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The One Ring

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Posts posted by The One Ring

  1. Sounds like a cool school (and now I'm weirdly curious about what your school bag looks like)

    Also, a few follow up questions

    How do people deside which house you go into? Random? Based on your grade (the best go to house A, second best go to house B, etc.)?

    What subjests are in the board exam?

    How much time do you spend in the school?

  2. 1 hour ago, Elf_at_heart said:

    I am not a bot! I'm a real person and all. About you being a bot, well...I don't know. Are you?

    That sounds like what a bot would say... As for whether I'm a bot, well, you'll never know *laughs

    47 minutes ago, Szeth Facpalm said:

    but... what if we are the real bots


    The bots are the not bots

    And maybe this is all a stupid dream

  3. 1 hour ago, Elf_at_heart said:

    I wish for my crush to be my boyfriend.

    After he becomes your bf, you find out that he is very abusive. You breakup with him and tell your friend about his behavior but none of them believes you. He spreads rumor about how you were terrible to him and everyone thinks you're a bad person. You now have a bad reputation and no one wants to be your friend. Good luck.

    I wish for contentment

  4. 1 hour ago, Elf_at_heart said:

    Sorry for double posting. I did it without thinking and now I don't know how to undo it.

    On the buttom of your post, there's an "option" button, press it and select "hide"

    1 hour ago, Elf_at_heart said:

    Not much talking about here either, except for the fact that I am DROWNING in schoolwork.

    Maybe I should go do mine as well, I've been procrastinating doing that for a while. (when I said "a while", I totally didn't mean 2 weeks, I mean I can't be that good at procrastinating)

  5. 3 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:


    How dare you sommon me, I shall make your life miserable from now on *very evil laugh

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