel, on my "Can Raysium steal Breaths?" thread. This was the quote I used for my argument that Hemalurgy could not steal breaths. And this was the quote used by ShardlessVessel. They also pointed out that the quote I used was from 2015, while the one they used was from 2021. Brandon Sanderson may have now made up his mind and decided that Breaths can, in fact, be stolen via Hemalurgy. Stealing Breaths themselves may not be a revolutionary ability, since you can forcibly take them though other means (i.e., torture; let's face it, it's something that can happen ), but if you can take regular and not just Divine Breaths, then you could probably take other sources of investiture not tied directly to a person's soul, such as the stormlight held by a Surgebingder, or the power held by a Misting burning metal, or a Feruchemist tapping a metalmind. This means you could fill Hemalurgic nicrosil spikes with investiture using this method, rather than trying to do so with a much rarer and more difficult to obtain source of power, such as divine Breaths. And if my guess is correct, then nicrosil Hemalurgy can be used to grant heightening-like effect, such as biological immortality. If this is the case, then you could, through a comparatively easy method, gain immortality. Though of course, this is just speculation, and it very well could be that nicrosil Hemalurgy doesn't grant heightening-like effects. Although, if that's not the case, what would it grant?
  7. This WoB says that Allomantic bronze could sense sources of investiture that are harder to detect normally, but that it would require a minor “tweak” of some kind Holding Bio-Chromatic Breaths allows one to sense nearby sources of investiture, including those that aren’t active. If an Allomantic Seeker could get ahold of some Breaths, could the interaction between the two sources of investiture allow their bronze sense to detect these sources of inactive investiture as well?
  8. If an Alethi were to travel to Nalthis, get some Breaths, die and then Return, would their already absurd height be increased even further?
  9. I think that a sufficiently sized metalmind that was filled with enough of a Feruchemical charge would block a shardblade, but I doubt that it would gain the other effects of a shardblade, such as it's nigh indestructibility, or it's supernatural sharpness. Those abilities seem specific to the godmetal(s) used to create shardblades and Honorblades. Even Nightblood, when satiated, has sharpness compairible to a normal sword
  10. I've just got to say it, I absolutely love this idea It also seems like it could be very, very powerful, even if you only could see a few seconds in the future.
  11. Based on the fact that Kaladin can still lash a Fused who is holding voidlight, albeit with some added effort, I'd say you're most likely right that even if a it did offer you some added resistance, a Coppercloud could be overwhelmed by a determined Soulcaster with enough stormlight. It's really just a question of whether it would only be the added investiture from Allomantically burning copper that would be protecting you, or whether the actual ability would grant you some added protection as well.
  12. I guess what I originally meant was regarding the tones, not the rhythms, since the anti-tones are what we've seen used to repel those who are invested, such as the Fused. Sorry I got those mixed up. I actually don't know that the rhythms could be weaponized in the way I was suggesting, since they're more like a way for those who can attune them to bond certain spren, or convey emotions. It's the tones that have an opposite, which we've already seen used to disrupt invested beings, even if it wasn't that powerful. Once again, sorry about my ignorance
  13. Why would you need to be a savant? Regular Allomantic copper already protects your cognitive aspect from manipulation.
  14. There is a WoB that says that if a Forgery were stolen via Hemalurgy there would be less damage done to the spiritweb of the donor than would typically take place. Could you use this as a viable method to protect yourself from Hemalurgic theft? Could you create a “dormant” piece of false spiritweb, similar to how there is DNA in real life that is dormant, so that you don’t actually make any adverse changes to yourself in order to gain extra protection? Maybe you could do this by making a Forgery that doesn’t change anything about your past, but is basically the same as what actually happened. Are there any magic systems other than Forgery that might be good at this?
  15. Could you use a Forgery to remove a magic user’s ability to access investiture? I could see this happening for Allomancy or Feruchemy, at least, as they aren’t particularly invested while they are neither burning or tapping. Any kind of magic that involved bonds, such as Surgebinding or the Aviar, would probably not work well though. Awakening wouldn’t likely work well either, since the investiture is already there, and would provide significant resistance.
  16. As to what's in the hidden contents, same here as to what I think.
  17. Ah. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. I didn't check the date of either of the quotes, but yeah, you should be able to do it. That does leave open some other interesting implications, however. Could you use Hemalurgic Nicrosil to absorb the investiture held by an Allomancer burning metal, or a Feruchemist tapping a metalmind? Maybe you could grant someone heightening-like abilities with these spikes. If so, then this would definitely be a tempting prospect for anyone who wanted agelessness, as it would likely be far easier than collecting two-thousand Breaths.
  18. If you were to coat an object (or person, theoretically) in aluminum, would someone still be able to see their future? Could you conceal a weapon, such as Nightblood, from a shard by using this method?
  19. Following up on the idea I had about using perfect gemstones as Feruchemical storages, could they also be used as Allomantic storages? If an allomancer were to draw out their investiture via raysium, and store it in a gemstone, perfect or flawed, could they then breathe it in as Vin did with the mists? Would it be keyed to their Identity? Unlike a surgebinder, when an allomancer gets investiture into their system, it gets immediately turned into kinetic investiture. Would that stay true if they used gemstones? Would they be able to hold it in their body as a surgebinder does, and gain certain passive benefits? If not, then it would likely act as a kind of miniature duralumin burn, as they would be able to draw in lots of investiture that would immediately be used, only it would have more control, since it would only enhance that one ability and not all the other metals they were burning.
  20. Perfect gemstones can hold a larger amount of stormlight than a regular, flawed gemstone. Could they also potentially be used to hold a larger amount of a Feruchemical charge than a metalmind? A Feruchemist could prick themselves with a raysium knife while tapping a metalmind, then use this as a way to store their investiture within a perfect gemstone instead of a piece of metal. Would they be able to tap the gemstone? Could they breathe in the investiture, like a surgebinder? Or would it be even more difficult to retrieve it than what their magic system normally allows?
  21. Part of Forgery works on the principle of believability; if you try to make a Soulstamp that is far removed from what could have happened, it will either only stay a short time, or it will not work at all. This means that under normal conditions, changing a material from once substance to another would be basically impossible. But if you were to use a Soulstamp on something that was Soulcast, could you change it back to its original form? Could you change it into a different material than what it originally was Soulcast to? Could you use a Forgery on an object that never had been Soulcast, but change its past so that it had been Soulcast? If you were to Forge a rock that had been Soulcast from air back into air, would the Forgery fall apart? If it did, would it return to being a rock in its original form, would it turn into a rock cloud, or would it stay air?
  22. Could you create a Soulstamp on a Feruchemically viable piece of metal to create a Feruchemical charge for it, but that you didn’t need to store? You likely wouldn’t be able to get much of a charge out of it at once, but you could probably reapply the stamp after you drained it. Perhaps you could even move the Feruchemical charge out of the metalmind and into another, then reapply the stamp on the original metalmind, then continue to merge that investiture granted by the stamp with the other metalmind you’ve stored the forged Feruchemical charges in, allowing you to store the investiture for later use.
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