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  1. Hey all, so I'm working on a steampunk project and I had a question, and so I figured I might come to one of the nerdiest groups I know of with it. Alright, here goes. So, hypothetically if you had a metal that was as strong as steel but 1/100 of the weight(I am following in the path of all creators everywhere in making a stupid name for a metal cough cough Avatar, cough cough Transformers, mine is ingravisteel). And if you had unlimited helium, could you build a pheasible zeppelin? I'm thinking 150-200 feet with ingravisteel armor plating and rotary guns of the same material. Is this even possible scientifically or should I follow another grand tradition-if science doesn't allow you to do cool stuff, do cool stuff anyway and call it magic?
  2. Hey all, so I'm working on a steampunk project and I had a question, and so I figured I might come to one of the nerdiest groups I know of with it. Alright, here goes. So, hypothetically if you had a metal that was as strong as steel but 1/100 of the weight(I am following in the path of all creators everywhere in making a stupid name for a metal cough cough Avatar, cough cough Transformers, mine is ingravisteel). And if you had unlimited helium, could you build a pheasible zeppelin? I'm thinking 150-200 feet with ingravisteel armor plating and rotary guns of the same material. Is this even possible scientifically or should I follow another grand tradition-if science doesn't allow you to do cool stuff, do cool stuff anyway and call it magic?
  3. I do think drawing Aons would be really cool. Here's the thing. Surgebinding is largely invisible, at least basically every surge except illumination (I think that's what it is called?). Allomancy has the blue lines, but that's about all. The Aons are perhaps the most visible form of cosmere magic, again, not including lightweaving. Therefore, it would be cool to have VR gloves that accurately tracked your hand movements and cast the spell correctly. Also, if the tech gets good enough, I think it would be really cool if it didn't prompt you as to the shape of the Aon, you just had to remember it.
  4. She doesn't kill you without a reason, yes, but her reasons are sometimes a bit odd. "I want to teach a philosophical lesson to my student, let's tempt a bunch of thieves to attack someone with insane magical powers, and then use that power to kill all of them, even those that are no longer threatening me, but are running from this demon lady who can turn a man into crystal or flame." Furthermore, Jasnah does everything in cold blood. That's what makes her scary. She considers killing a family member when she realizes he is somewhat connected to the enemy, and almost goes through with it. Powerful People without values are dangerous, they are unpredictable and chaotic. Powerful people who have values that make you out to be a threat are deadly, as they cannot be appeased, they cannot be bought off or escaped. They will hunt you down, for better or worse, and deal with you one way or another. Ergo, Jasnah is the most terrifying character.
  5. First of all, I would like to give a shout-out to the Legendarium, a podcast that discuss all things fantasy and sci-fi. The hosts made a good point, Moash is the Anti-Kaladin. They are so similar, both moody, good fighters, and darkly intense. However, in book two there is a pivotal moment that separates their story arcs. That is when Kaladin chooses to protect Elhokar-someone who has done nothing good for him, and quite a few things that are bad for him- even if it means dying himself. This moment embodies forgiveness, which is a common misconception. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting all the wrong a person has done to you, it means choosing to move past it, and letting your anger go. Kaladin does this when he says that "I will protect those who cannot protect themselves." Moash does the exact opposite. Instead of forgiving Elhokar, Moash holds on to his hatred and grudge against the King. This is why I said that I would like Moash somewhat if he chose not to kill the king. It would mean that he is choosing, much as Kaladin did, to let go of his anger towards Elhokar and let him live. Neither are saying that they like Elhokar, just that they will forgive him When we see the mature and right choice that Kaladin makes, hard as it is, we cheer him on. It is difficult not to be irritated with Moash when he makes the immature, wrong choice. Furthermore, he goes on to work for ODIUM! Secondly, we see another difference in choice between Moash and Dalinar(my favorite character apart from Hoid) When Odium says to Dalinar that he can take away all the pain, guilt, and turmoil within him, Dalinar responds in a heart wrenching moment "You cannot have my pain" Essentially, Dalinar is saying that he takes full responsibility for all the horrible things he has done, and as he does this, he finds peace and forgiveness. This moment is unbelievably beautiful and perhaps the most courageous thing anyone can ever do. What does Moash do when confronted with a similar choice? He allows Odium to take his pain, to make him an emotionless shell, to turn him into a psychopath. When we see a character that is so obviously the embodiment of everything the good guys are working against, it is very hard not to hate him. Moash is a hate-filled, cowardly psychopath, and If he doesn't repent I will be glad to see him destroyed. This is my Ted Talk, thank you.
  6. I would say feruchamy, definitely. I am a student, and the number of times I have thought to myself "wow, it would be great to store this info in a coppermind and get it out at test time. Also, I have thought about reading a great book, dumping it into a metalmind, and then reading it again. Finally, the sheer number of things you can use it for... Determination, Identity, strength, speed, mental speed, eyesight the list goes on
  7. Hmmm.. oh that? That's Hoid's spirit animal.
  8. Saze would definitely just sit there studying something or other and dispensing religions to those who came by. I think that Kelsier would somehow convince people that he is Lord of the Masks, and that they should all wear them Hoid would go around insulting those who break quarantine Szeth would check in with Dalinar, and Dalinar would probably be like "sit at home, stay safe" and szeth would literally sit at home all day, not doing anything.
  9. 1. Kill everyone you disagree with 2. Kill everyone who doesn't agree with you 3.In the aforementioned killing, please, do it in a subtly dramatic style 4. Don't get killed. Kelsier has a really dark mentality...
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