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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. I have very specific theory about all thos events.
  2. And Dalinar is right and there is no Bondsmith equivalent of Fused. El wasn't Bondsmith-ish Fused. He was "normal" Fused from one of 9 Brands (probably with Transformation or Progression powers) and Bondsmith because of Nahel Bond. This is main thing in this theory - he was able to start Nahel Bond, Radiant Bond, with Unmade, and become some sort of Voidish Radiant. There is - if El wasnt told the real reason of Punishment by Raise, he would know only the "Official" Reason. He was "normal" Fused throuot all Desolations. Have title, Rythms and Reputation all this time. Have also his Fused Powers (Im almost sure he has Progression). In this theory he became Bondsmith many, many years after Last Desolation, and before False Desolation. If he has also Progression, he can grow his carapace on metal, to conseal it. Or even he could drop his piercings - being alive and in action is worth more than traditions (ok, not for all, but he seems to be practical guy) Also, worth noting that throuout 2 thousand years Humans wasnt able to fully defeat Singers, or they were in peace with each other, so there were places when humans couldnt reach him.
  3. But there is a difference here. On Scadrial there are not Preservation and Ruin anymore. They are merged (fully or not, this is other question) and have only one Vessel, so very nature of Shards is mixed. On Roshar, from the other hand, Odium is still Odium. Only Vessel changes, but Shard is still the same. Considering the fact Godmetal is literaly solidified Investiture, mean, Shard's own essence, and this didnt change for Odium, I dont see the reason why Metal would change. This is still Odium's Godmetal.
  4. Stormfather isnt omniscient. In fact, he can have very limited knowledge about what happened on Ashyn. Odium came on Roshar at the same time as Humans, but this not nessecerly mean he came with Humans.
  5. But also Odium dont need to be explicidly "human god". We know even he not-nessecerly was. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/262/#e8808
  6. I understand "god" in Cosmere not nessecery as "being worshpiped", there are Worshipped Cognitive SHadows after all (Returned, Kelsier, even Shades seems to be in some extend) but more as "Protector of some Planet" - and this not nessecerly mean "Shard's own planet" - Autonomy is "protecting" few of them with Avatars.
  7. But still there need to be god of Humanity BEFORE Odium arrives in Roshar System.
  8. Not really. Ashyn and Roshar still arein the same System, relativly close to each other. Even if Honor and Cultivation were both on Roshar this doesnt mean none of them was God of Humanity on Ashyn.
  9. Odium cannot be first God of Humans because he arrived much later than Honor and Cultivation. Is possible he just take over Humans from Honor or Cultivation. Spren cannot know this, becuase this happend on other Planet. Seems to me like Honor and Cultivation indeed were primarly on Roshar, looking on Ashyn only with one Eye. But we know Honor tried to mess with Odium's plans on Ashyn. Eeeeeee, Stoneshaping? This agreement wasnt Oath, it was just mere suggestion, and most of the Shards didnt accept it.
  10. Its another possibility. He enchances himself, but not with Feruchemy or Hemalurgy. Singers are in some extend similar to Fabrials, maybe he uses metal to boost his abilities, no matter what those can be. We still dont know El's Brand. But apearance seems to be similar to Progression or Transformation - both can be usefull for his carapace-piercing practice. And we still dont know WHY he is so important, and why is consider one of the most powerfull and dangerous Fused. But I have a theory about this. He was a Bondsmith. El is fascinated with Humans, and also ancient - remembers times when Spren and Singers were allies. But Nahel Bond wasnt developed yet, and when he learn about this new discovered Bond, he automaticly get fascinated. So he studied Bonds many centuries and discoveres something we know, but didnt see yet. Unmade (other than Yelig-Nar) can be bonded. And then Last Desolation happens. Heralds won, locked Odium and Fused on Braize. But I think (and books seems to support that) Fused are Locked on Braize only when Heralds are there. So Fused have to be physicly killed, to be sent on Braize, and if they are not - they simply stay on Roshar. El hid between scattered Singers, and avoided being killed. For 2 thousand years he studied Radiant Powers, and seeks for Ba-Ado-Mishram, the most powerfull Unmade. He deduced (like us) BAM is the most powerfull spren on Roshar after Stormfather, Nightwatcher and Sibling (maybe is even more powerfull than Sibling, we dont know) so Bonded, should give Radiant Bondsmith powers. Or even not deduced, he wants to try Bond her as experiment and happens to be Bondsmith. We all know BAM was able to provide Singers with Voidlight like Bondsmith Spren. But we know also she wasnt able to do this before. What is intersting, Sibling also wasnt able to provide Towerlight without Bondsmith. They loses this ability. BAM gained it because as larger Splinter of Odium she has the largest Connection to him, and he finaly invested enough to Roshar to become "native". When she bonded El, they get closer to the Spiritual (as it hapens when Radiant swears Oath) and strenghtened Bond not only between themselves, but also between BAM and Roshar. When El realises his new powers, he started False Desolation. Goal was to turn this intoreal Desolation, by making Perpendicularity