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Everything posted by Bzhydack

  1. Just have assistent who changes metalminds in the run.
  2. But if one Ferring stored whole his weight going upwards in "Ferring Wheel", second Ferring going down dont need even tap metalminds, he can just stop storing. So he doesnt lose any charge, because he doesnt need tap.
  3. Why you're destroying my hopes... I wanna see Southerners, their cities (with skyskrapers and airship ports) and various magitech.
  4. 1. Probably You can use Full Lashing on large portion of ground to stick it together and behave as one. 2. Lashing seems to be directly dependent on Radiant Perception of proper Gravity. Probably for every Rosharan Radiant one Lashing is equal Rosharan Gravity. Things get interesting when someone from outside of Roshar will get Bond. I really want to see this, like Felt bonded Honorspren and his Lashing are stronger than normal ones
  5. Maybe MCUish "Sokovia action" - rip bunch of ground, lift and crash. Or pull asteroids or even moon down!
  6. I wanna see Harmony's Perpendicularity (ies?), Ettmetal mines, and more of SoScadrian Culture.
  7. Yeah, but we know also Magic Rules changed drasticly after destruction of Ashyn. Yes, on Ashyn Surges were unlimited and now the floor is lava, but this isnt the case now. Is very plausible Honor himself restricted use of Surges. He couldnt change Magic System, but he could bend its rules and weakened it indirectly (like Harmony changes Snapping - he didnt delete it, he makes it much less traumatic). So, we now talking about Surges now, and while they are impressive, it seems like they are not capable of planetary scale destruction. For now. And hopefully, never again. Shattered Plains are wierd to me, because they are different from anything we saw Surges are capable of. They bring to mind massive vibrations, so they could be somehow connected to the Rythms. But we can only wait, and speculate. BTW. What do you think, can Duralumin Compounder Connect himself to Cognitive Realm and hop?
  8. I have wierd and inexplicable fascination with Dai-Gonarthis, so my vote to him.
  9. We dont know, we can just speculate. No, Sazed was not providing Ettmetal to SoScadrians actively, because he wasnt primarly interested in South, and now he has his not-ingeration policy. From what we saw, Godmetal on Scadrial condensate near Perpendicularity. So this is probably where Ettmetal Mines are, near (above?) Harmonys Shardpool. (I also think Harmony has second Shardpool in the North)
  10. But this still is my point - this has to be near Bondsmith. We can have one, maybe two Bondsmiths in our army. This is not enough to fuel Radiants and Fabrials very VERY far from Roshar.
  11. Leave Roshar-planet? Yeah, I think so. Leave Rosharan System? Maybe. But still, we are talking about interplanetary distances. Even shards cannot use theits power anywhere. Yes I did. Ashyn is out of speculation because Magic there and then worked differently. And Shaterred Plains... We really dont know what destryoed it. So also out. Few kilograms was on one slider. To fuel two ships (and sliders too) across the whole globe is needet hundreds of kilos, or even tons. And this is just two ships, not even metioned bombs. Dalinar still is mortal. And reling on one/two person during whole campain in space isnt very wise. Bondsmith can be only in one place, and he doesnt have Shards to protect himself. Very risky. Also, Perpendicularity have only restricted area of influence (like few hundreds of meters, maybe kilometer in diameter?) Remember, we are talking about cosmic scale. Ekhem... We can use mists to get Ettmetal, Lerasium and Atium. Yes, this is now unknown how, but this is possible. And thx @Frustration, i have no intention to be banned, flaged or something like this. I simply dont use good words, because my english isnt very good.
  12. Hate this. "It happened in deleted scene, it is canon!" NO! If something was deleted, there was a reason to delete this. Right, we dont have this on-screen. But from who Suit get this info, you think? Anyway, destruction of temple is still much more than destruction of anything we see Radiants do. This was more theoretical, and even advantage for Rosharans, because they can bring conseal and active Fabrial. For Scadrians, I thout more about aluminum powder, gelle or foam, designed to isolate Invested devices. Also more theoretical now. Breaching realmatic border isnt as easy as you imply. Also, Is easier to go from Material to Cognitive (like even Lightweavers, order without Transportation, can do this) than from Cognitive to Material (even Elsecallers cannot do this anywhere) Only Bondsmith whitch we can consider is someone with Ishar's Honorblade, others cannot go very far from Roshar because their Spren are too essential to Roshar's ecosystem. But unlike Stormlight, Ettmetal doesnt steam away from storages. Most Stormlight is wasted during Highstorm. Stormlight easier to obtain? Yes. More abundant? No data about it. We still have to see SoScad civilisation to tell that. And even now we can tell they need hudreds, if not thousands tons of Ettmetal. just to fuel theirs Airships, ant this is probably not very basic use of it, of course they have more. Also, mists. Scadrial has mists.
  13. There is whole Civilization equiped with Ettmetal Magitech, so it is relativly common for me. And yes, normal spheres can hold Stormlight few days, but for even 20 days (Weeping) special large gemstones are needet. 20 days is not very long for military campain, and anywhere far from Roshar would be very difficult to have large amount of Stormlight without perfect gems or something similar in function. Yeah, im talking about it. Effect is limited inside the box, so Fabrial is not affecting envionment, while still theoreticaly active. Set is speculating, but Southerners are sure about it. And I belive them, this is theirs tech after all. It takes more Stormlight for larger object to Lash. Also more Lashings - more Stormlight. This would eat Stormlight faster than Laceryn. Also so large projeciles should have limited range, they also leak Stormlight faster so they are Lashed shorter. Not luck. Fortune So go and read what Spren are talking in Oathbringer. Stormlight is in Cognitive only if is brought from Physical. It NOT apear during Highstorms. This is why is so valuable. How large is Soulcaster's range? We didnt see more than maybe 20 meters... And gun can be full aluminum. And we didnt see Soulcasting from Cognitive (mean, cross Realms). As far we've seen Soulcasting full in Physical or full in Cognitive. It is possible, of course, but we dont have example, so this is probably more dificoult than "normal"Soulcasting.
