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Everything posted by Lunu’anaki

  1. So I know that inquisitors can burn metal from their spikes and I've heard a WoB about how burning hemalurgic metals could have "weird" effects, but nothing is clear in my mind really... Is burning hemalurgic metals the same as burning regular ones but with weird side effects, or is it possible that there is some form of Hemalurgic "compounding" that could be done? What do we know?
  2. I think it must be a place that was originally two towns, Vindiel and Cameux. No relation to eachother other than being close to one another. I think "Cameux" may have originally been named after... Stormlight spoilers:
  3. Sounds like you might be interested in the Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/sAvYbT?utm_source=Discord Widget&utm_medium=Connect Another good place to look is the Cosmere Discussion board. Be warned: Spoilers for all cosmere novels are allowed there.
  4. Welcome to the Shard!! Don't pay any attention to Honorless, I mean all you need to do is read his name to know he's got something hidden up his sleeve! Feel free to say the phrase to me. I generally keep the best records of all around here. It comes from my time spent in Azir.
  5. I'm still behind but I'm up to like 8000 now so I'm further... yet somehow further behind. I'm gunna sit down and write 10k in 10 hours one of these days.... one of these days...
  6. Even if that's the case, he wouldn't just let everyone live happily ever after while he waited around for Hoid to pop back into the system. There would be conflict and destruction, it wouldn't be pretty.
  7. This would be such a cool setup for one of the yet to be discovered shard’s magic systems. A sort of Nile river and the Egyptians situation where the river is the entire basis of a world or an empires culture and lifestyle.
  8. Even if this did work out without Hoid forfeiting, what exactly would a stalemate achieve? Odium would destroy Roshar as he’s currently in the process of doing anyways, right? He’s not gunna pause a war and wait around for Hoid for 3 million years.
  9. Thanks a ton! And yeah, soulcasting was a big piece of inspiration for Flux! shoot me a PM and I’ll add you to the list!
  10. I like the core of this idea. The cosmere sometimes feels like a video game, or a virtual reality simulation, especially when it comes to the magic and things like the Cognitive realm! If Adonalsium were the Internet, it would explain how he was the god of such a thing. There is an incredible sci-fi short story that follows the development of artificial intelligence throughout time until the AI becomes so powerful that it consumes the entirety of the universe. The story ends with the AI starting the Big Bang and creating the universe again, from the beginning, exactly as it was before. I unfortunately can’t remember the name of the story or find it on google Your idea reminds me of that!
  11. I like this a lot. 16 shards not enough? How about 32?! That sounds totally epic!!
  12. All good, search engines are always a headache with these things! Thanks for looking into it @Chaos!!
  13. So, in all seriousness. Any idea if there is a way for me to find post's about Vax through search? Or should I just give up and scour the boards until I find posts about it?
  14. What is your most insane, ridiculous, or otherwise unfounded Cosmere theory that you just can't get out of your head? I'll start: Hoid's gift to be where he needs to is an attempt by Adonalsium to have Hoid gather a bit of every shards investiture and prime him as a Vessel for every shard at once. Hoid will become Hoidonalsium.
  15. If Kaladin became Honor then I definitely agree with you. He would never put people through what the Heralds went through. It wouldn't be honorable (excuse the pun) He'd find another way. Mistborn Spoilers:
  16. So we have 100's of WoB's mentioning the nature of investiture being something like this: There is Matter, there is energy, and there is Investiture, right? But they are actually all the same thing. Matter and Energy are expressions of Investiture. Ruin states that his intent "To Ruin" is not the same as erasing, in a way, it is transformation. Taking something complex and grinding it down into something simple. Entropy. So I believe, as it is intended, Feruchemy converts the energy of the user "storing" into a form of investiture in the metalmind. In that act, they are ruining that energy by converting it into investiture. You ruin wakefulness by taking that energy and being tired, you ruin speed by taking that energy and being slow, etc. etc. The fact that the Feruchemist get's to store that energy for later use is of course, the preservation side of the magic. EDIT: So in response to your question: I believe the actual feruchemist is the one powering the magic. There is no use of preservation or ruins own investiture involved, other than perhaps making the metalmind operate in the first place, or bestowing the capability to do so into the spiritweb of the feruchemist.
  17. This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
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