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Everything posted by Lunu’anaki

  1. I really like this idea. It's directly foreshadowed and it would make sense for a lot of healed deadeyes to avoid Radiant Bonds and go back to the Old Ways. It also works really well with the points about Adolin as a character which @Ba-Ado-Fisherman made.
  2. Some of the Unmade's relative connection to the physical realm (having mental capacity outside of the cognitive realm) is enough to suggest it as a possibility though.
  3. Thank You!! I remembered hearing something of that nature. That probably pokes a bit of a hole in part of my speculation, but I'd still guess that Endowment is aware of Nightbloods travel off-world, possibly even sensing their investiture within Nightblood.
  4. I guess there's a debate to be made there as well, now that I think of it. The more we talk about this the more I'm convinced that the Shard's Vessels named themselves, and the powers are more... ambiguous... than a single word can describe.
  5. I agree. We shouldn't assume that an Honor+Odium shard would have the intent of War, and as a matter of fact, an intent such as "war" would be antithetical to half of the shard's original intent, Honor. War is not honorable inherently. It would be impossible for a shard with the intent of War to act honorably. Starting wars willy-nilly, or based on passion is not an honorable thing in the slightest. War is only one action of thousands that some intent which was both Honorable and Odious could take to fulfil it's nature. Why would it claim sole ownership over the intent of the two powers? War is just as valid of an intent as 'Protection' could be. (And I don't find that to be a very valid Intent for a shard like this for obvious reasons.) I think a way more Valid idea for an Intent that combines Honor and Odium is something like Retribution. Retribution is something that can't exist without either Honor or Odium. It also seems way more like an Intent than "War" does. Of course, "Harmony" isn't exactly related to Preservation or Ruin as we know. Harmony could exist between many intents, so maybe these names are far less important or specific than we make them out to be?
  6. Ohhh, I see! I thought you meant they themselves could have been which would surprise me
  7. Is this based on the fact that they know about Adonalsium? or something deeper? Ancient beings knowing about him isn't a ton of evidence, some of them know Hoid as well, and he could have told them about him. Care to expand on this?
  8. These are all interesting points. The color thing with the blue lines and Honor is definitely worth a WoB, you might get Brandon to tell us something we don't know
  9. I totally get it. Hoid's story does seem to be very ambiguous now, and they were made out to be bigger rivals than we ever got payoff for. As for the epilogue, I may have to give it a reread but I thought he left that meeting with no memory or T.Odiums attempts (but perhaps a reason for suspicion?) That's a really good point. I didn't consider that. Maybe my cosmere-aware nerd side is overpowering me with this point, but the type of god that does this is a Shard of Adonalsium. We've seen multiple depictions of (cosmere-wide spoilers) Ahh okay, my apologies for misinterpreting that. I suppose a crafty person can still fail though... and T mentioned having access to Odiums plans so perhaps we will at least see that depicted in some way. Who knows at this point, everything but the contest of champions is up in the air.
  10. How you feel about Rayse's arc is 100% valid. I just want to say that at the forefront of my post. I don't want you to think I'm discounting the fact that the story just didn't land in a satisfying way in your opinion. IMO it's just not a complete story yet, because we haven't read book 5, I don't think we've seen everything there is to see for where Odium is headed or why Rayse has been portrayed this way. Really? Because it's not like he's done fighting the threat... He still thinks T is Rayse AND even if he knew Rayse was dead, he'd likely still be concerned about what the shard Odium will do to Roshar, and perhaps Cultivation or other shards? I'm not sure what you're saying exactly, because these two ideas seem to contradict one another? In your opinion was Rayse portrayed as too powerful and then toppled too easily; or was he never intimidating enough to begin with? Genuinely curious where you land on this because both seem to be a point of concern to you. I can see how you'd interpret the existence of a week Vessel in an active Shard to be both 'portrayed as wicked powerful' and 'seeming very weak when he actually appears in a scene' but I honestly think that this is exactly Brandon's intent. It's what I like about Rayse' characterization and why I am terrified of T.odium. I agree, I really need more on how Hoid was tricked. That epigraph wasn't enough for me either. It didn't matter that he was aware of Nightblood being on Roshar because Renaren blocked his vision. As far as Odium knew, the sword was in Urithiru.
  11. I don't know why but when I think of "Era-0" Scadrial I think a lot of Nalthis. I have a feeling Scadrians and Nalthians were very involved with each other on a cultural level. If they could make it to Nalthis with something of great value, breaths are always an option.
  12. There is a magic from Sel that can change a person's appearance. If you haven't read The Emperor's Soul yet, I highly recommend it
  13. I would say some sort of working relationship with the two shards is more than possible. Probable even. To add to your points, we know the Five Scholars actually got the idea to create Nightblood from their worldhopping experiences on Roshar from this WOB: So, Nightblood was quite literally intended to be an imitation shardblade. We also know that Endowment has pretty tight security of some kind on Nalthis, because Hoid hid easily from Harmony, but Endowment says this: This quote also implies that Endowment has some sort of way of knowing who is traveling through their perpendicularity. If that's the case, Endowment probably has a heavy hand with Nalthis Worldhoppers... particularly the five returned worldhoppers whose express purpose for existing is by Endowment's will alone, the returned seem to exist to carry out tasks for Endowment in some capacity, if we are basing anything on the Lightsong PoV from Warbreaker... All this evidence points to Nightblood being a very likely outcome of a lot of intentional moves on Endowments part. That much is certain.
  14. I think you're on to something with the "dangerous levels of light" bit, but the Recreance reaction couldn't have been that well planned in advance, seeing as the spren didn't even think they would die, and I find it hard to believe that Adolin wouldn't need to say oaths. I think his bond with Maya is just similar to Kal's at the start of book 1. The oathless surges idea is an interesting one though, there have been a ton of mentions from the Stormfather about how the oaths aren't working the same way anymore, etc.
  15. I think by "produce" they mean create warlight by combining voidlight and stormlight together in the way Nevani and Raboniel did. Venli mentioned being infused with some voidlight as a regal. I always assumed her gemheart got infused like a sphere does in the everstorm. It's also possible that the voidlight is created like how Lift creates lifelight.
  16. I stream on Twitch at 8pm (est) every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm usually writing my novel or playing weird video games. Come hang out with me?


