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Everything posted by Lunu’anaki

  1. Exactly, that would probably lead to some sort of spiritual wonky-ness that stopped it even if it were possible. Otherwise it could be used to either A. Tear Preservation straight away from Harmony, or B. Explode the compounder into some sort of pseudo-shard, or worse. It's an interesting thought but I think Harmony would have built in a stop-gap somewhere.
  2. If I held Harmony it would become Creation Preservation would become Lethargy Ruin would become Alteration Ambition would become Perseverance Devotion would become Love Dominion would become Leadership Autonomy would become Freedom Odium would become Elimination or Destruction Endowment would become Generosity Honor would become Morality
  3. This makes too much sense to be wrong. I think that's exactly what happened and the only if/and or buts are how expensive it is to accomplish, and if Jasnah is even going to be capable of pulling it off at all. It might be that her Transportation surge only allows for CR transfer while a Willshapers might allow for full teleportation.
  4. THAT is beautiful and I appreciate Brandon so much for doing this for us. It makes sense to me that it would be Cultivation considering her link with Dalinar. I have a feeling that Cultivation is going to play a major role in Dalinar's story moving forward.
  5. Oh! I see. I stupidly didn't draw that conclusion last time you said it. I assume he's said that at some point. Well, there goes my theory! Thank you though. I'll have to come up with a better method for Adonalsium or drop the idea all together.
  6. That place! If Adonalsium created it.. maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Why wouldn't he be hiding himself and his power there? It's what I would do if I were god :-P
  7. Wisdom. Apparently Brandon recently confirmed that the "wisdom" mentioned by Hoid in OB is a shard and I don't know about you but a world influenced by wisdom sounds a heck of a lot better than any place we've visited up to this point.
  8. Anytime! But don't feel bad. I missed it too until the crew on Shardcast started reading off WoB's on their episode about it
  9. So heres a weird thing I've been thinking of: What if the Shards are just heavily invested by Adonalsium and he tricked them into thinking that they killed him? ...hear me out. It could be that Adonalsium foresaw a tragic occurrence befalling the cosmere and knew that there would be some sort of effort to shatter him or steal his power. Maybe he glimpsed the best possible future as being one where he invested 16 specific individuals heavily and convinced them that they, together, held all of his power... while in fact his true power is infinite and hiding in the spiritual realm, hidden from the shards. My only "evidence" for this is when Sazed said he cannot see Vin or Elend in “the place beyond” which makes me think that maybe none of the shards can see into the spiritual realm or into certain parts of it, like where souls go when someone dies. So... that hardly counts as evidence... and this hardly counts as a theory... but I find it interesting as a possibility and would love to hear what anyone else thinks about this idea.
  10. Ahhh good point. Well, hopefully we get some more info on the shard's agreement from Hoid or someone.
  11. Well, Honor thinks that, but Endowment doesn’t seem to, and who knows what Odium thinks of it.
  12. A “steward” was present with a number of metal rings and other jewelry. It screams ferrochemist to me, and this would be taking place in a time very close to Mistborn Era 2. Medallions and all that are a long shot but it’s another person potentially from Scadrial, one involved with events on a very important night at that
  13. Interesting, I can’t say I agree on the Sel-Gaia theory because as someone in that thread pointed out, Odium locked them in the cognitive to avoid the powers gaining sentience. It’s possible that won’t work over time though. I agree that Adonalsium has to have seen it coming in the very least, and had plans for a future after he was gone so the rest of your theory makes a lot of sense. Have you seen this one? Hoid becomes Adonalsium
  14. Now there is a theory I would love to hear more on! Adonalsium's plans
  15. I wouldn't be surprised by either, but I think it's probably the latter. I don't think Raize truely likes himself or his shard, but is consistently telling himself that he does so he can live with himself. If he got his way and eliminated everyone I'd have to guess that his last step would be eliminating himself. Another weird thought I keep having is that he might actually regret the shattering of Adolnasium and be attempting to eliminate the rest of the shards in order to spread enough investiture out in hopes that over time it comes together to form a singular god again. Wouldn't that be a trippy reveal? Odium was in fact just trying to bring god back to life? edit: (at the very least it would be interesting if he were punishing the shards for the murder of god in the first place, something he himself took part in.)