and bringing all Fused this way from Braize. But Oathpact was stronger, and El failed with this - he was only able to bring minor Voidspren from Braize, so he can provide Singers with Forms of Power. Threat was large though, and Radiants need to bring all their power to take down Singers. Melishi - Bondsmith and fabrial expert, had (untested) theory Bondsmith Spren, or Unmade, can be trapped in perfect Gemstone. This wasnt known before. Knowledge about trapping Spren was new at this point. So he organised mission - despite the fact he was warned about unknown consequences of trapping so powerfull Spren. Probably Naze-dauther-Kuzodo was aware of fact trapping Bondsmith Spren have MASSIVE consequences for Roshar as a whole and she was the only Radiant scientist who saw similarities between BAM and Bondsmith Spren. So Melishi led expedition to trap BAM. But when they arrived, they learn BAM isnt alone - she had a Bond with Singer-Fused-Bondsmith. Melishi is Bonded to Sibling. Radiants and Singers start to fight. Melishi attacks El. Then Melishi uses his Bondsmith powers to SWAP his Bond with El's Bond, similar to what Ishar wants to do with Dalinar. Ad then he was able to Use this Bond to trap BAM in gemstone. Voidspren were ripped from Singers, because BAM was only thing what Connects them to Roshar. Also, Connected to Roshar as a Whole, BAM now damages all Roshar Connection to Cognitive Realm. This damages Spren, and turn Singers to Parshmen. This also took El's Rythms away (similar to Sibling). Melishi cant enjoy the victory tho. El kills him, before he is killed by remaining Radiants and sent to Braize. He is defeated. This is also why Sibling wasnt bonded during Recreance - his Bondsmith was killed. But even defeated, El learns very important thing. Spren can be trapped in Gemstone. And Heralds are like him, and like Spren - are cognitive entities. So they can be trapped too. Remember, trapping Spren in Gemstones wasnt known during last Desolation. Fused dont know about possibility of trapping them, because they would use this against Heralds! They had Raisium, have weapons against Radiants whitch uses the very same technology. They didnt know this when they were sent back to Braize last time, but now they are back and they have this knowledge. They dont learn this in Internet - someone have to go to Braize WITH this knowledge to share with other Fused scientists, like Raboniel. So they can be back prepared. And this is also why El loses previous Odium's Favor. I (and many here) have theory that Odium is indeed capable of granting Adhesion Surge, but he ont want to. He can manipulate Connection after all (Venli's Regal powers). He FEARS it. The whole thing about admiration of humans is just an excuse, the real reason why El is punished is his Bondsmith episode. This can also explain why Odium dont free BAM yet. He dont want to deal with another Bondsmith.
  11. Nightblood isnt only thing what eats Investiture. Larkins eats Investiture, as well as some specific Hordelings. Leechers disperse Investiture.
  12. Not sure. Of course, it not make Gravitation user faster (things always fall with the same speed, no matter the direction of gravitational pull) but Stormlight burns faster in massive objects - so if object will be lighter, it will need less Stormlight. People tent to forget about not-so-flashy Feruchemy. Any Surge with Duralumin would be cool. Most usefull - Trasformation + Duralumin.
  13. Why we consider only Mistings, but not Ferrings? Gravitation + F-Iron will allow to much more eficient use of Stormlight. Classic Abrasion + F-Steel Any Metalic Power + Transformation. Metalborn never run of Fuel.
  14. Soooo... This is why we still wait for Winds of Winter? Make sence.
  15. Endovment seems to be rather good with this, and also seems to be friend with Sazed. Also, maybe Valor will help. On the other side Autonomy and Odium seems to have good relations.
  16. No way. Stormfather would know it is possible, and he tells us strictly - what Ishar is doing should be impossible. This tells me there was no easy way to do full transfer of spren in cognitive form to Physical Realm and in Physical Form (Blade/Plate) to Cognitive. And there where Radiant who reaches 5th Ideal. No, it has to be something more than just 5th Oath.
  17. Also, if they have F-Tin, they can store their steel-sight and use if they run out of metal for some reason. But also I think they don't need metal or need very Small amounts of it to see.
  18. Basicly, ther is 16 Shards, but only 10 Surges. Some would not have one. About emotions... Illumination comes to mind. But Sibling is refering OathGate Spren as their Children, and they are talking about them as Father. Also, Surge Fabrials were around before Recreance (Dalinar's Vision).
  19. Radiants were always fighting during Desolations, but between last Desolation and False Desolation was 2000 years of realtive peace.
  20. But this was inside the Highstorm. Dalinar wasnt im contact with Kaladin, but his Spren was, and Radiant and Spren bonded with Nahel Bond are one entity from spiritual perspective.
  21. Probably this. I dont remember, but Rysn didnt see any Parshmen in Shinovar, right?
  22. We know the most similar feruchemicaly in function to the Nicrosil is Copper. Copper also is wierd one. And Copper can store different memories with varius lenghts. So is possible that Nicrosil can store various different Investiture abilities, if someone happens to have more than one. But, of course, this is speculation.
  23. Just have assistent who changes metalminds in the run.
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