  14. We dont know that. This whole Intent sheninagans, it could be possible to attune Leeching fabrials to specific Investiture. And Stormlight. This isnt very good fuel - ettmetal is much easier to transport (not need perfect gems, need only waterproof boxes). Anywhere outside Roshar Stormlight is hard to transport and storage. Ettmetal is. Last thing really works in both ways, because if Scadrians allerady have theirs fabrials turned on, Rosharans would not have Stormlight to fuel their devices in this area. Difference is, Scadrians dont need this to be deadly. Rosharans do. Im wondering if Supressor Fabrial would be deactivated if closed in aluminum box. Should be. A-Cadmium ammo. Even if area is not so large, is still few meters in diameter. Supressor fabrial may prevent this from setting off, but i dont think would have effect on allready standing bubble. Not if its area would be smaller than bubble. Scadrians allready have nuke-level bombs. And artillery. And rotary guns. Those are very potent destruction devices And there is no stromlight in Cognitive Realm, and soulcasting is exhausting and Stormlight-heavy. This can be like one, maybe two times event before they would burn all fuel. But seems to be good idea for personal use. Also, there is way to affect bubble size, but all we have is RAFO.
  15. Yeah, I also don't think A-Copper would block suppresion fabrials, this was about Anti-Tones, they are less effective but easier to use. However, Scadrial Has his own Anti-magic tech. They can have Leeching Ettmetal Fabrials. We've seen primer Cubes charged with A-Chromium and this is just primer, needet to start device. And we've seen Allomantic magitech working hours, if not days. Another idea is Allomantic/Feruchemical ammunition. Imagine Leecher Artillery Shells, to cancel magic. Or A-Cadmium Shells ideał against flying targets. A-Iron/A-Steel Shells, to mess with everything metal. And so on. Of course, for Surges this would work top, but i think they are less potent in this role, except maybe Gravitation (Division is basicly standard use of Artillery). BTW, if we would be able to make Bendalloy bubble inside Cadmium Bubble and first would be just slightly smaller (not as normal, a little, like 1cm in diameter) then the barier would work as energy Shield, deflexting everything material.
  16. This was before brain death, so Technically body was still alive. Few seconda and this would not help. And we saw this also with F-gold (Wax at the end of BoM) Progression is more versitile, because can also speed up growth. And i think A-Copper should be able to block Anti-Tones. Also, this is double-sided because Seeker can hear Tones and Anti-Tones. Obce Rosharan did this, they would gave Scadrians weapon against Roshar.
  17. Max week. When Wax i Wayne are looking for her, they visited Terrisan's work,and get information she wasnt there around week. This was few days after mass murder.
  18. You cannot shot accuratly from inside the bubble, bubble border would interfere with bulet's trajectory. It has to be F-Steel. But right, if she would be between all four grups and shoot four shots one by one, effect would be the same. But still she had to do this (go to the middle, shoot four shots and go out) in 0,1s, becauseshe was unnoticed. Of course, we dont know the distance, because we dont know how large shelter was. But still, she was able to shot, also able to run around room killing people, and later was able to shot guards so fast noone even noticed until was too late. And has Steelrunner powers just few days, but is possible to use stolen metalminds from hemalurgicly killed Metalborn. Anyway, I love your math and is probably correct, but books material leaves me suspicious.
  19. Bleeder is Kandra, much more durable than human. Marasi is fullborn with Bands, have F-Gold, A-Pewter and F-Bronze to compensate friction and heat. For "normal" steelrunner it can be a problem, but i think proper suit should solve this.
  20. Use of Feruchemy automaticly increases body's properties to match atribute. Wax was able to move, while being dozens of times heavier - normally, he shouldn't be able to move even eyeballs (increase of weight feruchemicaly can be compare to larger acceleration, like in centrifuge). Also, we have evidence in book showig us supersonic speed of steelrunner. Bleeder was able to move to four places and shot four shots so fast, that they were percived as one shot. This mean she had to run faster than soundwaves, to be on place of shot before first soundwave reach it. Marasi also was able to move supersonic. She was able to take and drink many metal vials from many people in time shorter than 0,1s (perception of human eye). And yes, she generated sonic boom, is described people around her covered eares.
  21. But what if BOTH crews belived their Ship is Original?
  22. There is philosophical dilema, paradox from the field of metaphysics of identity, Is called "Ship of Theseus" paradox. So, there is Ship of Theseus. It stays in harbour of Athens. In time, rotet and decayed planks of ship are replaced with new ones, to the point the whole Ship is fully replaced. Still has the same owner, or his offspring. Is this ship still the same ship? And later, someone rebuilds ship from the old planks. Is puttung together piece by piece, untill has the whole ship made from original planks. So is this original ship? Has all original parts. But not have original history. Witch one is original Ship? And, more important for us, how would look like the spren of Ship? And witch one would be Original? And how they would look like compare to each other? would they be twin-spren? Would they have the same memories of Theseus's Jurney? Witch one would be consider as Original Spren?
  23. if Radiant cannot fly, use explosives in Aluminum casings, should be able to blow up him to pieces, Shardplate or not. Heavy explosives should be able to do three things: 1. Shatter Shardplate. 2. Force Radiant to burn really large amount of Stormlight to heal. 3. Break gemstones with Stormlight reserve and disperse it.
  24. But where it is? IT is not there. Probably just coroded, so no, Roshar don't have it.
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