    1. mathiau


      That's 2am Wednesday or Friday for me so I'll sadly have to path on that one :(

    2. Lunu’anaki


      No worries!! Thanks anyways :)

  17. Looks really cool!! I'm excited to give it a spin!
  18. Shhhhh, don't give him ideas!! there is a time jump AND new characters between 5 and 6
  19. I'm fairly certain the issues you are having with this will be non-issues moving forward in the series. If you want more Rayse you are bound to get it in the back 5's herald flashbacks, if you're worried about Hoid's storyline with Rayse there is also plenty of that to be revealed in later series. This is only the end of Rayse that we are seeing. We are yet to see his beginning! Also, Odium isn't gone. Odium is more deadly now. Odium is scarier now. Odium is smarter now. I don't know... to me that makes for a better villain, not a worse one.
  20. or 13, if you count all the unmade as potential bondsmith spren. 12 for spren and 1 blade. Unless some or all of the unmade were originally of Honor or Cultivation.
  21. Damn, when you put it that way it actually gives me hope that they are on the side of the Radiants!
  22. Isn't that just realistic though? We have inventions like this in the real world, throughout human history, that take hundreds of years to be turned into a usable and popular device even though the understanding they are based on was developed centuries before. The camera is a perfect example. Camera obscuras existed all the way back in 470 BC, Photochemical reactions were known to humans by 1801, why then did it take 60 years to have a working camera? Why wasn't the first camera used as soon as 1805? 1815? For that matter, why didn't the ancient greeks realize that photosynthesis existed, and therefore seek out novel ways to use plants in order to record their camera obscura images? Why didn't the renaissance artists? These sorts of connections arn't made overnight. It takes care and interest, plus luck, to make these sort of discoveries. People often don't think outside of the confines of what's possible right in front of them, and those few who do often have very specific goals in doing so.
  23. I can see your reasoning for everything but this... if anything, wouldn't this be evidence for why Kaladin would not be fit for "War"? Maybe for Odium and Honor together... but I doubt the shard would be called War if Kaladin were the one combining the powers. In fact, we're shown time and time again how much Kaladin hates the consequences of 'war'.
  24. Radiants cannot leave Roshar, because their spren are bound there. Any Scadrien wishing to form a bond would also need to be willing to stay on Roshar forever, how many do you think would give up their home to be a radiant and fight on the eternal war planet?
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