  16. It really is good. One of Brandon's best short stories if I do say so myself. I'm not sure what languages it is available in, unfortunately. --- I'm not sure honestly. There might be something more to it. A lot of this depends on what Odiums end game is. Perhaps he wants to eliminate the rest of the Shards and isn't all that worried about how many people survive before he does so. If all 15 shards besides himself are destroyed first, he can easily do a clean sweep of the universe and transform the rest of it in his image, or just destroy it all together. The other thing is, I think Odium doesn't necessarily care who dies first, or who is more/less worthy of destruction. He just wants it all gone and is taking the path he sees as most efficient. Also, if his main goal is the other Shards then he doesnt really care about the people on the ground and might use whatever methods are most readily available to help free him from Braize. Concerning the unmade... I'm not sure that they are splinters of Odium. I could be wrong, but I havn't heard any WoB's on that and personally I find it more likely that the Unmade are corrupted splinters of another shard, either Ambition, Honor, or both.
  17. I have a thought on all of this after considering Preservation's death for awhile... In Mistborn: Secret History, Preservation says something along the lines of "I died as soon as I broke my promise to Ati" It's also a very common theme that comes up time and time again in reference to Shards. Oaths and Promises and Agreements Originally, I took Preservation's statement to mean that breaking his promise meant Ruin was no longer obligated to the agreement and would outright kill him, and due to Preservations nature, he could night fight back however I'm starting to think that there is something more to all this. Is it possible that a shards broken promise leads directly to their death? I have a couple of theories on this: 1. It could be that there's something inherent in the nature of all Shards, that causes them to became slowly unraveled, or untied from there connection with the power upon the event that they break a promise to another Shard. Perhaps something leftover from Adonalsium? A rule he left in place to never break a promise he made to himself, or to anyone? 2. It could be linked to the agreement the shards made with eachother when they took up the Shards in the first place. A binding contract of some kind that limits them or conducts how they interact with each other. In either case, there is evidence of this in both Preservations statement to Kelsier about how he died and in Honor's statement to Dalinar in his visions where he says Odium is bound to certain rules and that he would be bound by an agreement to a "contest of champions". It could be that Odium uses these binding agreements as a method for destroying other shards. If that is the case it could also mean that Odium has taken it upon himself to eliminate any Shards which break the original agreement, seeing as he eliminated Devotion and Dominion early on and went after Cultivation and Honor soon after. We know from the letters that these Shards broke the agreement by staying together rather than going their own separate ways.
  18. I'm not sure if that's a problem as long as Odiums intent with his "allies" is to use them and then destroy them as well. The corruption of an individual is simply something he is good at because of his nature, rather than in spite of it if that is the case. Remember, shards tend to think long term. I wouldnt be surprised if Odium's entire army were disposable and/or intended to be disposed of. P.S. You should read Mistborn: Secret History, it might change your mind about something.
  19. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think that your theory is giving enough credit to the Cosmere-wide attribute of Identity and how it plays into unkeyed metalminds and potentially, the medallions. ((EDIT: As I read this I'm realizing how stupid it sounds, since unkeyed metalminds still require ferrochemists....so I redact this statement. lol)) I'm sure this is something we will learn in the future though and I'm excited to find out! I'm not sure if you heard Brandon's Dragoncon Stormlight 4 reading recently but based on that we might even be seeing an answer sooner than we expect...maybe
  20. We know that he knew how to suppress his Divine Breath in Warbreaker... but there was a viewpoint chapter where Vasher was watching Vivenna train that specifically mentions that he was a dean at that moment. to me that gives us two clues: 1. He does not know how to suppress normal breath 2. He does not gain the abilities of a Divine Breath while suppressing his.
  21. I’d also hesitate to believe that Kelsier’s method of saving the south involved removing the potential for ferrochemy from an entire population... unless he’s doing it to help Harmony reduce the number of full ferrochemists on Scadrial or something?
  22. Are you speculating here or pulling this from somewhere? I’d be surprised to learn that, as red investiture has almost always been associated with corruption That’s probably the best explanation I’ve heard of Odium to date. Sounds pretty on the ball to me.
  23. My heads been a massive Sanderlanch the past few months. I’m just glad I found a place to put all the falling snow so it stops rattling my brain
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