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DramaQueen last won the day on October 6 2022

DramaQueen had the most liked content!

About DramaQueen

  • Birthday June 11

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    I put the "quaint" in "acquaintance" (she/they/he/neopronouns)
  • Location
    On your mind ;)
  • Interests
    Acting, singing, dancing, reading, writing, RPing, home decor, animals, Good Omens, Miraculous Ladybug, The Owl House, Amphibia, dinosaurs, plants, bugs, hats, fairies, mermaids, art, makeup, fashion, stars, space, swimming, the ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles, stuffed animals, Taylor Swift, and the fact that we're all just little pieces of the universe trying to understand the whole.

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  1. As I'm sure you all know, today is a very important day











    Happy Fourth of July!!











    Nah, that's not it. It's my Shardiversary!

    Two years here, and a *whole bunch* of incredible people who've been added to my life. Seriously, I can't imagine my life without the Shard anymore, y'all have made an imprint in my heart. holy scud that sounds cheesy...

    I know I'm going to end up forgetting people no matter what, but I still want to try to remember everyone.


    First and foremost, @Channelknight Fadran

    Thank you for being my best friend for the past two years. I'm so, so glad that I met you, and I wouldn't change a bit of our friendship.



    You have become one of my very best friends over the past year or so, and I am so grateful for that. Screaming with you about Hunchback and whatever other shows we're currently obsessed with, and just you letting me rant to you about all sorts of things, from my confusing emotions to the randomest stuff in the universe have been some of my favorite things ever


    @Knight of Iron

    Koi, you have probably become one of my best friends just in the past, like, week and a half. Thanks for getting me re-obsessed with Imagine Dragons and just being an awesome friend!



    Vapsy!! I seriously love you so much. You are gorgeous and so sweet and wonderful and I wish you realized how very incredible you are. The few times I've been able to hang out with you have been so much fun and I wish I could see you more often



    Connie, the same things I said to Vapor apply to you. You were one of my first friends on the Shard and you're still one of my best friends here. Love ya!



    I've loved reading your poetry lately and I am still undescribably happy for you! You've been a constant during my time on the Shard and I'm really glad for that! You're incredible :))



    I'm *quite* excited for you to meet Moe irl. Also, I'm quite grateful that I've been able to have you as a friend and meet you in person. also can I have every recipe you've ever made ever? I want food


    I'd totally go in-depth on every person I've interacted with on here, but....I am lazy so here are some honorable mentions




    @Zephrun's Imperium










    @Enter a username

    @Mystic Syn



    Love you all, here's to another...year and then I'm probably leaving on my mission :).


    I'm very proud of my phone dealing with all those tags.

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