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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. I think yes. Remember how Mists react on Hemalurgic Constructs? Or how Pits react on Allomancy? Preservation and Ruin are oposit Intents, and behave very much like Investiture and Anti-Investiture.
  2. I think this is about physical body of Spren. In Cognitive Realm Spren have more or less human-like bodies, so they also behave human-like. But in Physical Realm they behave differently. They don't have body.
  3. But we know Fused dont have any powers innitialy. Stormfather tells us that.
  4. Sibling too speak about Melishi, and he also should know difference between two of them. Ishar founded Radiants, of course he was in Urithiru many times, and Sibling should know, if he was Melishi.
  5. This. How can you know that? For now, every magical cataclysm in Cosmere had consequences almost immedietaly: Splintering Devotion and Dominion, later Earthquake in Elantris, Destruction of Ashyn, Recreance, heck, even Shattering! Why this case would be different?
  6. Evil was consequrnce of Odium splintering Ambition in Threnodite System, and this happened before Odium arrived on Roshar - so more than 7000 Years before Secret History.
  7. Fused can not know everythig. I mean, Odium related beings Can do what Bondsmith can in some extend - Venli is good example, she can Connect with people like Dalinar can (and this is Spiritual Adhesion), Ba-Ado-Mishram also was able to do this, on much Karger scale even. So this can Simply be the lie, and Odium can grant Adhesion, but don't want to, because Adhesion Fused will have possibility to Disconnect or Reconnect at will.
  8. @silver-the-thruhiker There is also one thing noone brings in, but is essential. I'm sorry, but I have to kill your theory. Kalak was in place and time of Ba-AdoiMishram imprisonment. So if Ishar did this, Kalak would know - and this is too important to not mention ths.
  9. Dimnishing returns doesnt matter in model of this perpetual motion machine. All is needet is few pieces of Ettmetal charged with F-Iron on the wheel, and make them store more when going up, and store less when going down. No need tap at all (only in case of filling them completly), or enough to simply tap much less than we earlier stored. And we can even controll emited power with amount of charge on "going down" part.
  10. First of all concerns is how on Roshar a little Girl obtains a STORMING RELIC WORTH FORTUNE. There is also another thing. Most known Shardblades are, well, known. By Name. Documented. Have pictures, story. Not just gemstone, Shallan's Shardblade was odd when we consider its size for example (of course was smaller than thypical Shardblades). So yes, Lin of course was suspicius, but is possible Ghostbloods contacted them first. His wife, Shallan's mother, probably was associated with Skybreakers, so possible than Ghostbloods keep an eye on him and all his family.
  11. Lets quote all related: Drawer 30-20, fourth emerald: Ulim: But more than Voidlight shocking was ability to provide lesser Voidspren - and they are Connected directly to Odium (only corupted/enlightened spren are Conected to Odium and others, and at this time Sia-Anat wasnt able to do this, she even cannot think on her own). Yes, Ba-Ado-Mishram probably is Godspren (this is name for those most powerfull spren like Stormfather) but from all the Unmade She seems to have the closest Connection with Odium. Clearly is doing what Stormfather is doing, but on Odium's side, and her imprisonment had very drastic consequences for Roshar as a whole, what we know it would also happen if we would remove Stormfather. If I would bet on wich Unmade is from Odium and Cultivation, my bet would be on Sia-Anat. But I also had theory about Recreance
  12. Is possible they simply dont connect powerfull Ghostblood with some guardsman. Mraize is good actor, can look super normal.
  13. No way, we know what type of Light she provides, and it was exactly Voidlight, and also Voidspren - all Connected to Odium only.
  14. To have Child, she need to first get maried. And im not talking about physical ability to have children, im talking about legal stuff. She Has opinion as controvercial person, I dont see how on Roshar she would set her child on the Throne od Alethkar, if she is not maried, and her child is out od the legal line of heretige. Im also with @Use the Falchion - Jasnah is scientist and adventurer, she more Likely enforce some laws, and Vanish.
  15. I think Lerasium steals all Allomantic powers, because they are Connected to it closly. Maybe also Feruchemical powers, but Im not sure. I doubght Lerasium will steal non-Scadrian powers or some body traits, because how woud this work? But Atium can steal anything, including Extra-planetary stuff, like Radiant Bonds, or Divine Breath, or some other Connection... But we need also remember what type of Investiture Atium is - this is Ruin, everything about it and around it is about entropy. And what if Decay in Lerasium Spike is very fast? BTW, it is excelent question to ask Brandon during some signings.
  16. Not nesecerly. It can, of course, steal all powers, but thing is - Hemalurgy often steals power WITH LOSS, and Lerasium can have this parameter especially high, because it is Investiture with oposite Intent. If Lerasium Spike would loss, for example, 90% of innitial power, it would make very weak Mistborn.
  17. Actualy is WoB about this: Used as Spike, Lerasium would give less power, than used allomanticly. Also, there is similar WoB: I bet this would work similarly. Hemalurgic charge would interfere with Lerasium own Investiture and a lot of it would be wasted (in comparison to standard Lerasium Power). Maybe also Hemalurgic Charge would decay much faster than in Atium. But your theory is somewhat possible - Atium grows in Geods, like Pearls, so possible it is not only Atium but also other metal. But I dont think Atium is weak in Allomancy, just Lerasium is very powerfull as Godmetal (Tanavastium very durable, but not have other powers, even cannot be shaped physicly, Raizium "just" conducts Investiture, and we yet to see others).
  18. Worldhoppers have some time-dilatation trick due to fact Time and Space works differently in Cognitive Realm.
  19. I bthink this can be some massive or vast lifeforms - Rosharan equivalent of reef or seaweed field, or shoals (maybe on Roshar are Water Cremlings in Shoals). We are talking about Ocean, this can be anything. Maybe even Santhidyn Breeding Region?
  20. But Raizium also have not very strong effect, and we don't know many other metale to compare - no Bavadinum, Koravelium, Edglium, Aonium or Skaium... Is possible that Lerasium is anomaly, not Atium. Also keep on mond that once used, Atium goes to Spiritual and regrowhs, but Lerasium is used permanently. Sorry, but wasnt that cadmium or bendalloy? Temporal for temporal?
  21. There is also another difference between dead Shardblade and Honorblade. Very distinctive one. Honorblade is smaller than dead Shardblade, as we've seen in the case of Jezrien's blade. IT Has to be smaller, because Has to be practical as a weapon, while Shardblade whan alive, can change size and shape, so don't need to be "practical". Heck, I even think Spren wanted to be unpractical when they and Radiant decid break Bonds.
  22. I feel otherwise. This device need to have constant Stormlight supply from Highstorm, and this to protect relativly Small Area. To protect whole Building (or ship) IT will take nearly Bondsmith-ish level of power. So scaling down will take much more efford, because gemstones have limited storage.
  23. Of course Kelsier not reached Silverlight nor Yolen by hinself, because he is bounded to Scadrial and need to find how to escape. But maybe he indeed knows the way to those places. BTW. is possible Ghostbloods predates Kelsier - mean he just took over Ghostbloods, not found them.
  24. Radiant was holding back very significantly. And Feruchemist with full metalminds is more dangerous than even Mistborn.
  25. But this can be overcome by some special amunition. I feel like HEAT or HESH warheads should be VERY effective against Shardplate. Ammunition of this type was invented during WW2, but principle of operation, the Munroe Effect, was discovered in 1888.
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